NACO-Music Project | PCC/NACO: General FAQs | FAQs on the 670 | Normalization rules | NACO Participant's Manual, 3rd ed. | FAQs for non-Latin script data in NARs
670 field, ‡a
- Citing main entry in the 670
- Standard ways of citing various reference and bibliographic sources
- Citing reference sources and databases
670 field, ‡b
- Indicating location of information cited from the item being cataloged:
- Citing information found in the reference source
- Citing information from bibliographic records:
- Citing Internet resources:
- Citing a web site by name | URL
- Citing a location within a web site
- Citing information found in a web site
- Capitalization of key, opus, and number
- Communications with people
- 663 field
- Examples of 667 and 675 fields
- PVRs (Previously verified records)
- Modifying machine-derived authority records (MDARs)
- Procedures for removing a person from an undifferentiated name heading
- Procedures for adding a death date to a heading with an open date
- NMP BFM requests and queries
- Reporting duplicate authority records to LC updated April 4, 2014
- Reporting heading changes for inclusion in the Music Cataloging Bulletin (MCB)
This handbook is a compilation of examples with explanations for creating citations for sources of information in the authority record. It does not encompass establishing the heading itself; only how to cite the sources in which information necessary to create the heading was found. The examples are not to be regarded as "rules." The fields that are affected are:
670: Source data found: includes information about the name or title represented in the 1XX field, including facts that contribute to the identification of the heading and that justify the choice of the form used as the 1XX heading and references to it.
667: Non-public general note: gives information of permanent value and general interest that is not necessarily taken from the item being cataloged.
675: Source data not found: lists consulted sources in which information about the 1XX heading might be expected to be found, but was not.
Generally, only the NAR number, 1XX field, and 670 field appropriate to the example are included, even if the authority record has cross references and multiple 670 fields. When needed to illustrate a point, cross references and multiple 670 fields are included.
This handbook was compiled in 1992, with the assistance of Jeffrey Earnest, and revised in 1994. Several people's contributions need to be acknowledged. Ralph Papakhian and Sue Stancu at Indiana University, Linda Barnhart at University of California, San Diego, Mark Scharff at Washington University in St. Louis, and Harry Price and the late Virginia Gifford at the Library of Congress, contributed and commented on the first and revised drafts. Jennifer Bowen and Laura Snyder at the Eastman School of Music, Sibley Music Library, provided examples for the first version. It was completely revised in 1998 and continues to be updated as needed.
The NACO Music Project's (NMP) goal is the cooperative contribution of music name and name/uniform title authority records to the LC Name Authority File as part of the national NACO project. All music headings should be contributed as part of the NACO Music Project. NMP is administered through a funnel configuration under the purview of the Music Library Association's Cataloging and Metadata Committee, coordinated by Mark Scharff, at Washington University in St. Louis. Utilizing e-mail, the NMP coordinator and independent NMP participants review the headings of new participants until they become independent. Those independent participants then review new participants' headings until they too become independent. Independent status is defined as having the authority to contribute name and/or name/uniform title authority records without review. A participant can become independent in stages, with names first, then name/uniform titles, or both at once. Although participation in NMP is granted to the combined individual and institution, independent status for an NMP participant is achieved through the NMP review and testing process, not through the status of the home institution.
NMP has established a number of ways of training and communicating with its members. First, this handbook provides instructions for formulating the 670 fields in the authority record. Second, NMP has a e-mail list used for various purposes: to ask general questions concerning establishing a heading or citing information in the authority record, to make announcements of interest to all NMP participants, and to announce new developments or revised documentation. Third, while still administered under the Music OCLC Users Group, during the annual MOUG meeting, which usually precedes the annual Music Library Association meeting, the NMP participants meet to discuss new developments and air concerns.
Currently, the project comprises more than 60 music libraries or collections in various stages of training, at university, college, conservatory, and public libraries. New libraries can be added in several different ways:
- Music catalogers at newly-trained NACO institutions ask to participate;
- Music catalogers at libraries not in the NACO program apply in response to a call for applications;
- Music catalogers at an NMP library move to a new position, and request to continue their NMP participation there.
For more information about the NACO Music Project, contact Mark Scharff, NMP Coordinator, Gaylord Music Library, Washington University, Box 1032, St Louis, MO 63130, (314) 935-5560 (e-mail:
The handbook does not replace any other related documents, such as RDA, Z1, etc. It is not an official publication of NACO, LC, or PCC. It is revised following the release of any related Library of Congress revisions. The handbook is meant to be an aid to creating authority records, and not necessarily to be considered written in stone. Current changes in LC documentation, such as Z1, now allow for considerable cataloger judgment in many areas of the authority record.
Citing main entry in the 670
When establishing headings for persons, corporate bodies, or name/title combinations, the first 670 field should represent the work being cataloged. If the item used to establish the heading is not a book, score, or serial, use an abbreviated general material designator in brackets before the date, e.g. [SR], [VR], [MI].
Main entry is the person or corporate body in the 1XX field:
For personal name headings, use the last name and initials (with no spaces) for forenames for the person considered the main entry for that work.
nr 94008904
100 1_ Rosenlöcher, Christine, ‡d 1964- 670 __ Rosenlöcher, C. Rudolf Walther Hirschberg, c1993: ‡b t.p. (Christine Rosenlöcher) p. 4 of cover (b. 1964, Berlin) |
When the main entry is a forename with subfield c following it, include the information in subfield c in the 670 field:
100 0_ Josquin, ‡c des Prez, ‡d -1521. ‡t Missa La sol fa re mi 670 __ Josquin, des Prez. Missa Pange lingua [SR] p1986: ‡b label (Missa La sol fa re mi) |
100 1_ Valdivia, Hector 670 __ Beach, H.H.A., Mrs. Barcarolle, c1994: ‡b t.p. (Hector Valdivia) |
100 1_ Victoria, Tomás Luis de, ‡d approximately 1548-1611. ‡t Masses ‡n (1592). ‡p Missa Vidi speciosam 670 __ Victoria, T.L. de. Missa Vidi speciosam [SR] p1988: ‡b label (Missa Vidi speciosam) |
100 1_ Menezes Filho, Florivaldo, ‡d 1962- 670 __ Menezes Filho, F. Apoteose de Schoenberg, 1987: ‡b t.p. (Florivaldo Menezes Filho) front flap (b. Apr. 18, 1962 em São Paulo) |
For corporate name headings, give the heading abbreviated as much as possible within the limits of intelligibility when the corporate body is considered the main entry for that work:
110 2_ Boston Baroque Ensemble 670 __ Boston Baroque Ensemble. Dinner music of the 1740's [SR] 1966: ‡b label (Boston Baroque Ensemble) |
Main entry is not the person or corporate body in the 1XX field:
When the person or corporate body in the heading is not the main entry for the work being cited, use either person/body followed by a title or a title only. If the work is entered under a personal or corporate heading, give the heading abbreviated as much as possible within the limits of intelligibility. Use initials (with no spaces) for forenames of authors entered under surname.
Main entry is the composer:
110 2_ Carmina Mundi (Musical group) 670 __ Distler, H. Morike-Chorliederbuch [SR] 1991?: ‡b label (Carmina Mundi) |
Performer is main entry:
100 1_ Caccini, Francesca, ‡d 1587-approximately 1640. ‡t Musiche. ‡p O che nuovo stupor 670 __ Bott, C. Virtuoso Italian vocal music [SR] 1988: ‡b container (O che nuovo stupor) insert (O che nuovo stupor; from Primo libro delle musiche) |
Main entry is title:
100 1_ Bunjes, Paul George, ‡d 1914-1998 670 __ The Praetorius organ, 1966: ‡b t.p. (Paul George Bunjes) |
Performing group is main entry:
100 1_ Dupree, Jillon Stoppels 670 __ Music's Recreation (Musical group). Récréation de musique [SR] p1987: ‡b insert (Jillon Stoppels Dupree, harpsichord) |
The name of a conference is main entry:
100 1_ Jutten, Odile 670 __ Congrès international Cavaillé-Coll (1st : 1987 : Epernay, France). Cavaillé-Coll, 1992: ‡b t.p. (Odile Jutten) |
When the main entry doesn't represent the person responsible for the title being established in a name/title authority record, it is an option, for the purposes of clarity, to include to the statement of responsibility for the person represented in the heading:
100 1_ Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, ‡d 1525?-1594. ‡t Motets ‡n (1584 : Voices (4)). ‡p Ad Dominum cum tribularer 670 __ Hilliard Ensemble. In paradisum [SR] p2000: ‡b insert (Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina) |
100 1_ Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da,‡d 1525?-1594.‡t Motets‡n (1583).‡p Introduxit me rex 670 __ Victoria, T.L. de. O Domine Jesu [SR] 1936:‡b label (Introduxit me / Palestrina) |
It is not necessary to do so, however:
100 1_ Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da,‡d 1525?-1594.‡t Motets‡n (1563).‡p Hodie Beata Virgo 670 __ Allegri, G. Miserere [SR] 1999:‡b container (Hodie Beata Virgo Maria) |
Standard ways of citing various reference and bibliographic sources
These are some of the most commonly used references and one or two standard ways of citing them in 670 fields.
When a print source is arranged alphabetically, do not cite page number. When an entry appears in a location other than where it would be found alphabetically, cite volume and/or page number. When citing a location within a source, use a colon before the indication of location, e.g. [Title of source]: ‡b p. 35 [data]
When establishing name/title headings, check existing authority records for similar name/title headings for that composers. Often, LC uses a brief citation, such as "Schmieder, 2. Ausg." and using this abbreviated form can save time and keystrokes.
Altmann, W. Kurzgefasstes Tonkünstler-Lexikon, 15. Aufl.: ‡b ___. T.
Anderson, E.R. Contemporary Amer. composers, 2nd ed.
ASCAP, 4th ed.
Baker, 8th ed.
Baker, centennial ed.
BSB-Musik [also cited as Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Katalog der Musikdrucke]
Ceskoslovenský hudební slovník
Claghorn, C.E. Biog. dict. of Amer. mus.
Cohen, A.I. Int'l. enc. of women composers, 2nd ed.
Compositores de América: ‡b v. ___
CPM to 1980
Dicc. de la mús. española e hispanoamericana
Diz. enc. universale della mus. e dei musicisti
Eitner. Quellen-Lexikon
Enc. della mus., 1972
Grove, ___ ed. [any edition other than New Grove or New Grove, 2nd ed.]
Also used: Grove's dict. of mus. and musicians, ___ ed.
Guinness enc. of popular mus.
Honegger, M. Dict. de la mus., 1986
Int. ww in mus., ___ ed. [for 1st-14th eds.]
Int. ww in mus., classical, __ ed. [for 15th ed. on]
Int. ww in mus., popular, __ ed. [for all eds.]
Journal title, Month abbrev. year: ‡b p. ___
Ki kiscoda magyar zeneéletben
Kutsch, K.J. Unvergängliche Stimmen, 2. Aufl.
1987 ed. cited as Kutsch/Riemens, 1987-
MGG Suppl.
MGG, 2.[, neubearb.] Ausg.
Mus. index, [year] cumulation
Muz. ents.
Muz. ents.: ‡b v. 6, dop. ___
New Grove
New Grove, 2nd ed.
Grove music online, [date of search] ‡b ([data]) [For more information, see Grove music online below.]
New Grove dict. of Amer. mus.
Norton/Grove dict. of women composers
NYPL. Dict. cat. of the mus. coll. ‡b (hdg.: __________ ; usage: [if different from hdg.] ; variants: __________)
OCLC, [date of search given in this form: Feb. 2, 1997] ‡b (hdg.: __________ ; usage: [if different from hdg.])
Riemann Musik Lexikon, 12. Aufl.
Riemann Musik Lexikon, 12. Aufl. Suppl.
Sohlmans musiklexikon, 2nd ed.
Stieger, F. Opernlexikon: ‡b ___. T.
1. T. = Title Katalog
2. T. = Komponisten
3. T. = Librettisten
Ww in Amer. mus., classical, 2nd ed.
Zenei lexikon
Citing reference sources and databases
When a print source is arranged alphabetically, do not cite page number. When an entry appears in a location other than where it would be found alphabetically, cite volume and/or page number.
There are two instances of prescribed punctuation. When citing a location within a source, use a colon before the indication of location (e.g.: New Grove: ‡b v. 16, p. 742). When citing headings found in bibliographic sources, specific punctuation is prescribed: [Source] ‡b (hdg.: [data])
This is a straight forward example of citing an encyclopedia in which the entries are arranged alphabetically:
100 1_ Lemlin, Lorenz, ‡d approximately 1495- 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Lemlin (Lemblin, Lemlein), Lorenz; b. ca. 1495, Eichstätt, d. after 1549) |
Both the volume and page of New Grove are cited because the entry for Johann Ernst Bach is included in the article on the entire Bach family, not under Bach, Johann Ernst. The name is cited in direct rather than inverted order, as that is how it appears in the source:
100 1_ Bach, Johann Ernst, ‡d 1722-1777 670 __ New Grove: ‡b v. 1, p. 863 (Johann Ernst Bach; b. Jan. 30, 1722, Eisenach; d. Sept. 1, 1777, Eisenach) |
Another form that seems to be accepted is:
670 __ New Grove ‡b (under Bach: Johann Ernst Bach... ) |
In this citation also, the name is also cited in directed order.
