OK to Export

Clicking OK to export sends our record to two locations, Backstage Library Works for Authority Processing (sometimes referred to as MARS) and OCLC to update holdings information. Authority processing is used to update our local authority file, verify the headings in the bibliographic records, and add URIs to applicable headings. 
____ G1.   Always export the record if yours is the only MFHD location. If there are multiple MFHDs, but yours is the first with a call number, export it. 
____ G2. If there are multiple MFHDs but another location has already added a call number, check the bibliographic record history, if MARS is present as an operator, the record has previously been sent. Do not export the record unless G3 applies.
_____ G3. If you have added new headings to 1xx, 6xx, or 7xx fields and those headings do not have corresponding records in Voyager when you validate the headings, click ‘OK to Export’ to ensure we receive the appropriate records. 
Detailed policies and procedures at: