Local practice in 6XX fields

Music Cataloging at YaleSubject cataloging

Chorus subject headings | Local (non-LC) subject headings | Subject subdivisions for rare materials

Chorus Subject Headings

It is Yale's practice to not add the number of voices to any chorus subject heading. We do follow LC practice for adding the subdivisions ‡v Scores, ‡v Scores and parts, etc.
See Those darn chorus subject headings for an explanation of adding subdivisions to chorus subject headings.

Chorus subject headings should have the number of parts deleted:

650 _0  Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with piano.

When there are two or more subject headings with the number of parts included, deleting the number may result in identical subject headings. In that case, delete the number of parts from one of them and delete the other subject heading entirely:

650 _0  Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 3 parts) with continuo.
650 _0  Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 5 parts) with continuo.

A chorus subject heading such as this, in which the number of parts are indicated even though the accompaniment is an ensemble:

650 _0  Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 6 parts) with instrumental ensemble ‡v Scores.

is incorrect, anyway, since you do not add the number of voices when there are eight or fewer with accompaniment of two or more instruments (other than two keyboard instruments or continuo). This subject heading should be:

650 _0  Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices) with instrumental ensemble ‡v Scores.

There are non-Music Library records in ORBIS with chorus subject headings including the number of parts. Do not change these, unless they are incorrectly formulated.

Local (non-LC) subject headings §

Until July 2001, local subject headings were tagged as LC subject headings with second indicator 4. As of July 13, 2001, use 69X tags when assigning subject headings that are not LC headings, including headings that are assigned according to locally-developed (Yale) standards.

  Former practice Current practice
Personal names 600 _4 692 _4
Corporate names 610 _4 693 _4
Conference names 611 _4 694 _4
Uniform titles 630 _4 695 _4
Topical subjects 650 _4 690 _4
Geographic subjects 651 _4 691 _4

Subject subdivision for rare materials §

This is a list of subdivisions (‡x) applied to 600s and 610s in the Yale Music Library:

  • Bookplate
  • Dedicatee
    • Use "Dedicatee" following a personal when that person has been named in a presentation inscription. This varies from the relationship designator "‡e dedicatee" for the person to whom a work is dedicated (i.e., in the printed dedication).
  • Gift
    • Use "Gift" following a personal name when that person or that person's estate has presented the library with the physical item. Use "Gift" when the library buys an item and pays for it with income from an endowment fund bearing either an individual (Carl Miller), corporate (Friends of Music), or fund (Susanna Fund) name.
  • Inscription
  • Library
  • Provenance
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Add a 590 note, for example:
590 __ Purchased from J & J Lubrano with income from the Rose Jackson Fund, 1997.
590 __ Gift of Richard F. French, 1996.
590 __ From the Estate of Virgil Thomson.

We add these to rare materials when applicable, e.g.:

590    MUS : Signature of Lowell Mason on cover.
590    MUS : Lowell Mason bookplate: 2139.
692    Mason, Lowell, |d 1792-1872 ‡x Bookplate, 2139.
692    Mason, Lowell, |d 1792-1872 ‡x Signature.
590    MUS: From the library of Newell Jenkins.
692    Jenkins, Newell ‡x Provenance.
590    Bookplates on front endpaper: Rinck's Library ... Lowell Mason Library of Music
693    Rinck's Library ‡x Bookplate.

or to non-rare materials when they are purchased from specific funds, e.g.:

590    MUS: Purchased with income from the Carl Miller Fund, 1991.
692    Miller, Carl S. ‡x Gift, 1991.

§ Based in part on e-mail messages of July 13, 2001 from Martha Conway (for local (non-LC) subject headings) and of Nov. 4, 1997 from Helen Bartlett (for subject subdivisions for rare materials)