This form of citation is also useful for citing information from articles not about the person or corporate body being established:
670 __ New Grove ‡b (under Chicago: Opera of Chicago... ) |
The volume and page of New Grove American are cited because the entry is under an entry for the entire family:
100 1_ Damrosch, Frank, ‡d 1859-1937 670 __ New Grove dict. of Amer. mus.: ‡b v. 1, p. 565 (Frank (Heino) Damrosch; b. June 22, 1859, Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), d. Oct. 22, 1937, New York; conductor and teacher; came to New York in 1871) |
Indicate edition if other than the first:
100 1_ Cassler, G. Winston ‡q (Glenn Winston), ‡d 1906-1990 670 __ Anderson, E.R. Contemporary Amer. composers, 2nd ed. ‡b (Cassler, G. Winston; b. Sept. 3, 1906, Moundridge, Kans.) |
100 1_ Bach, Johann Sebastian, ‡d 1685-1750. ‡t Wir Christenleut, ‡n BWV 710 670 __ Schmieder, 2. Ausg. ‡b (690-713a, Choralbearbeitungen in der Kirnergerschen Sammlung. 710, Wir Christenleut) |
100 1_ Hellmesberger, Joseph, ‡d 1855-1907 670 __ MGG: ‡b v. 6, column 113 (Hellmesberger, Söhne Josephs: Joseph; b. Apr. 9, 1855, d. Apr. 26, 1907, Wien) |
There are two parts to this source, so the Teil must be indicated:
100 1_ Rellstab, Johann Friedrich, ‡d 1759-1813 670 __ Altmann, W. Kurzgefasstes Tonkünstler-Lexikon, 15. Aufl.: ‡b 1. T. (Rellstab, Friedr.; b. Feb. 27, 1759, Berlin, d. Aug. 19, 1813, Berlin) |
In this case, the page was also cited because the information was in an entry for the entire family:
100 1_ Schuberth, Carl, ‡d 1811-1863 670 __ Altmann, W. Kurzgefasstes Tonkünstler-Lexikon, 15. Aufl.: ‡b 1. T., p. 562 (Schubert, Karl; b. Nov. 25, 1811, Magdeburg, d. July 22, 1863, Zurich) |
When citing information from this set (Compositores de América), cite only the volume when the articles are in alphabetical order by composer in that volume. In some early volumes entries are not in alphabetical order, so for these, page numbers would also have to be given, as in the next example:
100 1_ Broque, Alfonso, ‡d 1876-1946. ‡t Cantos uruguayos 670 __ Compositores de América: ‡b v. 6 (Tres cantos uruguayos) |
In volume three of this set, the composers are not given in alphabetical order, thus the page must be cited as well:
100 1_ Villa-Lobos, Heitor. ‡t Carnaval das criancas. ‡p Guizos do dominozinho 670 __ Compositores de América: ‡b v. 3, p. 24 (Carnaval das criancas brasileiras. 3, Os guizos do dominozinho) |
100 1_ Bononcini, Giovanni Maria, ‡d 1642-1678. ‡t Arie, correnti, sarabande, gighe & allemande, ‡m violin, continuo, ‡n op. 4. ‡n No. 25-27 670 __ RISM A.I.1, B3628 ‡b (op. 4 Arie, correnti, sarabande, gighe, & allemande a violino, e violone, over spinetta, con alcune intavolate per diverse accordature... 1671) |
This is cited from an LC card, as a bibliographic source rather than as a reference source. Usage is cited because it is different from the heading found in the source:
100 1_ Pickett, A. G. ‡q (Andrew G.) 670 __ LCCN 59-61290 ‡b (hdg.: Pickett, Andrew G.; usage: A.G. Pickett) |
NUC pre-56 cited as a bibliographic source rather than as a reference source, hence the construction (hdg.: ______________ ; usage: ___________)
100 1_ Rickaby, Franz, ‡d 1889-1925 670 __ NUC pre-56 ‡b (hdg.: Rickaby, Franz Lee, d. 1925; usage: Franz Rickaby) |
It could also have been cited as a reference source. In this case, however, the usage (without the middle name) could not have been indicated:
670 __ NUC pre-56 ‡b (Rickaby, Franz Lee, d. 1925) |
The New York Public catalog cited as a bibliographic source rather than as a reference source. Also an example of multiple usage in one source:
100 1_ Lahoz, F. ‡q (Florencio), ‡d 1815-1868 670 __ NYPL. Dict. cat. of the mus. coll., 2nd ed. ‡b (hdg.: Lahoz, Florencio, 1815-1868; usage: F. Lahoz; Florencio Lahoz) |
When citing the date of search in a database, cite the month, day, and year, in any form (e.g. March 6, 1992 or 6 March 1992) as long is cited in full:
100 1_ Falla, Manuel de, ‡d 1876-1946. ‡t Retablo de Maese Pedro 670 __ LC in RLIN, May 6, 1992 ‡b (hdg.: Falla, Manuel de, 1876-1946. Retablo de Maese Pedro) |
Cite only the part pertaining to the heading in the 100 field of the authority record being established. The actual title portion heading in the LC record was:
‡t Pièces, ‡m organ ‡n (1862). ‡p Grande pièce symphonique. ‡p Allegro non troppo e maestoso.
100 1_ Franck, César, ‡d 1822-1890. ‡t Pièces, ‡m organ ‡n (1862). ‡p Grande pièce symphonique 670 __ LC in RLIN, Oct. 22, 1991 ‡b (hdg.: Franck, César, 1822-1890. Pièces, organ (1862). Grande pièce symphonique) |
The LC record has a typographical error. The heading was: Galpin, Francis Williams, 1858-1945. Errors such as this should be cited in the correct form, and notification of the error should be sent to LC.
100 1_ Galpin, Francis W. ‡q (Francis William), ‡d 1858-1945 670 __ LC in RLIN, May 4, 1992 ‡b (hdg.: Galpin, Francis William, 1858-1945; usage: Francis W. Galpin) |
Citing UK MARC records:
The date of birth was found in a UKM record. It could not be verified elsewhere and was needed to resolve a conflict.
From Richard Hunter at LC: "I have recorded two decisions from Desc Pol (1987 and 1988): one to the effect that UKM records should be treated like member contributed records in OCLC, the other to the effect that there was no problem with citing a specific heading in the "Serial Record way (see example at the bottom of DCM Z1, p. 29), which would end up with a citation like "UK MARC xxxxxxx." While the variation you ask about is a variation, I do not see a problem with it. Of course it could also be cited as 'OCLC (followed by date).'"
Citing dates from an order slip:
MCD 22.17: When an item being cataloged is accompanied by a dealer's order slip that gives a date for the composer, and the date does not appear in the item itself and has not otherwise come to light, record the date in the composer's name authority record in the 670 "Sources found" field for the item being cataloged, giving "Harrassowitz slip," [Blackwell slip, etc.] as the location. Do not include in the heading for a composer a date whose only source is a dealer's slip, unless the date is needed to resolve a conflict and an unsuccessful attempt has been made to find confirmation of the date in reference sources.
100 1_ Zieritz, Grete von 670 __ Zieritz, G. Triptychon, c1987: ‡b t.p. (Grete von Zieritz) Harrassowitz slip (b. 1899) |
This information is sometimes given in a separate 670 field in both new and changed records:
670 __ Zieritz, G. Triptychon, c1987: ‡b t.p. (Grete von Zieritz) 670 __ Harrassowitz slip ‡b (b. 1899) |
Indicating location of information cited from the item being cataloged
Books and scores | Sound recordings | Video recordings | Multi-volume items
Include a colon before the indication of location (e.g.: [Title]: ‡b t.p. [data])
100 1_ Leersnyder, Brigitte de 670 __ Charles Tournemire (1870-1939), 1989: ‡b t.p. verso (Brigitte de Leersnyder) |
100 1_ Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, ‡d 1865-1936. ‡t Preliudiia i mazurki, ‡m piano, ‡n op. 25 670 __ Glazunov, A. Präludium und 2 Mazurken für Klavier, Opus 25, c1995: ‡b t.p. (Präludium und 2 Mazurken für Klavier, Opus 25) added t.p. (Preliudiia i 2 mazurki) |
100 1_ Labitzky, Joseph, ‡d 1802-1881 670 __ Oesten, T. Joyous sound. no. 9, Leinate's Klänge waltz, 185-?: ‡b list t.p. (Labitzky) |
100 1_ Ansink, Caroline. ‡t IJssel 670 __ Ansink, C. IJssel, c1999: ‡b t.p. (IJssel) running title (Yssel) |
100 1_ Rozengauz, Bronislava 670 __ Shostakovich, D.D. Izbrannye netrudnye p'esy dlia fortepiano, 1990: ‡b t.p. (B. Rozengauz) colophon (Bronislava Moissevna Rozengauz) |
100 1_ Kulenkampff, Georg, ‡d 1898-1948 670 __ Dvorák, A. Concerto in A minor, op. 53, for violin with orchestral accompaniment, 19--: ‡b caption of violin part (Georg Kulenkampff) |
The titles given in the 670 were taken from individual captions within the item:
100 1_ Rheinberger, Josef, ‡d 1839-1901. ‡t Praeludien und Fugen, ‡m organ 670 __ Rheinberger, J. Drei Praeludien und Fugen für die Orgel, 1993: ‡b captions (JWV 16, C minor; JWV 10, D minor; JWV 13, E minor) pref. (3 preludes and fugues conceived as a unit) |
100 1_ Heinemann, Michael, ‡d 1959- 670 __ Heinemann, M. Heinrich Schütz und seine Zeit, c1993: ‡b t.p. (Michael Heinemann) jkt. (b. 1959, Bergisch-Gladbach) |
100 1_ Pogue, Samuel F. ‡q (Samuel Franklin), ‡d 1919-1994 670 __ Musique de joye, 1991: ‡b superius part t.p. (Samuel F. Pogue) |
100 1_ Hume, Tobias, ‡d -1645. ‡t Poeticall musicke. ‡p Sweet musicke 670 __ English lute songs, 1969: ‡b leaf H2 (Poeticall musicke. Sweet musicke) leaf H verso (Sweete musicke) |
100 1_ Coll, Xavier 670 __ Granados, Enrique. Valsos poètics, c1999: ‡b t.p. (Xavier Coll; guitarist) copyright statement (Xavier Coll Quetglàs) |
The preliminary pages in this item are not numbered:
110 2_ Société française d'ethnomusicologie 670 __ L'ethnomusicologie en Europe, 1992: ‡b t.p. (Société française d'ethnomusicologie) prelim. p. vii (French Society of Ethnomusicology) |
The information in the 670 is taken from at least three different locations in the score. Follow Z1 (19): Generally use "etc." to avoid giving more than two locations or a sequence of locations:
100 1_ Grenser, Johan Fredrik, ‡d -1795 670 __ Grenser, J.F. Six trio sonatas op. 1, 1987: ‡b t.p. (Johan Fredrik Grenser, d. 1795) p. i, etc. (J.F. Grenser; Swedish flutist, oboist, and composer; originally from the German city of Dresden; active in Stockholm from 1773 until his death in 1795) |
More than two locations can be cited if the cataloger feels it is important:
100 1_ Mahaut, Antoine 670 __ Mahaut, A. VI sonata a flauto traversiere solo col basso continuo, 1983: ‡b t.p. (Antoine Mahaut) p. 1 (Antonio Mahaut) p. 11, 2nd group (Antonio Maho) |
100 1_ Menezes Filho, Florivaldo, ‡d 1962- 670 __ Menezes Filho, F. Apoteose de Schoenberg, 1987: ‡b t.p. (Florivaldo Menezes Filho) front flap (b. Apr. 18, 1962 em São Paulo) |
100 1_ Minozzo, Raffaella, ‡d 1958- 670 __ Campane e campanari nel Biellese, 1994: ‡b t.p. (Raffaella Minozzo) flap on p. 3 of cover (b. 1958) |
This item is a UMI photocopy of a dissertation. The fuller name information is taken from the half title, which was added by UMI:
100 1_ Jones, Daniel C. L. ‡q (Daniel Charles Lloyd) 670 __ Jones, D.C.L. Elias Mann (1750-1825), 1991: ‡b t.p. (Daniel C.L. Jones) half title (Jones, Daniel Charles Lloyd) |
Either style may be used: "p. 4 of cover" or "back cover":
nr9143670 100 1_ D'Amore, Giulio, ‡d 1961- 670 __ D'Amore, G. Le opere pianistiche di Luigi Dallapiccola, c1987: ‡b t.p. (Giulio D'Amore) p. 4 of cover (b. 1961, Rome) nr916904 100 1_ Wettig, Karin, ‡d 1952- 670 __ Wettig, K. Satztechnische Studien in der Madrigalen Carlo Gesualdos, c1990: ‡b t.p. (Karin Wettig) back cover (Anna Sophia Karin Wettig; b. 1952, Köln) |
100 1_ Lorenz, Ricardo 670 __ Scores and recordings at the Indiana University Latin American Music Center, c1995: ‡b CIP t.p. (Ricardo Lorenz) CIP forward (Ricardo Lorenz-Abreu) pub. info. (composer; native of Venezuela; resides in Chicago) published book, p. 434 (b. 1961) |
"The new Z1 deliberately does not mention the use of GMDs as LC was asked to discontinue this practice ... LC does not require catalogers to include the GMD nor has it made any restrictions on [its] use."
NMP encourages the use of the GMD. If you choose to use it, include the GMD in abbreviated form: [SR]. Do not precede or follow it with any punctuation.
Use "label" at all times, even if the information appears on both sides of an LP or on each CD in a multi-disc set. For CDs, which have no label per se, consider the information appearing on the disc itself to be the "label."
100 1_ Proud, Malcolm 670 __ Handel, G.F. Italian solo cantatas and instrumental works [SR] p1990: ‡b label (Malcolm Proud, harpsichord) |
100 1_ Kitchen, Linda 670 __ Meyerbeer, G. Il crociato in Egitto [SR] 1991: ‡b label (Linda Kitchen; singer) |
The following examples illustrate how the NACO Music Project has interpreted LC's guidelines in the past. Harry Price has said, "As long as it's clear where the information comes from, specific wording doesn't need to be prescribed." Options for citing locations other than the sound disc itself are "notes," "container," "container notes," "liner notes," "insert," and "program." None are prescribed.
Use "container" for information such as performer or title statements taken from the front, back, or spine of the container. For CDs, consider any information on the insert that can be seen through the jewel case to be on the container.
100 1_ Seiler, Erich 670 __ Rosbaud, H. Hans Rosbaud conducts three masterpieces of 20th century [SR] p1990: ‡b container (Erich Seiler, percussion) |
Use "container notes" for information taken from program notes printed on the container:
100 1_ Sibelius, Jean, ‡d 1865-1957. ‡t Kappaletta, ‡m piano, ‡n op. 85 670 __ Sibelius, J. Pianoävellysten, osa 5 [SR] p1985: ‡b label (Five pieces, op. 85 : the flowers) container notes (Five flower pieces = Fem blomsterstyckena = Fünf Blumenstücke = Cinq morceaux de fleur) |
Use "insert" for notes that are physically separable and inserted into a single or multiple LP container, or single or multiple CD jewel box. Generally do not indicate page numbers in the insert, unless the insert is extensive:
100 1_ Caccini, Francesca, ‡d 1587-approximately 1640. ‡t Musiche. ‡p O che nuovo stupor 670 __ Bott, C. Virtuoso Italian vocal music [SR] p1988: ‡b container (O che nuovo stupor) insert (O che nuovo stupor; from Primo libro delle musiche) |
When the cataloger listens to a recording to determine an element of the uniform title, that is indicated in the 670 field. LC has used "audition" to indicate this:
n 2008074562
100 1_ Zarębski, Juliusz, ‡d 1854-1885. ‡t Berceuse, ‡m piano, ‡n op. 22, ‡r A♭ major 670 __ Zarębski, J. Piano works, p2006: ‡b container (Berceuse op. 22) audition (in A♭ major) |
n 81031370
100 1_ Debussy, Claude, ‡d 1862-1918. ‡t Page d'album 670 __ Debussy, Claude. Devoted to Debussy [SR] c2007: ‡b container (Pièce sans titre (Piece without title); identified by audition as Page d'album) |
"The new Z1 deliberately does not mention the use of GMDs as LC was asked to discontinue this practice ... LC does not require catalogers to include the GMD nor has it made any restrictions on [its] use."
