Multipart Monograph MFHD Guidelines

For: Technical Services Staff
By: Steven Arakawa
Date: (June 1, 2004 (original draft: 10-21-02) revision date April 25, 2007 11:21 AM)

Key Definitions

Alternative numbering. A secondary numbering scheme used in designating a series of continuously published issues of a publication.

Basic bibliographic units. Primary bibliographic unit for which holdings are being recorded. Examples of basic bibliographic units are a book, a multivolume encyclopedia, a computer file, a map, a score, a set of orchestral parts, and a publication with separately titled constituent parts. A bibliographic entity composed of several bibliographic units where one does not predominate is considered to have multiple basic bibliographic units; for example, a multimedia kit or a musical score and parts.

Caption. An alphabetic word or phrase attached as a prefix to the enumeration data that describes the type of data (for example, volume, Band, Heft, part, number, or tome)

Compress. To record a range of holdings in terms of the enumeration and/or chronology of only the first and last parts held. Yale policy is that data elements may be compressed only if there is not a gap in the level or levels to be compressed.

Detailed holdings statement.

Fascicle. Temporary part intended to be bound with other parts to form a permanent bibliographic volume.

Gap. A break or discontinuity in the sequence of enumeration or chronology, or both, of the multipart held.

Mixed holdings statement. Holdings statement with a combination of summary and detailed levels of enumeration and/or chronology data.

Nongap break. A gap between the recorded enumeration and/or chronology units caused by unpublished units or discontinuity in the publisher’s numeration.

Secondary bibliographic unit. Discrete bibliographic unit that is supplementary or complementary to a basic bibliographic unit or to another secondary bibliographic unit. Example: a guide accompanying a multipart set of videocassettes. An "equal" bibliographic component of a set of differing units, such as a multimedia kit or a musical score and parts, is considered a basic bibliographic unit. Individual parts of a multipart unit are considered parts, not secondary bibliographic units.

Summary holdings statement. Holdings statement at the first (highest) level of enumeration and/or chronology. Yale policy is that data elements are recorded as summary holdings statements only if there is not a gap at any of the specific levels of the hierarchy. Where gaps occur, a mixed holdings statement is used. Cf. Detailed; Mixed holdings statements.

Voyager MFHD

Yale uses the Voyager MFHD to record holdings for multiparts. The Voyager MFHD stores data according to the MARC 21 Format for Holdings standard. At this time, Yale is using MARC 21 field 866 (Textual holdings-Basic Bibliographic Unit) to record volume holdings for multiparts rather than fields 853-855 (Captions and Pattern) and 863-865 (Enumeration and Chronology)

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a <text> ‡x <text> ‡z<text>

Indicators and Subfield Values for Field 866

Indicator 1 4=ANSI Level 4 (see 1. Levels of Specificity in the next section). Value 4 is MANDATORY
Indicator 2 1=Follows Z39.71 standard described in this document. Value 1 is MANDATORY.
‡8 0 Linkage field. May be used to facilitate arrangement of holdings fields if in the future, the MFHD includes both text and coded fields. Linkage field is MANDATORY.
‡a Textual holdings. MANDATORY.
‡x Staff note (does not display in Web Voyage)
‡z Public note (displays in Web Voyage)

Volume holdings in 866 are transcribed following the American National Standard (ANSI)/NISO (National Information Standards Organization) Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items standards (ANSI/NISO Z39.71-1999; abbreviated to ANSI for citation purposes). Yale decisions on ANSI options as they apply to multiparts are recorded in this document.

NOTE: although receipt statements for serial issues are created in field 866, this procedure is not used for multiparts, since issue binding does not apply.

For fixed field policies, see MFHD Policies & Procedures, 2.1-2.3