Music Cataloging at Yale [1] ♪ RDA [2]
Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.
Place and Parallel place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture
Name and Parallel name of producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer
Date of of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture
Copyright date
See also Production, publication, distribution, manufacture, and copyright notice (MARC 264) [3]
( production statement: ° the place(s) of production, producer(s), and date(s) of production of a resource in an unpublished form. ° includes statements relating to the inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of a resource in an unpublished form. ( publication statement: ° identifies the place(s) of publication, publisher(s), and date(s) of publication of a resource. ° includes statements relating to the publication, release, or issuing of a resource. ( distribution statement: ° identifies the place(s) of distribution, distributor(s), and date(s) of distribution of a resource in a published form. ( manufacture statement: ° identifies the place(s) of manufacture, manufacturer(s), and date(s) of manufacture of a resource in a published form. ° includes statements relating to the printing, duplicating, casting, etc., of a resource in a published form. |
Facsimiles and reproductions | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
For a facsimile or reproduction that has a production (, publication (, distribution (, or manufacture ( statement or statements relating to the original manifestation as well as to the facsimile or reproduction record: ° the production, publication, distribution, or manufacture statement or statements relating to the facsimile or reproduction ° any production, publication, distribution, or manufacture statement relating to the original as pertaining to a related manifestation |
Recording statements of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production statement for a resource that is in an unpublished form (e.g., a manuscript, a painting, a sculpture, a locally made recording). ° transcribe places of production and producers' names in the form in which they appear on the source of information. ( publication statement: ° transcribe places of publication and publishers' names in the form in which they appear on the source of information.. ( distribution statement: ° transcribe places of distribution and distributors' names in the form in which they appear on the source of information. ( manufacture statement for a resource that is in a published form: ° record a manufacture statement or statements if neither the publisher's name nor the distributor's name is identified, and/or if neither the date of publication nor date of distribution is identified. |
Optional omission for recording statements of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture: Omit levels in a corporate hierarchy that are not required to identify the producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer. LC practice/PCC practice for Optional omission: Generally do not omit levels in corporate hierarchy. |
Place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(2.7.2) production (2.8.2) publication (2.9.2) distribution (2.10.2) manufacture |
If more than one place of publication (2.8.2), distribution (2.9.2), or manufacture (2.10.2) appears on the source of information, only the first recorded is required. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place of: | is associated with the: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production | inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of a resource in an unpublished form Best practices for music cataloging [4]: If deemed useful for identification and access, transcribe place of production in 264 [3] _2 ‡a or 260 ‡e. (260 field: MLA strongly recommends using the 264 [3] field). |
( publication | publication, release, or issuing of a resource If more than one place of publication appears on the source of information, only the first recorded is required. Best practices for music cataloging [4]: Follow LC-PCC PS: If more than one place is given in the resource and it is unclear which is the "true" place of publication and which is a place of distribution, foreign office, etc., give all places |
( distribution | distribution of a resource in a published form
Best practices for music cataloging [4]: If transcribing a distribution statement separately from a publication statement, record it in 264 [3] _2. It is usually not necessary to record a separate date of distribution if date of publication and copyright are already recorded. When in doubt as to whether a person, family or corporate body is functioning as publisher or distributor, transcribe the name as a publisher's name. |
( manufacture | printing, duplicating, casting, etc., of a resource in a published form
LC-PCC PS: (2.10) LC practice: If manufacture data elements are being given in lieu of missing publication and missing distribution elements, give a complete manufacture statement. |
Sources of information for place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
Take places of production (, publication (, distribution (, and manufacture ( from the following sources (in order of preference): ° a) the same source as the producer's name (, publisher's name (, distributor's name (, or manufacturer's name ( » a) the same source as the title proper ( [5]) » b) another source within the resource itself (2.2.2 [6]) » c) one of the other sources of information specified under 2.2.4 [7] ° b) another source within the resource itself (2.2.2 [6]) ° c) one of the other sources of information specified under 2.2.4 [7]. |
Recording place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
Include both the local place name (city, town, etc.) and the name of the larger jurisdiction or jurisdictions (state, province, etc., and/or country) if present on the source of information
Examples: Optional additions: Include the full address as part of the local place name if it is considered to be important for identification or access. Include any preposition appearing with the place name that is required to make sense of the statement. |
More than one place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
If more than one place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture is named on the source of information, record the place names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the names on the source of information.