NMP encourages the use of the GMD. If you choose to use it, include the GMD in abbreviated form: [VR]. Do not precede or follow it with any punctuation.
100 1_ Hampe, Michael, ‡d 1935- 670 __ Andrea Chenier [VR] c1985: ‡b title frames (producer Michael Hampe) |
Cite the volume and the location within that volume:
100 1_ Frobenius, Wolf 670 __ Koenig, G.M. Ästhetische Praxis, c1991: ‡b Bd. 1, t.p. (Wolf Frobenius) |
When the information occurs on one container of a multiple LP or CD set, indicate the volume from which the information is taken, and then the source within that volume:
100 1_ Chipp, Edmund Thomas, ‡d 1823-1886 670 __ Hobson, I. The London piano school [SR] p1988: ‡b v. 3, container (Edmund Thomas Chipp, 1823-1886) |
If the item is the first volume of a multi-volume item, record the date of publication as an open date, leaving a space between the open date and colon preceding the location of information:
100 1_ Mlakar, Pia 670 __ Mlakar, P. Unsterblicher Theatertanz, c1992- : ‡b v. 1, t.p. (Pia Mlakar) spine (P. Mlakar) |
If the entire set is in hand, record beginning and ending dates:
100 1_ Sadanowsky, Michel 670 __ Bach, J.S. Oeuvres complètes pour luth, c1988-c1990: ‡b v. 1, t.p. (Michel Sadanowsky) |
Citing information found in the reference source
There is no prescribed manner of citing information. For consistency's sake, NMP encourages the following. Transcribe name and/or title information as it appears in the reference source. Date, place and other data can be translated, summarized, and abbreviated. Using semi-colons to separate the elements of name, date/place, and other information, follow this standard form: (Lastname, Firstname; born date, place, died date, place; other data)
Cite dates in full: February 2, 1997.
100 1_ Attey, John, ‡d -1640 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Attey, John; fl. 1622, d. 1640, Ross, Herfordshire; English lutenist and composer) |
100 1_ Arkwright, G. E. P. ‡q (Godfrey Edward Pellew), ‡d 1864-1944 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Arkwright, Godfrey Edward Pellew; b. Apr. 4, 1864, Norwich, d. Aug. 16, 1944, Highclere Hants.; music scholar) |
100 1_ Clark, Scotson, ‡d 1840-1893 670 __ Baker, 7th ed. ‡b (Clark, Frederick Scotson; b. Nov. 16, 1840, London, d. July, 5. 1883, London; clergyman, organist, and composer) |
100 1_ Gramont, Louis de, ‡d 1854-1912 670 __ Altmann, W. Kurzgefasstes Tonkünstler-Lexikon, 15. Aufl.: ‡b 1. T. (Gramont, Louis; b. 1854, d. Dec., 1912, Paris; librettist) |
The name is given in full regardless of identical consequent citations of the name. Brackets in New Grove are transcribed as parentheses in the 670.
100 1_ Lemlin, Lorenz, ‡d approximately 1495- 670 __ MGG ‡b (Lemlin, (Lemblin, Lemlein), Lorenz; b. probably around 1495, Eichstätt, date and place of death not established) 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Lemlin (Lemblin, Lemlein), Lorenz; b. ca. 1495, Eichstätt, d. after 1549) |
The ultimate example of citing the name in full regardless of repetition of information:
100 0_ Mana-Zucca 400 0_ Manna-Zucca 400 1_ Zucca, Mana 400 1_ Zuckermann, Augusta 400 1_ Zuckermann, Gussie 400 1_ Zuccamana, Gizella 400 1_ Zuccamana, Augusta 400 1_ Della, Ella 400 1_ Zuchermann, Augusta 400 1_ Cassel, Irwin, ‡c Mrs. 670 __ Mana-Zucca. Jocosity, c1972: ‡b cover (Mana-Zucca) 670 __ Mana-Zucca. Valse brillante, c1916: ‡b cover (Mana Zucca) 670 __ Mana-Zucca. I love life [SR] 194-?: ‡b label (Manna-Zucca) 670 __ New Grove dict. of Amer. mus. ‡b (Mana Zucca (Zuckermann, Augusta; Zuckermann, Gussie); b. Dec. 15, 1885, New York, d. Mar. 8, 1981, Miami; changed her name to Mana Zucca in her teens) 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Mana-Zucca (Zuccamana, Gizella (Augusta)); b. Dec. 25, 1894; altered her name in 1916; composed under some pseuds., including Ella Della) 670 __ Baker, 7th ed. ‡b (Mana-Zucca (real name, Augusta Zuckermann); b. Dec. 25, 1887, d. Mar. 8, 1981) 670 __ NYPL. Ref. Dept. Dict. cat. of the mus. coll.‡b (Zuckermann, Augusta, 1888- ; Zuchermann, Augusta, 1888- ) 670 __ Cohen, I. Int. enc. of women composers ‡b (Mana-Zucca (Augusta Zuckermann); b. Dec. 25, 1894? (1897? 1891?)) 670 __ Hixon, D. Women in music ‡b (Mana-Zucca (real name Augusta Zuckermann); b. Dec. 25, 1890) 670 __ Stern, S. Women composers ‡b (Mana-Zucca (née Augusta Zuckermann, Mrs. Irwin Cassel); b. Dec. 25, 1887) 670 __ Int ww mus, 8th ed. ‡b (Mana-Zucca; b. Dec. 25, 1894; married Irwin M. Cassel) |
The multiple biographical sources were included to demonstrate the uncertainty of the year of her birth. In each citation, the name is cited in full even though the name may have been cited in that form in a previous citation.
Transcribe both non-Gregorian or old style/new style dates when they both appear in the source. Except for names and titles, generally translate data in foreign languages into English, paraphrasing or summarizing where possible:
100 1_ Mil'man, M. ‡q (Mark), ‡d 1910-1995 670 __ Muz. ents. ‡b (Mil'man, Mark Vladimirovich; b. Apr. 20 (May 5), 1910, Moskva; composer, pianist, and pedagogue) |
The information has been translated into English:
100 1_ Lemlin, Lorenz, ‡d approximately 1495- 670 __ MGG ‡b (Lemlin (Lemblin, Lemlein), Lorenz; b. probably around 1495, Eichstätt, date and place of death not established) |
Performing groups:
Include information on the foundation date, place of foundation, performers' names and instruments, and anything else that might be used to distinguish the performing group from another with the same name. LC has said that including information such as this is optional; NMP encourages such additions.
110 2_ Aurora (Musical group) 670 __ Handel, G.F. Handel in Italy [SR] p1988: ‡b label (Aurora) insert (Aurora, a Baroque quartet of period instruments founded in 1979) |
"Choral ensemble" was included to distinguish this group from several other performing groups of different types which have similar names:
110 2_ Convivium Musicum 670 __ Catan, D. Homenaje a Octavio Paz [SR] p1991: ‡b insert (Convivium Musicum; choral ensemble) |
Citing information from bibliographic records
names | title information | bracketed information in the bibliographic record
With headings for editors or arrangers of scores, NMP now has the option of indicating function (editor, arranger, etc.) of the person in subfield b of 670.
The title page has "Herausgegeben von Leo Kappel." An option would have been to cite the name this way: (Leo Kappel; editor)
100 1_ Kappel, Leo 670 __ Burger, J. 24 Trompetenduette, c1991: ‡b t.p. (Leo Kappel) |
Even though the name appears on the title page as "Pia und Pino Mlakar" and on the spine as "P. und P. Mlakar," record only the name being established:
100 1_ Mlakar, Pia 670 __ Mlakar, P. Unsterblicher Theatertanz, c1992- : ‡b v. 1, t.p. (Pia Mlakar) spine (P. Mlakar) |
If the name cited is not in the nominative case, do not amplify the citation to "explain" this, though ellipses may be used to show that surrounding words have been omitted. They indicate that words preceding the name cause the name not to be in the nominative. The title page has "sostavlanie i pedagogicheskaia redaktsiia Bronislavy Rozengauz."
100 1_ Rozengauz, Bronislava 670 __ Shostakovich, D.D. Izbrannye p'esy dlia fortepiano, 1987: ‡b t.p. (... Bronislavy Rozengauz) |
Optionally, include the words that indicate the action or function of the person:
100 1_ Fiedler, H. ‡q (Hynek), ‡d 1836-1870 670 __ Smetana, B. Dalibor, 1945: ‡b colophon (z atelieru H. Fiedlera) |
A person's name used in the title of a book is considered to be usage and does not need to be repeated in subfield b if it is the only significant usage in the item.
100 1_ Moreschi, Alessandro, ‡d 1858-1922 670 __ Buning, R.A. Alessandro Moreschi and the castrato voice, 1990. |
When a person's name is used in the title of a book and is considered usage, repeat it in subfield b when subfield b is needed to record additional information:
100 1_ Pace, Carmelo, ‡d 1906-1993 670 __ De Gabriele, M. Carmelo Pace, a Maltese composer, c1992: ‡b t.p. (Carmelo Pace) p. xv (Carmelo Pace, b. Aug. 17, 1906, Vallette, Malta) |
100 1_ Cross, Richard, ‡d 1955- 670 __ Cross, R. Richard Cross présente La voix dévoilée, c1991: ‡b t.p. (Richard Cross) p. 8 (b. 1955, Bordeaux) |
Consider a person's name used in the title of a sound recording to be usage and do not repeat it in subfield b unless recording other information.
100 1_ Rider, Rhonda 670 __ Rider, R. Rhonda Rider, violoncello [SR] p1988. |
When a person's name is used in the title of a sound recording and is considered usage, it should be repeated in subfield b only when subfield b is being used to record additional information:
100 1_ Watters, Clarence, ‡d 1902-1986 670 __ Watters, C. Clarence Watters [SR] p1989: ‡b label (Clarence Watters, organ) insert (1902-1986) |
For headings for performers on sound recordings, indicate the instrument, vocal range, etc. in subfield b. LC has said that including information such as this is optional; NMP encourages such additions.
100 1_ Seiler, Erich 670 __ Rosbaud, H. Hans Rosbaud conducts three masterpieces of 20th century [SR] p1990: ‡b container (Erich Seiler, percussion) |
100 1_ Rolston, Shauna 670 __ Rolston, R. Cello sonatas [SR] p1989: ‡b label (Shauna Rolston, cello) |
Use English unless the word does not have an English equivalent. The container had "Flöte":
100 1_ Hülschoff, Cordula 670 __ Mozart, W.A. Klavierkonzert D-Dur, KV 451 [SR] 1983?: ‡b container (Cordula Hülschoff, flute) |
Singers with no designation of vocal range:
LC used to include a 678 field with the function, such as "Singer." They no longer use this field, although it is still found in older authority records. There are two options now.
100 1_ Kitchen, Linda 670 __ Meyerbeer, G. Il crociato in Egitto [SR] 1991: ‡b label (Linda Kitchen) container (sings role of Dinorah) |
670 __ Meyerbeer, G. Il crociato in Egitto [SR] 1991: ‡b label (Linda Kitchen; singer) |
LC suggests the latter option when it is obvious the person is singing. At Indiana, the designation "singer" is used only when neither the voice range nor the role is known.
The first 670 field is always for the item in hand. For titles, include only one 670 field, for the item in hand, unless information from another source provides helpful information not found on the item in hand. If the form used in the 1XX field is not generated from or does not appear on the item cited in the first 670, include a second 670 field citing the source for the form of title used in the heading. If references are generated from other forms found on the item in hand, include that information in the 670. When references are taken from other items or reference sources, do not cite the sources from which the references are taken, unless the sources provide helpful information not found on the item in hand. Additional 670 fields for reference sources considered necessary to clarify the title may also be added.
The title cited in subfield a of the 670 is not repeated in subfield b because no additional information or other forms of the title to justify the chosen uniform title were found on the item. The second 670 was added since the uniform title was not established from the item in hand.
100 1_ Bizet, Georges, ‡d 1838-1875. ‡t Chants du Rhin 400 1_ Bizet, Georges, ‡d 1838-1875. ‡t Bilder vom Rhein 400 1_ Bizet, Georges, ‡d 1838-1875. ‡t Songs of the Rhine 670 __ Bizet, G. Bilder vom Rhein, 19--. 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Chants du Rhin, 1865) |
The title cited in subfield a of the 670 is repeated in subfield b The reference was generated from a form found later in the item. Since additional information following the title proper was recorded, it was necessary to repeat the title proper in subfield b.
100 1_ Strauss, Johann, ‡d 1825-1899. ‡t Camelien-Polka 400 1_ Strauss, Johann, ‡d 1825-1899. ‡t Camellia polka 670 __ Strauss, J. Camelien-Polka, c1993: ‡b t.p. (Camelien-Polka : op. 248) p. 4 (Camellia polka) |
Since the established uniform title was not generated from the item itself, the source of the established title must be indicated.
