Separate cataloging guidelines are provided for electronic resources depending upon (1) mode of access, (2) mode of issuance, and (3) entry convention. The primary focus of this document is on updating websites. including remote databases. This document applies if all of the following conditions are met:
These guidelines may be used for original cataloging and for updating copy.
Remote access electronic resources, i.e., online resources, are accessed over the Internet. CD-ROMs accessed via network would be treated as direct access, but the usual practice is to upload the contents of the CD-ROM to the web, and would be cataloged as remote access. Cataloging guidelines for CDs, DVDs, and other direct access electronic resources are available separately: original cataloging, copy cataloging. [CAUTION: These documents are not yet revised for RDA]
Integrating resource: A resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole (e.g., a loose-leaf manual that is updated by means of replacement pages, a website that is updated continuously). -- RDA Glossary
Possible but not conclusive evidence that an online resource is integrating is the presence of a range of publication or copyright dates, the presence of a "what's new" section, or the appearance of latest update information. If there is no indication that the resource is updated, catalog it as a monograph. Cataloging guidelines for online books are available separately: Cataloging E-Monographs: Born Digital, Cataloging E-Monographs: Copy Cataloging and Variant Format Cataloging.
The cataloging for integrating resources in general is based on the current (latest) iteration (rather than the earliest issue, as would be the case in serials). This may have an impact when searching for cataloging copy if the citation in hand is based on an earlier or later iteration than the one represented in the catalog record.
Examples of remote integrating resources include Thomas and COMINTERN Electronic Archives.
When determining mode of issuance, base the decision on the item being cataloged, not on another manifestation. For example, the online version of the New York Times provides access to today's paper in the print edition but has additional content, so it would be cataloged as an online integrating resource.
Although online integrating resources are most often continuing resources, some are issued over time but are intended to be completed in a finite number of iterations. Integrating resources that have ceased being updated are still cataloged as integrating resources. Websites for events are typically updated only until the completion of the event. There are no differences in the cataloging of finite and continuing integrating resources.
A multi-part monograph, series, etc., in print format may become a finite integrating resource when issued online if multiple parts or volumes are issued together, the resource is reissued with additional parts or volumes, the same URL is used for each release, and previous releases are not maintained. See, for example, Britannica Online. Because previous releases are not maintained, it is impossible to isolate the content added in each release, even if that content is discrete, so the resource would fall within the scope of these guidelines.
Create a new bibliographic record if the resource changes media type (337) or carrier type (338). A change of media type from print to online is a change of media type from unmediated to computer; a new record is made. A change in carrier type from computer disc to online resource is a change in carrier type; a new record is made.
For changes in existing online resources,
1. Create a new record for an online resource that represents the merger or incorporation of existing online resources. Delete the record(s) for the incorporated resource(s) if they are no longer available separately.
For example, Africa-wide information [OCLC #55938851] incorporates content from African studies (Grahamstown, South Africa : Online) [OCLC #49367742]. The latter resource continues (it is itself a database of databases), so the African studies record is retained in both Orbis and OCLC. Africa-wide information includes a relationship field linking it to African studies (the OCLC master record uses 780 but 787 would be more appropriate).
2. Create a new record for a resource that has separated from the original resource. Delete the record for the resource from which it has separated if the original is no longer available.
For example, International index to the performing arts (Online : Full text) [OCLC #43357238] separated from International index to the performing arts [OCLC #39938365]. The latter continues [see OCLC], but it has been deleted from the YUL catalog in favor of the full text edition.
3. Create a new bibliographic record when a resource changes its mode of issuance from monograph to integrating resource.
4. Create a separate bibliographic record for the current iteration and transcribe or supply an edition statement if access to previous iterations of the resource is available.
The database English poetry might be considered as an example of both 3. and 4. Orbis has access to both the first and second editions. The first edition would probably fall into the monograph category, since it was essentially complete at the time of publication. The second edition is updating, so it would be coded now as an integrating resource.
