April 2016 Archives

April 14, 2016

 Know before you go: East Asia Library at Stanford University

Know before You Go: Researching East Asia in US

Part IV. East Asia Library at Stanford University

Speaker: Dr. Jidong Yang, Director

Time: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Friday April 15

Place: Room 218, Sterling Memorial Library

Sponsored by the East Asia Library and Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University. Light lunch will be provided.

Post on April 14, 2016 - 3:13pm |

April 15, 2016

KSDC DB (Korean Statistical Database), eARticle, & New Nonmu

The East Asia Library is pleased to announce that three NEW Korean databases, KSDC DB (Korean Statistical Database), eARticle, & New Nonmun, are now available to the Yale community. They are also listed in the Korean Database List (http://guides.library.yale.edu/ealdatabases/korea-databases) and Yale University Library’s A-Z database list (http://guides.library.yale.edu/az.php). Please note that access to the three database is only available from computers on the Yale campus or with off-campus access (http://web.library.yale.edu/help/off-campus-access-vpn).

Developed by Korean Social Science Data Center, KSDC DB (Korean Statistical Database) consists of all kinds of statistical yearbooks published by the government, public institutions and overseas institutions, as well as opinion polls and surveys undertaken by the government, universities, research institutes, and other organizations. Users can easily access this advanced variable-oriented DB, and analyze them statistically on the website.  

Both eARticle and New Nonmun provide full-text journal articles in all subjects from South Korea. They supplement our current Korean journal databases, including Korean Studies Information Service System (KISS), DBPIA  and Kyobo Scholar.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the three new databases. You are welcome to schedule an individual session with us to learn more about them.

Post on April 15, 2016 - 4:23pm |

April 19, 2016

Maisaku (Mainichi Newspaper)

We are pleased to announce that the database for Mainichi 毎日新聞 is available to Yale Community.

Maisaku 毎索 (https://dbs.g-search.or.jp/WMAI/WMAI_ipcu_login.html)

The Maisaku database lets you search all the Mainichi Shinbun 毎日新聞 (formally Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun 東京日日新聞, Osaka Nippo 大阪日報, etc) from 1872 (Meiji 5) to present. 

Please note that there are two functions, 記事検索 (article search) and 紙面検索 (page search), available.  While記事検索 is still not so robust with keyword searching, the search results will be very limited.  I suggest you use紙面検索 for full searching. 

The database also includes other functions likeヨミロンサーチ which provides newspaper research from October 1945 to June 2011 on public opinions, such as cabinet and political party approval ratings.  The data can be searched by keyword and date with sorting functions for categories like gender and age.

Additionally, below is a link to complete list of Japanese Newspapers Yale subscribes.


Post on April 19, 2016 - 11:33am |