100 1_ Tausig, Carl,‡d 1841-1871. ‡t Tägliche Studien 670 __ Tausig, C. Esercizi giornalieri, 1991: ‡b t.p. (Esercizi giornalieri : per pianoforte = Exercices journaliers : pour piano = Daily exercises : for piano = Tägliche Übungen : für Klavier = Ejercicios diarios : para piano) 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Tägliche Studien) |
Include all of the title proper, including alternative titles, in the 670 field:
100 1_ Beethoven, Ludwig van, ‡d 1770-1827. ‡t Ruinen von Athen 670 __ Beethoven, L. Ruines d'Athènes ; et, Le roi Estienne, 1846? |
100 1_ Philips, Peter, ‡d 1561-1628. ‡t Cantiones sacrae, ‡m voices (8). ‡p Ecce vicit Leo 670 __ Philips, P. Ave Jesu Christe ; & Ecce vicit Leo, c1990: ‡b t.p. (Ecce vicit Leo) p. 2 (from the Cantiones sacrae, 1613, double choir motet) |
100 1_ Sibelius, Jean, ‡d 1865-1957. ‡t Trios, ‡m piano, strings, ‡r C major 670 __ Sibelius, J. Trio in C major for violin, cello and piano, 1991, c1990: ‡b t.p. (Trio in C major for violin, cello and piano : Lovisa trio) |
100 1_ Persichetti, Vincent, ‡d 1915-1987. ‡t Parable, ‡n no. 25 670 __ Persichetti, V. Parable for two trumpets, c1991: ‡b caption (Parable : for two trumpets : (Parable XXV) : op. 164) |
100 1_ Heinrich, Anthony Philip, ‡d 1781-1861. ‡t Indian fanfares 670 __ Heinrich, A.P. Indian fanfares, c1987: ‡b cover (Indian fanfares = Indianerfanfaren) |
100 1_ Schaffer, Bogslaw. ‡t Monolog 670 __ Schaffer, B. Monolog, c1980: ‡b t.p. (Monolog : Bass-Klarinette solo) caption (Monologue : for bass clarinet solo = Monolog : na klarnet basowy solo) |
100 1_ Villa-Lobos, Heitor. ‡t Histórias da carochinha 670 __ Villa-Lobos, H. Histórias da carochinha, c1990: ‡b t.p. (Histórias da carochinha = Nanny's tales = Ammenmarchen : para piano) |
The second 670 was added to justify the chosen uniform title:
100 1_ Ferrabosco, Alfonso, ‡d approximately 1575-1628. ‡t Ayres. ‡p Come my Celia, let us prove 670 __ Baird, J. The English lute song [SR] p1988: ‡b container (Come my Celia) insert (Come my Celia = Venez, ma Celia = Komm, meine Celia) 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Ayres: Come my Celia, let us prove) |
New Grove has "Beato mi direi, 4vv, 155724. M iv, 64." 155724 is Il secondo libro de madregali, 4vv (155724) There is a Secondo libro de madregali for five voices; "4vv" here is necessary to distinguish the two:
100 1_ Rore, Cipriano de, ‡d 1515 or 1516-1565. ‡t Madrigals, ‡m voices (4), ‡n book 2. ‡p Beato mi direi 670 __ Bott, C. Virtuoso Italian vocal music [SR] p1988: ‡b container (Beato me direi) 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Beato mi direi, 4vv; from his Il secondo libro de madregali, 4vv) |
100 1_ Handel, George Frideric, ‡d 1685-1759. ‡t Quel fior che all'alba ride, ‡n HWV 154 670 __ Handel, G.F. Italian solo cantatas and instrumental works [SR] p1990: ‡b label (Quel fior che all'alba ride) insert (solo cantata) 670 __ Händel-Handbuch ‡b (154, Quel fior che all'alba ride; Cantata a voce sola, Sopr., Basso continuo; 2 other cantatas with this text, HWV 192 for 2 sopranos and continuo, HWV 200 for 2 sopranos, bass, and continuo) |
An example of information in New Grove that is not phrased in this exact way, but rather summarized for brevity's sake:
100 1_ Fibich, Zdenek, ‡d 1850-1900. ‡t Nálady, dojmy a upomínky, ‡n op. 41 670 __ New Grove ‡b ((376) Nálady, dojmy a upomínky (Moods, impressions and reminiscences), 1892-9; four sets as op. 41, 44, 47, and 57) |
100 1_ Uspenskiĭ, Vladislav, ‡d 1937-2004. ‡t Temperamenty 670 __ His Temperaments, c1994: ‡b cover (Temperaments = Temperamenty [in Cyrillic]) |
An example showing how LC indicated that one title on the chief source was more prominent than another, affecting the choice of uniform title (i.e., "Sonata in two movements" vs. "Sonatas, cello, piano"):
100 1_ Schonthal, Ruth. ‡t Sonata in two movements 670 __ Schonthal, R. Sonata in two movements for cello and piano (1989), c2000: ‡b t.p. (Sonata in two movements [in bold]; bottom of p.: Sonata in two movements (1989)) caption (Sonata for cello & piano in two movements) |
100 1_ Halffter, Rodolfo, ‡d 1900-1987. ‡t --Huésped de las nieblas-- 670 __ Halffter, R. --Huésped de las nieblas--, c1981: ‡b t.p. (--Huésped de las nieblas-- = --Guest from the mists--) |
Use ellipses with no punctuation before the date of publication when shortening a long title proper.
100 1_ Wubbenhorst, Thomas Martin, ‡d 1952- 670 __ Wubbenhorst, T.M. Personality characteristics of music educators and performers ... 1992: ‡b t.p. (Thomas Martin Wubbenhorst) leaf 99 (b. Aug. 9, 1952, Greenwich, Conn.) |
The title proper of this recording was "Concerto grosso no. 1 ; Concerto grosso no. 2 ; Schelomo," three titles proper in actuality. In a case like this, the second and third titles can be left out without using ellipses:
100 1_ Miquelle, Georges, ‡d 1894-1977 670 __ Bloch, E. Concerto grosso no. 1 [SR] p1991: ‡b container (Georges Miquelle) insert (b. 1894, Lille, France, d. 1977; came to U.S. in 1918) |
"Title not given": This is not a typical citation, so an example of it may be useful. There is no colon before the subfield b since a location within the item is not being cited:
100 1_ Broque, Alfonso, ‡d 1876-1946. ‡t Cantos uruguayos 670 __ Slonimsky, N. History making premieres [SR] 1972 ‡b (title not given) |
This is an exception to the practice of not repeating the title proper unless recording other forms of the title. Normally, the subtitle information would not be required in this 670, and so there would be no subfield b at all. However, the references from Petites pièces and Piccoli pezzi need the opus number in order to distinguish them from his Petites pièces and Piccoli pezzi op. 3. The subtitle was given in the 670 in order to identify this set as op. 11:
100 1_ Carcassi, Matteo, ‡d 1792-1853. ‡t Recueil de petites pieces 400 1_ Carcassi, Matteo, ‡d 1792-1853. ‡t Petites pièces, ‡n op. 11 400 1_ Carcassi, Matteo, ‡d 1792-1853. ‡t 10 petites pièces, ‡n op. 11 400 1_ Carcassi, Matteo, ‡d 1792-1853. ‡t Dix petites pièces, ‡n op. 11 400 1_ Carcassi, Matteo, ‡d 1792-1853. ‡t Piccoli pezzi, ‡n op. 11 400 1_ Carcassi, Matteo, ‡d 1792-1853. ‡t Diece piccoli pezzi, ‡n op. 11 400 1_ Carcassi, Matteo, ‡d 1792-1853. ‡t 10 piccoli pezzi, ‡n op. 11 670 __ Carcassi, M. 10 piccoli pezzi, 1988: ‡b t.p. (10 piccoli pezzi : op. 11 : per chitarra) |
Citing parts of larger works:
LC tends to use the following style:
(Work no., Title of the whole work. No. of the part if needed, Title of the part), as shown in the next three examples:
100 1_ Ives, Charles, ‡d 1874-1954. ‡t Contemplations. ‡p Central Park in the dark 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Two contemplations. 2, Central Park in the dark) |
100 1_ Bach, Johann Sebastian, ‡d 1685-1750. ‡t Choräle von verschiedener Art, ‡n BWV 651-668. ‡p Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr', ‡n BWV 662 670 __ Schmieder ‡b (651-668, Achtzehn Choräle von verschiedener Art. 662, Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr') |
100 1_ Haydn, Joseph, ‡d 1732-1809. ‡t Quartets, ‡m strings, ‡n H. III, 79, ‡r D major. ‡p Largo cantabile e mesto 670 __ Hoboken ‡b (Gruppe III, Streichquartette 75-80 known as op. 76. No. 5. II, Largo cantabile e mesto) |
Bracketed information in the bibliographic record
Dates from the 260 field in the bibliographic record:
Do not enclose the date of publication in brackets, even when brackets are used in the 260 subfield c of the bibliographic record.
100 1_ Rollet, Nicole 670 __ Rollet, N. Analyse graphologique de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1990?: ‡b t.p. (Nicole Rollet) |
100 1_ Mignone, Francisco, ‡d 1897-1986. ‡t Cânticos de Obaluayê 670 __ Mignone, F. Canticos de Obaluayê, between 1934 and 1942. |
Unnumbered pages:
In the item, p. 3 is not numbered. In a bibliographic record, it would be indicated as "p. [3]"; in this case, brackets are not used:
100 1_ Leistritz, Helmut, ‡d 1934- 670 __ Leistritz, H. Sonate in B für zwei Trompeten und Posaune, c1989: ‡b t.p. (Helmut Leistritz) p. 3 (b. 1934, Wustewaltersdorf/Schlesien) |
Do not use "p. [4] of cover" even though there is no page number on the back cover:
100 1_ D'Amore, Giulio, ‡d 1961- 670 __ D'Amore, G. Le opere pianistiche di Luigi Dallapiccola, c1987: ‡b t.p. (Giulio D'Amore) p. 4 of cover (b. 1961, Rome) |
Bracketed information from the 245 in the bibliographic record:
Sonatas is incorrectly spelled "sonats" on the label. The bib record has "Horn sonat[a]s":
100 1_ James, Ifor 670 __ Beethoven, L. Horn sonatas [SR] 1988?: ‡b container (Ifor James, horn) |
The word "Untiteled" is a misspelling; the bib record has "Morton Feldmans Untiteled [sic] Composition für Cello und Klavier":
100 1_ Staub, Volker 670 __ Staub, V. Morton Feldmans Untiteled Composition für Cello und Klavier, 1992: ‡b t.p. (Volker Staub) |
Citing Internet resources
The examples below are for informational purposes only. They do not indicate any prescriptive practice.
Contributors to this section of the NMP Handbook are Chuck Herrold, Mickey Koth, Mark Scharff, Sarah Shaw, and Terry Simkins.
See also Princeton's documentation
Citing a web site by name: Grove music online | Wikipedia | Virtual international authority file | Google books | academic sites | other examples | Citing multiple web sites | online library catalogs | genealogy and death indexes
Citing a web site by URL
Citing a location within a web site: Grove music online | academic sites | commercial sites | online journals and periodicals | other examples
Citing information found: citing variant forms | citing pages in parallel language versions | other examples
Citing a web site by name
Generally, cite web pages by giving the name of the page and the date it was consulted. The date is important, since web page contents can change from day to day. When citing the URL, follow the instructions given in the LC Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Section Z1, explained below.
The following construction is generally used to cite web pages:
__________ WWW site, [date of search] ‡b ([data])"
Note: It is not necessary to include the word "accessed" or the phrase "viewed on" before the date of search.
If the information is found on a subpage, cite the location:
__________ WWW site, [date of search] :‡b [location] ([data])"
Adding "WWW site" to a citation for a resource that has the word "online" in its title or is known to be available only on the Web is unnecessary. However, using "WWW site" (_____________ WWW site ...) is generally preferred to "WWW page," "home page," or "homepage." Examples using this form, reflecting past practice, appear in this document.
100 1_ Herschkowitz, Philip, ‡d 1906-1989. ‡t Vesennie tsvety 670 __ Grove music online, Feb. 22, 2008 ‡b (Vesenniy tsvetï; (Spring flowers), pf, 1947) |
When adding information to an authority record that cites Grove music online (or any Internet source), either add a second 670 field:
100 1_ Dolukhanova, Zara, ‡d 1918-2007 670 __ Grove music online, Feb. 10, 2006 ‡b (Dolukhanova, Zara (Zarui) (Agas'yevna); b. Mar. 15, 1918, Moscow; Russian mezzo-soprano) 670 __ Grove music online, June 12, 2009 ‡b (Dolukhanova, Zara (Zarui) (Agas'yevna); b. Mar. 15, 1918, Moscow, d. Dec. 4, 2007, Moscow; Russian mezzo-soprano) |
or add to the existing 670 field, with the date of the most recent viewing of the source:
Grove music online ‡b (accessed Mar. 7, 2003: [info]; accessed Nov. 21, 2008: [additional info])
Grove music online includes the full text of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, and The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz. To cite information found in entries marked with the word "opera" or "jazz", the following pattern may be used:
670 __ Grove music online, [date of search]: ‡b Opera ([data])
n 95078997
100 1_ Rovère, Gilbert, ‡d 1939-2007 670 __ Grove music online, Jan. 3, 2008: ‡b Jazz (Rovère, Gilbert (Bibi); b. Aug. 29, 1939, Toulon, France; French double bass player) |
Wikipedia is a source that is known to be available only on the Web, and thus using "WWW site" in a citation for it is unnecessary.
n 2007082096
100 1_ Rose, Axl, ‡d 1962- 670 __ Wikipedia, Nov. 15, 2007 ‡b (Axl Rose, W. Axl Rose, William Axl Rose, singer-songwriter, frontman of Guns n' Roses; b. Feb. 26, 1962, Lafayette, IN) |
100 1_ Butler, John, ‡d 1975- 670 __ Wikipedia, Mar. 21, 2008 ‡b (John Butler; b. Apr. 1, 1975, Torrance, Calif.; Australian musician having moved to Australia on 26 January 1986; leader of the John Butler Trio) |
When the data is taken from a Wikipedia site in another language, that language precedes the name "Wikipedia":
n 85184925
100 1_ Hübner, Wilhelm, ‡d 1915-2004 670 __ German Wikipedia, Apr. 7, 2008 ‡b (Wilhelm Hübner; b. Nov. 12, 1915, Prag; d. Jan. 30, 2004; German composer, conductor, and writer) |
When the information is found within an article about a topic other than the heading being established or updated, cite the name of the article:
100 1_ Berthold, Henry, ‡d 1933-1987 670 __ Wikipedia, Mar. 28, 2008: ‡b List of classical composers in East Germany (Henry Berthold; 1933-1987) |
Virtual international authority file
n 2011026232
100 1_ Günther, Ulrich, ‡d 1923- 670 __ VIAF, viewed Apr. 19, 2011 ‡b (hdg. in Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Günther, Ulrich, 1923-) |
100 1_ Svéd, Sándor, ‡d 1906-1979 670 __ Virtual international authority file, June 1, 2011 ‡b (hdgs.: Svéd, Alexander, 1906-1979, Svéd, Alexander, 1904-1979, Svéd, Alexander, 1906- ; variant forms: Svéd, Alessandro, Svéd, Sándor, Svéd, Alessandro de) |
There is no consensus about citing books viewed via Google books. A conversation via the PCC list considered whether or not it was even necessary to indicate that the book was not in hand but was viewed online.
This format, citing Google books first and then the book, has been used:
670 Google book search, [date of search]: ‡b [title proper of book], [date of publication]: p. ([data])
110 2_ New York Academy of Sacred Music 670 __ Google Book Search, via WWW, Feb. 23, 2007: ‡b Williams, H. Thomas Hastings, 2005, p. 100 (New York Academy of Sacred Music; choral soc. for the cultivation of sacred music; est. 1835, in NYC, by Thomas Hastings, et al.; gave concerts at the Broadway Tabernacle Church) |
This format, citing the book first and then indicating that it was viewed online was used in a majority of authority records cited in an e-mail from Gary Strawn on Nov. 11, 2007:
670 [Title proper of book], [date of publication], via Google book search, [date of search]: ‡b ([data])
100 1_ Panthès, Marie, ‡d 1871-1955 670 __ Boston Symphony Orchestra. Programme, v. 1907-1908, viewed on Google Books, Feb. 5, 2010: ‡b p. 1666 (Marie Panthès (Mrs. Kutner); b. Nov. 3, 1871, Odessa) |
100 1_ Nussbaum, Frederick, ‡c Mrs., ‡d 1887-1973 670 __ Gaylord Music Library WWW site, July 29, 1997 ‡b (Anna May Loewenstein Nussbaum; b. 1882?; d. Feb. 23, 1973; at least one item in library's collection of mss. and other materials shows usage: Anna May Loewenstein) |
The Google knowledge panel includes the information that appears on the right side of the first screen of google search results.
