RDA Updating Website Checklist: Fixed Fields

Updating websites are cataloged following RDA instructions for integrating resources.

Fixed fields for Orbis Staff Templates


MARC Label Code​ Definition
Type of record   a Language material (336 text)
Encoding level i Integrating resource
Cataloging form i ISBD

Supply a value for Type of Record that reflects the content of the resource. Online integrating resources of primarily textual content should be coded a (Language material), even when they include search software and hyperlinks. Since online resources are considered published, do not use codes for manuscript material. For example, instances of ProQuest Dissertations and Theses - Full Text would be coded a (Language material) rather than t (Manuscript language material), and the Hotchkiss Map Collection would be coded e (Printed cartographic material) rather than f (Manuscript cartographic material). Refer to the fixed field coding table for other types of content. Bibliographic Level should always be coded i (Integrating resource).

MARC Label Code Definition
Type of record m Computer file (336 computer dataset or computer program)
Encoding Level i Integrated resource
Cataloging form i ISBD

At one time, Type of record for all online resources including textual resources was assigned code m. Current practice only uses type m for computer software, numeric data, computer oriented multi-media, and online systems or services. If your updating website is a numeric data base, for example, Type of record should be coded as m rather than a. If you update a previously cataloged Orbis record to describe the current iteration, change the Type of record code to a if the content is textual (336 text).

Use the appropriate Type of record code for updating websites that are not primarily textual or computer files (as narrowly defined), e.g. e (cartographic material -- 336 cartographic dataset, cartographic image, etc.), g (projected medium -- 336 two-dimensional moving image), i (non-musical sound recording -- 336 spoken word), k (two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic -- 336 still image) and so on. Do not overlook the possibility that these may be non-updating websites, in which case Encoding Level i would be inappropriate.

Copy Cataloging Policy: Accept the leader coding as given on cataloging copy. The Type of Record and Bibliographic Level codes should not be updated. In records created before July 2006, Bibliographic Level was coded m (Monograph/item), and the continuing aspect of the resource was captured separately in an 006 coded s (Serial control). When searching, prefer records with codes used in current cataloging, all things being equal.

Updating Records Previously Cataloged in Orbis. Update Type of Record, Bibliographic Level to current standards when otherwise updating to the current iteration.

007 - Physical Description

On Orbis, click the 007 button and select the Computer File tab and click New. Highlighted codes are mandatory. For bytes 6-13 (File Format-Reformatting Quality), generally use "u" unless your unit has special guidelines.

Copy Cataloging. Always create 007 if it is lacking in the cataloging record.

MARC Label Code Definition
Specific material designation r Remote
Digital vs Reproduction blank Obsolete; leave as is
Color   Code as appropriate
Dimension n Not applicable
Sound on medium blank (generally) Silent
Image bit depth u Unknown
File format u Unknown
Quality assurance targets u Unknown
Antecedent/Source u Unknown
Level of Compression u Unknown
Reformatting Quality u Unknown

P-N Guidelines: For material other than online books, textual serials, and notated music, use an additional 007 field for other characteristics not specified in the first 007 field. The codes in the additional 007 field should reflect the digital aspects of the resource, e.g. the dimensions byte for a sound recording would be "n" (not applicable).

006 - Additional material characteristics

When cataloging a record with 336 text, click the 006 button, select the Computer File tab and click on New. If derived cataloging copy lacks 006, it should be added. Locally, 006 for computer files does not affect the public display, but it is an OCLC requirement for all resources with Leader Type of record values that are not m. The codes given in the table are the most commonly used. Form of item is mandatory and must be changed to o for Online). If Type of Record in the Leader is coded as a for Language materialType of file in 006 should be d for Document

In records created before July 2006, an additional 006 for s (Serial control) was created to describe the continuing aspect of all online integrating resources. An 006 for s (Serial control) is no longer added to records for textual resources (now that the Leader Encoding Level has enabled code i).

The P-N guidelines have the option to enter an additional 006 allowing the cataloger to code for an online reproduction of a manuscript, in Staff Orbis the tabs are: Manuscript Language, Manuscript Music, and Manuscript Map. In general do not apply the option.

When updating a previously cataloged Orbis record to reflect the current iteration, remember to delete the serial control 006 from records for textual resources when the Leader Encoding Level is changed to code i.

