Music Cataloging at Yale ♪ Language tools
Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.
compiled by Diane Napert
revised with terminology from
the Symphony Orchestra Library Center's Glossary of German publishing terminology
Note: The terms in this list are defined according to their usage in music publications; other definitions are also possible.
See also German abbreviations from AA to z.Z | Glossary of bibliographic information: German
The names of numbers in German, etc. | The names of keys in German, etc.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ
A | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Abdruck | Abdr. | impression, print, reproduction |
Abschrift | Abschr. | reprint, copy |
Abteilung | Abt. | part |
Anhang | Anh. | appendix, supplement |
Anmerkung | Anm. | commentary |
arrangiert | arranged | |
Aufführung(en); Aufführungsdauer | performance(s); performance duration | |
Aufführungspraxis | performance practice | |
Auflage | Aufl. | impression, edition |
Ausgabe | Ausg. | edition |
ausgewählte | selected | |
Autograph | holograph | |
B | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Band | Bd. | volume |
Bearbeiter; bearbeitet; Bearbeitung(en) | Bearb. | arranger; arranged, revised; arrangement(s) |
Beiheft | supplement | |
Beispiel | example | |
Bemerkungen | remarks, annotations, commentary | |
Bericht | report, commentary | |
Besetzung | setting (usually referring to instrumentation) | |
Bibliothek | library | |
Blatt | leaf, page (of book); folio (of manuscript); sheet | |
Buhnenwerke | dramatic works | |
Brief | letter | |
D | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Druck | impression, print | |
Dur | major (key) | |
durchgesehen | revised | |
E | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
eigentlich | eigtl. | introduction |
Einleitung | Einl. | introduction |
Einrichtung | fingering | |
Erhaltene Werke | surviving works | |
erscheinen | to publish | |
Erstausgabe | first edition | |
erweitert | erw. | enlarged |
etwa | approximately | |
F | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Fassung | version | |
Festschrift | publication on the occasion of a celebration | |
Folge | series | |
Fundort Verzeichnis | found/discovered index | |
G | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
geboren | geb. | born |
gedruckt | gedr. | printed |
Gegenwart | present time | |
Generalbass | Gb. | continuo |
Gesamtausgabe | complete works | |
Geschichte | history | |
Gesellschaft | society, association, club | |
gestorben | gest. | died |
getauft | get. | baptized |
H | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Handschrift | manuscript | |
heilig | sacred | |
herausgegeben von | hrsg. von | edited by |
Herausgeber | Hrsg. | editor |
Heft | H. | number, part |
I | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Inhalt | Contents | |
J | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Jahr | volume, annual, year | |
Jahrhundert | Jh. | century |
K | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Katalog | catalog | |
Klavierauszug | piano-vocal score | |
Komponist | composer | |
korrigiert | corrected | |
Kritischer Bericht | critical report or commentary | |
Kunst | art | |
M | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Manuskript | Ms. | manuscript |
Mitarbeiter | collaborator | |
Moll | minor (key) | |
Musikforschung | music research | |
Musikschule | music school | |
Musikwissenschaft | musicology | |
N | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Nachdruck | reprint | |
Nachweise | proof, records | |
Nachwort | afterword | |
Namenszug | signature | |
Neudruck | Neudr. | reprint |
Neue Ausgabe; Neuausagbe | new edition | |
Nummer | Nr. | number |
O | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Opus | op. | opus |
P | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Partitur | Part. | score |
Q | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Quelle | source | |
R | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Redakteur; Redaktion | editor; editing | |
redigiert | edited | |
Register | index | |
Reihe | series | |
revidiert | rev. | revised |
Revisionsbericht | critical commentary | |
S | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Sammlung | Samml. | collection |
Sämtliche Werke | complete works | |
Satz | movement | |
Schrift | writing, book, periodical, etc. | |
Seite | S. | page |
Skizzen | sketches | |
Sprechgesang; Sprechstimme | speech-song | |
Stimmen | instrumental parts; voices | |
T | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Teil | T. | part, volume |
Textbuch | libretto | |
Titelblatt | title page | |
Tonkunst | art music; music | |
U | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Überschrift | heading, title | |
Übersetzung | translation | |
Übertragung(en) | transcription, transcriptions | |
unbekannt | unknown | |
Untergeschoben | attributed falsely | |
Urtext | original text | |
V | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Verfasser | composer, author | |
Verlag; Verlager | publishing house or firm; publisher | |
verlorengegangene | lost | |
veröffentlicht; Veröffentlichung | published; publication | |
Verzeichnis | Verl. | list (usually of works) |
W | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
weltlich | secular | |
Werke(s) | work(s) | |
Widmung | dedication | |
Wissenschaft | science, knowledge | |
XYZ | ||
German word | abbreviation | English |
Zahl | number | |
zusammengestellt | compiled | |
zweifelhaft | doubtful, questionable; usually applied to attribution of a work |