Music Cataloging at Yale ♪ MARC tagging
UPC, International (formerly European) Article Number (EAN), ISWC (International Standard Works Code)
The UPC code is a 12-digit number appearing underneath a barcode on commercial products in the US and Canada. The 1st and 12th digits are smaller and appear on either end of the barcode; the 2nd through 11th are divided into two groups of five underneath the barcode.
The UPC code is entered in the 024 field without any spaces.
1st indicator = 1
2nd indicator = blank
The ISWC (International Standard Works Code) code is an 11-digit number divided into three elements:
the letter T (the prefix element), followed by nine digits (the work identifier), and a numeric check digit.
It appears with or without hyphens and/or dots:
ISWC T-034.524.680-1
ISWC T0413603765
Enter the ISWC code in the 024 field without spaces, hyphens, or dots.
1st indicator = 7
2nd indicator = blank
in ‡2 add iswc (in lower case):
024 7_ T0413603765 ‡2 iswc