Discographical sources for 78 RPM recordings

Music Cataloging at YaleSound recording cataloging

General | Dating 78 RPM recordings: print | online | Catalogs by: company name: print | online | genre, medium of performance, etc.: print | online | performer: print | online | Library catalogs and national archives: print | online | Miscellaneous


The 78rpm record home page

Discography of American historical recordings


Dating 78 RPM recordings

Print sources

Daniels, William R. The American 45 and 78 rpm record dating guide, 1940-1959. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1985.
HSR ML156.2 D186 A5

Gart, Galen. ARLD : the American record label directory and dating guide, 1940-1959. Milford, N.H. : Big Nickel, c1989.
HSR ML1055 G244 A7+

Barr, Steven C. The (almost) complete 78 rpm record dating guide. [Toronto] : S.C. Barr, c1979, c1980.
HSR ML156.2 B268 A4+

------------. The almost complete 78 rpm record dating guide. (II). Huntington Beach, Calif. : Yesterday Once More, 1992.
HSR ML156.2 B268 A4 1992+

Peel, Tom. Seventy years of issues : historical 78rpm pressings from original masters, 1931-2001. Toronto : Dundurn Press, 2001.
LSF ML156.4 V872 P3

Shaw, Eddie. Date about all those English seventy-eights : Pt.1 (2nd rev. ed.), suppl.B. (2 pts.). London : E. & E. Shaw, 1995.
In Process

Online sources

Australian and New Zealand78 label dates

Early or historical sound recordings collections and other 78 & cylinder sites of interest

The online discographical project

Staunton, Ted. 78 rpm labels.

Der yidisher Gramofon: 78 rpm recordings of European Jewish music



Catalogs by company name A-D

This section is limited to record labels beginning with the A-D. The Yale University Music Library and Historical Sound Recording Archives will be cataloging 78 rpm recordings in the record label range A-D.

Print sources

Ruppli, Michel. The Aladdin/Imperial labels : a discography. New York : Greenwood Press, 1991.
HSR ML156.2 R946 A3

Ruppli, Michel. Atlantic Records : a discography. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 1979.
HSR ML156.2 R946 A8

Cuscuna, Michael and Michel Ruppli. The Blue Note label : a discography. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2001.
HSR ML156.4 J42 C9 2001

Laird, Ross. Brunswick records: a discography of recordings, 1916-1931. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2001.
HSR ML156.2 L188 B9 [temporarily in music library office]

Carter, Sydney H. A catalogue of Clarion & Ebonoid records. Bournemouth, Eng. : Talking Machine Review, c1977.
HSR ML156.2 C325 C3

Andrews, Frank (H. Frank) Columbia 10" records, 1904-30. [London] : City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society, [1985]
HSR ML156 A566 C7+

Brooks, Tim. The Columbia master book discography. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 1999.
HSR ML156.2 B873 C7

Smith, Michael. Columbia Graphophone Company, ltd. : English celebrity issues : D and LB series, L and LX series, X and PB series, 7000 and PX series, ROX and SDX series, YB series. [Lingfield, Surrey] : Oakwood Press, [1970?]
HSR ML156.4 V872 V8 v.8

Temporary catalogue of the Columbia Phonograph Co.’s musical records : for use on graphophones and phonographs.
SML Fiche B2264 2937

Decca Record Company. Main catalog : alphabetical and numerical. London.
HSR ML155.3 D291

Ruppli, Michel. The Decca labels : a discography. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1996.
HSR ML156.2 R946 D2

Online sources


Abrams, Steven; with contributions from other collectors. The online discographical project

Catalogue of Finnish records 1901-1945
   recordings held in the innish Institute of Recorded Sound

The database [of] Swedish 78-rpm records. database

The E-discographer.
   a bibligraphy of chiefly print discographies, with links to online discographies

Fitzgerald, Michael. Jazz record label listings.

Settlemier, Tyrone. Tyrone's record and phonograph links.
   scroll down to "labels," very near to the the top of this very long page.

Thomas, Mike. Dance band encyclopaedia: label index

By label

Settlemier, Tyrone. American Record Company.

