153 answered; 50% said LIT's performance stayed the same.
Respondents were asked how satisfied they are with IT services, and rated on a scale from Very Dissatisfied (1) to Very Satisfied (5). The most common rating was Neutral (49 responses), 42.6% were either satisfied or very satisfied. The average for all responses was slightly higher than neutral, 3.2. 162 respondents answered.
Respondents were asked about the ways LIT communicates with the Library. Respondents were asked about the new LIT web site, and also about their level of satisfaction with different communication methods.
136 answered, and more respondents had not used the web site.
LIT uses a variety of ways to communicate with the Library, and respondents were asked to comment on each. The average scores (rated from 1=very dissatisfied to 5 very satisfied) were all very close, but there was a greater spread in the percent of people who were satisfied or very satisfied. The LIT Newsletter had the slightly highest average satisfaction score, but a significantly high percentage of people who were satisfied or very satisfied.