Manufacturer number for sound recordings (MARC 028)

Music Cataloging at Yale MARC tagging

This document has not been modified to conform to RDA. However, the MARC tagging is still correct.
See also Publisher or distributor number (028 field) for scores

Issue numbers or matrix numbers of sound recordings are tagged in the 028 field. Recent discussions have questioned whether two items, identical other than manufacturer number, constitute different editions. LC considers a variant manufacturer number to be an indication of a new edition. "... for sound recordings, consider that different editions exist whenever two items have different [issue or matrix] numbers."

1st indicator

 0  Issue number(s), which appears on the label1, container2, and/or insert
 1 Matrix number, which is etched onto an LP, usually between the innermost grooves and label, but may also appear on the label. Matrix numbers are distinguished from issue numbers in that matrix numbers usually differ on each side of the disc. The matrix number is used only when no issue number appears.

1Label: The label, for the purposes of CDs, which have no "label," is the information appearing on the disc itself.
2Container: With CDs, consider any information on the insert that can be seen through the jewel case to be on the container.

2nd indicator

0 no note, no added entry
1 note, added entry
2 note, no added entry
3 no note, added entry

‡b contains the name of the record company as found in ‡b of the 260/264 field.


The disc with one number on the disc and a variant form of the number on the container:
028 01 CD 125 ‡b Record Company
028 00 2 CD 125 ‡b Record Company

The disc with one number on the label and a completely different number on the container or insert:
028 01 CD 125 ‡b Record Company
028 00 1234 5678 ‡b Record Company
500 Record Company: 1234 5678 (on container).
Each distinct number goes in a separate note. This does not apply to a multi-disc set.

A multi-disc set with individual numbers also has on the container a variant form, which is a truncation of the numbers on the discs:
On discs: CD 125, CD 126; on container: CD 125/6.
028 01 CD 125--CD 126 ‡b Record Company
Do not enter the truncated form of the numbers in an 028 field or note.

A multi-disc set with both a set number and individual numbers on each disc:
028 00 1234 5678 ‡b Record Company
028 00 CD 125--CD 126 ‡b Record Company
500 Recording Company: 1234 5678 (CD 125--CD 126).

A multi-disc set with a range of matrix numbers:
028 11 CD 125--CD 126 ‡b Record Company
This will generate the following note:
500 Record Company: CD 125 (matrix)--CD 126 (matrix).

A multi-disc set with both a range of matrix numbers on the discs and a number on the container for the set:
028 00 1234 5678 ‡b Record Company
028 10 CD 125--CD 126 ‡b Record Company
500 Record Company: 1234 5678 (CD 125 (matrix)--CD 126 (matrix)).