Examples: If there are two or more producers, publishers, distributors, or manufacturers, and two or more places associated with one or more of them, record the place names associated with each producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the place names on the source of information. |
Place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture in more than one language or script | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
If the place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture appears on the source of information in more than one language or script, record the form that is in the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does not apply, record the place name in the language or script that appears first. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture not identified in the resource | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
If the place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture is not identified in the resource, supply the place or probable place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture as instructed below. Indicate that the information was taken from a source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4 [7].
Note that according to D1.2.1, "when adjacent elements within one area are to be enclosed in square brackets, enclose each in its own set of square brackets." If neither a known nor a probable local place or country, state, province, etc., of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture can be determined, record Place of production not identified, Place of publication not identified, Place of distribution not identified, or Place of manufacture not identified. Examples: LC-PCC PS: ( LC practice/PCC practice: Supply a probable place of publication if possible rather than give "[Place of publication not identified]." Known place of production (, publication (, distribution (, or manufacture ( If the place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture is known, supply the local place name (city, town, etc.). Include the name of the larger jurisdiction if necessary for identification. Examples: Probable place of production (, publication (, distribution (, or manufacture ( If the place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture is uncertain, supply the name of the probable local place. Include the name of the larger jurisdiction if necessary for identification. If only the local place name is supplied, follow it with a question mark. If the name of the larger jurisdiction is included, and the place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture is known to be within that jurisdiction, but the locality within that jurisdiction is uncertain, add a question mark following the name of the probable local place. Otherwise, add a question mark following the name of the larger jurisdiction. Example: Known country, state, province, etc., of production (, publication (, distribution (, or manufacture ( If the probable local place is unknown, supply the name of the country, state, province, etc. Example: Probable country, state, province, etc., of production (, publication (, distribution (, or manufacture ( If the country, state, province, etc., of publication, distribution, or manufacture is uncertain, supply the name of the probable country, state, province, etc., followed by a question mark. Example: |
Parallel place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A parallel place of production (2.7.3), publication (2.8.3), distribution, (2.9.3), or manufacture (2.10.3) is in a language and/or script that differs from that recorded in the place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture elements. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sources of information for parallel place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
Take parallel places of production (, publication (, distribution (, and manufacture ( from the following sources (in order of preference): ° a) the same source as the place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture, ° b) another source within the resource itself 2.2.2 [6]), ° c) one of the other sources of information specified under 2.2.4 [7]. |
Recording parallel place of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
Record parallel places of production (, publication (, distribution, (, or manufacture ( applying the basic instructions on recording production (2.7.1), publication (2.8.1), distribution (2.9.1), and manufacture (2.10.1) statements.
If there is more than one parallel place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture, record the names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the names on the source or sources of information. |
Name of producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(2.7.4) producer (2.8.4) publisher (2.9.) distributor (2.10.4) manufacturer |
If more than one publisher's name (2.8.4), distributor's name (2.9.4), or manufacturer's name (2.10.4) appears on the source of information, only the first recorded is required. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of: | is the name of a person, family, or corporate body responsible for: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( producer | inscribing, fabricating, constructing, etc., a resource in an unpublished form Best practices for music cataloging [4]: If deemed useful for identification and access, transcribe producer's name in 264 [3] _4 ‡b. Alternatively, transcribe it in 260 ‡f. |
( publisher | publishing, releasing, or issuing a resource. Treat printers and booksellers of early printed resources as publishers Best practices for music cataloging [4]: Transcribe the names of all publishers appearing on the preferred source. If feasible, transcribe the names of all publishers appearing anywhere in the item. Transcribe in 264 [3] _1 ‡b or 260 ‡b. If an audio/video recording bears both the name of the publishing company and the name of a subdivision of that company or a trade name or brand name used by that company (i.e., a "label" in the case of audio recordings), give the name of the subdivision or the trade name or brand name as the name of the publisher. Note that there is no option to transcribe a publisher name in the "shortest form in which it can be understood and identified internationally." Thus, when in doubt as to whether a presentation of two names in the same source represents a publishing company and the name of a subdivision of that company or a trade name or brand name used by that company, or whether it represents two unrelated publishers, transcribe both names as separate publishers. |
( distributor | distributing a resource in a published form. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( manufacturer | printing, duplicating, casting, etc., a resource in a published form. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sources of information for name of producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( producer ( publisher ( distributor ( manufacturer |
Take name of producer (, publisher (, distributor (, and manufacturer ( from the following sources (in order of preference): ° a) the same source as the title proper ( [5]) ° b) another source within the resource itself (2.2.2 [6]) ° c) one of the other sources of information specified under 2.2.4 [7]. |
Recording producers', publishers', distributors', and manufacturers' names | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( producer ( publisher ( distributor ( manufacturer |
Record name of producer (, publisher (, distributor (, or manufacturer ( names applying the basic instructions on recording statement of production (2.7.1), publication (2.8.1), distribution (2.9.1), and manufacture (2.10.1).