5. Create a new record when the original URL remains active but links to a different resource than that described in an existing record. The cataloger should create a new record, rather than modify the record for the resource previously at that location. If the decision is also to represent in Orbis the new resource linked to the original URL, create a new bibliographic record for the new resource; do not recycle the original bibliographic record. In either case, delete or suppress the original bibliographic record.
RDA/LC PCC Policy Statements in the RDA Toolkit
The CONSER guidelines in YUL documentation for Updating Websites are derived from:
Provider-Neutral E-Resource: MARC Record Guide: P-N/RDA Version. Jan. 1, 2013 revision incorporating the text of the P-N Model for Serials and Integrating Resources.
CONSER MARC to RDA Core Elements (Working Draft)
See also: Where's that Tool (for Serials)? [in the RDA Toolkit; see the link in the CONSER MARC to RDA document]
CONSER RDA Cataloging Checklist (Working draft dated July 25, 2012)
CONSER RDA Core Elements Table
Non-RDA CONSER documentation: you will need to consult Integrating Resources: a Cataloging Manual: Appendix A to the Bibco Participants' Manual and Module 35 of the CONSER Cataloging Manual. A PDF of the document is available for downloading from Library of Congress. Generally follow the guidelines unless they conflict with RDA and the LC PCC Policy Statements, and any of the CONSER RDA documentation listed above.
Updating websites are cataloged following RDA instructions for integrating resources.
MARC Label | Code | Definition |
Type of record | a | Language material (336 text) |
Encoding level | i | Integrating resource |
Cataloging form | i | ISBD |
Supply a value for Type of Record that reflects the content of the resource. Online integrating resources of primarily textual content should be coded a (Language material), even when they include search software and hyperlinks. Since online resources are considered published, do not use codes for manuscript material. For example, instances of ProQuest Dissertations and Theses - Full Text would be coded a (Language material) rather than t (Manuscript language material), and the Hotchkiss Map Collection would be coded e (Printed cartographic material) rather than f (Manuscript cartographic material). Refer to the fixed field coding table for other types of content. Bibliographic Level should always be coded i (Integrating resource).
MARC Label | Code | Definition |
Type of record | m | Computer file (336 computer dataset or computer program) |
Encoding Level | i | Integrated resource |
Cataloging form | i | ISBD |
At one time, Type of record for all online resources including textual resources was assigned code m. Current practice only uses type m for computer software, numeric data, computer oriented multi-media, and online systems or services. If your updating website is a numeric data base, for example, Type of record should be coded as m rather than a. If you update a previously cataloged Orbis record to describe the current iteration, change the Type of record code to a if the content is textual (336 text).
Use the appropriate Type of record code for updating websites that are not primarily textual or computer files (as narrowly defined), e.g. e (cartographic material -- 336 cartographic dataset, cartographic image, etc.), g (projected medium -- 336 two-dimensional moving image), i (non-musical sound recording -- 336 spoken word), k (two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic -- 336 still image) and so on. Do not overlook the possibility that these may be non-updating websites, in which case Encoding Level i would be inappropriate.
Copy Cataloging Policy: Accept the leader coding as given on cataloging copy. The Type of Record and Bibliographic Level codes should not be updated. In records created before July 2006, Bibliographic Level was coded m (Monograph/item), and the continuing aspect of the resource was captured separately in an 006 coded s (Serial control). When searching, prefer records with codes used in current cataloging, all things being equal.
Updating Records Previously Cataloged in Orbis. Update Type of Record, Bibliographic Level to current standards when otherwise updating to the current iteration.
On Orbis, click the 007 button and select the Computer File tab and click New. Highlighted codes are mandatory. For bytes 6-13 (File Format-Reformatting Quality), generally use "u" unless your unit has special guidelines.
Copy Cataloging. Always create 007 if it is lacking in the cataloging record.
MARC Label | Code | Definition |
Specific material designation | r | Remote |
Digital vs Reproduction | blank | Obsolete; leave as is |
Color | Code as appropriate | |
Dimension | n | Not applicable |
Sound on medium | blank (generally) | Silent |
Image bit depth | u | Unknown |
File format | u | Unknown |
Quality assurance targets | u | Unknown |
Antecedent/Source | u | Unknown |
Level of Compression | u | Unknown |
Reformatting Quality | u | Unknown |
P-N Guidelines: For material other than online books, textual serials, and notated music, use an additional 007 field for other characteristics not specified in the first 007 field. The codes in the additional 007 field should reflect the digital aspects of the resource, e.g. the dimensions byte for a sound recording would be "n" (not applicable).
