Music Cataloging at Yale ♪ Preferred titles
Printed biographical sources for composers and their works held in the Yale University Music Library
See also Musical biographical resources on the Web and Music dictionaries in the Yale Music Library
See also Authority tools for audiovisual and music catalogers: an annotated list of useful resources from OLAC
General encyclopedias | Resources by specific time period | Women composers | National encyclopedias and books | Library catalogs | By form, genre, or medium of performance
General Encyclopedias
Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians / revised by Nicolas Slonimsky. 8th ed. New York: Schirmer, 1992.
Ref. ML105 B168 1992
Earlier editions of this source sometimes include persons not covered in the current edition.
Brockhaus-Riemann-Musiklexikon / edited by Carl Dahlhaus and Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht. Wiesbaden: Brockhaus, 1978-1979.
Ref ML100 B864
Eitner, Robert. Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und musikgelehrten christlicher Zeitrechnung bis Mitte und neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 2. verb. Aufl. Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1959.
Ref ML105 E36
Fétis, François-Joseph. Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie générale de la musique. 2. éd. Bruxelles: Culture et Civilisation, 1963.
Ref ML105 F41 1963
A reprint of the second edition of 1875-1883 and the 1878-1880 supplement.
Internationaler biographischer Index der Musik: Komponisten, Dirigenten, Instrumentalisten und Sanger = World biographical index of music: composers, conductors, instrumentalists and singers. Munchen ; New Providence: K.G. Saur, 1995.
Ref ML105 I618+
An index to sources.
Kurzgefasstes Tonkünstler-Lexikon. 15. Aufl. Wilhelmshaven: Heinrichshofen's Verlag, c1971.
Ref ML105 A468
An excellent source for lesser-known German composers, editors, and arrangers, but also occasionally includes the non-German composer who does not appear anywhere else. Three volumes: volume 1 is a new printing of the 1936 edition, volume 2, parts 1 and 2 includes composers who were born or died after 1937 or updates the entries from volume 1.
Grove, George. Dictionary of music and musicians, eds. 1 through 5.
Ref ML100 G883 1927 (Yale has 3rd ed. in reference)
A less scholarly work than its successor (see New Grove), but occasionally will include biographical information about lesser-known English composers.
The international who's who in music and musician's directory. Cambridge, Eng.
Ref ML105 I61 (only the most current ed. in reference; older eds. in stacks)
Published periodically, earlier editions usually include persons not in the current edition.
Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1949-1986. (MGG)
Ref ML100 M987+
New Grove dictionary of music and musicians / edited by Stanley Sadie. London: Macmillan, 1980. (New Grove)
Ref ML100 G883 1980
Resources by specific time period
20th century | 19th century | 17th-18th centuries | Before 1600
20th century
Bull, Storm. Index to biographies of contemporary composers. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1964-1974. 3 volumes.
Ref ML105 B935
Contemporary composers / editors, Brian Morton, Pamela Collins. Chicago: St. James Press, 1992.
Ref ML105 C761 M8+
International in scope, but includes only the more well-established composers.
Hermil, Hélène. Musique: 10,000 compositeurs du XIIe au XXe siècle: repertoire chrono ethnique. Paris: Groupe de recherches et d'études musicales, 1983.
Ref ML105 H554 M9+
19th century
Pazdírek, Franz. Universal-Handbuch der Musikliteratur aller Zeiten und Völker. Wien: Pazdírek, 1904-1910.
ML113 U58 P3
A good source for determining how many works with a given title a composer wrote. Particularly good for less well-known 19th-century composers.
17th-18th centuries
Répertoire international des sources musicales = International inventory of musical sources. Series A/I
Ref. ML113 I61
Known as RISM; useful for finding 1st edition titles.
Before 1600
Brown, Howard Mayer. Instrumental music printed before 1600: a bibliography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965.
Ref. ML128 I59 B8
A good source for individual titles within larger works.
Women composers
Boenke, Heidi M., compiler. Flute music by women composers: an annotated catalog. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988.
ML128 F64 B6
Claghorn, Charles Eugene. Women composers and hymnists: a concise biographical dictionary. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1984.
Ref BV325 C584 W8
Cohen, Aaron I. International encyclopedia of women composers. 2nd ed. New York: Books & Music, 1987.
Ref ML105 C678 I6+ 1987
Fuller, Sophie. The Pandora guide to women composers: Britain and the United States 1629- present. London ; San Francisco: Pandora, 1994.
ML82 F968 P1
Hixon, Don L., and Hennessee, Don A. Women in music: an encyclopedic bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1993.
