Judaica Collection



Bacon, Josephine. The Illustrated Atlas of Jewish Civilization: 4,000 Years of Jewish History. New York: MacMillan, 1990.

Judaica Reference Room 335B G1030 +B25x 1990 LC

Beinart, Haim. Atlas of Medieval Jewish History. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.

Judaica Reference Room 335B G1034 +B4x13 1992 LC

De Lange, Nicholas. Atlas of the Jewish World. New York: Facts on File, 1984.

Judaica Reference Room 335B DS 117 +D4 1984

Friesel, Evyatar. Atlas of Modern Jewish History. Revised from the Hebrew Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Judaica Reference Room 335B G1030 +F6513 1990 LC

Gilbert, Martin. Atlas of the Holocaust. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1993.

Judaica Reference Room 335B G1797.21 E29 G58 1993 LC

-----. Jewish History Atlas. 4th ed. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1992.

Judaica Reference Room 335B G1030 G56 1992 LC

-----. The Routledge Atlas of Jewish History. 5th ed. London: Routledge, 1995.

Judaica Reference Room 335B G1030 G45X 1995 LC

MacMillan Bible Atlas. Anson F. Rainey and Zeev Safrai, eds. Completely rev. 3rd. ed. New York: Macmillan, 1993.

Judaica Reference Room 335B G2230 A2 1993 LC


Bible O.T. English. JPS. Tanakh: A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1985.

Judaica Reference BS 896 A1 D45 1985 LC

Bible O.T. Hebrew. 1992. Mikraot Gedolot: ha-Keter. Edited with an introduction by Menachem Cohen. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 1992-.

Judaica Reference BS 715,35 +A43 1992 LC

Bible O.T. Pentateuch. Hebrew. 1986. Torat Hayim. Jerusalem: Mosad ha-Rav Kook, 1986-1993.

Judaica Reference BS 1222 +B74 1986 LC

The JPS Torah Commentary. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1989-.

Search under indiv. title or author.

Leibowitz, Nehama. Studies in Bereshit (Genesis). Jerusalem: World Zionist Organization, Dept. For torah Eduacation and Culture in the Diaspora, n.d.

SML Judaica BS 1235.3 L413 LC

-----. Studies in Shemot: the Book of Exodus. Jerusalem: World Zionist Organization, Dept. for Torah Education and Culture in the Diaspora, 1976.

SML Judaica BS 1245.3 L4513 LC

-----. Studies in Vayikra (Leviticus). Jerusalem: World Zionist Organization, Dept. for Torah Education and Culture in the Diaspora, 1980.

SML Judaica BS 1255.3 L4513 1980

-----. Studies in Bamidbar (Numbers). Jerusalem: World Zionist Organization, Dept. for Torah Education and Culture in the Diaspora, 1980.

SML Judaica BS 1265.3 L4513 1980 LC

-----. Studies in Devarim (Deutoronomy). Jerusalem: World Zionist Organization, Dept, for Torah Education and Culture in the Diaspora. 1980.

SML Judaica BS 1275.3 L4513 1980 LC

The Torah: A Modern Commentary. Edited by W. Gunther Plaut and Bernard J. Bamberger. New York. Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1981.

SML Judaica BS1225.3 P55 1981


Brisman, Shimeon. A History and Guide to Judaic Dictionaries and Concordances. Hoboken, NJ: KTAV Pub. House, 2000-.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6366 B8 1977 3 (LC)

Davidson, Benjamin. The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon: every word and inflection of the Hebrew Old Testament arranged alphabetically and with grammatical analyses, a complete series of Hebrew and Chaldee paradigms, with grammatical remarks and explanations. Peabody, MA : Hendrickson, 1995.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm PJ4833 D3X 1995

Even-Shoshan, Avraham. Konkordantsyah Hadashah le-Torah, Neviim u-Khetuvim / New Concordance of the Old Testament.Jerusalem: Kiryat Sefer, 1985.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BS1121 +E93 LC

Katz, Eliezer. A New Classified Concordance of the Bible. Jerusalem: Kiryat Sefer, 1992. "Designed as a companion to Abraham Even-Shoshan's New Concordance of the Old Testament."