When cataloging a record with 336 text, click the 006 button, select the Computer File tab and click on New. If derived cataloging copy lacks 006, it should be added. Locally, 006 for computer files does not affect the public display, but it is an OCLC requirement for all resources with Leader Type of record values that are not m. The codes given in the table are the most commonly used. Form of item is mandatory and must be changed to o for Online). If Type of Record in the Leader is coded as a for Language material, Type of file in 006 should be d for Document.
In records created before July 2006, an additional 006 for s (Serial control) was created to describe the continuing aspect of all online integrating resources. An 006 for s (Serial control) is no longer added to records for textual resources (now that the Leader Encoding Level has enabled code i).
The P-N guidelines have the option to enter an additional 006 allowing the cataloger to code for an online reproduction of a manuscript, in Staff Orbis the tabs are: Manuscript Language, Manuscript Music, and Manuscript Map. In general do not apply the option.
When updating a previously cataloged Orbis record to reflect the current iteration, remember to delete the serial control 006 from records for textual resources when the Leader Encoding Level is changed to code i.
MARC Label | Code | Definition |
Target Audience | blank (usually) | Unknown or not specified (default); otherwise code as appropriate |
Form of Item | o | Online (mandatory) |
Type of File | d | Document; otherwise, code as appropriate |
Govt Publication | Code as appropriate |
In records for non-textual resources (Type of record other than code a), the 008 is used to describe the non-textual content of the resource, so continue to add an 006 for s (Serial control) to describe the ongoing aspect of the resource. For online resources, the most likely non-textual resources would include numeric databases and online services. Also possible: video, sound recording, and cartographic databases. Numeric databases and online services should be coded m in the Leader Type of record, and a 006 should then be created to bring out the seriality (i.e., the integrating resource aspect) by selecting the Serial Control tab. Media and cartographic databases would be assigned the Leader code appropriate for the type of material, and a 006 would be used to identify the resource as an online integrating resource. The fixed fields for 006 Serial Control use the same codes as the 008 for serials and integrating resources:
The following table would be appropriate for a textual updating website 008. For other media, the 008 would not fully reflect the seriality of the resource. In that case, a 006 Serial Control should be made; the labels/mnemonics and the coding would parallel the 008 of the textual integrating resource.
MARC Label | Code | Definition |
Publication Status | c or d | continuing (c) or ceased (d) (mandatory) |
Date 1 | yyyy | date is mandatory; use u if numeric is not known, e.g. 192u |
Date 2 | 9999 | ongoing (if ceased, provide date based on 264) |
Place of publication | Applicable MARC country code (mandatory) | |
Frequency | | | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu. |
Regularity (not core) | | | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu. |
Undefined | blank | Undefined |
Type of Continuing Resource | w (or d) | Updating website; use d for an updating website that is a database. Not core. |
Original Item | | | No attempt to code; not core. |
Form of Item | o | Online (mandatory) |
Nature of Entire Work | | | No attempt to code; not core. Optionally, select from menu. |
Contents (1-3) | | | No attempt to code; not core. Optionally, select from menu. |
Govt. Publication | blank | Not a government publication (unless otherwise indicated) |
Conf. Publication | 0 or 1 | Not a conf. publication/Conf. publication. Not core. |
Alphabet | blank | No alphabet or script given/No key title (only NSDP can enter) |
Entry Convention | 2 | Integrated entry (mandatory) |
Language | xxx | 3-character MARC code (mandatory) |
Modified Record | blank | Not modified (always use the blank default) |
Cataloging Source | d | Other (mandatory) |
Mapping 264 ‡c, 362, and 008 for dates. If the first issue is not in hand, 264 ‡c is not entered (None).
