Voyager: Basic Search Examples
(rev. 3/28/02)
Record Menu
Bibliographic record ID (Retrieve by record id. ► bibliographic), eg 3330359 (Wilson, Edmund. Axel’s castle)
Barcode (Retrieve by barcode), eg 39002042219171 (Brittain, Vera. On becoming a writer)
Non Keyword tab: Numbers
Orbis1 key (Original system number 0359), eg FGH3857 (A century of Russian ballet)
OCLC number (System number 035a), eg ocm35306059 (Browning, Graeme. Electronic democracy)
Can search with or without “(Ocolc)”
ISBN (020a), eg 0809015498 (Hughes, Langston. The big sea)
LCCN (010a), eg 73020419 (Editorial research reports on the future of the city)
Do not substitue a hypen for the third character
ISSN (022a), eg 0022-3344 (Journal of Pacific history)
Hyphen: include or substitute a space
Publisher number (028a), eg b. & h. 8728 (Brahms, Johannes. String quartet, score), 14069 (Rebel Without a Cause, video recording)
Periods: include or substitute spaces
Must include ampersand
Non Keyword tab: Headings
Punctuation (periods, commas, plus sign, parentheses, dashes, hyphens, apostrophes) may be entered or cut/pasted into search terms. Do not include diacritics or subfield delimiters.
Known title (Title), eg when we were very young
Boolean operators included in a title do not affect retrieval (eg to be or not to be)
Known title with apostrophe or hyphen (Title), eg italian american whos who (for “Italian-American Who’s Who”)
Hyphen: include or substitute a space
Apostrophe: include or leave out with no space
Known title with other symbols (Title)
eg one + one (Must include “+”)
eg one/one (Must include “/”)
Known uniform title (Staff Title Headings Search), eg bible n. t. english & greek 1995
Periods: include or substitute spaces
Must include ampersand
Known journal title (Title), eg american libraries
Known title main entry (Staff Title Headings Search), eg journal of medical education
Known author (Staff Names Headings Search), eg stein gertrude 1874 1946 à highlight name ► click OK
Dates: omit or include to narrow search
Commas: omit or include
Hyphens: include or substitute a space
Know author with apostrophe, hyphen, or parentheses (Staff Names Headings Search), eg danjou leo (“for D’Anjou, Leo”), prys jones a g arthur glyn (for “Prys-Jones, A. G. (Arthur Glyn)”)
Hyphen: include or substitute a space
Apostrophe: include or leave out with no space
Parentheses: include or substitute spaces
Known author/title (Staff Name/Title Headings Search), eg
mozart wolfgang amadeus 1756 1791 nozze di figaro ► highlight name/title heading ► click OK
Subfields may be separated by a space or any combination of spaces and/or hyphens
Call Numbers
Known call number (Mfhd Call Number), eg ps3231w55 (Winwar, Francis. American giant)
Known government document call number (Mfhd Call Number, with Heading Types Filter=Government Documents), eg td 4.83 (Future federal aviation administration telecommunications plan)
Leave period in; can search with or without space after alpha characters and with or without colon at end
Name authority (Staff Names Headings Search), eg stein gertrude 1874 1946 ► highlight “Authorized” heading ► click “Authority” button ► Highlight heading ► click OK
Name/title authority (Staff Name/Title Headings Search), eg
mozart wolfgang amadeus 1756 1791 nozze di figaro ► highlight “Authorized” heading ► click “Authority” button ► Highlight heading ► click OK
Subfields may be separated by a space or any combination of spaces and/or hyphens Series authority (Staff Title Headings Search), eg music of our century ► highlight “Authorized” heading ► click “Authority” button ► Highlight heading ► click OK
Subject (Staff Subject Headings Search), eg american literature
Subject with subdivision (Staff Subject Headings Search), eg american literature history and criticism
Subfields may be separated by a space or any combination of spaces and/or hyphen
Builder tab
Local subject, eg vechten [in Local Subjects] AND bookplate [in Local Subjects] (for “692:14: ‡a Van Vechten, Carl, ‡d 1880-1964 ‡x Bookplate.”)