South Asia Resources at Yale Divinity Library

In addition to the archival and online materials listed below, the Divinity Library holds many additional published works, periodicals, annual reports, and pamphlets that provide documentation of the growth of Christianity in South Asia.  Contact the Divinity Library for more information.

India, Pakistan, & Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Personal papers:
  • Allison, Walter and Grace (Record Group 30):  American Presbyterian missionaries in North India from 1920 to 1954.
  • Alter, James P. (Record Group 84):  American Presbyterian missionary in India from 1945 to 1968; served as Director of the Christian Retreat and Study Centre in Rajpur.
  • Alter, Martha Payne (Record Group 30): American Presbyterian missionary in India from1916 to 1951. 
  • Baer, Mary (Microfilm: Film Ms361): Lutheran medical missionary in Guntur and Chirala, India from 1895 to 1933.
  • Boyd, Lena Agnes (Record Group 30) : American Presbyterian missionary to India, 1912-1948; worked with Punjab Mission in Saharanpur,  Hoshiarpur, Kasur, Jagraon in educational and zenana work.
  • Bronson (Miles) Family (Record Group 282):  American Baptist missionaries serving in Assam, India from 1836-1879. Collection originally held at Andover Newton Theological School.
  • Carey, William (Microfilm: Film Ms6): British Baptist missionary to India, 1793-1825.
  • Chamberlain, Jacob (Record Group 30): Reformed Church in America missionary with the Arcot Mission in India from 1860 to ca.1898.
  • Corey, Clara W. L. (Record Group 30): Canadian Baptist missionary to a Telegu area of India from 1894 to 1924. 
  • Dudley, Raymond A. (Record Group 30): American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions missionary in Madura, India from 1919 to 1943.
  • Eddy, George Sherwood (Record Group 32): worked in India under the auspices of the International Committee of the Y.M.C.A. and the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions from 1896 to 1911. 
  • Forman Family (Record Group 110): Charles William Forman was an American Presbyterian missionary in North India from 1847 to 1894. His son, Henry Forman, served as a missionary in North India from the 1880s to 1924.
  • Harding, Mary (Record Group 30): Harding (1871-1919) was a missionary in Sholapur, India, serving under the ABCFM American Marathi Mission. 
  • Heinrichs, Waldo Huntley (Record Group 115): served with the YMCA in India from 1919 to 1930.
  • Kugler, Anna (Microfilm: Film Ms358): Lutheran medical missionary in Guntur, Andrah Pradesh, India from 1883 to 1930.
  • Larson, Oscar Leonard (Microfilm: Film Ms546): Lutheran missionary to India from 1905-1924.
  • Little, Charles (Record Group 30):  missionary in Madura, South India under the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ca. 1848-1857.
  • Marsh, William Dwight (Record Group 30): taught at Jaffna College, Ceylon 1888-1890.
  • Morris, Thomas (Record Group 30): British Church Missionary Society missionary in Calcutta, India 1820-1829.
  • Picken, Lillian (Record Group 159):  American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions missionary in Satara, India from 1914 to 1957.
  • Penfield, Thornton and Charlotte (Record Group 30): Missionaries in South India, serving under the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 1866-1871.
  • Ramabai, Pandita (Microfiche: Fiche Ms120): documentation from library of Ramabai (1858-1922) an Indian social reformer and pioneer in the education and emancipation of women
  • Rogers, Miriam (Record Group 30): ABCFM missionary, Marathi Mission, India 1937-1970s
  • Rupley, George (Microfilm: Film Ms545): Missionary to India for the General Synod and United Lutheran Church in America (ULCA) from 1915-1931.
  • Sanders Family (Record Group 122): Marshall Danforth and Georgianna Knight Sanders were American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) beginning ca. 1843.
  • Smith, John Curtis and Mary Snell (Record Group 207): American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions missionaries in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) during the 1850s to 1870s.
  • Strock, John and Elizabeth (Microfilm: Film Ms360): Lutheran missionaries to Guntur, Andrah Pradesh, India from 1908-1942, 1946-1949.
  • Stuntz Allen Family Papers (Record Group 30): Two generations of Methodist Board missionaries in India and Pakistan. Clyde Bronson Stuntz and Florence (Sally) Watters Stuntz served in Lahore from 1915 - 1956. Their daughter, Elizabeth (Betty) Stuntz Allen, and her husband Daniel Allen served throughout India from 1949 - 1969. The collection contains correspondence from Clyde and Sally narrating their experiences during the partition of India. (1 linear foot)
  • Thoburn, James (Microfilm: Film Ms120): American Methodist missionary in India from 1859 to 1908.
  • Todd, William (Record Group 30): ABCFM missionary to Ceylon [Sri Lanka] and India from 1833 to 1839. Co-founder of the ABCFM Madura Mission.
  • Wilder, Robert Parmelee (Record Group 38): worked with the YMCA in India 1893-1897, 1899-1902.
  • Wiser, William and Charlotte (Record Group 128): American Presbyterian missionaries in India from 1915 to 1970, serving on the faculty of Allahabad Agricultural Institute and North India Theological College and instrumental in the formation of India Village Service.
  • Zanisi, Angelo Saverio (Record Group 30): Roman Catholic missionary in North Malabar, India from 1951-1956.
Archives of organizations:
  • American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms32): mission agency active in India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 1812-1919.
  • Asian Women's Institute (Record Group 106): support agency for women's higher education in Asia established in 1975.
  • Associate Board of the Women's Christian College (Madras, India) (Record Group 187) Affiliated with the University of Madras, the Madras Women’s Christian College was among the first institutions for higher education for women in South India.
  • Baptist Missionary Society (Microfilm: Film Ms56): British mission agency working in India (1792-1914).
  • Church in North India: archival files in digital form available to the Yale community.
  • Church Missionary Society / Church of England Zenana Missionary Society (Microfilm: Film Ms109): British mission agency that sought to evangelize the women of India by means of normal schools (teacher training colleges), zenana visiting, medical missions, Hindu and Muslim female schools and the employment of Bible women.
  • Church of Scotland Missionary Archive (Microfilm: Film Ms370): Scottish mission agency working in India from early 1800s.
  • International Missionary Council/ Conference of British Missionary Societies (Microfiche: FicheMs50): includes work in India 1910-1945.
  • Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Microfilm: Film Ms11): American agency active in India 1835–1910.
  • Presbyterian Church of England (Microfiche: Fiche Ms91) : British agency; work began in the Rajshahi district of Bengal, India in 1862.
  • Regions Beyond Missionary Union (Microfilm: Film Ms312): British agency that was active in India and Nepal.
  • Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Microfilm: Film Ms90, Film Ms91, Film Ms92): Church of England agency for mission work in British colonies.
  • United Society for Christian Literature (Microfiche: Fiche Ms98)
  • United Lutheran Church in America, Board of Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film  Ms490)
  • United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (Microfilm: Film Ms445)
  • World Student Christian Federation (Record Group 46): documentation of student Christian work in India, Burma, and Ceylon circa 1897-1920.

Digitized periodicals related to South Asia from the Day Missions Collection (see also

Digitized annual mission reports related to South Asia:

See also: Himalayan Collections

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Friday, December 2, 2022 - 3:14pm