Music Cataloging at Yale ♪ MARC tagging
Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.
370: Associated place | 371: Address | 372: Field of activity | 373: Associated group | 374: Occupation | 375: Gender | 377: Language | 378: Fuller form of personal name
Sources: LC MARC 21 format for authority data and Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, sections on field 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, and 378
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
37X | Subfields that apply to all fields in the 37X range (with exceptions noted) | ||||||||||||||
‡u | Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) ° Used to record the location of the source of information about a place recorded in the field that is accessible electronically. ° Data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols. » For example, a URL or URN that provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. |
‡v | Source of information ° Source where the information recorded was found if not through a URI. |
‡2 | Source of term ° Specifies a code that identifies the source of a controlled vocabulary term for activity terms in subfield ‡a. » Does not apply to the 371 field. ° Follows immediately after the data to which it applies: 373 __ Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien ‡2 naf ‡s 1992 not 373 __ Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien ‡s 1992 ‡2 naf |
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
370 | Associated place Use in conjunction with RDA 9.8-9.11 for recording place of birth, death, country, residence, and address for persons RDA 6.5 for recording place of origin for works and expressions A town, city, province, state, and/or country associated with persons, corporate bodies, families, works, and expressions. ° For a person: the town, city, province, state, and/or country associated with a person's place of birth, death, residence, and/or identity ° For a corporate body: a significant location associated with a corporate body (e.g., location of a conference, etc., location of the headquarters of an organization) ° For a family: a place where the family resides or has resided or has some connection ° For a work or expression: the country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a work or expression originated. Field 370 should be repeated when start and end periods in subfields ‡s and ‡t pertain to a different associated place. Instructions for PCC catalogers in Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, section on field 370, updated on 9/11/2013: |
Indicators | |||||||||||||||
1st | blank | ||||||||||||||
2nd | blank | ||||||||||||||
Subfields | |||||||||||||||
‡a | Place of birth ° The town, city, province, state, and/or country in which a person was born. |
‡b | Place of death ° The town, city, province, state, and/or country in which a person died. |
‡c | Associated country ° A country with which the person, corporate body, family, or work is identified. ° Dates that pertain to the country are recorded in subfields ‡s (Start period) and ‡t (End period). |
‡e | Place of residence/headquarters ° The town, city, province, state, locale, and/or country in which a person resides or has resided, or an organization has its headquarters or carries out its activities. ° Dates associated with a place of residence/location of headquarters are recorded in subfields ‡s (Start period) and ‡t (End period). |
‡f | Other associated place ° Other or additional town, city, province, state, and/or country associated with persons, corporate bodies, families, works, and expressions. ° Dates associated with other place are recorded in subfields in subfields ‡s (Start period) and ‡t (End period). |
‡g | Place of origin of work ° The country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a work originated. ° Dates associated with place of origin of work are recorded in subfields ‡s (Start period) and ‡t (End period). |
‡s | Start period ° The starting date of association with a particular place by a person, corporate body, family, work, or expression. |
‡t | End period ° The end date of association with a particular place by a person, corporate body, family, work, or expression. |
‡2 | Source of term: MARC code that identifies the source of the term in subfield ‡a when it is from a controlled list. ° Subfield ‡2 follows the subfields to which it applies » naf = NACO authority file |
Examples: Persons: Place of birth only: 370 __ Los Angeles (Calif.) ‡2 naf 370 __ Donna (Tex.) ‡2 naf 370 __ Nuremberg (Germany) ‡2 naf 370 __ Mátészalka (Hungary) ‡2 naf 370 __ Odense (Denmark) ‡2 naf 370 __ Hamburg (Germany) ‡2 naf 370 __ Managua (Nicaragua) ‡2 naf _________________________________________ Place of death only: _________________________________________ Places of both birth and death: _________________________________________ Place of birth and death, and associated country: _________________________________________ Place of birth, associated country, and other associated place: _________________________________________ Place of residence: _________________________________________ Other associated place: _________________________________________ Place of birth and residence: _________________________________________ Place of birth, death, and residence (two 370 fields): _________________________________________ Place of birth and other associated place(s): _________________________________________ Place of birth, death, and associated country, with other associated places with start and end dates, in separate 370 fields: _________________________________________ Place of residence and other associated place(s): _________________________________________ Place of birth, residence, and other associated place: _________________________________________ Place of birth and country to which the composer emigrated (two 370 fields): _________________________________________ Place of birth and places of residence (two 370 fields): _________________________________________ Examples: Corporate bodies: _________________________________________ Examples: Works: |