Ref. ML105 H676 W8 1993
Jezic, Diane. Women composers: the lost tradition found. 2nd ed. prepared by Elizabeth Wood. New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, c1994.
ML390 J59 W8 1994
Johnson, Rose-Marie, compiler. Violin music by women composers: a bio-bibliographical guide. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.
ML128 W872 J6
Laurence, Anya. Women of notes: 1,000 women composers born before 1900. New York: R. Rosen Press, 1978.
ML105 L379 W8+
LePage, Jane Weiner. Women composers, conductors, and musicians of the twentieth century: selected biographies. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1980-
Ref ML82 L591 W8
Marx, Eva, Gerlinde Haas. 210 österreichische Komponistinnen vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart: Biographie, Werk und Bibliographie: ein Lexikon. Salzburg: Residenz Verlag, c2001.
ML82 M382 Z9
Meggett, Joan M. Keyboard music by women composers: a catalog and bibliography. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981.
ML128 P58 M4
The Norton/Grove dictionary of women composers / edited by Julie Anne Sadie & Rhian Samuel. New York: W.W. Norton, c1995.
Ref. ML105 G883
Organ and harpsichord music by women composers: an annotated catalog / compiled by Adel Heinrich. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991.
ML128 O68 O68
Olivier, Antje, and Karin Weingartz-Perschel. Komponistinnen von A-Z. 1. Aufl. Dusseldorf: Tokkata, 1988.
ML105 O49 K8
Rieger, Eva, Martina Oster, Siegrun Schmidt, editors. Sopran contra Bass: die Komponistin im Musikverlag: Nachschlagewerk aller lieferbaren Noten. Kassel: Furore-Verlag, c1989.
ML128 W872 S7
National encyclopedias and books
Encyclopedias that focus on a particular nation usually will contain more in-depth articles about composers of that nationality, but also include better-known composers not of that nationality.
Argentina | Australia | Austria | Belgium | Bolivia | Brazil | Canada | Czechoslovakia | Cuba | Denmark | Ecuador | England/Great Britain | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Holland | Hungary | India | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Latin America | Netherlands | New Zealand | North and South America | Norway | Paraguay | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia/Soviet Union | Silesia | South Africa | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Ukraine | United States | Yugoslavia
Arizaga, Rodolfo. Enciclopedia de la música Argentina. Buenos Aires: Fondo nacional de las Artes, 1971.
Ref ML106 A691 A7
Bebbingtton, Warren, ed. The Oxford companion to Australian music. Melbourne; New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Ref ML106 A93 O9
Broadstock, Brenton. Sound ideas: Australian composers born since 1950: a guide to their music and ideas. The Rocks, NSW: Australian Music Centre, 1995.
ML106 A93 B8
Glennon, James. Australian music & musicians. Adelaide: Rigby, 1968.
HSR ML106 A93 G55
Lang, Siegfried. Lexikon osterreichischer U-Musik-Komponisten im 20. Jahrhundert. Wien: im Auftrag des Osterreichischen Komponistenbundes (OKB)/Arbeitskreis U-Musik, 1986.
ML106 A938 L2
CeBeDeM et ses compositeurs affilies: biographies, catalogues, discographie = CeBeDeM en zijn aangesloten componisten: biografieen, catalogi, discografie = CeBeDeM and its affiliated composers: biographies, catalogues, discography. Bruxelles: Centre belge de documentation musicale, c1977-c1980.
ML120 B429 V8
Only those composers published by CeBeDeM.
Levaux, Thierry. Dictionnaire des compositeurs de Belgique du Moyen Áge à nos jours. [Ohain-Lasne]: Éditions Art in Belgium, [200-]
Ref ML106 B429 L6
Roquet, Flavie. Vlaamse componisten geboren na 1800. Roeselare: Roularta Books, 2007.
Ref ML106 B429 R7
Rojas Rojas, Orlando. Creadores de la musica boliviana. La Paz, Bolivia: Produciones CIMA, 1995.
SML ML106 B6 R65 1995 (LC)
Rivera de Stahlie, Ma. Teresa. Musica y musicos bolivianos. La Paz, Bolivia: Los Amigos del Libro, 1995.
ML106 B689 R6
Enciclopédia da música brasileira. 3a ed. rev. e atualizada, 1a reimpr. São Paulo: Art Editora, 1998 (2003 printing).
Ref ML101 B827 E5 2003+
Kallmann, H., Gilles Potvin, Kenneth Winters, ed. Encyclopedia of music in Canada. 2nd ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c1992.
Ref ML106 C212 E56+ 1992
Gardavsky, Cenek. Contemporary Czechoslovak composers. Prague: Panton, 1965.