MARC Label Code Definition
Target Audience blank (usually) Unknown or not specified (default); otherwise code as appropriate
Form of Item o Online (mandatory)
Type of File d Document; otherwise, code as appropriate
Govt Publication   Code as appropriate

In records for non-textual resources (Type of record other than code a), the 008 is used to describe the non-textual content of the resource, so continue to add an 006 for s (Serial control) to describe the ongoing aspect of the resource. For online resources, the most likely non-textual resources would include numeric databases and online services. Also possible: video, sound recording, and cartographic databases. Numeric databases and online services should be coded m in the Leader Type of record, and a 006 should then be created to bring out the seriality (i.e., the integrating resource aspect) by selecting the Serial Control tab. Media and cartographic databases would be assigned the Leader code appropriate for the type of material, and a 006 would be used to identify the resource as an online integrating resource. The fixed fields for 006 Serial Control use the same codes as the 008 for serials and integrating resources:

008/006 - General Description Serial (Staff Orbis)

The following table would be appropriate for a textual updating website 008. For other media, the 008 would not fully reflect the seriality of the resource. In that case, a 006 Serial Control should be made; the labels/mnemonics and the coding would parallel the 008 of the textual integrating resource.

MARC Label Code  Definition
Publication Status c or d continuing (c) or ceased (d) (mandatory)
Date 1 yyyy date is mandatory; use u if numeric is not known, e.g. 192u
Date 2 9999 ongoing (if ceased, provide date based on 264)
Place of publication   Applicable  MARC country code (mandatory)
Frequency | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu.
Regularity (not core) | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu.
Undefined blank Undefined
Type of Continuing Resource w (or d) Updating website; use d for an updating website that is a database. Not core.
Original Item No attempt to code; not core.
Form of Item o Online (mandatory)
Nature of Entire Work | No attempt to code; not core. Optionally, select from menu.
Contents (1-3) | No attempt to code; not core. Optionally, select from menu.
Govt. Publication blank Not a government publication (unless otherwise indicated)
Conf. Publication 0 or 1 Not a conf. publication/Conf. publication. Not core.
Alphabet blank No alphabet or script given/No key title (only NSDP can enter)
Entry Convention 2 Integrated entry (mandatory)
Language xxx 3-character MARC code (mandatory)
Modified Record blank Not modified (always use the blank default)
Cataloging Source d Other (mandatory)

Mapping 264 ‡c, 362, and 008 for dates. If the first issue is not in hand, 264 ‡c is not entered (None).

264 ‡c 362 008/Date 1 008/Date 2
1999- None 1999 9999
[2002?] None 2002 9999
-2004. None uuuu 2004
-[2003] Began in 1998? 1998 2003
None Began in 2001? 2001 9999
None Began in 1990s. 199u 9999
None Began between 2002 and 2004. 200u 9999
None None uuuu 9999

Updating previously cataloged records in Orbis. In records cataloged before July 2006, the continuing aspect of textual resources was brought out in 006, but the Leader Bibliographic Level was m for monograph. In 008, Publication status used code m (multiple dates). If the record is updated to reflect the current iteration and as a result changes the Encoding Level from m to i, be sure to change the Publication status code to c or d to reflect current practice.

OCLC Connexion Continuing Resources

Leader and 008

OCLC Mnemonic Code Definition
Row 1
Type a [usually] Language material
ELvl  I OCLC full level
Srce d Other
GPub   Code as applicable
Ctrl blank Not archival control
Lang xxx Applicable MARC language code
Row 2
BLvl i Integrating resource (mandatory)
Form o Online (mandatory)
Conf 1 or 0 Yes or No (not core)
Freq | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu.
MRec   Not modified
Ctry xxx Applicable MARC country code (mandatory)
Row 3
S/L 2 Integrated entry (mandatory)
Orig | No attempt to code; not core.
EntW | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu.
Regl | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu.
Alph blank Only NSDP can enter code
Row 4
Desc i ISBD
SrTp w/d Updating website; use d for updating website that is a database. Not core.
Cont 1-3 | No Attempt to code. Not core. Optionally, select from menu.
Dt/St c or d continuing (c) or ceased (d)
Dates (1)   mandatory (see 264 to 008 mapping table)
Dates (2)  

9999 (or date ceased, based on 264)

007 OCLC Variable Control Field

007 _ _  c ‡b r ‡d c [‡f]
Label Subfield Code Notes
Category of material ‡a c electronic resource (‡a subfield code does not display in OCLC)
Specific Material Designator ‡b r remote
Color ‡d c multicolored (other codes as appropriate, e.g. m for color & b&w)
Sound ‡f u or a unknown (u) or with sound (a); ‡f can be left off
Other subfields ‡e-‡l   Omit

006 - Additional Physical Characteristics. Same as Orbis Staff. Use it to bring out the computer file aspect (Type m). Seriality (or in this case, integrating resource) is accounted for by the OCLC BLvL code i.

Link to RDA Updating Website Variable Field Checklist

Last modified: 
Monday, October 12, 2015 - 5:17pm