264 ‡c | 362 | 008/Date 1 | 008/Date 2 |
1999- | None | 1999 | 9999 |
[2002?] | None | 2002 | 9999 |
-2004. | None | uuuu | 2004 |
-[2003] | Began in 1998? | 1998 | 2003 |
None | Began in 2001? | 2001 | 9999 |
None | Began in 1990s. | 199u | 9999 |
None | Began between 2002 and 2004. | 200u | 9999 |
None | None | uuuu | 9999 |
Updating previously cataloged records in Orbis. In records cataloged before July 2006, the continuing aspect of textual resources was brought out in 006, but the Leader Bibliographic Level was m for monograph. In 008, Publication status used code m (multiple dates). If the record is updated to reflect the current iteration and as a result changes the Encoding Level from m to i, be sure to change the Publication status code to c or d to reflect current practice.
OCLC Mnemonic | Code | Definition |
Row 1 | ||
Type | a [usually] | Language material |
ELvl | I | OCLC full level |
Srce | d | Other |
GPub | Code as applicable | |
Ctrl | blank | Not archival control |
Lang | xxx | Applicable MARC language code |
Row 2 | ||
BLvl | i | Integrating resource (mandatory) |
Form | o | Online (mandatory) |
Conf | 1 or 0 | Yes or No (not core) |
Freq | | | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu. |
MRec | Not modified | |
Ctry | xxx | Applicable MARC country code (mandatory) |
Row 3 | ||
S/L | 2 | Integrated entry (mandatory) |
Orig | | | No attempt to code; not core. |
EntW | | | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu. |
Regl | | | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu. |
Alph | blank | Only NSDP can enter code |
Row 4 | ||
Desc | i | ISBD |
SrTp | w/d | Updating website; use d for updating website that is a database. Not core. |
Cont 1-3 | | | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu. |
Dt/St | c or d | continuing (c) or ceased (d) |
Dates (1) | mandatory (see 264 to 008 mapping table) | |
Dates (2) |
9999 (or date ceased, based on 264) |
007 | _ | _ | c ‡b r ‡d c [‡f] | |
Label | Subfield | Code | Notes | |
Category of material | ‡a | c | electronic resource (‡a subfield code does not display in OCLC) | |
Specific Material Designator | ‡b | r | remote | |
Color | ‡d | c | multicolored (other codes as appropriate, e.g. m for color & b&w) | |
Sound | ‡f | u or a | unknown (u) or with sound (a); ‡f can be left off | |
Other subfields | ‡e-‡l | Omit |
006 - Additional Physical Characteristics. Same as Orbis Staff. Use it to bring out the computer file aspect (Type m). Seriality (or in this case, integrating resource) is accounted for by the OCLC BLvL code i.
Link back to RDA Updating Websites Fixed Fields
NOTE: OCLC Connexion does not display ‡a
040 _ _ ‡a CtY ‡b eng ‡e rda ‡c CtY
041 if appropriate (i.e., corresponding to 546).
043 _ _ ‡a [if applicable]
050 _ 4 ‡a [only ‡a is mandatory]
010, 020, 024, 028 appear to be unlikely for updating websites. If necessary, instructions can be found in the P-N Guidelines.
022 Since print serials can sometimes become integrating resources when they go online, 022 may be present. If there is a single 022, transcribe it. If there is an ISSN for the print serial and another for the online resource, transcribe only the ISSN for the online resource.
1xx _ _ ‡a [if applicable, with $e relationship designator for the creator]
Update 1xx for changes in responsibility. For corporate bodies as creators, see RDA and following. Some catalogers prefer "author" as the relationship designator.
110 | 2 | ‡a American Economic Association, ‡e creator. | |
245 | 1 | 0 | ‡a Directory of members / ‡c American Economic Association. |
247 | 1 | 0 | ‡a Membership directory of the Association of American Economics ‡f <<June 16, 1998>> |
500 | ‡a Title from home page (viewed Apr. 7, 2006). |
If there is no identifiable creator, entry will be under title. The title proper is also the work's preferred title. If the preferred title is the same as or similar to the title of a different work, use the preferred title as the basis for a 130 field and qualify by as many of the following additional elements as are needed to differentiate it from the preferred titles for previously cataloged items: form of work, date of work, place of origin of work, other distinguishing characteristics of work (5.3). The title proper/preferred title needs to be differentiated from existing preferred titles of other works even if the work is in a different format or mode of issuance, so the title proper of the updating website can conflict with existing work titles for monographs and serials as well as work titles of other integrating resources, and would require qualification in order to differentiate.