Ref ML106 C998 G2
Titles of works are in English only, thus this book can be used to determine what the composer has written, but not necessarily what the correct uniform title should be.
Ceskoslovenský hudební slovník osob a institucí. 1. vyd. Praha: Státní hudební vydavatelství, 1963-1965.
ML106 C998 C4 (currently held in Music Technical Services)
Orovio, Helio. Diccionario de la música cubana: biográfico y técnico. Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba: Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1981.
SML ML106 C8 O75 (LC)
Danske komponister af i day = Danish composers of today. Købenavn: Dansk Komponistforening, 1980.
Ref ML120 D39 D191+
Guerrero Gutiérrez, Pablo. Enciclopedia de la música ecuatoriana: EMEc. Quito: Corporación Musicológica Ecuatoriana Conmusica: Archivo Sonoro de la Música Ecuatoriana, 2001-2002.
Ref ML101 E19 G9
England/Great Britain
Poulton, Alan J. A dictionary-catalog of modern British composers. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000.
Eesti muusika biograafiline leksikon. Tallinn: Valgus, 1990.
ML106 E81
Eesti tänase muusika loojaid. Tallinn: Eesti Muusikafond, 1992.
ML106 E81 E2
20th-century emphasis.
Hillila, Ruth-Esther, and Barbara Blanchard Hong. Historical dictionary of the music and musicians of Finland. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1997.
ML101 F511 H6
Suomalaisia säveltäjiä. Helsingissa: Otava, c1994.
ML106 F511 S9
Includes lengthy bios for better-known Finnish composers. Brief bios for other Finnish composers are arranged alphabetically at the end of the volume.
Dictionnaire de la musique. Les hommes et leurs oeuvres. Nouv. éd. Paris: Bordas, 1986.
Ref ML100 D554 1986
Encyclopédie de la musique. Paris: Fasquelle, 1958.
Ref ML100 E56
Deutsches Musiker-Lexikon. Edited by Erich H. Müller. Dresden: Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag, 1929.
Ref ML106 G37 M9+
Good for really obscure Germans; includes work lists for most.
Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik. Kassel: Bäarenreiter-Verlag, 1949-1986.
Ref ML100 M987+
Algemene muziek encyclopedie. Haarlem: De Haan, 1979-1984.
Ref ML100 A394+
Bunge, Sas. 60 years of Dutch chamber music = 60 annees de musique de chambre neerlandaise = 60 Jahre niederlandische Kammermusik: 1913-1973. Amsterdam: Stichting Cultuurfonds BUMA: Stichting Nederlandse Muziekbelangen, 1974.
ML106 N469 B9+
Contemporary Hungarian composers. 4th rev., enl. ed. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1979.
ML106 H936 C9 1979
Ki kicsoda a magyar zeneéletben? 2., bov. kiad. Budapest: Zenemukiado, c1988.
ML106 H936 K4 1988
Zenei lexikon / Szabolesi Bence, Tóth Aladár. Budapest: Zenemukiadó Vállat, 1965.
Ref ML100 Z54
Sambamoorthy, P. A dictionary of South Indian music and musicians. 1st ed. Madras: Indian Pub. House, 1952-
ML106 I39 S1
v. 1. A-F -- v. 2. G-K -- v. 3. L-N.
Klein, Axel. Irish classical recordings: a discography of Irish art music. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2001.
ML156.2 K64 I6
Tischler, Alice. A descriptive bibliography of art music by Israeli composers. Warren, Mich.: Harmonie Park Press, 1988.
ML120 I85 T6+
This source does not use LC transliteration.
Enciclopedia della music. Milano Ricordi, 1972.
Ref ML100 E5+ 1972
Dizionario enciclopedico universale della musica e dei musicisti. Le biografie. Torino: UTET, 1985-1990.
Ref ML100 D622 B6
Matsushita, Hitoshi. A checklist of published instrumental music by Japanese composers. Tokyo: Academia Music, c1989.
Ref ML128 I59 C5 M4+
In parallel Japanese and English; includes birth and death dates.
Latin America
Compositores de América. Washington, D.C.: Uniõn panamericana, 1955.
Ref ML105 P187 C7+
19 volumes with an index. The index serves as a locator for the set, since this source is not arranged alphabetically. To find a composer, you must know the composer's country of residence, and consult the index, which is arranged by country. This set is particularly good for Latin American composers.
Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana. [Spain]: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, c1999-
REF ML101 S733 D5+
A guide to the Latin American art song repertoire: an annotated catalog of twentieth-century art songs for voice and piano. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2010.