100 1_ Spanjers, Roel, ‡d 1969- 670 __ Google knowledge panel, July 7, 2017 ‡b (Roel Spanjers; born October 21, 1969; singer; member of Normaal since 2003) |
100 1_ Kollavik-Jensen, Curt 670 __ Ensemble Nord WWW site, July 17, 2001 ‡b (Curt Kollavik-Jensen, guitar; Curt Kollavik) |
100 1_ Leighton, Kenneth, ‡d 1929-1988. ‡t Sonatinas, ‡m piano, ‡n no. 1, op. 1a 670 __ Kenneth Leighton (1929-1988) WWW site, Nov. 2, 2001 ‡b (Sonatina 1 opus 1a (1946)) |
The citation for the Internet movie database. Note that "WWW site" is not included:
130 _0 Cleopatra (Motion picture : 1963) 670 __ IMDb, Aug. 24, 2001 ‡b (Cleopatra (1963); also Cleopatra (1917), Cleopatra (1920), Cleopatra (1912), Cleopatra (1934)) |
The name of the web site includes "online" and thus "WWW site" in not included:
130 _0 Concertino, ‡m harpsichords (2), ‡r G major 670 __ RISM A/II online ‡b (400014085, Concertino à due cembali)) |
100 1_ Rautavaara, Einojuhani, ‡d 1928- ‡t Säännöllisiä yksikköjaksoja puolis äännöllisessä tilanteessa 670 __ Finnish Music Information Centre WWW site, Nov. 12, 2001 ‡b (Säännöllisiä yksikköjaksoja puolis äännöllisessä tilanteessa = Regular sets of elements in a semi-regular situation; orchestra, 1971) |
110 2_ Alien Ant Farm (Musical group) 670 __ All music guide WWW site, Dec. 4, 2001 ‡b (Alien Ant Farm; southern California alt-metal rock group, formed 1996) |
All music guide changed its name to AllMusic:
110 2_ Hurray for the Riff Raff (Musical group) 670 __ AllMusic WWW site, Nov. 17, 2011‡b (Hurray for the Riff Raff; New Orleans-based, indie folk band) |
no9744270: from Princeton: "The formal presentation of the name of a corporate body on the body's own home page (i.e. at a Web site created or sponsored by that body), is tantamount to formal presentation on the chief source of one of the body's own publications."
110 2_ Texas Music Educators Association 670 __ Texas Music Educators Association WWW Home page, Sept. 23, 1996 ‡b (Texas Music Educators Association; TMEA; est. 1920 as the Texas Band Teachers Association [no publ.]) |
110 2_ York Theatre Company 670 __ York Theatre Company WWW site, Nov. 16, 2001 ‡b (York Theatre Company, New York, N.Y.; non-profit off-Broadway company dedicated to new musicals) |
100 1_ Freihofner, Philip 670 __ Philip Freihofner WWW site, July 17, 2000 ‡b (Philip Freihofner; oboist, composer, and music publisher) |
100 0_ Mac Daddy, ‡d 1978- 670 __ Celebrity birthdays A2Z WWW site, Mar. 7, 2001 ‡b (Mac Daddy; real name: James Christopher Kelly; b. Aug. 11, 1978) |
100 1_ Mattson, Donald E., ‡d 1929- 670 __ California Military Museum WWW site, Sept. 10, 2001 ‡b (director, Brig. Gen. Donald E. Mattson) |
110 2_ Golinski Brothers 670 __ YouTube, January 17, 2014: ‡b Golinski Brothers, Bloody (audio only) (Golinski Brothers; Bob Golinski, guitar; Dave Harries, vocals; Will Gibbs and Alan Bines, saxophone; Ollie Crook, bass; part of the Brighton punk scene) ‡u |
Examples from blogs
100 1_ Bennett, Ruth ‡c (Harpist) 670 __ Writing from Merida, WWW site, October 15, 2012: ‡b Guest bloggers (Blog entry, May 10, 2010: Ruth Bennett, harpist; born in Whitstable, Britain; moved to United States at age 9; now lives full time in Merida [Mexico]) |
no 95046363
100 1_ Velu, Charles ‡d1920-2004 670 __ Seventh heaven blog, Sept. 24, 2012 ‡b (Christopher Charles Velu; b. Aug. 18, 1920, d. Sept. 10, 2004; organist and choirmaster at St. Thomas Cathedral, 1948-1970) |
100 1_ Forsman, Alf 670 __ Cunniform Records WWW site, Nov. 8, 2001 ‡b (Affe Forsman) 670 __ Krakatau WWW site, Nov. 8, 2001 ‡b (Affe Forsman, drummer (of Sielun Veliet)) 670 __ ECM WWW site, Nov. 8, 2001 ‡b (Alf Forsman, drums) 670 __ Suomijazz WWW site, Nov. 8, 2001 ‡b (Alf Forsman, drums) |
A general phrase, such as "Internet, [date of search]" or "Google search, [date of search]" has been used to record various forms of usage across a number of web sites:
100 1_ Enăchescu, Voicu, ‡d 1943- 670 __ Internet, Feb. 1, 2008 ‡b (surname principally spelled Enăchescu in Romanian language pages) |
n 96063061
110 2_ Moskovskaia khorovaia akademiia 670 __ Internet, Apr. 9, 2008: ‡b Russian language pages (Moskovskaia khorovaia akademiia; Moskovskaia khorovaia akademiia imeni A.V. Sveshnikova) |
The search results from multiple web sites are included in a 667 field in this authority record. This specific search is also included:
100 1_ Karthäuser, Sophie 667 Google search on "Sophie Karthauser," Feb. 15, 2006, yielded ca. 406 results; "Sophie Kartauser" yielded only 12, all referring to the Capriccio recording of the Myslivecek Passione di nostro Signore Gesu Christo cited as source for the Kartäuser spelling |
The search results from multiple web sites are included in a 670 field in this authority record:
110 2_ Z-kvartetten 670 __ Google search, May 30, 2008 ‡b (Z-kvartetten predominates as form of name on Swedish-language pages) |
100 1_ Munzinger, Eduard, ‡d 1831-1899 670 __ Swiss National Library catalog WWW site, Jan. 17, 2002 ‡b (hdgs.: Munzinger, Edouard; Munzinger, Eduard; usage: Edouard Munzinger, Eduard Munzinger, Ed. Munzinger, E. Munzinger) |
100 1_ Le Dhuy, Adolphe 670 __ Bibliothèque nationale de France WWW catalog, Sept. 12, 2000 ‡b (hdgs.: Le Dhuy, Adolphe; Ledhuy, Adolphe; predominant usage: Adolphe Le Dhuy; other usage: Adolphe Ledhuy; A. Le Dhuy) |
100 1_ Connor, William H., ‡d 1917-1993 670 __ Social Security death index WWW site, Apr. 24, 1999 ‡b (William Connor; b. July 27, 1917; d. July 23, 1993) |
100 1_ Lawrence, Mike, ‡d 1945-1983 670 __ WWW site, Dec. 7, 1999: ‡b Social Security death index (Michael Lawrence; b. Dec. 3, 1945; d. Jan. 1983) |
100 1_ Rohland, Cora D. 670 __ FamilySearch int. geneal. index WWW site, Apr. 2, 2001 ‡b (Cora Dolbee; b. Oct. 23, 1856, Sagadahoc, Me.; m. Charles B. Rohland, Jul. 9, 1879, St. Louis) |
Citing a web site by URL
The February 2008 revision of the LC Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Section Z1, p. 6 of the 670 section) includes the following:
"Catalogers may optionally provide a uniform resource identifier (URI) in the 670 citation to link to the cited resource if it contains significant information related to the established heading that cannot be cited succinctly in the authority record. Note that use of a URI in the 670 ‡u does not take the place of the requirement to cite relevant data in subfields ‡a and ‡b of the 670 field needed to support the heading or references (this information will continue to be available if the site changes or disappears). ... If a URI is included, it must be given in subfield ‡u."
100 1_ Boccherini, Luigi, ‡d 1743-1805. ‡t Works. ‡f 2005 670 __ Luigi Boccherini. Opera omnia, WWW site, Feb. 10, 2006 ‡b (Opera omnia. 45 volumes projected) ‡u |
100 1_ Karthäuser, Sophie 670 __ WWW page of artist management firm Pelléas Artists, viewed Feb. 15, 2006 ‡b (Sophie Karthäuser, soprano) ‡u |
Citing a location within a web site
When the only source of the information is in the HTML coding <title> field, it can be cited as:
100 1_ Musselman, Daniel 670 __ Music of Daniel Musselman WWW site, July 24, 2008 ‡b (Daniel Musselman) HTML header (Daniel Musselman, composer, doctoral candidate at the University of Kansas) |
Other locations within the header tags may also be cited:
110 2_ Rutgers University. ‡b Wind Ensemble 670 __ The Rutgers Wind Ensemble WWW page, Aug. 17, 2005: ‡b HTML meta name (Rutgers University Wind Ensemble) HTML title (Rutgers University Wind Ensemble) |
Generally include indication of subpage only when it would not be obvious where the information would be found.
100 1_ Robinson, John H. ‡q (John Henry), ‡d 1945- 670 __ The Lute Society WWW site, Aug. 7, 2001: ‡b Publications and other services (John Robinson; John H. Robinson) |
When citing subsequent subpages, capitalize the first word of the title of each subpage and separate the titles with a semicolon:
__________ WWW site, [date of search] :‡b [Title of subpage]; [Title of subpage]; [Title of subpage] ([data])"
100 1_ Brouwer, Leo, ‡d 1939- ‡t Concertos, ‡m guitar, orchestra, ‡n no. 1 670 __ Classical Music on the Web WWW site, July 20, 2001: ‡b Composer profiles; Non-British Composer pages (Leo Brouwer; Concerto no. 1 for guitar and orchestra) |
When information about a composer's work found on the composer's web site in included in a subpage which is linked to with a label such as "works" or "compositions," it is not necessary to cite that location. Citing the information found is sufficient:
Even though the information is found on the subpage
Citing the subpage's title
670 __ [Name of composer's web site] WWW site, [date of search]: ‡b Works ([data])
670 __ [Name of composer's web site] WWW site, [date of search] ‡b ([data])
100 1_ Leighton, Kenneth, ‡d 1929-1988. ‡t Sonatinas, ‡m piano, ‡n no. 1, op. 1a 670 __ Kenneth Leighton (1929-1988) WWW site, Nov. 2, 2001: ‡b This is sufficient for indicating the information: 670 __ Kenneth Leighton (1929-1988) WWW site, Nov. 2, 2001 ‡b (Sonatina 1 opus 1a (1946)) |
When it is not possible for a page from which the information is cited to be retrieved easily by others, either because there is no search function for the site or because there is no navigational means of finding the page, include the URL in ‡u following the information cited:
100 1_ Pichierri, Louis, ‡d 1917-1972 670 __ Rhode Island Civic Chorale and Orchestra WWW site, Apr. 5, 2011: ‡b (Louis Pichierri; b. Sept. 17, 1917, Burlington, Vt., d. July 12, 1972) ‡u |
Locations within Grove music online
Citing a location within Grove music online is required only when the information is not found where one would expect to find it. These examples are similar to the second example in the section on citing reference sources and databases where the information about a composer is found in an article for the entire family.
