3. Editions & translations

Local Yale practice

Default Yale practice for editions and translations:

  • It is not required to adjust call numbers in cataloging copy (LC or member) to keep editions and translations together
  • It is not required to keep editions and translations together when assigning new call numbers to original or member records; however, note that RDA/LC practice now requires a 240 field in some situations (see below G 145 item 2.)
  • Belletristic author cutters should be consistent with local or LC cutters, but it is not required to adjust book numbers to keep editions and translations together

Of course, if the call number for the earlier edition or original language is readily available, then by all means keep the works/expressions together on the (virtual) shelf. There are some situations where it would be prudent to keep editions together to avoid confusion. See the Pauline Kael examples in section 10 and the Sharks examples in section 11.

Exception: if the item is part of a larger classed-together set, such as an author's works or a monographic series, or, more rarely, a "bound-with," the set or bound-with number must be assigned.

Optionally, assignment of original call numbers and call numbers for member copy lacking call numbers can be based on LC Shelflisting practice from CSM: Classification and Shelflisting (in Cataloger's Desktop). Note that CSM has been revised to be consistent with RDA.  A summary of LC practice follows:


From CMS G 145 :

"1. Editions with the same author and title. If subsequent editions of the same work have the same author, title, and classification number, assign the same Cutter as the previous edition(s). Add a date to the call number to make a distinction between editions."

"2. [NEW]  Editions with the author and/or title variations. If subsequent editions of a work have a change in the author and/or title but have the same classification number, apply the following principles:

a. Editions with author variations. Assign the same Cutter as previous edition(s) if there is an edition statement and/or a preferred title linking the new edition to the previous one. 

b. Editions with title variations. When a new edition has different title, assign the same Cutter as the previous edition(s).  There should be a preferred title to link the editions

Main entry:  Monson, Craig.

Title/date:  Disembodied voices ... 1995

Call number: ML3033.8.B65 $b M66 1995

Main entry: Monson, Craig.

Preferred title [i.e., 240 10] Disembodied voices

Title [i.e., 245]/date: Divas in the convent ... 2012

c. Change in author and title without a clear indication that the work is an edition. If a resource does not include an edition statement or a preferred title that links the earlier and current editions, treat it as a separate work. Do not shelflist as an edition."

"3. Changes in descriptive cataloging code. If the entry of a work changes from the pre-RDA edition, but the classification number remains the same, Cutter the new edition from the new form of entry."  

Translations. (CSM Shelflisting G 150)

"Distinguish translations from the original work by using the Cutter of the original work modified by the application of the Translation Table."

For details on the use of translation numbers and the LC Translation table, as well as local workflow decisions, see Section 9. below.