REF ML128 S698 G9
Latin American classical composers: a biographical dictionary. Compiled and edited by Martha Furman Schleifer and Gary Galván. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
Ref. ML105 F44 2016
Mayer-Serra, Otto. Música y músicos de Latinoamérica. México: Editorial Atlante, 1947.
SML ML230 M3 M39 (LC)
Scores and recordings at the Indiana University Latin American Music Center. Compiled and edited by Ricardo Lorenz with Luis R. Hernandez and Gerardo Dirie. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.
Ref ML136 B655 I3 L3
New Zealand
Norman, Philip. Bibliography of New Zealand compositions. 2nd ed. Christchurch: Nota Bene Music, 1982-
ML106 N567 N8+
Thomson, John Mansfield. Biographical dictionary of New Zealand composers. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1990.
ML106 N532 T4
North and South America
Compositores de América. Washington, D.C.: Uniõn panamericana, 1955.
Ref ML105 P187 C7+
19 volumes with an index. The index serves as a locator for the set, since this source is not arranged alphabetically. To find a composer, you must know the composer's country of residence, and consult the index, which is arranged by country. This set is particularly good for Latin American composers.
Cappelens musikkleksikon. Oslo: Cappelens Forlag, 1978-1980.
Ref ML100 C247+
Szarán, Luis. Diccionario de la música en el Paraguay. [Asunción, Paraguay: S.n., 1997]
ML101 P222 S9
Encyklopedia muzyczna PWM. Krakow: Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne, 1979-
Ref ML100 E565+
Slownik muzyków polskich. Kraków: Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne, 1964-1967.
Ref. ML106 P76 S6
Enciclopédia da música brasileira popular, erudita e folclórica. 3a ed. rev. e atualizada, 1a reimpr. Saõ Paulo, SP : Art Editora : Publifolha, c1998 (2003 printing)
Ref ML101 B827 E5 2003+
Harper, Nancy Lee. Portuguese piano music : an introduction and annotated bibliography. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2013.
REF ML128 P58 H2+
Cosma, V. Muzicieni români: compozitori si muzicologi: Lexicon. Bucuresti: Editura muzicala Uniunii Compozitorilor, 1970.
Ref ML106 R758 C8
Popescu, Mihai. Repertoriul general al creatiei muzicale românesti. Bucuresti: Editura Muzicala, 1979-
ML106 R758 P8+
Russia/Soviet Union
Jüdische Musik in Sowjetrussland Berlin: E. Kuhn, 2002.
ML300.5 J93
Includes biographies and work lists for the following composers: Joseph Achron, Mikhail Fabianovich Gnesin, Aleksandr Abramovich Krein,
Grigorii Krein, Moshe Milner, Leonid Leonidovich Sabaneev, Lazare Saminsky, Aleksandr Veprik
Muzykal'naia entsiklopediia. Moskva: Izd-vo. "Sovetskiia entsiklopediia", 1973-1982.
Ref ML100 M9942+ 1973
Biographical dictionary of Russian/Soviet composers. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.
Ref ML106 R96 H6
The transliteration of the names of composers and titles of work is not according to the LC style of transliteration.
Schlesisches Musiklexikon. Augsburg: Wissner, 2001.
Ref ML101 S342
South Africa
South African music encyclopedia. Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1979-1986.
Ref ML106 S726
Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana. [Spain]: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, c1999-
REF ML101 S733 D5+
Musicos españoles de todos los tiempos: diccionario biográfico. Madrid: Tres, 1984.
ML106 S735 M9
68 compositors catalans. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura, 1989.
ML106 S735 S4+
Sohlmans musiklexikon. Stockholm: Sohlmans førlag, 1975-1979.
Ref ML100 S682+
Schweizer Musiker-Lexikon, 1964. Zurich: Atlantis, c1964.
Ref ML106 S979 S4
Sonevyts'kyi, Ihor, and Palidvor-Sonevyts'ka, Nataliia. Dictionary of Ukrainian composers. L'viv: Union of Ukrainian composers, 1997.
SML ML390 S66 1997 (LC)
United States
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. The ASCAP biographical dictionary of composers, authors and publishers. 4th ed. New York: Bowker, 1980.
Ref ML106 U5 A5+ 1980
Brief biographical information; includes ASCAP members only.
Anderson, E.R. Contemporary American composers. 2nd ed. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982.
Ref ML106 U58 A549 C7+ 1982
On occasion, a person in the first edition is not found in the second edition.
Butterworth, Neil. Dictionary of American composers. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2005.
Ref ML106 U3 B9 2005
Claghorn, Charles Eugene. Biographical dictionary of American music. West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Pub. Co., 1973.