100 1_ Lully, Jean-Baptiste, ‡d 1632-1687 670 __ Grove music online WWW site, Feb. 22, 2001 ‡b (under Lully: Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lulli, Giovanni Battista); b. Nov. 29, 1632, Florence, d. Mar. 22, 1687, Paris; composer, dancer and instrumentalist of Italian birth) |
100 1_ Stamitz, Karl, ‡d 1745-1801 670 __ Grove music online WWW site, Aug. 1, 2001 ‡b (under Stamitz: Carl (Philipp) Stamitz; b. Mannheim, bapt. May 8, 1745, d. Nov. 9, 1801, Jena; composer and violinist, viola player and viola d'amore player) |
Locations within academic sites
100 1_ Bosch, Ben van den. ‡t Entstehung und Entwicklung der Posaunenarbeit der Brüdergemeinen in Deutschland und in aller Welt. ‡l English 670 __ William and Gayle Cook Music Library WWW site, July 6, 2001: ‡b Historic brass bibliography, 1988-96: letters R-S (Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Posaunenarbeit der Brüdergemeinen in Deutschland und in aller Welt) |
100 1_ Palm-Beulich, Helga-Maria 670 __ University of Music and Dramatic Arts Mozarteum Salzburg WWW site, Feb. 12, 1999: ‡b Hochschullehrer; Gesamtübersicht (Palm-Beulich, Helga-Maria; b. Mar. 16, 1954, Nürnberg) |
100 1_ Baldassarre, Antonio 670 __ Universität Zürich, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut WWW page, Jan. 4, 2001: ‡b Mitarbeiter (lic. phil. Antonio Baldassarre, Assistent) |
100 1_ Taylor, Jeffrey James 670 __ The Conservatory of Music of Brooklyn College WWW site, Oct. 1, 2001: ‡b Faculty & staff (Jeffrey Taylor, professor, history, musicology; BA Carleton College, MA, Ph. D., University of Michigan; published books and articles on jazz of 1920s-30s and transcriptions of jazz piano performances) |
100 1_ Myers, Richard, ‡d 1929- 670 __ University at Buffalo, Department of Music WWW site, June 13, 2000: ‡b Faculty and staff (Richard Myers; lecturer, trombone) |
100 1_ Gresham, W. Jonathan 670 __ Northern Kentucky University Music Department WWW site, Nov. 3, 2000: ‡b Faculty (W. Jonathan Gresham; Jon Gresham) |
Locations within commercial sites
130 0 Références (EMI Classics (Firm)) 670 __ EMI Classics WWW homepage, Nov. 5, 2001: ‡b Catalogue (series: Références) |
100 1_ Zácek, Jan, ‡d 1957- 670 __ Fermate WWW site, July 3, 2001: ‡b New CDs (Jan Zacek, guitar; b. 1957, Prague) |
100 1_ Grisoni, Renato. ‡t Preludes, ‡m piano, ‡n op. 1 670 __ Pizzicato Edizioni Musicali WWW site, July 12, 2001: ‡b Katalog, Klavier (Grisoni Renato, 24 preludi op. 1) |
100 1_ Allen, Betty, ‡d1927-2009 670 __ New York times WWW site, June 26, 2009, ‡b(in obituary published June 25: Betty Allen; b. Elizabeth Louise Allen, Mar. 17, 1927, Campbell, Ohio; known as Betty Lou; d. Monday [June 22, 2009], Valhalla, N.Y., aged 82) |
100 1_ Ballabeni, Franco, ‡d 1957- 670 __ Harrassowitz WWW site, Oct. 24, 2001: ‡b New classical music title index (Ballabeni, Franco, 1957-) |
100 1_ Vítores, José, ‡d 1962- 670 __ Verlag Neue Musik/Edition Margaux WWW site, Nov. 29, 2001: ‡b Autorenverzeichnis (Vítores, José; b. 1962) |
100 1_ Procaccioli, Stefano, ‡d 1960- 670 __ TauKay Edizioni Musicali WWW site, Nov. 8, 2000: ‡b Compositori (Stefano Procaccioli; b. 1960, Treviso) |
100 1_ Battistoni, Enrico 670 __ Clivis Publicacions WWW site, Nov. 14, 2000: ‡b Cataleg; Instruments de tecla (BATTISTONI, Enrico) |
100 1_ Manduca, Mark 670 __ Manduca Music Publications WWW site, Aug. 23, 2000: ‡b Brass (Mark Manduca; trombonist-composer) |
100 1_ Zimmermann, Ewald, ‡d 1910-1998 670 __ Henle-Verlag WWW Site, Nov. 16, 1999: ‡b Informationen (Ewald Zimmermann; d. 1998) |
100 1_ Kilby, Cody 670 __ Rebel Records WWW home page, Jan. 28, 1998 ‡b (under New releases: Cody Kilby; 16-year-old guitar, mandolin, and banjo player from Cowan, TN) |
100 1_ Cardoso, Berta, ‡d 1911-1997 670 __ Discoteca do Carmo WWW home page, Mar. 26, 1999: ‡b Artistas (Berta Cardoso; fadista) |
Locations within online journals and periodicals
100 1_ Knouse, Nola Reed 670 __ Current musicology WWW site, July 6, 2001: ‡b Tables of contents from past issues (Nola Reed Knouse; Joseph Riepel and the emerging theory of form in the eighteenth century) |
100 1_ Heyer, Hermann, ‡d 1898-1982 670 __ Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig WWW site, Sept. 21, 2000: ‡b MT-Journal, Nr. 5, article 3 (Hermann Heyer; b. July 17, 1898, Leipzig; d. Dec. 11, 1982, Wangen (Allgau); professor of musicology) |
100 1_ Davis, Vest, ‡d 1890-1988 670 __ St. Louis Post-Dispatch Postnet WWW site, Apr. 14, 1999: ‡b Archives, Jan. 23, 1988 (Vest Davis; b. Mar. 15, 1890, Hornersville, Mo.; d. Thursday, [Jan. 21, 1988], Springfield, Mo., at age of 97; retired English teacher, author) |
100 1_ Brink, Guido, ‡d 1968- 670 __ European music journal WWW site, July 25, 2000: ‡b Musikunterricht, Brink/Kopiez, Autoren (Guido Brink; b. 1968) |
100 1_ Berger, Michel, ‡d 1947-1992 670 __ Lexis-Nexis database, Apr. 3, 2001: ‡b The independent [London], Aug. 10, 1992, p. 21 (Michel Hamburger (Michel Berger); b. 1947, Paris, d. Aug. 3, 1992, Saint Tropez, France; singer, songwriter) |
100 1_ Kennedy, Martin, ‡d 1978- 670 __ ASCAP WWW site, Dec. 7, 2001: ‡b Winners of The ASCAP Foundation Morton Gould Young Composers Awards for 1998 (Martin Kennedy; b. 1978, Wakefield, England; graduated from Central High School in Tuscaloosa, AL; student at Indiana University) |
100 1_ Lyons, George ‡c (Harpist) 670 __ Ragtime WWW Home page, Apr. 1, 1998: ‡b Sheet music covers page (George Lyons; harpist, composer; part of vaudeville duo Lyons & Yosco) |
100 1_ Delchevalerie, Charles, ‡d 1872-1950 670 __ Wallonie en ligne WWW Homepage, May 12, 1998: ‡b Carlier, P. La Wallonie à la recherche d'une féte nationale, footnote 18 (Charles Delchevalerie; b. 1872, Couillet; d. Liège, 1950; Belgian journalist) |
100 1_ Saary, Margareta 670 __ Netscape People finder WWW site, Feb. 15, 2000: ‡b Austria (Saary Margareta Dr., Wien; search on "Margarete Saary" yielded no hits) |
130 _0 Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt. ‡t Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt. ‡n X, ‡p Historischen Tonträger 670 __ Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt WWW site, Mar. 1, 2000: ‡b Veröffentlichungen der UBEI (A, Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt. X, Die historischen Tonträger; the work cat is listed as "Band 1"). |
100 0_ Chops ‡c (Rapper) 670 __ Asiatic theory online WWW site, Mar. 8, 2001: ‡b Mountain Brothers (Chops (Scott Jung); rapper) |
100 1_ Lyons, Graham, ‡d 1936- 670 __ Classical music on the Web WWW site, July 24, 2001: ‡b Composer profiles; British light music composers; Garland 55 (Graham Lyons; born 1936; composes works for students learning wind instruments, primarily clarinet pieces) |
100 1_ Barnes, Milton 670 __ Canadian Music Centre WWW site, Mar. 23, 2001: ‡b Directory of associate composers (Milton Barnes; 1931-2001; d. Toronto; Feb. 27, 2001) |
110 2_ Anonymous 4 (Musical group) 670 __ AMG all classical guide WWW site, May 21, 2001 ‡b (under Anonymous 4: female vocal quartet; formed in 1986; members, Marsha Genensky, Susan Hellauer, Jacqueline Horner, Johanna Maria Rose) |
100 1 Dijk, Pieter van, ‡d 1958- 670 __ Organfestival Holland WWW homepage, July 30, 2001 ‡b (under People: Pieter van Dijk, b. 1958; professor for organ at the Conservatory of Amsterdam and at the Hamburg "Hochschule für Musik und Theater") |
100 1_ Campbell, William, ‡d 1926-2011 670 __ Internet Movie Database WWW site, Apr. 3, 1998 ‡b (under Cast/crew name search: William Campbell (I); b. Oct. 30, 1926, Newark, NJ; film and television actor) |
100 1_ Fernandez, Jose, ‡d 1948-1994 670 __ Fame, the musical WWW site, Apr. 12, 2000: ‡b Biographies (Jose Fernandez; b. Aug. 19, 1948, Havana, Cuba; d. Jan. 8, 1994; actor, writer) |
100 1_ Rudolph, Glenn L., ‡d 1951- 670 __ Glenn L. Rudolph WWW site, Aug. 5, 1999: ‡b Biography (Glenn Rudolph; b. 1951, Miami, Fla.) |
100 1_ Weiner, Howard, ‡d 1952- 670 __ Harp events WWW site, May 17, 2001: ‡b Authorized bibliographies (Howard Weiner; b. 1952, Chicago; trombonist) |
100 1_ Sørensen, Bent, ‡d 1958- ‡t Sirenengesang 670 __ Danish Music Information Centre WWW site, Dec. 4, 2001: ‡b Composers and works; Sørensen, Bent (Chamber ensemble. Sirenengesang (1994-1994)) |
Citing information found in a web site
100 1_ Gresham, W. Jonathan 670 __ Northern Kentucky University Music Department WWW site, Nov. 3, 2000: ‡b faculty (W. Jonathan Gresham; Jon Gresham) |
Citing pages in parallel language versions
The Dutch version is the front page of this site; the English version is a link from the front page. Thus only the location of the English language information is given.
110 2_ Nederlands Concertkoor 670 __ Nederlands Concertkoor WWW site, Apr. 15, 2003 ‡b (Nederlands Concertkoor (NCK)) English version (Netherlands Concert Choir; founded 1987) |
Neither Chinese nor English are the front page of this site; both are links from the front page, thus the location of both Chinese and English information is given.
110 2_ Shanghai guan buo jiao xiang yue tuan 670 __ Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra WWW site, Apr. 8, 2003: ‡b English version (Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra) Chinese version (Shanghai guan buo jiao xiang yue tuan) |
110 2_ Sankt-Peterburgskaia gosudarstvennaia konservatoriia im. N.A. Rimskogo-Korsakova. ‡b Chamber Orchestra 675 __ Sankt-Peterburgskaia gosudarstvennaia konservatoriia imeni N.A. Rimskogo-Korsakova WWW site, Mar. 9, 2001 ‡b (Russian version "under construction"; no specific citation for the chamber orchestra in English site) |
100 1_ Nussbaum, Frederick, ‡c Mrs., ‡d 1887-1973 670 __ Gaylord Music Library WWW Home page, July 29, 1997 ‡b (Anna May Loewenstein Nussbaum; b. 1882?; d. Feb. 23, 1973; at least one item in library's collection of mss. and other materials shows usage: Anna May Loewenstein) |
100 1_ Werner Josten Library 670 __ Werner Josten Library WWW home page, Jan. 26, 1998 ‡b (title: Werner Josten Library; variant forms: Werner Josten Library for the Performing Arts; Josten Library) |
100 1_ Bazzotti, Marco, ‡d 1964- 670 __ Marco Bazzotti WWW homepage, Aug. 9, 2001 ‡b (b. 1964, Milan, Italy; guitarist; also studied physics) |
Capitalization of key, opus, and number
In German, D in Dur and M in Moll are capitalized. In major, the key is capitalized: D-Dur, but not in minor: a-Moll. In English, the key is capitalized, but not the mode: A major, D minor. In other languages, neither is capitalized: fa majeur, sol mineur.
100 1_ Schumann, Robert, ‡d 1810-1856. ‡t Concertos, ‡m cello, orchestra, ‡n op. 129, ‡r A minor 670 __ Schumann, R. Symphonie Nr. 2 C-Dur op. 61 [SR] p1986: ‡b label (Konzert für Violoncello und Orchester a-Moll, op. 129) |
100 1_ Rheinberger, Josef, ‡d 1839-1901. ‡t Masses, ‡n op. 155, ‡r E♭ major 670 __ Rheinberger, J. Messe in Es op. 155, 1989: ‡b t.p. (Messe in Es op. 155 : Reginae St. i Rosarii) |
D in dur is not capitalized because it is not in German:
100 1_ Drápela, Emil 670 __ Neruda, J.B.G. Koncert C dur pro fagot a smycce, 1990: ‡b t.p. (Emil Drápela) |
100 1_ Leisinger, Ulrich 670 __ Bach, C.P.E. Concerto in A minor (Wq 166, H 431) for flute, strings and basso continuo, c1992: ‡b caption (Ulrich Leisinger) |
100 1_ Vento, Mattia, ‡d 1735-1776 670 __ Vento, M. Sonata per cembalo in sol maggiore, 1973?: ‡b cover (M. Vento) |
In German, opus is capitalized when spelled out, but not when abbreviated: Opus, op. In other languages, neither is capitalized.
100 1_ Schumann, Robert, ‡d 1810-1856. ‡t Fugues, ‡m piano, ‡n op. 72 670 __ Schumann, R. Vier Fugen Opus 72, c1984. |
100 1_ Schoenberg, Arnold, ‡d 1874-1951. ‡t Trio, ‡m strings, ‡n op. 45 670 __ Schoenberg, A. String trio opus 45, 1988. |
100 1_ Schumann, Robert, ‡d 1810-1856. ‡t Concertos, ‡m cello, orchestra, ‡n op. 129, ‡r A minor 670 __ Schumann, R. Symphonies Nr. 2 C-Dur op. 61 [SR] p1986: ‡b label (Konzert für Violoncello und Orchester a-Moll, op. 129) |
In German, number and its abbreviations are capitalized: Number, Nr., No. In other languages, it is not: number, no., nr.
100 1_ Kaiser, Norbert 670 __ Bambaro, V. Duo concertant für zwei Klarinetten op. 3, Nr. 1, c1991: ‡b t.p. (Norbert Kaiser) |
100 1_ Schuberth, Carl, ‡d 1811-1863 670 __ Schuberth, C. Quartet No. IV für 2 Violinen, Viola & Violoncello, op. 40, 1863: ‡b cover (Carl Schuberth) |
100 1_ Blavet, Michel, ‡d 1700-1768. ‡t Sonates mélées de pièces. ‡p Chauvet 670 __ Blavet, M. Sonata in D major op. 2 no. 2, c1991. |
Communications with people
Conversations in person:
100 1_ Earnest, Jeffrey, ‡d 1944- 670 __ Conversation with author, Dec. 12, 1991 ‡b (Jeffrey Earnest; b. 1944) |
100 1_ Slocum, Brad, ‡d 1947- 670 __ Slocum, B. Improvisation for oboe and piano, 1991: ‡b caption (Brad Slocum) 670 __ Conversation with composer, July 21, 1992 ‡b (Brad Slocum; b. 1947) |
100 1_ Elliott, Richard, ‡d 1957- 670 __ Craigheadisms, 1988: ‡b t.p. (Rick Elliott) 670 __ Conversation with R. Elliott, Aug. 2, 1988 ‡b (Richard Elliott is full and preferred form of name; b. Feb. 8, 1957) |
Telephone calls:
100 1_ Kramer, Karl, ‡d 1957- 670 __ Eval'd, V.V. Quintet #4 in A-flat major, opus 8, c1990: ‡b p. 2 of cover (Karl Kramer) 670 __ Phone call to K. Kramer, May 5, 1992 ‡b (Karl Kramer; b. Mar. 14, 1957; tuba player, arranger, and teacher; member of Brass Ring) |
100 1_ Frohnmayer, Ellen Phillips 670 __ The flowering of English song [SR] p1990: ‡b label (Ellen Phillips, soprano) container (Ellen Frohnmayer, soprano) 670 __ Phone call to E. Frohnmayer, June 13, 1991 ‡b (Stage name is Ellen Phillips Frohnmayer; Ellen Phillips is a variant name) |
E-mail correspondence:
100 1_ Kosovsky, Robert 670 __ Electronic communication, Sept. 20, 1991 ‡b (Bob Kosovsky, New York Public Library, Music Division) |
110 2_ Music Guild at Stanford 670 __ Communication from the Director of the Music Guild, Apr. 7, 1992 ‡b (Properly called the Music Guild at Stanford) |
663 field
The 663 field is for complex see also reference–name when the reference is more complex than can be conveyed solely through the contents of one or more 5XX fields.
