Universal product code (UPC) and other codes (MARC 024)

Music Cataloging at Yale MARC tagging

UPC, International (formerly European) Article Number (EAN), ISWC (International Standard Works Code)

The UPC code is a 12-digit number appearing underneath a barcode on commercial products in the US and Canada. The 1st and 12th digits are smaller and appear on either end of the barcode; the 2nd through 11th are divided into two groups of five underneath the barcode.

The UPC code is entered in the 024 field without any spaces.
1st indicator  = 1
2nd indicator = blank

The first 6 of these digits is the manufacturer's code.
The next 5 digits are the product code.
The last digit is a check digit.
UPC code under a barcode Enter all 12 digits without hyphens or spaces in the 024 field, with 1st indicator "1":
024 1_  028943083239

Don't confuse a 13-digit International (formerly European) Article Number (EAN) with an UPC. The EAN, international standard corresponding to the UPC, looks very much like a UPC code, except for the extra digits. EAN code under a barcode Enter all 13 digits without hyphens or spaces in the 024 field, with 1st indicator "3":
024 3_  4901234567894

The ISWC (International Standard Works Code) code is an 11-digit number divided into three elements:
the letter T (the prefix element), followed by nine digits (the work identifier), and a numeric check digit.

It appears with or without hyphens and/or dots:

ISWC T-034.524.680-1
ISWC T0413603765

Enter the ISWC code in the 024 field without spaces, hyphens, or dots.
1st indicator  = 7
2nd indicator = blank
in ‡2 add iswc (in lower case):

024 7_ T0413603765 ‡2 iswc