Sidney Homer, 1864-1953

Preferred titles Composers' worklists

Composers' worklists in published scores, books, or periodicals: Sidney Homer, 1864-1953

Source: Thorpe, Harry Colin. "The Songs of Sidney Homer," Musical Quarterly, xvii (1931), p. 47-73.
Instrumental Music
op. 40. Sonata (for organ)
op. 41. Introduction and fugue (for organ)
op. 50. Twenty little pieces for piano

op. 5. Four early Slavic poems
no. 1. The cossack
no. 2. The lost shepherd
no. 3. The scribe
no. 4. The youth's departure to the war
op. 6. Poems by Tennyson
no. 1. Break, break, break
no. 2. Crossing the bar
op. 7. Poems by Tennyson
no. 1. Sweet and low
no. 2. Thy voice is heard
no. 3. Home they brought her warrior dead
op. 8. Poems by Tennyson
no. 1. The city child
no. 2. Minnie and Winnie
op. 9. Poems by Tennyson
no. 1. Enid's song
op. 10. Poems by Thomas Hood
no. 1. A lake and a fairy boat
no. 2. Autumn
no. 3. It was the time of roses
op. 11
no. 1. Daybreak (Longfellow)
no. 2. Baby's outing (Mary Riddel Corley)
op. 12. Poems by Browning
no. 1. A woman's last word
no. 2. My star
no. 3. Prospice
op. 13. The poor man's song (anonymous)
op. 14. The last leaf (O.W. Holmes)
op. 15. Six songs from Underwoods (R.L. Stevenson)
no. 1. Sing me a song of a lad that is gone
no. 2. Requiem
no. 3. The unforgotten
no. 4. The stormy evening
no. 5. The country of the Camisards
no. 6. Evensong
op. 16. Three songs from A child's garden of verses (R.L. Stevenson)
no. 1 Pirate story
no. 2. Young night thought
no. 3. Singing
op. 17
no. 1. How's my boy (Sydney Dobell)
no. 2. From the brake the nightgale (Henley)
no. 3. Michael Robartes bids his beloved be at peace (Yeats)
op. 18
no. 1. When windflowers blosson on the sea (Christina Rossetti)
no. 2. The sick child (Stevenson)
no. 3. The pauper's drive (T. Noel)
op. 19. Seventeen lyrics from Sing-Song (Christina Rossetti)
Part I.
no. 1. Eight o'clock; the postman's knock
no. 2. Baby cry-- oh fie!
no. 3. Dead in the cold, a song-singing thrush
no. 4. Love me-- I love you
no. 5. Kookoorookoo! kookoorookoo!
no. 6. Boats sail on the rivers
no. 7. In the meadow-- what in the meadow?
no. 8. The dog lies in his kennel
no. 9. Lie abed, sleepy head
no. 10. Mix a pancake, stir a pancake
op. 19. Seventeen lyrics from Sing-Song (Christina Rossetti)
Part II.
no. 1. Who has seen the wind?
no. 2. Dancing on the hilltops
no. 3. A pocket handerchief to hem
no. 4. A motherless lambkin
no. 5. Lullaby, oh lullaby!
no. 6. Hurt no living thin
no. 7. Minnie and Mattie and fat little May
op. 20. The fiddler of dooney (Yeats)
op. 21
no. 1. The eternal goodness (Whittier)
no. 2. There's heaven above (Browning)
op. 22. Bandanna ballads (Howard Weeden)
no. 1. Mammy's lullaby
no. 2. Uncle Rome
no. 3. A plantation hymn
no. 4. A banjo song
no. 5. Two lovers and lizette
op. 23
no. 1. April, April (Watson)
no. 2. Ferry me across the water (Christina Rossetti)
op. 24. Dearest (Henley)
op. 25. The song of the shirt (Hood)
op. 26. Two songs of experience (William Blake)
no. 1. The sick rose
no. 2. Infant sorrow
op. 27. Songs of the old South (Howard Weeden)
no. 1. Way down South
no. 2. The song of the watcher
no. 3. When the angels call
no. 4. Long ago
no. 5. At last
no. 6. Old Watt and the rabbits
op. 28. Sing to me, sing (Henley)
op. 29. Babylon the great (Christina Rossetti)
op. 31. Sheep and lambs (Katherine T. Hinkson)
op. 32. Battle of Blenheim (Southey)
op. 33. Three Scotch poems
no. 1. Dinna ask me (John Dunlop)
no. 2. Auld daddy darkness (James Fergusson)
no. 3. Cuddle doon (Alexander Anderson)
op. 34. Four modern poems
no. 1. The king of the fairy men (James Stephens)
no. 2. When death to either shall come (Robert Brigdes)
no. 3. Mary's baby (Irene Rutherford McLeod)
no. 4. Lone dog (Irene Rutherford McLeod)
op. 35. Homeland (patriotic song; words by Sidney Homer)
op. 36. Songs from Mother Goose (thirty-five songs)
op. 37. Six cheerful songs
no. 1. Späcially Jim
no. 2. An Idaho ball (anonymous)
no. 3. Casey at the bat (E.L. Thayer)
no. 4. A plantation ditty (Frank L. Stanton)
no. 5. The height of the ridicilous (O.W. Holmes)
no. 6. Christmas chimes (anonymous)
op. 38. General William Booth enters into heaven (Vachel Lindsay)
op. 39. The widow in the Bye Street (Masefield--three songs)
op. 42. The everlasting mercy (Masefield)
op. 45. The lay of the laborer (Hood)