100 1_ Lincoln, Harry J., ‡d 1878-1937 663 __ For works of this composer entered under other names, search also under: ‡b Jay, Harry, 1878-1937 ‡b Crosby, Ben E., 1878-1937 ‡b Losch, Abe, 1878-1937 ‡b Vandersloot, Carl D., 1878-1937. |
no 95022742
100 1_ Gobbaerts, L. ‡q (Louis), ‡d 1835-1886 663 __ For works of this author entered under other names, search also under ‡b Ludovic, G., 1835-1886 ‡a and ‡b Streabbog, L. (Louis), 1835-1886 |
no 98080965
100 1_ Streabbog, L. ‡q (Louis), ‡d 1835-1886 663 __ Works by this author are entered under the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under ‡b Gobbaerts, L. (Louis), 1835-1886 |
no 98080974
100 1_ Ludovic, G., ‡d 1835-1886 663 __ Works by this author are entered under the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under ‡b Gobbaerts, L. (Louis), 1835-1886 |
Examples of 667 and 675 fields
667 field: Non-public general note
Name NARs
100 1_ Bosseur, Jean-Yves 667 __ Old catalog heading: Bosseur, Jean Yves |
The 667 field was added to the existing LC record to correspond to the 667 field included in the new NACO record:
100 1_ Haas, Karl 667 __ Do not confuse with the conductor and musicologist: Haas, Karl, 1900-1970 |
100 1_ Haas, Karl, ‡d 1900-1970 667 __ Do not confuse with the radio personality and writer on music: Haas, Karl |
The 667 fields were added to point out a possible confusion between the father and son, both of whom wrote and edited music:
100 1_ Hellmesberger, Joseph, ‡d 1828-1893 667 __ Do not confuse with: Hellmesberger, Joseph, 1855-1907 |
100 1_ Hellmesberger, Joseph, ‡d 1855-1907 667 __ Do not confuse with: Hellmesberger, Joseph, 1828-1893 |
100 1_ Karthäuser, Sophie 667 __ Google search on "Sophie Karthauser," Feb. 15, 2006, yielded ca. 406 results; "Sophie Kartauser" yielded only 12, all referring to the Capriccio recording of the Myslivecek Passione di nostro Signore Gesu Christo cited as source for the Kartäuser spelling. |
100 1_ Hartke, Stephen, ‡d 1952- 667 __ Previous AACR2 hdg.: Hartke, Stephen Paul. Usage in composer's published scores is almost exclusively Stephen Hartke. |
n 2009023174
100 1_ Clark, Alan ‡q (N. Alan) 667 __ Previously entered under Clark, Alan, composer |
According to LC's FAQ about non-Latin script data in name authority records, catalogers should add a 667 field stating "Non-Latin script reference(s) not evaluated."
n 94108681
100 1_ Zhou, Long, ‡d 1953- 400 1_ 周龍, ‡d 1953- 667 __ Non-Latin script references not evaluated. |
The policy concerning non-Latin script cross-references in NARs is changing. Until August 15, 2023, the practice was to code the MARC 008/29 (reference evaluation code) as "b" (Tracings are not necessarily consistent with heading) and include a 667 note indicating that the non-Latin script variant access points have not been evaluation.
Note: This date has been postponed. As of August 15, 2023, 008/29 code "b" will not be used in newly created NARs.
Code "b" may still be found in LC records created before the adoption of AACR 2 in Jan. 1981 and name and series authority records with non-Latin script references created before August 15, 2023, until those references have been evaluated and the authority record is updated.
When code "b" is found in existing NARs and the non-Latin script references are not evaluated, retain the 667 note with the statement indicating that the non-Latin script variant access points have not been evaluation (e.g., "Non-Latin script reference(s) not evaluated") or a statement indicating partial evaluation (e.g., "Greek and Cyrillic script references evaluated. Other non-Latin script references not evaluated.")
Change the 008/29 code from "b" to "a" and delete the associated field 667 notes about the references only after all non-Latin script variant access points have been evaluated.
For more information and evlauation guidelines, see SCS Policy Recommendations on Non-Latin Script Cross-Reference Special Coding Practice in the LC/NACO Name Authority File (May 16, 2023)
Name-title NARs: form of heading
100 1_ Gabrieli, Giovanni, ‡d approximately 1554-1612. ‡t Sacrae symphoniae 667 __ Use this uniform title for 1597 publication; use Symphoniae sacrae for 1616 publication. |
100 1_ Copland, Aaron, ‡d 1900-1990. ‡t Red pony. ‡p Suite 667 __ Use for orchestral suite. |
100 1_ Binkerd, Gordon, ‡d 1916-2003. ‡t Memorial 667 __ Uniform title chosen as being better-known in the same language. |
130 _0 Mouvements du coeur 667 __ This is the heading for the complete cycle; enter individual songs under their respective composers |
100 1_ Harrison, Lou, ‡d 1917-2003. ‡t New first suite 667 __ Treated as independent work as per 25.25A, fn. 9 670 __ Alves, B. Works list of Lou Harrison, WWW site, Mar. 23, 2007 ‡b (1995. New first suite for strings, for string orchestra; rev. of First suite for strings (1947-48)) |
100 1_ Willaert, Adrian, ‡d 1490?-1562. ‡t In convertendo 667 __ Because the 1550 publication in which this motet appears is a collection and not a work, the motet is treated as an independent work |
100 1_ German, Edward, ‡d 1862-1936. ‡t Henry VIII. ‡p Shepherds' dance 667 __ Use [Henry VIII. Shepherds' dance] for the original incidental music (for orchestra), and [Henry VIII. Shepherds' dance; arr.] for partsong, organ arr., and other versions. |
Name-title NARs: initial title element
100 1_ Scherer, Sebastian Anton, ‡d 1631-1712. ‡t Intonations and toccatas, ‡m keyboard instrument, ‡n op. 2 667 __ Title formulated per 25.27C1b |
100 1_ Roussel, Albert, ‡d 1869-1937. ‡t Concert 667 __ Since the French word "Concert" does not mean "Concerto," the title is considered distinctive. |
100 1_ Cage, John. ‡t Quartets, ‡m orchestra 667 __ Initial title element chosen according to LCRI 25.27A1, fn. 10; medium of performance is required to distinguish this work from the composer's quartets for various groups of 4 instruments, as per 25.35B1 |
Name-title NARs: medium of performance
100 1_ Rubinstein, Anton, ‡d 1829-1894. ‡t Symphonies, ‡n no. 2, op. 42, ‡r C major ‡n (1880) 667 __ AACR2 25.27B1 applied. |
100 1_ Harper, Edward, ‡d 1941-2009. ‡t Fantasias, ‡n no. 3 667 __ Fantasias are for different media; thus medium omitted from uniform title. |
100 1_ Durón, Sebastián,‡d 1660-1716.‡t Taedet animam meam,‡m voices, instrumental ensemble 667 __ Provisional; reference sources have conflicting information. If the 8 voice Taedet is a different work, possibly use [Taedet animam meam, voices, continuo] |
100 1_ Weber, Carl Maria von,‡d 1786-1826.‡t Se il mio ben,‡m altos (2), clarinet, horns (2), violins (2), viola, cello, double bass 667 __ For version with 2 sopranos and piano, use: Duets, sopranos, piano, op. 31. Se il mio ben |
Name-title NARs: key
This 670 cites the item being cataloged as giving the key, but it isn't used in the uniform title.
100 1_ Boughton, Rutland, ‡d 1878-1960. ‡t Concertos, ‡m flute, string orchestra 667 __ None of the printed eds. in OCLC state the key. |
Name-title NARs: numbering
100 1_ Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, ‡d 1778-1837. ‡t Sonatas, ‡m piano, ‡n op. 20, ‡r F minor 667 __ Serial numbering deferred. 670 __ Hummel, J.N. Sonate no. 2 pour le piano forte, oeuvre 20, 1824. |
n 94053153
100 1_ La Barre, Michel de, ‡d approximately 1675-1745. ‡t Suites, ‡m flutes (2) 667 __ The original serial numbering ends with the 11th suite (cf. New Grove and 89-754926). Higher numbers are editorial in origin. |
100 1_ Handel, George Frideric, ‡d 1685-1759. ‡t Quel fior che all'alba ride, ‡n HWV 154 667 __ Owing to complexity of mediums in cantata settings of this text, use only HWV nos. in uniform titles. |
100 1_ Lallouette, Jean François, ‡d 1651-1728. ‡t Motets, ‡n book 1 667 __ No other books pubd.; qualifier added to distinguish this set from 6 motets, 3vv, bc, in Bibliothèque nationale de France |
Numbering in a part of a larger work
100 0_ Annibale, Padovano, ‡d 1527-1575. ‡t Ricercars, ‡m voices (4). ‡n No. 1-4 667 __ Authority record designated provisional because the particular problems of formulating the headings for the parts of this work are not specifically addressed in AACR2 |
Name-title NARs: Other
100 1_ Liszt, Franz, ‡d 1811-1886. ‡t Episoden aus Lenau's Faust. ‡p Tanz in der Dorfschenke 667 __ Until the chronology is firmly established, consider the piano version to be an arrangement. |
675 field: Sources not found
100 1_ Herbert, J. B. ‡q (John Bunyan), ‡d 1852-1927 675 __ New Grove dict. of Amer. mus.; ‡a Grove's dict. of mus. and musicians, 3rd ed.; ‡a Baker, 7th ed.; ‡a Baker, 4th ed. |
PVRs (Previously verified records)
In regard to editing existing 670 fields, Carolyn Sturtevant stated this in an e-mail to the PCC list on May 20, 2002: "It's valid to add more information to a 670 citation if you have the same item in hand."
The bolded areas represent the changes made to the existing records.
Personal name: 670 fields indicating the sources for references added to a personal name record must be included.
100 1_ Parsley, Osbert, ‡d 1511-1585 400 1_ Parsley, Osberto, ‡d 1511-1585 400 1_ Parslye, Osbert, ‡d 1511-1585 670 __ University of St. Andrews. Renaissance Group. Music of light and shadow [SR] p1982: ‡b container (Osbert Parsley, 1511-1585) 670 __ New Grove ‡b (Parsley, Osbert; b. 1511, d. 1585, Norwich; composer and singer; memorial tablet in Norwich Cathedral has Osberto Parsley) 670 __ The Oxford Music School collection at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, c1979: ‡b p. 35 (Parslye, Osbert) |
Corporate name: 670 fields indicating the sources for references added to a corporate name record must be included.
110 2_ Niederaltaicher Scholaren 410 2_ Niederaltaich Scholars 670 __ Suddeutsche Mehrchorigkeit um 1600 [SR] p1980: ‡b label (Niederaltaicher Scholaren) container (instrumental early music group; mostly alumni of Gymnasium der Benediktiner, Niederaltaich) 670 __ Gastoldi, G.G. 5 balletti for singing, playing, and dancing [SR] 1987: ‡b label (Niederaltaich Scholars) |
Name/uniform title: 670 fields indicating the sources for references added to a name/title record are not included.
100 1_ Beethoven, Ludwig van, ‡d 1770-1827. ‡t Ruinen von Athen 400 1_ Beethoven, Ludwig van, ‡d 1770-1827. ‡t Ruines d'Athènes 400 1_ Beethoven, Ludwig van, ‡d 1770-1827. ‡t Ruins of Athens 670 __ Beethoven, L. Ruines d'Athènes ; et, Le roi Estienne, 1846? 670 __ LC database, Mar. 1, 1989 ‡b (hdg.: Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Ruinen von Athen) |
Modifying machine-derived authority records (MDARs)
by Deta S. Davis, Library of Congress
Updated by Michelle Koth
When modifying machine-derived authority records (MDARs) treat them just like any other name authority record. Please observe the following points:
- If you have an item for the heading in hand, change the 008/33 (Auth status in OCLC) encoding from preliminary ("d") to full ("a"). This may be the only change to the record.
- Remove or correct machine-generated references as appropriate.
- Do not remove the 667 "Machine-derived authority record."
- "Do not routinely delete or change existing 670 fields..."--Z1, 670, p. 2, 2nd paragraph. If additional source information from the same bibliographic item needs to be added to the original 670 citation, give the source of the information at the end of the 670 and add the new information. Any 670 citation should be changed if it has an error or typo.
- Do not add additional 670s if they do not add any new information.
Incorrect headings and duplicate MDARs/NARs
- If an unmodified MDAR contains an erroneous heading, correct the heading and notify the LC NACO-Music liaison at Following the instructions above, include the LCCNs of all bibliographic records that need to be updated, including the LCCN of the bib record with the error, which is included in the 670 of the MDAR.
- If an MDAR duplicates a pre-existing NAR or another MDAR, follow the instructions for reporting duplicate authority records to LC.
Procedures for removing a person from an undifferentiated name heading
by A. Ralph Papakhian
You may alter the NAR for the undifferentiated heading as necessary. In some cases, you will be changing the undifferentiated heading into a "differentiated" one. In other cases, the heading will remain undifferentiated, but you will delete information relative to someone who is now differentiated. So, for example, if a heading represents four different people and you want to remove the violinist from among them (either by providing a date or by utilizing the ‡c qualifier for violinist), then simply delete the fields in the NAR related to the violinist. Delete any information pertaining to the musician from the 675 note, if it is possible to determine which sources apply to the musician. If the heading represents only two people, and you are going to differentiate them, then you would delete the 670s from the existing heading and change the fixed field coding as necessary while also making the new NAR. In both situations, existing DLC/DLC bib records could be involved, so you must search for those and report them for BFM.
If a library is not yet independent, any change along the lines described above would be reported to the coordinator before contribution. Once independent, the library can make the necessary changes to the NARs and then report the change to LC at the following e-mail address:
New procedure as of July 23, 2001 as per the revision of DCM Z1 (yellow pages):
When removing a name from an undifferentiated name record to create a new and unique record, include a 667 field saying "Formerly on undifferentiated name record:" and supply the LCCN of the record from which it was removed.
New procedures as of January 7, 2014 as per the revision of DCM 008/32 Undifferentiated personal name:
- Do not use code "b" (for undifferentiated) in an RDA name authority record; all personal name authority records coded RDA should be differentiated.
- Do not add a new identity to an existing personal name authority record coded 008/32 "b"
- When information is found to distinguish a person included in an existing undifferentiated name record:
- Create a new name authority record for that person, with distinguishing information
- Transfer information pertaining to that person from the undifferentiated name record and edit as necessary.
- If more than one identity remains in the undifferentiated NAR, and there is not sufficient information in the NAR to create new NARs for each name, leave the NAR coded AACR2.
- In order to facilitate machine processing of authority records (e.g., matching, linking), when only one identity is left on an undifferentiated personal name authority record (i.e., other identities are being disambiguated and removed), take the following steps:
- Assure that the undifferentiated NAR only contains information relevant to the single identity remaining (e.g., 670s)
- Add a 667 field to the undifferentiated NAR saying "Last identity on undifferentiated record; reported for deletion."
- Report the undifferentiated NAR for deletion to; LC will create a new replacement NAR and delete the old record.
