Happy Holidays! Winter recess hours begin Dec. 22

Finals end, and winter recess begins at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 19. Yale University Library departments, libraries and locations will be closed beginning Saturday, Dec. 22, reopening Wednesday, Jan. 2—with a few exceptions:
- The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library will be closed only Dec. 24 - 25 and Dec. 31 – Jan. 1. There will be no guided tours of the Cushing Center during the break, but it will be open during library hours to members of the Yale community with ID. See Medical Library hours here [1].
- Sterling Memorial Library and Bass Library will be open with limited hours on Dec. 26 – 28, 11 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Program and administrative offices will be closed.
- The Lillian Goldman Law Library will also be open Dec. 26 - 28, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., and on Dec. 29, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
See a full list of Yale library locations and hours here [2].
Check out the following library exhibits If you are on campus in January:
"The Kings at Yale" : A Martin Luther King Exhibition: [3] This exhibit highlights Dr. King and Coretta King’s visits to Yale, using images, documents and other archival material from Yale's Manuscripts and Archives. Sterling Memorial Library, The Nave, from Jan. 9 through March 1.
Berkeley Divinity School: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective: [4] This exhibit provides visitors with different views and information about the school’s origin, controversies, and historical memorabilia. Divinity School Library, through Jan. 25
"To Be Ourselves in Print”: Divinity Student Publications of the 1960’s: [5] This exhibit spotlights twelve publications written, edited and produced by students of Andover Newton Theological School, Berkeley Divinity School and Yale Divinity School, between 1965 and 1971. Divinity School Library, through Jan. 25
Selling Smoke: Tobacco Advertising and Anti-Smoking Campaigns: [6] This exhibit features archival materials on the history of tobacco advertising and anti-smoking campaigns. Sterling Memorial Library Memorabilia Room, through Feb. 22.
Navigating the World: Geospatial Approaches at Yale: [7] This exhibit highlights current geospatial projects including the works of scholars from four different schools at Yale University. Center for Science and Social Science Information, 24-Hour Space, Kline Biology Tower, through April 1.
Student Research at Yale University Library: [8] This exhibit highlights research done in Yale University Library collections by four students, each of whom has curated one section of the exhibit. Sterling Memorial Library, Exhibition Corridor, through May 4.
In addition, guided tours for Cushing Center in the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library will resume on Thursday, Jan. 3. For more information, check out the Cushing Center website [9].
Photo by: Amanda Patrick