Cutter numbers for composers: S

Music Cataloging at YaleCall numbers

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | XYZ
See Using the Cutter-Sanborn three-figure author table for more information.
NOTE: The names may or may not be in RDA form; diacritics may be omitted
NOTE: Cutter a vowel with an umlaut as that vowel followed by an "e".

Cutter Name Comments
S152 Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921
S165 Salieri, Antonio, 1750-1825
S168 Sallinen, Aulis
S189 Sammartini, Giovanni Battista, 1700 or 1701-1775
S1895 Sammartini, Giuseppe, 1695-1750 S189 in M219.5, M289, M312.4, M317, M1123
S274 Say, Fazil, 1970- S2735 in M25
S253 Satie, Erik, 1866-1925
S255 Sauguet, Henri, 1901-1989
S286 Scarlatti, Alessandro, 1660-1725
S2862 Scarlatti, Domenico, 1685-1757
S289 Scelsi, Giacinto, 1905-1988
S294 Schäffer, Boguslaw (ä cuttered as "ae") S293 in M221; S2935 in ML410; S296 in M62, M287, M1473, M1613.3; S297 in ML390; S294 and S296 in M289
S296 Schafer, R. Murray
S318 Scheidt, Samuel, 1587-1654
S319 Schein, Johann Hermann, 1586-1630
S331 Schickele, Peter
S334 Schilling, Hans Ludwig
S347 Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich, approximately 1623-1680
S355 Schmitt, Florent, 1870-1958
S358 Schneider, Georg Abraham, 1770-1839 S3578 in M287; S358 and S359 in M289; S3585 in ML410
Schneider, Enjott, 1950- S358 in M246, M342, M1560, M2013; S358 and S359 in M11; S3585 in M2092; S359 in M8.5, M184, M317, M1621, ML2075, ML3545
S361 Schnittke, Alfred, 1934-1998 S558 in M220, M231.5, M286, M385, M447, M512, M1140, M2010 (incorrectly cuttered as Shnittke); S558 and S361 in M452
S364 Schoeck, Othmar, 1886-1957
S365 Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951
S3657 Schoenfield, Paul S366 in M322, M342
S378 Schreker, Franz, 1878-1934 S377 in M1001, M1003, ML49, ML410, MT100
S381 Schroeder, Hermann, 1904-1984 S795 in M1621
S384 Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828
S386 Schuller, Gunther
Schulhoff, Erv'in, 1894-1942 S3855 in M362, M452, M1380; S3855 and S386 in ML410; S387 in M1613.3
S385 Schütz, Heinrich, 1585-1672
S3915 Schumann, Camillo, 1872-1946 S3917 in M8, S3919 in M8
S3916 Schumann, Georg, 1866-1952
S3918 Schuman, William, 1910-1992
S3919 Schumann, Clara, 1819-1896
S392 Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856
S399 Schwartz, Elliott, 1936-
S3995 Schwartz, Stephen S399 in M1503, M1508; S411 in M1507
S629 Scriabin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, 1872-1915; cutter as Skriabin
S437 Sculthorpe, Peter, 1929-
S451 Seeger, Ruth Crawford, 1901-1953
S486 Serocki, Kazimierz
S493 Sessions, Roger, 1896-1985
S529 Shapey, Ralph, 1921-2002 S528 in M233
S538 Shchedrin, Rodion Konstantinovich, 1932- S5385 in M1003, M1530, M1531, ML134; S561 in M261; S548 in M1523
S559 Shostakovich, Dmitrii Dmitrievich, 1906-1975
S563 Sibelius, Jean, 1865-1957
S5715 Siegmeister, Elie, 1909-1991
S572 Sierra, Roberto
S623 Sitsky, Larry M6225 in M221, M312
Sitt, Hans, 1850-1922
S626 Skalkottas, Nikos, 1904-1949
S628 Skolnik, Walter
S629 Scriabin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, 1872-1915
S634 Slonimskii, Sergei Mikhailovich S633 in M25, M1500; S6335 in M221, M250, M1621, ML410; S634 in M117, M219.5, M226, M246, M312, M1001, M1010, M1011, M1016, M1105, M1045, M1503, M1620, M1624, M1624.7, M2021, M2103.3
Slonimsky, Nicolas, 1894-1995
S638 Smetana, Bedrich, 1824-1884
S684 Soler, Antonio, 1729-1783
S698 Sondheim, Stephen S6975 in M1500
S714 Sor, Fernando, 1778-1839 S713 in M125, MT582
S725 Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932
S731 Sowerby, Leo, 1895-1968
S742 Speer, Daniel, 1636-1707 S698 and S742 in M557.4
S762 Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
S783 Stamitz, Anton, 1750-
S7835 Stamitz, Johann, 1717-1757 S783 in M1010, M1011, M1105, M1106
S7836 Stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801
S785 Stanford, Charles Villiers, 1852-1924 S784 in M1529.5
S788 Stanley, John, 1712-1786
S795 Starer, Robert S7953 and S7958 in M457.2; S7953 in M452, M557.4, M957.4, M1001, M1140, M1141, M1528; S7958 in M11, M146, M1041
S816 Steffani, Agostino, 1654-1728
S827 Stepan, Josef Antonin, 1726-1797 S816 M22, M25, M1010; S8271 in ML410
Stephan, Rudi, 1887-1915
S844 Stevens, Halsey, 1908-1989
S864 Stock, David, 1939- S863 in M175.X9, M298, M385, M557.4, M585, S8635 in M77, M452, M485, M1613.3
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 1928-2007
S865 Stockmeier, Wolfgang
S872 Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, 1690-1749 (ö cuttered as "oe") S876 in M2010
S889 Stout, Gordon
S895 Stradella, Alessandro, 1639-1682
S911 Straus, Oscar, 1870-1954
S9111 Strauss, Christoph, approximately 1575-1631
S9113 Strauss, Eduard, 1835-1916
S9114 Strauss, Franz, 1822-1905
S9115 Strauss, Johann, 1804-1849
S9116 Strauss, Johann, 1825-1899
S9118 Strauss, Josef, 1827-1870
S912 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949
S913 Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971
S9134 Stravinsky, Soulima, 1910-1994 S9131 in M312, M452; S9133 in M220, M221, M1380; S9134 in M25, M26.2, M204, M1621; S9135 in M231
S924 Stroud, Richard, 1929-1997
S9381 Styne, Jule, 1905-1994
S941 Subotnick, Morton
S948 Suk, Josef, 1874-1935
S949 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900 S95 in M22, ML96.5; S949 and S95 in M1503, M1507, ML410
S965 Sutermeister, Heinrich, 1910-1995
S974 Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon, 1562-1621
S982 Sydeman, William, 1928-
S985 Syl'vestrov, Valentyn Vasyl'ovych, 1937- S5875 (Silʹvestrov) in M221
S997 Szekely, Endre, 1912-1989
S999 Szymanowski, Karol, 1882-1937