If the name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or requires clarification, make a note giving the actual name, etc. ( Best practices for music cataloging [4]: 2.10.4. Manufacturer's name: Record manufacturer's name in 264 [3] _2 ‡b or 260 ‡f. Examples: |
Statement of function of producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( producer ( publisher ( distributor ( manufacturer |
Record words or phrases indicating the function performed by a person, family, or corporate body as they appear on the source of information. Optional addition: If the function of a person, family, or corporate body recorded in the producer's, publisher's, distributor's, or manufacturer's name sub-element is not stated explicitly or is not clear from the context, add a term indicating the function. Indicate that the information was taken from a source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4 [7]. Best practices for music cataloging [4]: Publisher's name, statement of function: Generally do not apply the optional addition. |
More than one producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( producer ( publisher ( distributor ( manufacturer |
If more than one person, family, or corporate body is named as a producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer of the resource, record the producers', publishers', distributors', or manufacturers' names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the names on the source of information. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer in more than one language or script | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( producer ( publisher ( distributor ( manufacturer |
If the name of a producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer appears on the source of information in more than one language or script, record the form that is in the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does not apply, record the name in the language or script that appears first. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer identified | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( producer | If no producer is named within the resource itself, record producer not identified. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( publisher | For a resource in a published form, if no publisher is named within the resource itself, and the publisher cannot be identified from other sources as specified under 2.2.4 [7], record publisher not identified.
Note that according to D1.2.1, "when adjacent elements within one area are to be enclosed in square brackets, enclose each in its own set of square brackets." Best practices for music cataloging [4]: If transcribing a separate distributor statement in 264 [3] _2, record "[publisher not identified]" in 264 [3] _2 ‡b or 260 ‡b. If not transcribing a separate distributor statement in 264 [3] _2, and it is believed the distributor is also the publisher, transcribe the distributor name in square brackets in 264 [3] _1 ‡b or 260 ‡b. |
( distributor | For a resource in a published form, if no publisher is named within the resource itself, and the publisher cannot be identified from other sources as specified under 2.2.4 [7], record distributor not identified. Indicate that the information was taken from a source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4 [7]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( manufacturer | If no manufacturer is named within the resource itself, record manufacturer not identified. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parallel name of producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A parallel producer's (, publisher's (, distributor's (, or manufacturer's ( name is a producer's name, publisher's name, distributor's name, or manufacturer's name in a language and/or script that differs from that recorded in the producer's, publisher's, distributor's, or manufacturer's name elements. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sources of information for parallel name of producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Take parallel name of producer (, publisher (, distributor (, and manufacturer ( from the following sources (in order of preference): ° a) the same source as the name of producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer, ° b) another source within the resource itself 2.2.2 [6]), ° c) one of the other sources of information specified under 2.2.4 [7]. |
Recording parallel name of producer, publisher, distributor, and manufacturer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( producer ( publisher ( distributor ( manufacturer |
Record parallel producer's (, publisher's (, distributor's (, or manufacturer's ( names applying the basic instructions on recording statement of production (2.7.1), publication (2.8.1), distribution (2.9.1), and manufacture (2.10.1).
If there is more than one parallel producer's, publisher's, distributor's, or manufacturer's name, record the names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the names on the source or sources of information. |
Date of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Date of: | is associated with the: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production | inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of a resource in an unpublished form. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( publication | publication, release, or issuing of a resource. Date of distribution is a core element for a resource in a published form if the date of publication is not identified. |
( distribution | distribution of a resource in a published form.