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
371 | Address (For persons, see also RDA
An address (as well as electronic access information such as e-mail, telephone, fax, TTY, etc. numbers) associated with the entity described in the record. ° Multiple addresses, such as mailing addresses and addresses corresponding to the physical location of an item or facilities, are recorded in separate occurrences of field 371. ° For a person: the address of a person's place of residence, business, or employer and/or an e-mail or Internet address. ° For a corporate body: the address of the corporate body's headquarters or offices, or an e-mail or Internet address for the body. The difference between fields 370 and 371: Instructions for PCC catalogers in Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, section on field 371: |
Indicators | |||||||||||||||
1st | blank | ||||||||||||||
2nd | blank | ||||||||||||||
Subfields | |||||||||||||||
‡a | Address ° All address information preceding the name of the city or town. ° The subfield can also contain information indicating that no address information is available. ° Subfield ‡a is repeated to indicate separations of address information. |
‡b | City ° Name of city or town in address of a person or corporate body. |
‡c | Intermediate jurisdiction ° Name of intermediate jurisdiction, such as state or province, in address of a person or corporate body. |
‡d | Country ° Name of country in address of a person or corporate body. |
‡e | Postal code ° Alphanumeric code assigned to the postal delivery area by a national postal agency. |
‡m | Electronic mail address ° Electronic mail address associated with the person or corporate body. » If more than one electronic mail address applies, subfield ‡m is repeated. |
‡s | Start period ° The starting date of association with a particular place by a person, corporate body, family, work, or expression. |
‡t | End period ° The end date of association with a particular place by a person, corporate body, family, work, or expression. |
Examples: Persons: 371 __ ‡m 371 __ ‡m ‡u 371 __ ‡m ‡v David Berlin WWW site, Oct. 26, 2012 ‡u 371 __ ‡m ‡v Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem WWW site, March 13, 2013 ‡u Examples: Corporate bodies: |
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
372 | Field of activity (For persons, see also RDA 9.15)
For a person: a field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which the person is engaged or was engaged For a corporate body: a field of business in which the corporate body is engaged, its area of competence, responsibility, jurisdiction, etc. The field is repeated if the entity has multiple fields of activity for different time periods. Instructions for PCC catalogers in Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, section on field 372: |
Indicators | |||||||||||||||
1st | blank | ||||||||||||||
2nd | blank | ||||||||||||||
Subfields | |||||||||||||||
‡a | Field of activity: A field of endeavor or area of expertise in which the person or corporate body is or was engaged. ° Multiple characteristics from the same source vocabulary may be recorded in the same field in separate occurrences of subfield ‡a. ° Terms from different source vocabularies are recorded in separate occurrences of the field. |
‡s | Start period ° The starting date of engagement in a field of endeavor or field of business for a person or corporate body. |
‡t | End period ° The end date of engagement in a field of endeavor or field of business for a person or corporate body. |
‡2 | Source of term: MARC code that identifies the source of the term in subfield ‡a when it is from a controlled list. ° Subfield ‡2 follows the subfields to which it applies » lcsh = Library of Congress Subject Headings |
Examples: Persons: 372 __ Music ‡2 lcsh 372 __ Composition (Music) ‡2 lcsh 372 __ Performing arts ‡2 lcsh 372 __ Arrangement (Music) ‡2 lcsh 372 __ Education ‡2 lcsh 373 __ Music ‡a Psychology ‡a Singing ‡2 lcsh 372 __ Musical performance 372 __ Contemporary music 372 __ Church music--Catholic Church ‡2 lcsh 372 __ Electronica (Music) ‡a Techno music ‡a Software ‡2 lcsh 372 __ Alternative rock music ‡a Punk rock music ‡a Emo (Music) ‡a Popular music ‡2 lcsh 372 __ Motion pictures--Production and direction ‡a Documentary films--Production and direction ‡a Documentary television programs--Production and direction ‡2 lcsh Examples: Corporate bodies: |
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
373 | Associated group (For persons, see also RDA 9.13)
Information about a group, institution, association, etc., that is associated with the entity in the 1XX. ° This can also be a group with which a person is or has been affiliated, including dates of affiliation. ° The field is repeated if the person has multiple affiliations for different time periods. Instructions for PCC catalogers in Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, section on field 373: |
Indicators | |||||||||||||||
1st | blank | ||||||||||||||
2nd | blank | ||||||||||||||
Subfields | |||||||||||||||
‡a | Associated group | ||||||||||||||
‡2 | Source of term: MARC code that identifies the source of the term in subfield ‡a when it is from a controlled list. ° Subfield ‡2 immediately follows the subfields to which it applies and precedes ‡s and ‡t » naf = NACO authority file |
‡s | Start period ° The starting date of the association. |