Preferred titles do not conflict if they have different creators (100, 110, 111).
Preferred titles of different manifestations of the same work are not conflicts, so a qualifier is not made to distinguish the online version from a printed version, although separate bibliographic records must be made. (Prior to RDA a qualifier was made to distinguish different manifestations with different carriers) An example would be an updating website that was formerly or continues in parallel with a CD-ROM cataloged as an integrating resource.
Different expressions -- effectively distinct updating websites with basically the same content but in different languages -- must be differentiated by language. Do not confuse with multilingual websites. Whether a website with restrictions for some parts based on defined permissions represents an abridgement (new expression) or the same expression could be argued at some point in the future.
245 ‡a Title proper is based on the latest iteration. Under AACR2, if the title consisted solely of the name of the corporate body, etc., [Web site] was entered in ‡b. This should not be done in RDA cataloging; RDA does not use supplied other titles. If the abbreviated form of the title appears with the spelled-out form, do not transcribe the abbreviated form in ‡b, but enter the abbreviated form in 246.
Did you know? The spelling of "website" in RDA (and AACR2) records is determined by usage in the Chicago Manual of Style. Until recently, CMoS used "web site." The current edition now uses the "website" spelling, and should be spelled accordingly in your records (not that you weren't already doing this!).
RDA Exceptions. Websites frequently precede the title proper with introductory words, so remember to apply the introductory words exception and omit them.
245 | 0 | 0 | ‡a World Bank e-library. |
246 | 1 | ‡i Title appears on home page as: ‡a Welcome to the World Bank e-library |
Other exceptions. With integrating resources, it is necessary to correct inaccuracies in the updating website title when transcribing the title proper. If the website is cataloged as a monograph, on the other hand, the inaccuracy is transcribed as is. Omit any statement that mentions an earlier title, title absorbed, etc. as part of the title, e.g. source has: International gas report, including World gas report, but is transcribed as International gas report.
RDA records should not have subfield ‡h [electronic resource]. Since OCLC allows hybrid record cataloging, you may encounter bibliographic records with some RDA elements but with "electronic resource" GMDs. These should not have 040 ... ‡e rda ... If the record is non-standard, generally update it to RDA standards and be sure to delete the GMD.
Copy Cataloging: Leave the GMD subfield in the record if there; assume records with the GMD are AACR2. Older records may have used [computer file] instead of [electronic resource]; leave the GMD as is; MARS processing will flip the subfield to the AACR2 term.
245 ‡b. CONSER guideline for serials is to record other title "if it provides clarification or support to the title proper that might otherwise appear misleading without other title information." Record all parallel titles in 246 only. Extend to integrating resources. For other titles that should not be transcribed or recorded, see above 245 ‡a.
245 ‡c. Transcribe the statement of responsibility if it is the basis for an authorized access point that has not been established in NAF.
246 1_ ‡a Generally base variant titles on the current iteration. Variant titles from the earlier iterations are usually deleted. Use also for parallel titles and abbreviated forms of the title found on the resource. Use 246 11 for parallel titles (if parallel titles were transcribed in 245, use 246 31).
247 10 ‡a Enter titles of earlier iterations in separate 247 ‡a fields, with range of dates (‡f) if known. If the period is unknown, take the date from the source of title note and enter it in angle brackets. If the title proper changes again, update the 245 field and move the previous title proper to an additional 247 field. Give the 247 fields in order from earliest to most recent. For complex changes to title proper, suppress the generation of a note from the 247 fields by coding the second indicator 1 and describe the changes in a 547 field.
250 __ ‡a Not to be confused with iterations. Most likely to be used if there are parallel websites in different languages.