Date of manufacture is a core element for a resource in a published form if neither the date of publication, the date of distribution, nor the copyright date is identified. |
( manufacture | printing, duplicating, casting, etc., of a resource in a published form. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sources of information for date of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication |
Take date of production ( and date of manufacture ( from any source | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( distribution ( manufacture |
Take date of publication ( and date of distribution ( from the following sources (in order of preference): ° a) the same source as the title proper ( [5]) ° b) another source within the resource itself (2.2.2 [6]) ° c) one of the other sources of information specified under 2.2.4 [7]. For multipart monographs and serials, take the beginning and/or ending date of publication from the first and/or last released issue or part, or from another source. |
Recording date of production, publication, distribution, and manufacture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
Record date of production (, publication (, distribution (, or manufacture ( applying the basic instructions on recording statement of production (2.7.1), publication (2.8.1), distribution (2.9.1), and manufacture (2.10.1). Best practices for music cataloging [4]: 2.7.6: record date of production in 264 [3] _2 ‡c. Alternatively, record date of production in 260 ‡c. Best practices for music cataloging [4]: 2.10.6: Follow LC-PCC PS, that is, routinely infer a publication date from a date of manufacture and/or copyright date. Do this even if also giving date of manufacture separately in 264 [3] _2 ‡c or 260 ‡g. Example: If the date as it appears in the resource is not of the Gregorian or Julian calendar, add the corresponding date or dates of the Gregorian or Julian calendar. Indicate that the information was taken from a source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4 [7]. |
Chronograms A chronogram is a sentence or inscription in which specific letters, interpreted as numerals, stand for a particular date when rearranged. |
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
If the date of production (, publication (, distribution (, or manufacture ( as it appears on the source of information is in the form of a chronogram, transcribe the chronogram as it appears.
Optional addition: |
Multipart monographs, serials, and integrating resources | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
If the first issue, part, or iteration of a multipart monograph, serial, or integrating resource is available, record the date of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture of that issue, part, or iteration, followed by a hyphen.
If production, publication, distribution, or manufacture of the resource has ceased or is complete and the first and last issues, parts, or iterations are available, record the dates of production of those issues, parts, or iterations, separated by a hyphen. If production, publication, distribution, or manufacture of the resource has ceased or is complete and the last issue, part, or iteration is available, but not the first, record the production date of the last issue, part, or iteration, preceded by a hyphen. If the date of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture is the same for all issues, parts, or iterations, record only that date as the single date. If the first and/or last issue, part, or iteration of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture is not available, supply an approximate date or dates applying the instructions given under,,, or If the date or dates of publication, distribution, or manufacture cannot be approximated, do not record a date of publication, distribution, or manufacture. |
Date of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture not identified in a single-part resource | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( production ( publication ( distribution ( manufacture |
If the date of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture is not identified in the single-part resource, supply the approximate date of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture. Apply the instructions on supplied dates given under 1.9.2 [8].
Note that according to D1.2.1, "when adjacent elements within one area are to be enclosed in square brackets, enclose each in its own set of square brackets." Examples: If the date or an approximate date of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture for a single-part resource cannot reasonably be determined, record date of production not identified, date of publication not identified, date of distribution not identified, or date of manufacture not identified. Best practices for music cataloging [4]: Follow LC-PCC PS. Note that copyright date (whether © or Examples: If the resource is in an unpublished form (e.g., a manuscript, a painting, a sculpture), record nothing in the date of distribution element. |
Copyright date (2.11) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( A copyright date is a date associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime. Copyright dates include phonogram dates ( ![]() Copyright date is a core element if neither the date of publication nor the date of distribution is identified. |
( Sources of information for copyright date | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Take information on copyright dates from any source. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( Recording copyright dates | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Record copyright dates applying the general guidelines on numbers expressed as numerals or as words given under 1.8 [9]. Precede the date by the copyright symbol (©) or the phonogram symbol ( ![]()
LC-PCC PS: Record a copyright date for a single-part monograph if neither the date of publication nor the date of distribution is identified. It is not required to record copyright dates for multipart monographs, serials, and integrating resources. Note: According to MARC 21 format for bibliographic data: 008: all materials [11], 06 - Type of date/Publication status, t - Publication date and copyright date: "Deposit dates (i.e., those preceded by "D.L." (Dépot légal), etc.) may be treated as copyright dates." Examples:
Problematic copyright dates:
If the resource has multiple copyright dates that apply to various aspects (e.g., text, sound, graphics), record only the latest copyright date. Optional addition: Make a note giving the other copyright dates ( or record the other dates as copyright dates of related manifestations (27.1). |