P-PZ40 Table

LC Table P-PZ40 for works

LC and Yale practice

.x=author number

Collected works

.x date
all other numbers in this column also include the publication date as the last element of the call number. Now used for categories formerly under x.A11-xA19

Collected works

x.A11-A13 (editor if given) [OBSOLETE]

Collected prose works .xA14
The same number is used for all prose collections; the different collections are differentiated by the date. [OBSOLETE: Use Collected Works]
Collected fiction .xA15 (differentiate by date) [OBSOLETE: Use Collected Works]
Collected essays .xA16 (differentiate by date) [OBSOLETE: Use Collected Works]
Collected poems .xA17 (differentiate by date) [OBSOLETE: Use Collected Works]
Collected plays .xA19 (differentiate by date) [OBSOLETE: Use Collected Works]
Translations (collected or selected) (The appropriate range following is omitted when the original language is English, French, or German)
Modern versions of early authors in the same language .xA199 (differentiate by date)
Polyglot .xA1995 (differentiate by date)
English .xA2-A29 (by translator if given, or by date; note that a number must still be assigned between A2-A29 if the subarrangement is by date and that numbers file before names)
French .xA3-A39 (by translator if given, or by date)
German .xA4-A49 (by translator if given, or by date)
Other .xA5-A59 (by language)
Selected works. Selections. x.A6 (differentiate by date)
<LC practice appears to use A6 for selections of single as well as multiple forms, so A6 would apply to both "selected poetry and prose" and "selected poems">
Separate works. By title. .xA61-x.Z458*

*For books about separate works, add a 3 to the book number and additional digits to fit the number in the subarrangement of books about the individual work. When assigning numbers for titles, keep in mind that the filing rules differentiate between numeric and spelled-out notation (1984 vs. Seventy-six trombones).

(LC Table P-PZ40 for biography/criticism with former SML practice)

LC and SML practice from Feb. 2005

.x=author number

Former SML practice


Periodicals. Societies. Serials. .Z4581-.Z4589* Z7x (Z7 expanded with digits corresponding
to serial main entry
Dictionaries, indexes, etc. By date. .Z459  
Autobiography, journals, memoirs


[Formerly: Z46-479]

Z5 or Z52
Letters (Collections). By date. Z48 Z6
Letters to and from particular individuals. [OBSOLETE: Use Z48] Z481-499
By correspondent
Z6 plus digit for second correspondent
General works about the author Z5-9999 Z9 and cutter for main entry on the same line

*The LC number range for periodicals dates from the late 80's. Prior to that time LC classed periodical titles under General works about the author Z5-Z9999.


Belletristic Call Numbers (SML)

New Procedures for Cataloging Belletristic Materials at SML

Guidelines for Cataloging Belletristic Materials (SML) arrangement by type

Guidelines for Cataloging Belletristic Materials (SML) arrangement by workflow

P-PZ40 Examples

Last modified: 
Tuesday, September 1, 2015 - 3:54pm