DIVINITY, Trowbridge Reading Rm BS1121 K37 1992

Kohlenberger, John R. The Hebrew-English Concordance to the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Pub. House, 1998.

DIVINITY, Trowbridge Reading Rm BS1121 K65 1998

Santos, Elmar Camilo dos. An Expanded Hebrew Index for the Hatch-Redpath Concordance to the Septuagint. Jerusalem, Dugith Publishers [1973?]

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm BS1122 +H37B (LC)

Wachsman, H. Practical Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem: Kiryat sefer, c1995.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BS421 W34 1995 (LC)

Young, Robert. Analytic Concordance to the Bible. 22d American ed., rev. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1979.

DIVINITY, Trowbridge Reading Rm BS425 Y7 1972


Bader, Gershom. Encyclopedia of Talmudic Sages. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1988.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BM 501.15 B3313 1988 LC

Chasidah, Yishai. Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities Anthologized from the Talmud, Midrash and Rabbinical Writing. Brooklyn, NY: Shaar Press, 1994.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BS 570 +c48x13 1994 LC

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. Fifty Key Jewish Thinkers. London; New York: Routledge, 1997.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BM750 C57X 1997 (LC)

The Concise Dictionary of American Jewish Biography. Jacob Rader Marcus, ed. Brooklyn, New York: Carlson Publishing, 1994.

Judaica Reference Room 335B E184 J5+C6535 1994 LC

Early Acharonim: Biographical Sketches of the Prominent Early Rabbinic Sages and Leaders from the Fifteenth-Seventeenth Centuries.Hersh Goldwurm, ed. Brooklyn, New York: Mesorah Publications, 1989.

SML, Judaica BM 501.9 G65x 1989 LC

Finkel, Avraham Yaakov. The Great Chasidic Masters. Northvale, NJ: J. Aronson, 1990.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BM 198 +F5x13 1992 LC

-----. The Great Torah Commentators. Northvale, NJ: J. Aronson, 1990.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BM 750 +F53 1990 LC

Frieman, Shulamis. Who's Who in the Talmud. Northvale, N.J : Jason Aronson, c1995.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm BM501.15 F75X 1995 (LC)

Jewish Biographical Index. Hilmar Schmuck, compiler. Munchen: K.G. Saur, 1998.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm DS115 +J847 1998

Sole, Moshe Zeev. Lexicon of Jewish Thought. Jerusalem: R. Mas, c1989.

SML, Judaica DS115 S54X 1989

Teich, Shmuel. Rishonim: Biographical Sketches of the Prominent Early Rabbinic Sages and Leaders from the Tenth-Fifteenth Centuries. Brooklyn, NY: Mesorah Publications, 1982.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BM 750 T44 1982 LC

Who's Who in American Jewry. Los Angeles: Standard Who's Who, 1980-.

Judaica Reference Room 335B E184 J5 +W46 LC

Who's Who in Israel and Jewish personalities from all over the world. Tel-Aviv: Bronfman, [1985-].

SML, Judaica DS125.3 A2 W53; latest in Judaica Reference

Who's Who in World Jewry: A Biographical Dictionary of Outstanding Jews. New York: Who's Who in American Jewry, Inc., 1955-.

SML, Judaica DS 115 W48

Wigoder, Geoffery. Dictionary of Jewish Biography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm DS 115 W49 1991.


Care, Henry, 1646-1688. The Jewish calendar explained, or, Observations on the ancient Hebrew account of the year, months, and festivals used by the patriarchs and mentioned in Holy Scripture. London : Printed for T. Passinger, 1674.

SML, Microform Film S2663

Nieto, Abraham H. Nieto's Jewish almanac for one hundred years, from New Year 5663/1902 to 5763/2002. New York: A.H. Nieto, 1902.

SML, Judaica CE35 N54 1902 (LC)

Spier, Arthur. The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar: twentieth to twenty-second century, 5660-5860, 1900-2100. 3rd rev. ed. Jerusalem: Feldheim, 1986.

Judaica Reference Room 335B CE 35 S63 1986 LC


Bloch, Abraham P. Day by Day in Jewish History: a chronology and calendar of historic events. New York: Ktav, 1983.

SML, Stacks DS 114 B55 1983

Edelheit, Hershel and Edelheit, Abraham J. Israel and the Jewish World, 1948-1993: A Chronology. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1995.

Judaica Reference Room 335B DS126.5 E285 1995

Gribetz, Judah, Edward L. Greenstein and Regina Stein. The Timetables of Jewish History: A Chronolgy of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm DS114 +G68x 1993

Israel's Jubilee Book. Yerushalayim: be-hotsaat Kevutsat Zamir Bar-Lev, 1998.

Judaica Reference Room 335B DS126.5 +Y68X 1998

Kantor, Mattis. The Jewish Time Line Encyclopedia. Northvale NJ: J. Aronson, 1989.

SML, Judaica DS114 +K36 1989



Brisman, Shimeon. A History and Guide to Judaic Dictionaries and Concordances. Hoboken, NJ: KTAV Pub. House, 2000-.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6366 B8 1977 3 (LC)

----. A History and Guide to Judaic Encyclopedias and Lexicons. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1987.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6366 B8 1977 2 (LC)


Alcalay, Reuben. Milon Angli-Ivri Shalem: Milon Ivri-Angli Shalem=The Complete English-Hebrew dictionary. Bridgeport, Conn : published for Media Judaica by Prayer Book Press, [1981], c1965.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Ref PJ4833 A42 1981B

Ashkenazi, Shmuel and Dov Jarden. Otsar Rashe Tevot=Thesaurus of Hebrew Abbreviations. Jerusalem: R. Mass, c.1978.

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ4847 A8 1980

Bahat, Shoshanah. Milon ha-hoveh: milon shimushi la-Ivrit ha-tiknit=Dictionary of Contemporary Hebrew. [Israel] : Sifriyat Maariv : Etav, [1995].

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ4830 B28 1995 (LC)

Baltsan, Hayim. Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary. New York: Prentice Hall, 1992.

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ 4833 B26x 1992

Chaueka, Yaacov. Rav-milim: a comprehensive dictionary of modern Hebrew. [Tel Aviv] : Stimatski: ha-Merkaz le-tekhnologyah hinukhit : Yediot Aharonot ve-Sifre Hemed, 757 [1997].

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ4830 +C47 1997

Dahan, Hiya. Milon Ivri-Angli: Angli-Ivri=Hebrew-English, English-Hebrew dictionary. Jerusalem: Akademon, 1997.

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ4833 D245 1997

Klein, Ernst David. A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for readers of English. Jerusalem : Carta ; [Haifa]: University of Haifa c1987.

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ 4833 +K54 1987B

Milon du-leshoni shimushi Ivri-Angli=Practical bilingual dictionary English-Hebrew. Rosh ha-Ayin: Prolog, [1999].

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ4833 M55 1999

Sivan, Reuven and Edward A. Levenston. The New Bantam-Megiddo Hebrew and English Dictionary. NewYork: Schocken Books, 1977.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm PJ 4833 S56 1977


Gross, David C. English-Yiddish Yiddish-English Dictionary. Expanded ed. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1995.

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ5117 G68 1995

Harduf, David Mendel. Transliterated Yiddish-English dictionary. [Willowdale, Ont., Canada]: D.M. Harduf, c1987-.

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ5117 +H374 1987

Weinreich, Uriel. Modern English-Yiddish, Yiddish-English. New York: Schocken Boooks, 1977.

Judaica Reference Room 335B PJ 5118 W45 1977.


Anchor Bible Dictionary. David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BS 440 A54 1992

Birnbaum, Philip. Encyclopedia of Jewish Concepts. New York: Hebrew Pub. Co., 1991, c1979.

Judaica Reference Room 335B BM50 B55 1991 LC

Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jerusalem: Keter, 1971/72.

Judaica Reference Room 335B DS102.8 +E63

The Encyclopedia of Judaism. Jacob Neusner, Alan J. Avery-Peck, William Scott Green, eds. New York : Continuum, 1999.

SML, Judaic Studies Reference, Room 335B (Non-Circulating) BM50 E63X 1999 (LC)

The Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy. Arthur Kurzweil and Miriam Weiner, eds. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1991-.

