NEW Chinese Resource Available: 中国文史资料集粹 Collection of Chinese Literature and History database

Yale University Library has acquired the access to 中国文史资料集粹 Collection of Chinese Literature and History database. The database allows multiple concurrent users and have been added to the Library’s Quicksearch [1] and Chinese Studies research guide-Books [2]. Information of off-campus access to Yale subscribed electric resources can be found through here [3].
文史资料 Wenshi Ziliao has been considered as an important primary source for scholars of twentieth-century China. 中国文史资料集粹 Collection of Chinese Literature and History database is a part of Chinamaxx Digital Library of Chinese E-books. The database contains full texts of more than 20,000 volumes (650,000 articles) of publications arranged by regions and provinces. The articles are mostly first-person narratives on history, culture, politics, economy, literature and ethnicity etc.
Please follow the steps listed below to get access to this database:
- Access link: [4]
- Select “Click to enter” link on the resource’s home page
- Once you’ve entered the site, click the “文史资料专题库” link under “SuperStar Specialty”
User guide is available online.
Please feel free to contact Michael Meng [5], Librarian for Chinese Studies, if you have any questions about this new resource.