Numeric designation of musical work or expression (MARC 383)

Music Cataloging at Yale MARC tagging

Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.

Use in conjunction with Recording numeric designation for musical works (RDA 6.16) and Best practices for music cataloging
In 2024, the field was renamed and the definition and scope was broadened to accommodate numeric designations of musical expressions.

See also 380: Form of work | 381: Other distinguishing characteristics of a work or expression | 382: Medium of performance | 384: Key
Sources: LC MARC 21 format for bibliographic date and authority data and DCM Z1

Indicators | Subfields | Examples

In bibliographic and authority records: a serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical work by the composer, publisher, or a musicologist.
     ° May be used to differentiate a musical work from another with the same title.

Instructions for PCC catalogers in Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1, section on field 383:
     ° Best practice: Encode when available.
     ° Create separate 383 fields for different numbering schemes associated with a single work.

1st 0 = Work: Numeric designation associated with the work.
1 = Expression: Numeric designation associated with the expression
2nd blank
‡a Serial number: a number used if works with the same title and the same medium of performance are consecutively numbered in music reference sources.
‡b Opus number: an identifying number of a musical composition sometimes followed by a number within the opus.

The thematic index numbers used in an authorized access point should come from a recognized thematic index, but you may record numbers not found in such a source in the 383 field.

‡c Thematic index number: a number assigned to a work in a recognized thematic index in the case of certain composers.
‡d Thematic index code: code identifying thematic index represented by the number recorded in subfield ‡c.
     ° For codes, see Thematic Indexes Used in Library of Congress NACO Authority Files
‡e Publisher associated with opus number: brief identification of publisher associated with number recorded in ‡b.
     ° Use only when different publishers assign
          » different opus numbers to the same work
          » the same opus number to different works.
‡2 Source of term: MARC code that identifies the source of the term in subfield ‡a when it is from a controlled list.
     ° use ‡2 mlati for Thematic Indexes Used in Library of Congress NACO Authority Files.
Serial number:
383 __ no. 4
383 __ N. 1
383 __ 1. colección
383 __ conatum 15
383 __ 3r quadern
383 __ book 2
Range of consecutive serial numbers:
383 __ No. 5-6
383 __ no. 14-17
Opus number:
383 __ ‡b op. 31
383 __ ‡b op. 30a
383 __ ‡b op. 99A
383 __ ‡b op. posth.
     ° op. posth. numbers are not used in authorized access points, but may be recorded in a 383 field.
383 __ ‡b WoO 53
     ° WoO (Werke ohne Opus) numbers are not used in authorized access points, but may be recorded in a 383 field.
Publisher associated with opus number:
383 __ ‡b op. 3 ‡e André
383 __ ‡b op. 5 ‡e Hummel
Different opus numbers associated with the same work from different publishers:
383 __ ‡b op. 30 ‡e André
383 __ ‡b op. 14 ‡e Hummel
383 __ ‡b op. 30 ‡e Sieber
Serial number and opus number:
383 __ no. 1 ‡b op. 38
383 __ no. 8 ‡b op. 27
383 __ book 1 ‡b op. 4
383 __ no. 1 ‡b op. 77d
383 __ 4e recueil ‡b op. 118
Serial number within an opus number:
383 __ ‡b op. 11, no. 1
383 __ ‡b op. 125, no. 1b
383 __ ‡b op. 78, no. 2
383 __ ‡b 35, no. 2a
Different serial number with opus numbers associated with the same work from different publishers:
383 __ ‡b op. 23, no. 1 ‡e Gombart
383 __ ‡b op. 23, no. 3 ‡e Longman
383 __ ‡b op. 23, no. 2 ‡e Mollo
383 __ ‡b op. 35, no. 1 ‡e Sieber
Serial number within an opus number with consecutively numbered works:
383 __ no. 1 ‡b op. 8, no. 1
383 __ no. 1 ‡b op. 125, no. 46
Opus number with consecutive range of serial numbers:
383 __ ‡b op. 8, no. 1-4
Thematic index numbers:
383 __ ‡c H. 431
383 __ ‡c H. VIIh, 1
383 __ ‡c H. VI, D1
383 __ ‡c WoO 32
383 __ ‡c T. 6
383 __ ‡c B. 15bis
383 __ ‡c WV 5.22
383 __ ‡c HWV Anh. B
383 __ ‡c W. B Inc 2
383 __ ‡c GraunWV Av:XV:50
383 __ ‡c VdGS no. 8
Thematic index number with serial number of part:
383 __ ‡c P. 249. No. 3
383 __ ‡c WV 4.11-4.13. No. 3
383 __ ‡c B. 410-415. No. 4-6
Range of consecutive thematic index numbers:
383 __ ‡c T. 66-71
383 __ ‡c G. 437-442
383 __ ‡c H. XV, 24-26
383 __ ‡c P. IX:24-26
383 __ ‡c BWV 1007-1012
Range of consecutive thematic index numbers with serial number of part:
383 __ ‡c W. B 43-48. No. 2
383 __ ‡c WV 4.11-4.13. No. 3
Range of consecutive thematic index numbers with consecutive serial numbers of parts:
383 __ ‡c W. B 36-41. No. 5-6
Thematic index numbers, with thematic index code and source of information code (in these examples: mlati):
383 __ ‡c B. 77 ‡d Burghauser ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c H. II, 46 ‡d Hoboken ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c TWV 54:D3 ‡d Ruhnke ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c F. I, 22-25 ‡d Fanna ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c GraunWV Av:XIII:36 ‡d Henzell ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c WoO 10 ‡d McCorkle ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c TVWV15:15 ‡d Menke ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c RV 269 ‡c RV 315 ‡c RV 293 ‡c RV 297 ‡d Ryom ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c BWV 1001 ‡c BWV 1002 ‡c BWV 1003 ‡c BWV 1004 ‡c BWV 1005 ‡c BWV 1006 ‡d BWV ‡2 mlati
Separate 383 fields for different types of numeric designations:

