Part 2: Creating an Orbis Record Using "Standard" Copy from OCLC
If a matching record is found in OCLC and it meets the criteria below, it is considered "standard" copy and can be used as is as a preliminary record. Do not edit any fixed fields; edit variable fields only when it is necessary in the authority validation process to correct headings to their authorized forms.
A bibliographic record is considered standard only if the Encoding Level is blank, 1, or 4. OCLC records with Elvl I or L are also considered standard. CIP records (EL 8) are not created for video recordings.
Proceed to Part 5: Authority Validation
Part 3: Creating an Orbis Record Using "Non-Standard" Copy from OCLC
If a matching record is found in OCLC and it does not meet the criteria for "standard" copy provided in Part 2, it can be used as a preliminary record, with some editing if necessary. Leave all subject & added entry fields; edit only when it is necessary in the authority validation process to correct headings to their authorized forms. In addition, the fixed field elements must be verified for accuracy and corrected as necessary according to the guidelines in Part 4.
Proceed to Part 5: Authority Validation