For items charged to a reader [actual patron] or a billing pseudo-patron [departmental patron beginning with the letters BIL], contact: Laura Sider
For items charged to a Regular pseudo-patron [non-billing departmental pseudo-patron]:
If the pseudo-patron is a missing books patron (beginning with letters MIS, see below), or a Geac pseudo-patron, simply discharge the item and proceed with the withdrawal of the item.
NOTE: When Voyager asks: “Item is marked with status(ses): Lost System-Applied/ Remove status(es)?” select “Yes”.
If the pseudo-patron is a library team/department patron (anything with a barcode that does not begin with letters BIL, MIS, VIS or PRX), one of two workflows may be done. Consult with a supervisor to know which workflow to follow:
- Use a stationery to write to whomever is accountable for the pseudopatron and ask him or her to discharge and recharge the book in order to clear the BFR status. If the book is physically in the possession of a library department, it does not need to be withdrawn.
- Place a hold or recall using the withdrawal pseudo-patron and set the hold or recall expiration date to ten years in the future. When the item is returned, the hold or recall will be activated and the item may be either withdrawn and physically discarded at that time or sent back to the stacks.