New Records Imported into Voyager from OCLC

1. Assumption:

  • Item in hand is not represented by a record in Orbis.
  • You are in Staff Orbis
  • Current Macro Express files are loaded in your Start tray
  • Under Session Defaults and Preferences-->General-->Bibliographic Import/Replace Profile the option YL Import Conditional has been selected (the default selection when the YUL Cataloging Preferences file is used)

2. Search OCLC. Logon through the Connexion Client, not the web version. If a usable record is found, export it.

The Voyager Remote connection has not been enabled for connection to OCLC. Connexion is available in both web and client versions, but exporting to your workstation is only available through the client versions.

TIP: You can export an indefinite number of records to the import files, but you may have problems in Voyager keeping track of what you're doing if you export too many records in a given session.

3. Make sure that all Orbis windows are closed.

4. After the record has been exported from OCLC, you must open the appropriate import file. To run the macro, press Shift F11. The OCLC import file (usually import.dat) will open as a subwindow on top of the main Voyager window.

OCLC import file subwindow:

If Macro Express is not being used you will need to perform the following steps from the Voyager menus:

  • For the first record use the menu path Record-->Import from new file. The Select Import File window will open. The "Look in:" should be the Catalog folder. In the main window, multiple folder icons will display.
  • From the main Select Import File window, double click on the OCLCIMP folder icon. Alternatively, select the appropriate folder icon and click on the OPEN button.
  • With the Select Import File now looking in the OCLCIMP folder, doubleclick on the appropriate filename, usually import.dat for OCLC. (Or select the filename and click on the OPEN button). The import file window will open.
  • For later records, if Macro Express is not being used, use the menu path Record-->From previous file. The OCLC import file (usually import.dat) will open. If you do not want a record from the "previous file," use the "first record" procedure described above.

5. From the import file window, double click on a selection to open it, or select a title and then click the OK button. The import file subwindow will close & the import record selected will open as the main Voyager window; the record will be in MARC format. The Title band will be [Imported record <035 number>]

6.1. Delete any 9xx fields; the MARC validation program will block the save until they are deleted.

6.2. Click on the Sailboat button to save the imported record to Orbis.

At the beginning of the session, you will be prompted to change your import/replace profile from the default: YL IMPORT CONDITIONAL.

Click on NO. The prompt will not return for the duration of the session.

6.3. If the MARC Error Report window opens, read the message to identify the problem fields and click OK to close the window.

Edit the import record as appropriate, and click on the Sailboat button again.

6.4. The authority validation dialog box will display.

Click the Continue button in the Authority Validation dialog box.

6.5. A window will open indicating that the record has been added to Orbis. Click OK.

Last modified: 
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 2:57pm