383 __ Nr. 1
383 __ ‡c WoO 9 ‡d McCorkle ‡2 mlati

383 __ ‡c W. B70-B75 ‡d Warburton ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡b op. 11

383 __ ‡c L III:121 ‡d Lee ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡b op. 1, no. 4<

Different numeric designations for the same work from different sources:
383 __ ‡c H. 559 ‡d Helm ‡2 mlati
383 __ ‡c W. 137 ‡d Wotquenne ‡2 mlati
Numeric designations from current and older editions of the same source:
Both editions of the source have mlati codes:
383 __ no. 21 ‡c K. 304 ‡d Köchel ‡2 mlati   The mlati code for the 1937 (4th) edition of Köchel
383 __ ‡c K. 300c ‡d Köchel6 ‡2 mlati The mlati code for the 1983 (6th) edition of Köchel
Numeric designations from current and older editions of the same source and from an alternate source:
Separate 383 fields for alternate numbers from different sources (Ryom and Fanna) and numbering from an older edition of one of those sources (Ryom):
The number in the current (2007) edition of Ryom is RV Anh. 103. In the current edition, there is a reference from an older form of numbering (RV 102), taken from the 1986 edition. Even though it is referenced in the current edition, it is considered to have be taken from the older edition. Because there is no mlati code for the 1986 edition, there is no ‡2 code in the 383 field for the older from of number:
383 __ ‡c RV Anh. 103 ‡d Ryom ‡2 mlati The mlati code for the 2007 edition of Ryom
383 __ ‡c RV 102 ‡d Ryom, 1986 The 1986 edition of Ryom doesn't have a mlati code
383 __ ‡c F. XII, 52 ‡d Fanna ‡2 mlati Numeric designation from another source (mlati code Fanna), to be used in variant access points for the work
Unusual examples:
Symphony no. 5, op. 76; first published as Symphony no. 3; once known as op. 24
383 __ no. 3
383 __ no. 5
383 __ ‡b op. 76
383 __ ‡b op. 24
Divertimento no. 3 op. 15 also published as op. 16
383 __ ‡b op. 15, no. 3
383 __ ‡b op. 16, no. 3