APGA (Association Phonique des Grands Artistes); Excel zip file from Truesound online discographies; scroll down to find list of labels

Atlantic Records Discography Project includes session indexes

Artiphon; Excel zip file from Truesound online discographies; scroll down to find list of labels

Huenemann, Robert Gilchrist. The original Audiophile discography.

Bethlehem Records Discography Project includes session indexes

Blue Note Records Catalog: 78 rpm series - single index includes session indexes

Bray, Colin J. and Jack Litchfield. The Canadian Columbia group of labels 1921-1931: how to distinguish Canadian from American.

Englund, Björn. Engelska Columbias matriskronologi 1925-1946.

Weber, Helmut. Columbia (American).

------------. Columbia (English/German/French).

Contemporary Records Discography Project includes session indexes

Debut Records Discography Project includes session indexes

------------. Decca (American).

------------. Decca (English/German).

Dial Records Discography Project includes session indexes

Odeon (including Fonotopia); Excel zip file from Truesound online discographies; scroll down to find list of labels

Mercury Records Discography Project includes session indexes

Odeon (including Fonotopia); Excel zip file from Truesound online discographies; scroll down to find list of labels

The Prestige Labels: Prestige SP series (10" 78 rpm), New Jazz SP series (10" 78 rpm), Prestige EP series (7" 45 rpm), New Jazz EP series (7" 45 rpm); includes session indexes

Riverside Records Discography Project includes session indexes

Savoy Records Discography Project includes session indexes

Verve Records Discography Project includes session indexes

Encyclopedic discography of Victor recordings

Dating Victor 78s

International Zon-o-phone; Excel zip file from Truesound online discographies; scroll down to find list of labels

Catalogs by genre, medium of performance, etc.

Print sources

Nelson, Susan. The flute on record : the 78 rpm era : a discography. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2006.
HSR ML156.4 F64 F6+

McBeth, Amy. A discography of 78 rpm era recordings of the horn : solo and chamber literature with commentary. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1997.
LSF ML156.4 H8 M1

Arnold, Claude G. The orchestra on record, 1896-1926 : an encyclopedia of orchestral recordings made by the acoustical process. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1997.
HSR ML156.4 O64 A7

Raymond, Jack. Show music on record : the first one hundred years. New rev. ed. Washington, D.C. : J. Raymond, c1998.
HSR ML156.4 M977 R2 1998+


Online sources

Acoustic opera sets
   Coverage is from the earliest acoustic sets (ca. 1907) until the introduction and almost immediate dominance of electrical recordings in 1925.

Historical opera recordings from 78rpm discs: complete and abridged sets

Historical Operetta Recordings from 78rpm discs: complete and abridged sets

ODE (Opera discography encyclopedia)



Catalogs by performer

Online sources

Complete recordings of John McCormack

Finnish vocal art on records, 1902-1945


Library catalogs and national archives

Print sources

Dictionary catalog of the G. Robert Vincent Voice Library at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1975.
HSR ML156.2 V771 D5+

Dictionary catalog of the Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, 1981.
HSR ML156.2 R691 D5+

Weihermüller, Manfred. Deutsche National-Discographie. Serie 3, Discographie der deutschen Gesangsaufnahmen [= Discography of German Operatic and Lieder]. Bonn : Birgit Lotz, c1995-
HSR ML156.4 V872 W4


Online sources

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales Québec. Disques 78 tours

Database of the Finnish Institute of Recorded Sound

SONIC (Sound ONline Inventory and Catalog): a portion of the Library of Congress Audio Collection:
   database (with searches by commercial 78s, 45s, and cassettes or by music only, etc.)

The Swedish National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images

The virtual gramophone: Canadian historical sound recordings: search



Bauer, Roberto. The new catalogue of historical records 1898-1908/09. 2nd ed. London : Sidgwick and Jackson, [1947]
HSR ML156 B344 1947

Rust, Brian. Discography of historical records on cylinders and 78s. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 1979.
HSR ML156.2 R971 D6+

The world’s encyclopedia of recorded music. London : Sidgwick & Jackson, [1952] and 1953-1957.
Ref ML156.2 C647 W9; Ref ML156.2 C647 W9