Do not always consider information on updates that commonly appears on Web sites to be equivalent to a formal edition statement. Use judgment in determining where to record version information. This type of information may change frequently and should not necessarily be transcribed in the edition area. Presumably in the following example discrete earlier versions are still available.
245 | 0 | 0 | ‡a Old English corpus. |
250 | ‡a 2004 TEI-P3 conformant version. |
[256 Computer File Characteristics is obsolete. Information about file characteristics can be entered in a 516 note.]
264 _1 ‡a & ‡b are mandatory; include ‡c for the date of the first iteration if known; otherwise leave blank. First indicator: use first indicator 2=intervening or 3=current/latest iteration only for publisher changes. First indicator 3 is not used even if you are not cataloging from the first iteration as long as the publisher has not changed. In the P-N Guidelines, if the resource is a reproduction, 264 uses the original publisher statement, but an updating website would not normally be a reproduction.
300 _ _ ‡a 1 online resource ‡b (optional)
310 __ ‡a (if applicable; if irregular, do not include 310). Use "Continuously updated" only for online integrating resources updated more frequently than daily.
245 | 0 | 0 | ‡a GIDEON : ‡b global infectious disease & epidemiology network. |
310 | ‡a Updated weekly, ‡b <<July 8, 2004>> | ||
321 | ‡a Updated quarterly, ‡b <<June 1, 1994>> |
336 _ _ ‡a text ‡2 rdacontent
336 _ _ ‡a still image ‡2 rdacontent (if considered important, or if primary)
337 _ _ ‡a computer ‡2 rdamedia
338 _ _ ‡a online resource ‡2 rdacarrier
347 Digital file characteristics. Core for cartographic resources, optional for other formats.
362 1 _ ‡a Began with/on/in ... (transcribe numeric/chronological designation as found; abbreviate only if designation is abbreviated. Do not confuse with the designation of the current iteration; leave out 362 if the website has no statement about the original iteration unless you have an external source. If you can infer the date, it is OK to use with a question mark. For example, a website based on a recent event occurring in 2013: 362 1_ ‡a Began in 2013?)
490 1_ ‡a ‡x Series statement & ISSN are based on the latest iteration. Although numeric/chronological designation is not transcribed for serials, there seems to be no reason to eliminate it from the series statement for integrating resources since the designation presumably remains the same through subsequent iterations. Per RDA, series numbering is recorded if all parts have the same number, and in any case the rule does not cover integrating resources. If the series changes, the current series is the first 490. The earlier series is recorded second. Precede ‡a of both series with the date coverage in ‡3:
490 1 _ ‡3 1991- ‡a Court rules series
490 1 _ ‡3 1980-1990: ‡a Federal practice series
Transcribe volume captions as found.
In general, do not transcribe series statements for package/provider series.
Notes. RDA does not have a required note order, and there is no LC PCC PS. Enter in MARC order or in order of importance (as judged by the cataloger). Exception: in line with CONSER practice, always enter 588 as the last note.
500 _ _ ‡a Provide source of title, including date viewed. If the site has a numeric/chronological designation, combine source of title in a 588 DBO (Description based on) note instead.
506/590. Access Restrictions Note & Local Access Note. 506 should not be used in master records unless authorized by OCLC for a digital preservation project.
For licensed resources, indicate restrictions on access in a 506 field and the availability of local access in a 590 field. Do not make these notes for resources that are freely available to the public.
245 | 0 | 0 | ‡a ReutersHealth. |
506 | ‡a Access restricted by licensing agreement. | ||
590 | ‡a Access is available to the Yale community. | ||
856 | 4 | 0 | ‡3 Online database ‡u http://www ... |
515 Numbering peculiarities. Record as needed; may be needed for situations where a print serial has become an online integrating resource.
516 Computer file characteristics. P-N Guidelines: generally, do not use.
[530 - Other Formats. ] Notes for resources available in other physical formats. Notes on multiple formats may be combined in a single note. Search Orbis for information on the availability of other formats. Generally prefer a linking entry with explanatory text in a 776 field instead of a note.