Ref ML106 U58 C58
A good source for obscure nineteenth-century composers.
Ewen, David. American composers: a biographical dictionary. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1982.
Ref ML390 E94 A5
The Macmillan encyclopedia of music and musicians. Compiled and edited by Albert E. Wier. New York: Macmillan, 1938.
Ref ML100 W64+
The New Grove dictionary of American music. Edited by H. Wiley Hitchcock and Stanley Sadie. New York: Grove's Dictionaries of Music, 1986.
Ref ML101 U58 N5+
The most well-established American composers are included. Entries for those of foreign birth include works composed after coming to the US.
Southern, Eileen. Biographical dictionary of Afro-American and African musicians. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982.
Ref ML105 S727 B6+
Who's who in American music, classical. 2nd ed. Edited by Jacques Cattell press. New York: R.R. Bowker, 1985.
Ref ML106 U58 W624+
Leksikon jugoslavenske muzike. Zagreb: Jugoslavenske leksikografski zavod "Miroslav Krleza", 1984.
Ref ML100 L536+
Muzicka enciklopedija. Zagreb: Jugoslavenski lekskografski zavod, 1971.
Ref ML100 M994+
Library catalogs
The catalogue of printed music in the British Library to 1980. London: K.G. Saur, 1981-1987. (CPM to 1980).
Ref ML136 L847 B86+
Even though the cut-off date is 1980, CPM to 1980 is valuable for finding first edition titles and ascertaining how many of a given form a composer has written.
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Katalog der Musikdrucke. München: K.G. Saur, 1988-1990. (BSB-Musik)
Ref ML136 M966 B3 K1+
Music, books on music, and sound recordings (MBMSR). Formerly Music and phonorecords.
New York Public Library. Research Libraries. Dictionary catalog of the music collection. 2nd ed. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982.
Ref ML136 N567 D5+ 1982
Good for finding dates for lesser-known composers. Unfortunately, since the catalog itself is old, sometimes only the year of birth is given in the heading.
By form, genre, or medium of performance
Band | Cello | Chamber music | Double bass Flute | Guitar | Horn | Opera | Orchestra | Organ | Percussion | Saxophone | Viola da gamba
Rehrig, William H. Heritage encyclopedia of band music: composers and their music. Westerville, OH: Integrity Press, 1991.
Suppan, Wolfgang. Neue Lexikon des Blasmusikwesens. Freiburg-Tiengen: Blasmusikverlag Schulz, 1988. 3. Aufl.
Ref ML102 W71 S9 1988
Lambooij, Henk. A cellist's companion: a comprehensive catalogue of cello literature. Netherlands : ‡b Stichting The Cellist's Companion, c2007.
Ref ML128 V795 L2+ 2007
Gives some birth and death information along with lists of works for or with cello.
Chamber music
Secrist-Schmedes, Barbera. Wind chamber music: winds with piano and woodwind quintets: an annotated guide. Lanham, MD Scarecrow Press, 1996.
Secrist-Schmedes, Barbera. Wind chamber music: for two to sixteen winds: an annotated guide. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2002.
Double bass
Planyavsky, Alfred. Geschichte des Kontrabasses. 2. Aufl. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1984.
Goldberg, Adolf. Porträts und Biographien hervorragender Flöten-Virtuosen, -Dilettanten und -Komponisten. Celle: Moeck Verlag, 1987.
A reprint of the 1906 edition. Includes many obscure composers for the flute, but since it is current only to 1906, some entries do not have death dates.
Moser, Wolf. Gitarre-Musik: ein internationaler Katalog. Aktualisierte Neuausg. in einem Band. Hamburg: J. Trekel, c1985.
Ref ML128 G9 M8 1985
Prat, D. A biographical, bibliographical, historical, critical dictionary of guitars (related instruments), guitarists (teachers, composers, performers, lutenists, amateurs), guitar-makers (luthiers), dances and songs, terminology. Columbus, Ohio: Editions Orpheé, c1986.
Ref ML102 GT P912+ 1934a
reprint of: Diccionario biográfico--bibliográfico--histórico--crítico de guitarras (instrumentos afines), guitarristas (profesores, compositores, concertistas, lahudistas, amateurs), guitarreros (luthiers), danzas y cantos, terminologiá. Buenos Aires: Romero y Fernández, 1934.
Hornisten-Lexikon. München: Hans Pizka, 1986.
ML955 H816+
Opera and vocal music
Barlow, Harold. A dictionary of vocal themes. New York: Crown Publishers, 1950.
ML128 V872 B2
Diccionario de la zarzuela: España e Hispanoamérica. