In support of international Open Access Week, Yale University Library is hosting a series of workshops and events from October 24-30 that will bring greater awareness of open access issues and trends to our community. Yale Library supports the wide dissemination of scholarly work produced by members of the Yale community and supports open access in a broad sense. The Library funds select open access publications and initiatives that increase the availability of scholarly research materials to the global community and encourage new cost models as alternatives to current subscription models that restrict access to scholarship. Learn more about what Yale University Library is doing in support of open access by reading our guide here.
Open Access Images for Arts & Humanities
Monday, October 24, 2016 12:00 pm, Robert B. Haas Family Library.
Do you use images of art in your scholarship or artistic practice? This workshop will provide an overview of using open access images for Arts & Humanities and will also highlight different approaches taken by museums and cultural heritage institutions in making their images available. The speaker is Danielle Reay, Digital and Access Services Librarian, at the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library.
Open Access Publishing: Know Your Rights as an Author
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 12:00 pm, Bass Library LO1 A&B.
Do you think that by publishing open access you lose all rights and control over your work? Come to this short session and learn more about your licensing options! The talk will be given by Nathan Rupp, Head of Collection Development & Management, at the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library.
Open Access Image Basics for Scientists and Social Scientists
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 12:15-12:45 pm, 17 Hillhouse Avenue Classroom 07.
As a scientist, you often need to use images. How can you identify which images are freely available for reuse? What should you look for? In this workshop, we will discuss where you can find open access images and how to determine rights. Talk will be given by Kayleigh Bohemier, Science Research Support Librarian. To register, email kayleigh.bohemier@yale.edu.
Choosing an Open Access Journal for Publication of Your Paper
Thursday, October 27, 2016 12:00-12:30 pm, Center for Science and Social Science Information, C27.
In this workshop, Lori Bronars, Life Sciences Librarian and Carla Heister, Forestry and Environmental Studies Librarian, will review library resources (databases, directories, and websites) used when deciding where to submit a paper. This workshop focuses on resources for science and social science fields. To register, email Lori Bronars at lori.bronars@yale.edu or Carla Heister at carla.heister@yale.edu.
Perspectives on Open Access at Yale
Thursday, October 27, 2016 3:30-5:00 pm, Sterling Memorial Library International Room
Join us for a discussion on open access initiatives at Yale with a panel of speakers which include: Susan Gibbons, University Librarian and Deputy Provost for Collections & Scholarly Communication; Matthew Hargraves, Yale Center for British Art’s Chief Curator of Art Collections & Head of Collections Information; Thomas Raich, Director of Information Technology, Yale University Art Gallery; and Michael Lotstein, Head of University Archives. The panel will be moderated by Joan Emmet, Yale’s License and Copyright Librarian.