Catalogers who enter their records in OCLC: make a 776 note if a record for another format is in OCLC.
Copy Cataloging. Delete 530 if YUL does not hold a copy in other formats.
[538 __ Do not use: Mode of access: World Wide Web. In general, 538 can only be used in OCLC for authorized digital preservation projects]
546 _ _ ‡a (if the site is multilingual)
550 An issuing body note can be made if other parts of the description are unclear. If the corresponding AAP has not been established, make a 550 if the body's name does not appear in the statement of responsibility (but in RDA, remember that the statement of responsibility can be taken from anywhere on the resource). The note is especially useful if the issuing body has changed over time. The field is not core, though a 710 should be made. Do not use 550 for online package/provider names.
580 See 7xx
588 _ _ ‡a Description based on contents viewed on [date]; title from ... . (if applicable)
Since integrating resources are based on the most current iteration, a second 588 Latest issue consulted note would never be made. Whenever the record for the updating website is updated/recataloged, the 588 must be revised to identify the iteration that is the basis for the changes in description.
245 | 0 | 0 | ‡a Portal to Asian Internet resources. |
246 | 1 | ‡a PAIR | |
588 | ‡a Title from home page (contents viewed Jan. 26, 2006); last updated Sept. 14, 2005. |
6xx _ _ Keep in mind that the subdivision --Databases is only appropriate for collections of encoded data to be manipulated or otherwise customized by a data management system; a website used as a primarily textual reference source should not use --Databases even if "Database" is part of the website name. See the examples in SHM H 1520.
H 1520 examples of non-databases include collections of articles, conference proceedings, literary texts, directories, bibliographies, catalogs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, indexes. Also, do not use --Databases with non-textual data not formatted or encoded for data manipulation, e.g. an image or sound file database.
See also H 2080 Sources (subdivision used primarily for historical topics and systems of law) and H 1230 Archives and archival resources for the use of those subdivisions for types of corporate bodies, names of individual corporate bodies, classes of persons and ethnic groups, persons, and families for collections of documentary material).
7xx _ _ relationship designators for creator, co-creators and issuing body are mandatory if applicable. Related record linking fields for works absorbed or merged, in whole or part, and to works separated from the resource are mandatory if there are records for the related works in Orbis.
In the example, 580 has been used. If Orbis was able to generate a label other than "Succeeds" from indicators 0-7, 580 would not be necessary. First indicator 1 tells the computer not to generate a note; second indicator 7 would generate the label Separated from: if the first indicator was 0 but only if the OPAC had that capability.
245 | 0 | 0 | ‡a International index to the performing arts full text. |
246 | 1 | ‡a IIPA full text | |
580 | ‡a Separated from: International index to the performing arts. | ||
780 | 1 | 7 | ‡t International index to the performing arts |
780/785. Based on the PCC Relationship Designator Guidelines TG Report (3/13/2013), continue to use 780/785 to show works/expressions relationships (i.e., earlier title, absorbed title, etc.). Because the record for the earlier title is often deleted, it is expected that 785 will not be heavily used in Orbis. Practice in OCLC is not clear for records for superseded website titles. Although 780/785 do have ‡i subfields, current CONSER practice does not utilize notes of the type: Supersedes (work); use of the second indicator is considered to be sufficient . For now, the relationship can only be brought out textually in 580, though some systems will display labels based on the second indicators.
775. Use to link to another updating website expression (usually a different language edition). Example: 775 08 ‡i Issued also in <<language>>. ‡t <<Title>>
776. Use to link to the same work or expression in a different format; used instead of 530. Use ‡i. Example: 776 ‡i Print version: ‡t ...
Apply 775-776 in Orbis only if the work/expression is held or accessible through YUL.
730 02 CONSER documentation does not provide guidelines for tagging individual titles for websites accessed by means of a separately cataloged portal website. Locally we have been using 730 02 if the decision is not to create separate analytics (locally separate analytic records are not generally made) so in a sense this issue does not come up often. Some libraries that do catalog separate analytic records has used 787 1_‡t [Corporate law resource center; Safety resource center; see the examples table below].