Judaica Reference Room 335B CS21 +E53 1991 LC

Entsiklopedyah le-vet Yisrael. Refael Halperin, ed. [Israel] : Hotsaat Hekdesh ruah Yaakov, c1993-[c1996].

Judaica Reference Room 335B AE30 +E54X 1993 (LC)

Jewish-American History and Culture: An Encyclopedia. Jack Fischel and Sanford Pinsker, eds. New York: Garland, 1992.

Judaica Reference Room 335B E184 J5 J48x 1992 LC

New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Epraim Stern, ed. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society & Carta; New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.

Judaica Reference Room 335B DS 111 A2 +N488 1993 LC

New Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel. Geoffery Wigoder, editor-in-chief. Madison, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 1994.

Judaica Reference Room 335B DS 149 +N56 1994

The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia. Geoffrey Wigoder, editor-in-chief. 7th new rev. ed. New York : Facts on File, 1992.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm DS102.8 S78 1992

The Shengold Jewish Encyclopedia. Mordecai Schreiber, editor-in-chief. Rockville, Md. : Shengold Books, c1998.

Judaica Reference Room 335B DS102.8 +S545X 1998


Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. New Haven, Conn : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1979-1996.

SML, Manuscripts and Archives MS 1322

Jewish Film Directory: A Guide to More Than 1200 Films of Jewish Interest from 32 countries over 85 years. Matthew Stevens, ed. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992.

Judaica Reference Room 335B PN 1995.9 J46 +J48x

Skirball, Sheba F. Films of the Holocaust : an annotated filmography of collections in Israel. New York: Garland Pub., 1990.

SML, Judaica D804.3 S55 1990


Waxman, Meyer. A History of Jewish Literature. New York: Yoseloff, 1960.

SML Judaica Fnf 45 930wb

Zinberg, Israel. A History of Jewish Literature. New York: Ktav, 1972-1978.

CCL Stacks PJ5008 Z5513


Baron, Salo Wittmayer. A Social and Religious History of the Jews. 2nd ed, rev. and enl. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1952-1983.

Judaica Reference DS112 B37 1952

Edelheit, Abraham J. And Hershel Edelheit. The Jewish World in Modern Times: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988

Judaica Reference Z6372 E25 1988 LC

Fischel, Jack and Sanford Pinsker. Jewish-American History and Culture. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1992.

Judaica Reference E184 J5 J48x 1992 LC

The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History. Compiled and Edited by Paul-Mendes Flohr [and] Jehudah Reinharz. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Judaica Reference DS102 J43

The Jewish People in America. Henry L. Feingold, General Editor. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.

Judaica Reference E184 J5 F3765 1992 LC

Sasson, H. H. A History of the Jewish People. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1976.

Judaica Reference DS 117 T6513 1976.

Singerman, Robert. Judaica Americana: A Bibliography of Publications to 1900. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990-.

Judaica Reference Z6373 V5 S56 1990 LC


Bloomberg, Marty. The Jewish Holocaust: an annotated guide to books in English. 2nd ed., rev. and expanded. San Bernardino, Calif.: Borgo Press, 1995.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6374 H6 B58X 1995 (LC)

Edelheit, Abraham J. and Hershel Edelheit. Bibliography on Holocaust Literature. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z637 H6 E33 1986 LC

----. Bibliography of Holocaust Literature: Supplement, Vols.1-2. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990, 1993.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6374 H6 E33 1986 LC

----. History of the Holocaust: a handbook and dictionary. Boulder: Westview Press, c1994.

Judaica Reference Room 335B D804.3 E33X 1994

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. Israel Gutman, Editor in Chief. New York: MacMillan, 1990. 4v.

Judaica Reference Room 335B D804.3 +E53 1990

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. Robert Rozett and Shmuel Spector, eds. New York: Facts on File, c2000.

Judaica Reference Room 335B D804.25 +E53X 2000

Epstein, Eric Joseph. Dictionary of the Holocaust: biography, geography, and terminology. Westport, Conn.; London: Greenwood Press, 1997.