To facilitate searching LCCNs in 667 fields in OCLC, format the LCCN following these guidelines from OCLC:
- Include the prefix (1 or 2 characters), the year portion (2 or 4 digits), and control number, with no hyphen.
- Add spaces following the prefix and preceding the year as explained here:
type of prefix: | type of year: | add space(s)? | examples: |
1 character prefix ("n") | 2 digit year | add 2 spaces | n_ _85204041 |
1 character prefix ("n") | 4 digit year | add 1 space | n_2005035179 |
2 character prefix ("nb," "no," "nr") | 2 digit year | add 1 space | nr_99012578 |
2 character prefix ("nb," "no," "nr") | 4 digit year | add no spaces | no2007016671 |
100 1_ Young, James, ‡d 1980- 667 __ Formerly on undifferentiated name record: no2006009312 |
n 2008015019
100 1_ Kirby, Paul H., ‡d 1946- 667 __ Formerly on undifferentiated name record: n_ _95114066 |
n 2008016439
100 1_ Golden, John, ‡d 1941- 667 __ Formerly on undifferentiated name record: no_98052776 |
Procedures for adding a death date to a heading with an open date
Basic instructions | Other changes that may be made to headings when adding death dates
Updating a heading coded AACR2 | AACR2 compatible | Reporting headings with death dates added for inclusion in the Music Cataloging Bulletin (MCB)
These instructions derived from the LC guidelines Addition of dates to existing personal name headings, LC responses to questions raised by NMP members, and examination of LC practice in the lists of changed headings reported on the OCLC site.
- The optional addition of death dates applies to established headings that contain birth dates only.
(LCRI 22.17 allows for the addition of dates to an existing heading without dates if that heading is being revised for another reason.)
Copland, Aaron, ‡d 1900- to Copland, Aaron, ‡d 1900-1990
Burleigh, Cecil, ‡d b. 1885 to Burleigh, Cecil, ‡d 1885-1980 - Dates (either birth or death dates) should not be added to a personal name heading in an existing authority record that currently does not have dates, except in cases of conflict or when revising the heading for another reason (LCRI 22.17).
- When making a change to a date in a 1XX all references must reflect the change and all related NARs must also be changed, e.g., name/title NARs, musical groups for which the personal name heading is is a see also reference:
- Pasquier, Pierre,‡d 1902- to Pasquier, Pierre, ‡d 1902-1986
The heading for Pasquier is a see also reference (5XX) in the authority record for Trio Pasquier; the death date should also be added to the see also reference in that authority record. - When making a change to a date in a 1XX in an MDAR or AACR2-compatible heading, the name portion of the heading should be evaluated for correct RDA form and changed if incorrect.
- When making a change to a date in a 1XX in a name/title NAR or MDAR, the title portion of the heading should be evaluated for accuracy and changed if incorrect:
Koetsier, Jan, ‡d 1911- ‡t Quintets,‡m trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba
Koetsier, Jan, ‡d 1911-2006. ‡t Quintets, ‡m trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba, ‡n op. 65
When reporting changes for the Music Cataloging Bulletin (MCB), report only name/title headings in which the title portion of the heading has been changed along with the name portion of the heading.
In a message to the PCC list, Antony Franks sent a reminder that all cross references must be reviewed for compliance with AACR2 26.1J when revising an established heading, even if only adding the death date.
100 1_ Di Stefano, Giuseppe, ‡d 1921-2008
400 1_ Stefano, Giuseppe di, ‡d 1921-2008
400 1_ Di Stefano, G. ‡q (Giuseppe), ‡d 1921-2008
100 1_ Di Stefano, Giuseppe, ‡d 1921-2008
400 1_ Stefano, Giuseppe di, ‡d 1921-
400 1_ Di Stefano, G. ‡q (Giuseppe), ‡d 1921-
Exception: A death date is not added to a linking reference (a pre-RDA form of a heading coded as ‡w nnaa)
Do not add the former heading as a 400 reference coded with subfield ‡w nne when the only difference is the addition of the death date. Reporting changes
NMP members who are not yet independent should report changed headings to their reviewers before contribution.
Report changes to LC for BFM when appropriate.
Report all changes for the Music Cataloging Bulletin (MCB).
Other changes that may be made to headings when adding death dates
Changes that reflect new practices:
For example, the 2001 Amendment to AACR2 provided for omitting British terms of honor ("Sir," "Dame," "Lord," "Lady") in new headings. These terms are removed when updating the heading for another reason, such as adding a death date:
Solti, Georg, ‡c Sir, ‡d 1912- to Solti, Georg, ‡d 1912-1997
Groves, Charles, ‡c Sir, ‡d 1915- to Groves, Charles, ‡d 1915-1992
Year of birth corrected
Horowitz, Vladimir, ‡d 1904- to Horowitz, Vladimir, ‡d 1903-1989
Milliet, Paul, ‡d 1858- to Milliet, Paul, ‡d 1848-1924
Andrassy, Gabor, ‡d 1951- to Andrasy, Gabor, ‡d 1943-2004
Michelin, Bernard, ‡d 1918- to Michelin, Bernard, ‡d 1915-2003
Cavaquinho, Nélson, ‡d 1911- to Cavaquinho, Nélson, ‡d 1910-1986
More definitive biographical information becomes available:
Year of birth no longer in question
Bach, J. M. (Johann Michael), ‡d b. 1754? to Bach, J. M. (Johann Michael), ‡d 1745-1820
Zimmermann, Frederick, ‡d 1906?-1967 to Zimmermann, Frederick, ‡d 1906-1967
Krismer, Giuseppe, ‡d b. 1878? to Krismer, Giuseppe, ‡d 1876-1946
Year of birth, still not completely certain, is more accurate
Lappi, Pietro, ‡d d. 1630? to Lappi, Pietro, ‡d approximately 1575-1630
Year of birth, not previously known, is now known
Sabater, Carles, ‡d d. 1999 to Sabater, Carles, ‡d 1962-1999
Koshetz, Nina, ‡d d. 1965 to Koshetz, Nina, ‡d 1894-1965
Year of birth, previously known, appeared in the heading as "‡d b."; year of death is now known Koff, Charles, ‡d b. 1909 to Koff, Charles, ‡d 1909-1977
Grossman, Bernie, ‡d b. 1885 to Grossman, Bernie, ‡d 1885-1951
Year of birth in heading is now either questioned or uncertain
Only the death date appears in the revised heading:
Dupree, Champion Jack, ‡d 1910- to Dupree, Champion Jack, ‡d -1992
When the day of birth was added to a heading to distinguish between persons with the same name born in the same year, retain the day of birth in the revised heading.
Shaw, Robert, ‡d 1908 August 9- to Shaw, Robert, ‡d 1908 August 9-1985
Ferris, William, ‡d 1937 February 26- to Ferris, William, ‡d 1937 February 26-2000
Mills, Charles, ‡d 1914 January 8- to Mills, Charles, ‡d 1914-1982
Updating a heading already coded AACR2 (rules c)
Do not add the former heading as a 400 reference coded with subfield ‡w nne when the only difference is the addition of the death date.
Updating a heading that is AACR2 compatible (rules d)
It is LC policy to fully upgrade an AACR2-compatible heading to the AACR2 form when revising the heading for any reason, including when adding a death date. Generally the AACR2-compatible form will include a middle name and the revised form will either omit the middle name or include the middle initial with a ‡q qualifier, depending on predominant usage.
Basner, Veniamin Efimovich, ‡d 1925- to Basner, V. ‡q (Veniamin), ‡d 1925-1996
Kondrashin, Kirill Petrovich, ‡d 1914- to Kondrashin, Kirill, ‡d 1914-1981
Bay, Melbourne Earl, ‡d 1913- to Bay, Mel, ‡d 1913-1997
Wright, Robert Craig, ‡d 1914- to Wright, Robert, ‡d 1914-2005
Albrecht, Otto Edwin, ‡d 1899- to Albrecht, Otto E. ‡q (Otto Edwin), ‡d 1899-1984
Boyden, David Dodge, ‡d 1910- to Boyden, David D. ‡q (David Dodge), ‡d 1910-1986
Simpson, Robert Wilfred Levick, ‡d 1921- to Simpson, Robert, ‡d 1921-1997
Frankenstein, Alfred Victor, ‡d 1906- to Frankenstein, Alfred V. (Alfred Victor), ‡d 1906-1981
Azpiazu Iriarte, José de, ‡d 1912- to Azpiazu, José de, ‡d 1912-1986
The difference between an AACR2-compatible and the revised form may be as minor as the addition or removal of a hyphen in the person's given name.
Martin, Henri Jean, ‡d 1924- to Martin, Henri-Jean, ‡d 1924-2007
Note: LC applies this guideline inconsistently. In an e-mail dialog on NMP-L in January 2009, Joe Bartl of LC said, "Because of automated matching processes (real and imagined) and because of the potential for complications down the line (real and easily imagined for a name like "John Williams") it would seem the path of least resistance to retain the Mar. 13 in the heading." In response to NMP members' question about this, Ana Cristán said, "To the question "what is the official LC policy" ... , the fact is that there is no LC/PCC policy. That being the case, the answer is that LC relies on cataloger's judgment to determine the best option. As Joe Bartl opined, the path of least resistance would be to simply add the death date and move on; however, some cataloger's will disagree, etc. and each is correct to do as his/her judgment dictates."
NMP BFM requests and queries
NMP participants occasionally make changes to existing headings in authority records. When these headings are represented in the Library of Congress catalog, LC should be notified in certain cases so that bibliographic file maintenance (BFM) can be done. Previously, all heading changes had to be reported. Because of new software that will inform LC when a 1XX field in an authority record has changed, it is no longer necessary to report "straightforward changes to 1XX headings," (which includes name/title heading changes).
Because the new software doesn't handle newly created authority records, it is still necessary to report the following changes:
° a new heading and authority record for a person removed an undifferentiated authority record
° a new authority record for a heading in the LC bibliographic file but not in the authority file, in which the heading in the new record differs from the form in the LC bibliographic file.
These types of changes and queries should be sent directly to the following e-mail address: This e-mail account was established specifically to handle this correspondence. Responsibility for responding to BFM requests and queries will rotate monthly among senior music catalogers at LC.
A list of the types of BFM that LC still needs to have us report is on the PCC website:
Please send notification of all changed headings to the Editor of the Music Cataloging Bulletin.
Reporting duplicate authority records to LC
Multiple authority records that improperly represent the same person or work should be reported to LC. These may be records with duplicate headings or records with different headings that nonetheless identify the same person and that do not represent situations where "multiple bibliographic identities" are warranted.
A decision as to which authority record to retain and which to cancel should be made by the NMP participant. Unless there are other factors involved, the decision will generally be accepted by LC. Generally:
- Prefer to keep a heading that has been coded for RDA over one coded AACR2 or coded for earlier rules.
- If both NARs are coded for AACR2 or RDA, prefer the heading that contains more information (e.g., dates, fuller form of name).
- If both headings are identical, prefer the one with the more complete set of information citations (670s) and references, 046 or 37X fields.
- If all things are equal, pick either one. Do not agonize over the choice!
Transfer as much relevant and useful data, including varying forms of headings (references), from the record to be deleted to the record to be retained as the OCLC validation software will allow and then replace the record. (Only LC can add the LCCN of the record to be deleted to the 010 field of the record to be retained.)
Once you have replaced the authority record that is to be retained, do not report the duplicate record until the following work day, as the revised version of the record will not arrive at LC until then. This will ensure that when LC adds the cancelled LCCN to the record or makes any other changes, they will be working with the revised record and your changes will not be overlaid.
The validation software does not allow replacing a name record containing a 4XX field that normalizes to a form matching a 1XX in another authority record. If the 1XX in the record to be deleted would be a legitimate reference in the record to be retained, do not add it. Make all changes that can be done,replace the record to be retained, and wait one working day to notify LC. Then, when reporting the duplicate LCCN, request that the the 1XX in the duplicate record be added as a 4XX to the surviving record.
When reporting a duplicate record, the following information should be sent to the LC NACO-Music liaison (
- The LCCN of the authority record to be cancelled and the LCCN of the record to which the cancelled LCCN is to be added.
- Send LCCNs, not OCLC authority record numbers (ARNs).
The LCCN is in the 010 field and is preceded by a prefix n, nb, no, or nr, which must be included when you report the LCCNs.
The ARN appears at the top left of the OCLC authority record following the acronym ARN and has no prefix. LC catalogers cannot use the ARN when searching for authority records in their online catalog. - Example:
Please delete n 84107906 in favor of no2002112706
Please delete ARN 1163881 in favor of ARN 5931714 - When you have replaced the authority record that is to be retained, wait at least one working day before you report it to LC. If not, your changes may be overlaid when LC adds the cancelled LCCN to the record.
- Send LCCNs, not OCLC authority record numbers (ARNs).
- If the headings in the authority records differed, send a list of LCCNs for bibliographic records to be updated.
Reporting heading changes for inclusion in the Music Cataloging Bulletin (MCB) to the Editor
Report all changes to 1XX fields music-related authority records to the MCB Editor.
Include the following information:
° the old form of the heading
° the new form of the heading
° the LCCN (not the OCLC ARN) (See the instructions above)
Remove delimiters and subfields.
If there are diacritics in the heading that have been removed, indicate so:
The name of the diacritic follows the letter to which it applies:
Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848. Cre[acute]puscule
Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848. Nuits d'e[acute]te]acute a[grave] Pausilippe. Cre[acute]puscule no2003074096
Studio for New Music (Moscow, Russia)
Studiia novoi muzyki (Moscow, Russia) (diacritics omitted)
When a heading with diacritics is pasted from OCLC or a Word document into an e-mail message, the result can be indecipherable:
Vostr?a´k, Zbyne?k,
Enăchescu, Voicu
Eben, Petr. PiÌsneÌŒ z TeÌŒsÌŒiÌŒnskaÂ
If it could be unclear how a record has been changed, indicate the change:
Say Hi (Musical group) (no2008050345) (removed extra space preceding qualifier)
When reporting the addition of a death date, cite the previous form and the new form:
Albert, Stephen, 1941- to Albert, Stephen, 1941-1992 (n 86143547)
If only the name portion of a composer's heading has been changed, it is not necessary to report the associated name/title heading changes or other associated NARs. Even though this name appears as a see also reference for Trio Pasquier (n 82217167), and the see also reference has had the death date added, report only the name record and not the associated record for the MCB.
Pasquier, Pierre, 1902- to Pasquier, Pierre, 1902-1986 (no 92024918)
When reporting changes for the MCB, report only name/title headings in which the title portion of the heading has been changed along with the name portion of the heading.
Presser, William, 1916- to Presser, William, 1916-2004 (n 81035966)
Presser, William, 1916- Quintets, trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba, no. 4
Presser, William, 1916-2004. Quintets, no. 4 (n 88617462)