830 __ (if applicable). Apply the abbreviations in Appendix B to volume captions.
856 - Electronic Location and Access. Create an 856 field to provide access to the resource. Code the first indicator 4 to specify that the access method is HTTP. Code the second indicator 0 (zero) to specify that the URL provides direct access to the resource described in the body of the record. Enter Online database or Website in ‡3 for the link text. In ‡u, copy and paste the URL as it appears on the screen. If the URL changes from session to session, copy the link location by moving the cursor above the link text, right-clicking on the mouse, and selecting copy link location. If the publisher provides a URL for bookmarking or linking, use that. After saving the record, switch to the OPAC and test the link.
A database is a collection of logically interrelated data stored together in one or more computerized files, usually created and managed by a database management system (SCM, H 1520). Our local practice, in keeping with user expectations, is to use the term database more loosely in the 856 field, ‡3, than SCM H 1520 prescribes. Use Online database for article databases, statistical data sets, online reference works, etc. Otherwise, use Website.
245 | 0 | 0 | ‡a Latin American women writers. |
856 | 4 | 0 | ‡3 Online database ‡u http://www ... |
245 | 0 | 0 | ‡a Los Angeles county law library. |
856 | 4 | 0 | ‡3 Website ‡u http://www ... |
When cataloging in OCLC, if the website is licensed for Yale use only, enter 856 only in the institution record.
Note: when updating an existing bibliographic record for an updating website, check 245, 246, 250, 264, 310, 490 as well as any standard numbers and relevant notes (see 588) to verify that they correspond to the latest iteration. Check for any changes in relationship to other works (e.g., absorption of another work, splits, etc.)
Original cataloging of updating websites are processed by Backstage and part of the batch upload to OCLC. Location yulintx is uploadable; location yulint cannot be uploaded (leased websites; generally the vendor will supply cataloging). Records for non-licensed websites should generally be assigned the yulintx location; records for licensed websites should be assigned the yulint location unless we have a perpetual license. If it is not clear, use yulint.
852 80 ‡b yulintx ‡h None ‡z Online resource
Title | OCLC ID | LCCN | Notes |
American Indian histories and cultures. | 858927808 | 2013254569 | Ignore 538; subdivision --Databases should not have been assigned in 6xx |
The annotated newspapers of Harbottle Dorr, Jr. | 842159059 | Use 246 rather than 740 in this example | |
Chatham House online archive / ǂc publications and archives of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. | 850467062 | (Columbia University); subdivision --Databases should not have been assigned; better: --Sources. | |
ChinaFile | 855594355 | (Princeton University) | |
CIA covert operations : ǂb from Carter to Obama, 1977-2010. | 859210350 | (Not LC) | |
Codesria. ‡p CODESRIA Publications in full text. | Orbis: 11748757 | ||
Corporate law resource center. | 856012700 | 2013203248 | Note use of 580/787 |
Founders online | 847855311 | 2013267007 | (not LC); note use of 362 |
Historic War Department manuals online / ǂc University of North Texas Libraries. | 855254734 | ||
Immigration law and policy in the United States | 855220281 | Leave out 538 in new records; subdivision --Sources could have been used | |
The legislative process. | 842907958 | 2013215800 | Hybrid |
Private markets | 833132794 | (Columbia University; restricted site) | |
ProQuest history vault. ǂp Immigration: records of the INS, 1880-1930 | 852526265 | pcc; compare use of the subdivisions --Archives and --Sources; 362 could have been used instead of 500 | |
ProQuest history vault. ǂp NAACP papers. ǂp The NAACP's major campaigns--Scottsboro, anti-lynching, criminal justice, peonage, labor, and segregation and discrimination complaints and responses | 852795866 | pcc; compare use of the subdivisions --Archives and --Sources | |
Safety resource center. | 820557223 | 2012203792 | Not LC; note use of 580/787 combination and 780 |
SciTech connect / ǂc U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science. | 839687038 | 2013230957 | portal site; pcc; not LC |
State statutes : ǂb a historical archive. | 837576642 | Subdivision --Databases should not have been used; probably --Sources would be better. |