Judaica Reference Room 335B D804.25 E67X 1997

Hessel, Carolyn Starman. The Holocaust: preserving the memory; a survey of recent resources in print. New York: Jewish Book Council, 1996.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6374 H6 +H47 1996 (LC)

The Holocaust: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide. David M. Szonyi, ed. [Hoboken, NJ] : Ktav Pub. House for the National Jewish Resource Center, New York, c1985.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6374 H6 H65X 1985 (LC)

The Holocaust Encyclopedia. Walter Laqueur and Judith Tydor Baumel, eds. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, c2001.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm D804.3 H644 2001

The Holocaust in books and films: a selected, annotated list. Judith Herschlag Muffs and Dennis B. Klein, eds; International Center for Holocaust Studies, Anti-Defamation League. 3rd ed. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1986.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6374 H6 M83 1986

Motkoff, Gary. Where Once We Walked: A Guide to the Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust. Teaneck, NJ: Avotaynu, 1991.

Judaica Reference Room 335B DS 135 E83 +M65 1991

Sable, Martin Howard. Holocaust Studies: a directory and bibliography of bibliographies. Florida: The Penkevill Publishing Co., 1987.

SML, Starr Main Reference Rm D810 J4 S225

Silverstein, Leah. The Holocaust: a selected monographic bibliography. Washington, D.C : L. Silverstein, 1994.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6374 H6 +S55X 1994 (LC)


Bleich, J. David. Contemporary Halakhic Problems. New York, Ktav, 1977-.

SML Judaica BM 520.5 B5 LC

Jewish Law: A Bibliography of Sources and Scholarship in English. Littleton, CO: F B Rothman, 1989.

Judaica Reference Z6364 L4 W45 1989

Multi-language bibliography of Jewish law / by Nahum Rakover.Jerusalem : Jewish Legal Heritage Society, [1990]

SML, Judaica Z6374 L4 R35 1990 (LC)

Kitzur Shulchon Oruch : the classic guide to the everyday observance of Jewish law / by Shlomo Ganzfried ; a new translation with notes and diagrams by Eliyahu Touger. New York : Moznaim, c1991.

SML, Judaica Collection Call Number: BM520.9 G3513 1991 (LC)


Jewish women in America : an historical encyclopedia / edited by Paula E. Hyman and Deborah Dash Moore. New York : Routledge, 1997.

SML, Judaic Studies Reference DS115.2 J486 1997+ Oversize

Jewish woman: 1900-1980 : bibliography / compiled and annotated by Aviva Cantor. Fresh Meadows: Biblio Press, 1982.

SML. Judaica Z7963 J4 C35 1982 (LC)+ Oversize

The Jewish women's studies guide / co-edited and compiled by Ellen Sue Levi Elwell and Edward R. Levenson. Fresh Meadows, N.Y. : Biblio Press, c1982.

LSF- HQ1172 J49 1982 (LC)+ Oversize (Request for Use at Any Yale Library)


The Blackwell Companion to Jewish Culture: from the eighteenth century to the present. Edited by Glenda Abramson. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989.

Judaica Reference DS102.8 B43 1989

Brisman, Shimeon. A History and Guide to Judaic Bibliography. New York: Ktav, 1977

Judaica Reference Z6366 B8 1977 (LC)

Griffiths, David B. A Critical Bibliography of Writings on Judaism. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1988.

Judaica Reference Z6370 G75 1988 (LC)

Readers guide to Judaism. Edited by Michael Terry. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000.

Judaic Studies Reference, Room 335B. BM50 +R43

Telushkin, Joseph. Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion, Its People, and Its History. New York: Morrow, 1991.

CCL Stacks BM 155.2 T44 1991 LC


Bialik, Hayyim Nahman and Joshua C Ravnitzky. The Book of Legends. New York: Schocken Books, 1992.

SML Judaica BM 516 B52 +E5x 1992 LC

Bin Gorion, Micha Joseph. Mimekor Yisrael: Classical Jewish Folktales. Edited by Emanuel Bin-Gorion. Translated by I.M. Lask. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1976.

SML Judaica BM 530 B55213 1990 LC

Ginzberg, Louis. Legends of the Jews. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1961.

Judaica Reference BM520 G5513 1956 B


Index to Jewish Periodicals of General and Scholarly Interest. Chief Cleveland Heights, OH: College of Jewish Studies Press, 1963-.