‡t | End period ° The end date of the association. |
Examples: Persons: 373 __ Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra ‡2 naf 373 __ Mostly Mozart Festival 373 __ Black Music Repertory Ensemble 373 __ Y Chamber Symphony ‡s 1976 ‡2 naf 373 __ Ball State University ‡s 1959 ‡t 1992 373 __ Lake Placid Sinfonietta ‡s 1948 ‡t 1990 373 __ Ciompi Quartet ‡s 1979 ‡t 1986 373 __ Eastman School of Music ‡s 1986 373 __ Nederlandse Opera ‡2 naf 373 __ Santa Fe Opera ‡2 naf ‡s 1957 ‡t 2000 373 __ University of Reading. Library ‡2 naf ‡s 1963 ‡t 1999 373 __ Oslo Sinfonietta ‡a neoN ‡a Curious Chamber Players 373 __ Toledo Symphony ‡a Zin String Quartet ‡a Bezonian Trio ‡a Cathay Trio 373 __ Clowns (Musical group) 373 __ Frauenkirche (Munich, Germany) ‡2 naf ‡s 1969 ‡t 2003 373 __ Universitätschor Leipzig (Germany) ‡2 naf ‡s 1963 ‡t 1973 ‡v German Wikipedia, viewed Sept. 27, 2013 373 __ University of Canterbury ‡a Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Főiskola ‡a Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart ‡2 naf |
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
374 | Occupation (For persons, see also RDA 9.16)
Information about profession or occupation in which a person works or has worked, including dates applicable. ° The field is repeated if the person has multiple occupations for different time periods. Instructions for PCC catalogers in Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, section on field 374: |
Indicators | |||||||||||||||
1st | blank | ||||||||||||||
2nd | blank | ||||||||||||||
Subfields: | |||||||||||||||
‡a | Occupation | ||||||||||||||
‡2 | Source of term: MARC code that identifies the source of the term in subfield ‡a when it is from a controlled list. ° Subfield ‡2 follows the subfields to which it applies » lcsh = Library of Congress Subject Headings » lcdgt = LC demographic group terms See the LC documentation for the Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT) and the entire list of terms in PDF as of 2017. |
‡s | Start period ° The starting date of work in a profession or occupation. |
‡t | End period ° The end date of work in a profession or occupation. |
Examples 374 __ Cellists ‡2 lcdgt 374 __ Composers ‡2 lcdgt 374 __ Pianists ‡2 lcdgt 374 __ Music teachers ‡2 lcdgt 374 __ Hymn writers ‡2 lcsh 374 __ Editors ‡a Music librarians ‡a Musicologists ‡2 lcsh 374 __ Actors ‡a Psychologists ‡a Vocal coaches ‡a Voice teachers ‡a Sopranos (Singers) ‡2 lcsh 374 __ Keyboard players ‡2 lcsh 374 __ Keyboardists ‡2 lcdgt 374 __ Guitarists ‡2 lcdgt 374 __ Arrangers (Musicians) ‡2 lcsh 374 __ Music teachers ‡a Stamp collectors ‡a Composers ‡a Pianists ‡2 lcsh 374 __ Musical instrument repairers and tuners ‡2 onet [onet taken from Occupation Term Source Codes] Difference between Field of activity (372 field) and Occupation (374 field):
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
375 | Gender: DO NOT RECORD
As per the PCC Ad Hoc Task Group on Recording Gender in Personal Name Authority Records Revised Report on Recording Gender in Personal Name Authority Records of April 7, 2022. ° Do not record the RDA gender element (MARC 375) in personal name authority records. ° Delete existing 375 fields when editing a record for any other reason. |
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
377 | Associated language (See also RDA 9.14)
A language code identifying the language that a person, organization, or family uses for publication, communication, etc., or in which a work is expressed. ° Includes: » the language a person uses when writing for publication, broadcasting, etc. » a language a corporate body uses in its communications » a language of a family » a language in which a work is expressed. Do not use this field: Use language codes found in MARC code list for languages Instructions for PCC catalogers in Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, section on field 375: |
Indicators | |||||||||||||||
1st | blank | ||||||||||||||
2nd | blank | ||||||||||||||
Subfields | |||||||||||||||
‡a | Language code identifying the language that a person, organization, or family uses for publication, communication, etc., or in which a work is expressed. | ||||||||||||||
‡1 | Language term that a person, organization, or family uses for publication, communication, etc., or in which a work is expressed. | ||||||||||||||
Examples 377 __ ‡a ger |
MARC | Definition | ||||||||||||||
378 | Fuller form of personal name (See also RDA 9.5)
A name element used to distinguish a person from another person with the same name. ° It may be needed when: » a part of a name is represented only by an initial or abbreviation in the form chosen as the preferred name » a part of the name is not included in the form chosen as the preferred name. ° The 378 field applies only to the name in the 1XX. ° The 378 field is not repeatable. Instructions for PCC catalogers in Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, section on field 378: |
Indicators | |||||||||||||||
1st | blank | ||||||||||||||
2nd | blank | ||||||||||||||
Subfields | |||||||||||||||
‡q | Full form of name needed to distinguish a person from another person with the same preferred name. | ||||||||||||||
Examples 100 1_ Weill, Kurt, ‡d 1900-1950 378 __ ‡q Julian Kurt _________________________________________ 100 1_ Lloyd, James, ‡d 1964- _________________________________________ 100 1_ Albright, Philip H., ‡d 1927-2010 _________________________________________ 100 1_ Oakland, Jane _________________________________________ 100 1_ Best, C. W., ‡d 1865-1948 _________________________________________ 100 1_ Astenius, A. O. T. _________________________________________ 100 1_ Dana, C. Henshaw, ‡d 1846-1883 _________________________________________ 100 1_ Danning, Christian, ‡d 1867-1925 |