NACO > Yale Policies for Name Authority Records (NARs)
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This document sets forth Yale University Library policies for creating, updating, and importing NACO name authority records (NARs). It is intended to supplement, not replace, standard documentation issued by the Library of Congress (LC) and the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC).
Creating New NARs
- When to create new NARs
- Mandatory Variant Forms in RDA Appendix F
- Authority Records for Works and Expressions
- Conference Names
- Optional fields in new NARs
When to import NARs
Reviewing non-RDA NARs with (and without) 667
See also: Yale Policies for NACO Series Authority Records
Creating New NARs
When to create new NARs
- As a general rule, create new NARs whenever one or more of the following criteria apply:
- if you determine the name requires cross reference(s)
- the name needs to be distinguished from a similar entity
- the name is needed as an authorized access point (AAP) in a BIBCO record
- the name is represented by a local NAR**
*Note: cross references for variant forms are not mandatory under RDA, or under NACO policy. But see the Appendix F discussion below.
Use judgment in deciding whether or not to establish an NAR. You may opt not to create an NAR if the name is particularly problematic. Keep in mind that you will not be able to code the bibliographic record as PCC if the access point does not have an authority record in the national authority file. Since all of our original records now follow RDA instructions, the access point must be consistent with RDA (and the LC-PCC policy statements) even if no authority record is created.
RDA Appendix F of the original RDA Toolkit. Although RDA does not generally require variant form references, there are mandated references for some of the categories of names in Appendix F for Southeast Asian (Indonesian, Malay, Thai) and Icelandic names. Southeast Asian names are exempted from the requirement to make an NAR the first time the name appears in our catalogs. [THIS POLICY IS CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW]
Authorized Access Points (formerly Preferred titles and Creator/Preferred title combinations) for Works and Expressions:
- Use authorized access points, including conventional collective titles following RDA and LC practice; do not go beyond LC practice even though it may be allowed
- Do not create NARs for authorized access points for works and expressions
- If an NAR for a translation has been established with 2 languages or Polyglot, do not attempt to update the NAR; for your bibliographic record, follow RDA and the policy statements and make at least 2 AAPs for the individual languages in your bibliographic record
- If an NAR for an authorized access point exists for a work or expression that is inconsistent with RDA and does not fall into the translation category in the previous bullet, report it to the NACO Coordinator for review
Conference Names
- If there is no NAR for your conference name, it is permissible but not mandatory to create one
- If an NAR has been created for the name of an ongoing conference, and the AAP is consistent with RDA, use it in your bibliographic record. If the NAR has a 667 field to review the record, it must be upgraded to RDA to code your bib record accordingly
- If an NAR has been created for the name of an ongoing conference, and the AAP is NOT consistent with RDA, update the NAR following NACO guidelines and also create an NAR for the individual conference used in your bibliographic record
Importing NARs
As a rule, do not import NARs into Voyager from OCLC. MARS will send us the NARs because of weekly bib record processing. However, you may import an NAR if you need to update it in Voyager with local information. If you do import an NAR into Voyager, inform Eva Bolkovac, the Metadata Services Unit Manager, of the AAP and LCCN so that it is added to our master authority file.
Updating Existing NARs
Updating NARs in OCLC
Update an NAR in OCLC if making national-level changes. National-level changes include:
- changing fixed fields, headings, and cross references
- adding new 4XX, 5XX, 667, 670, and 675 fields
- adding new 043, 053, 3XX, and 781 fields (optional practices)
- It is required to update undifferentiated records which are identifiable by the 667 field “"THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATED"
Do not apply the LC-PCC PS for option to add death dates to existing personal name headings with open birth dates as a matter of course. Only add the death date under these circumstances:
the heading is needed in current cataloging and the death date is readily available
the heading is being updated for another reason and the death date is readily available
the death date is needed to resolve a conflict with another heading
a patron has requested the addition of the birth or death date to the heading
a staff member has requested the addition of the death date because the person represented by the heading has strong associations with Yale or the greater New Haven area (e.g., a well-known faculty member, community leader, or local author) or the person is the primary subject of a locally-sponsored event (e.g., a conference, exhibition, or lecture)
Reminder: adding the death date will require the updating of any name-title authority records associated with the name and the correction of headings in Voyager bibliographic records.
Updating NARs in Voyager
Update an NAR in Voyager if making local changes. Local changes include:
- adding classification numbers in 090 fields (optional practice)
- recording local notes in 690 fields (optional practice)
Reviewing non-RDA NARs with (and without) 667
- Local policy. Adding New MARC Authority Fields to Existing NARs. When updating an existing NAR, add 046 information for birth/death or founding/ending if readily available. Adding other fields is not mandatory if the core information is recorded elsewhere in the NAR. Include any information that could be used to identify or differentiate the person or other entity. Follow current Z1 and PCC guidelines for entry conventions.
- Local policy. Get a second opinion from subject specialists on:
- Music NARs
- Treaty NARs
Document originally created by the Authority Control Advisory Committee; revised and maintained by the Authorities & Identities Advisory Group.
Comments to: Tachtorn Meier