SML L and B Z6367 +I5 LC

Reshimat Ma-Amarim be-Madae ha-Yehudut. Jerusalem: Hotsa at Sefarim al Shem Y.L. Madae.

Judaica Reference Z6367 R47 LC


Great Jewish Quotations. Selected and annotated by Alfred J. Kolatch. Middle Village, NY : Jonathan David, 1996.

Judaica Reference BM43 G69X 1996 (LC)

Treasury of Jewish Quotations. Edited by Joseph Baron. Northvale, NJ: J. Aronson, 1985.

Judaica Reference PN 6095 J4 T74 19


Back to the Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts. Edited by Barry W. Holtz. New York: Summit Books, 1984.

SML Judaica BM 496.5 B33 1984 LC

Midrash. Midrash Rabah. ed. Rabbi DH Freedman and Maurice Simon. London: Soncino Press, 1939.

Judaica Reference BM 517 M6 E5 1939

Midrash. Midrash Rabah. Ed. Mosheh Aryeh Mirin. Tel Aviv: Hotsa'at "Yavneh", 1956-1967.

SML Judaica BM 517 M6 1956

Midrash : an introduction / Jacob Neusner. Northvale, N.J. : J. Aronson, c1990

CCL, Stacks BM514 N47 1990 (LC)


Mishnah. The Mishnah. With Commentary by Pinhas Kehati. Jerusalem: Eliner Library, Dept. for Torah Education and Culture in the Diaspora of the World Zionist Education, 1987.

Judaica Reference BM 497.5 E5 1987

Mishnah. Mishnayot. Translated by Philip Blackman. New York: Judaica Press, 1964. 7v. (Volume 7, "Supplement and Index")

Judaica Reference BM 495 1990

Entsiklopedyah Talmudit. Jerusalem: Talmudic Encyclopedia Publishers, 1951-.

Judaica Reference BM 500.5 E58.

Talmud. Talmud Bavli.. Under the editorship of I. Epstein. London: Soncino Press, 1960-1990.

Judaica Reference BM499 1960

Talmud.Talmud Bavli. Under the editorship of Hersh Goldwurm. Brooklyn, NY: Mesorah Publications, 1990-.

Judaica Reference BM499 +1990 LC

Talmud. English. The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition. New York: Random House, 1989-.

Judaica Reference BM 499.5 +E6 1989 LC


Cutter, Charles and Micha F. Oppenheim. Judaica Reference Sources: A Selective, Annotated Bibliographic Guide. 2nd ed. Juneau, Alaska: Denali Press, 1993.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6366 C87x 1993 LC

Frank, Ruth S. and William Wolheim. The Book of Jewish Books: A Reader's Guide to Judaism. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1986.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6366 B66 1986 LC

Schocken Guide to Jewish Books: Where to Start Reading About Jewish History, Literature, Culture and Religion. Edited by Barry W. Holtz. New York: Schocken Books, 1992.

Judaica Reference Room 335B Z6366 S39x 1992 LC


Jewish Travel Guide. Edited by Sidney Lightman. London: The Jewish Chronicle, 1951-.

SML Judaica G153 J48

The Jewish Traveler; Hadassah Magazine's Guide to the World's Jewish Communities and Sights. Edited by Alan M. Tigay. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1994.

Judaica Reference DS143 J46 1994

Postal, Bernard and Lionel Koppman. American Jewish Landmarks: A Travel Guide and History. Rev. ed. NewYork: Fleet Press, 1977-1986.

SML Judaica E184 J5 P67 LC

Vilnay, Zev. Guide to Israel. Jerusalem, 1955-.

SML Judaica DS 103 V475 1969


The American Jewish Yearbook. New York: American Jewish Yearbook Committee, 1899-.

SML Judaica E184 J5 A43 LC

-----. Index to Volumes 1-50, 1899-1949. prepared by Elfrida C. Solis-Cohen. New York: Ktav, 1967.

SML Judaica E184 J5 A43 LC

Nanette Stahl, Curator of the Yale University Library Judaica Collection;
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Last modified: January 21, 2015.
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