Examples of MARC holdings for 78 RPM recordings in the Historical Sound Recordings Collection
Tag 852 = call number
Indicator 1: 8 = local classification
Indicator 2: 0 = single disc
Indicator 2: 1 = multiple disc set
Tag 866 = volume holdings (for multiple disc set)
Indicator 1: 4 = detailed extent of holdings information
Indicator 2: 1
‡b = holding library (‡b mushsr)
‡t = copy number (‡t 1, ‡t 2, etc.)
‡x = staff note (box number)
single disc, with single number:
852 8 0 ‡b mushsr ‡h [label name] [label number] ‡x Box __
single disc, with nonconsecutive multiple numbers:
852 8 0 ‡b mushsr ‡h [label name] [label number] ‡x Box __
single disc, with consecutive matrix numbers:
852 8 0 ‡b mushsr ‡h [label name] [label number] ‡x Box __
multiple disc set:
852 8 1 ‡b mushsr ‡h [label name] [label number] ‡x Box __
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a disc [ ]-[ ]
multiple disc set in more than 1 box:
multiple copies require a separate MFHD for each copy.
Use ‡t [_] to indicate 1st, 2nd, etc. copies:
For copy 1:
852 8 0 ‡b mushsr ‡t 1 ‡h [label name] [label number] ‡x Box __
For copy 2:
852 8 0 ‡b mushsr ‡t 2 ‡h [label name] [label number] ‡x Box __
multiple copies of a multiple disc set require a separate MFHD for each copy:
For copy 1:
852 8 1 ‡b mushsr ‡t 1 ‡h [label name] [label number] ‡x Box __
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a disc [ ]-[ ]
For copy 2:
852 8 1 ‡b mushsr ‡t 2 ‡h [label name] [label number] ‡x Box __
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a disc [ ]-[ ]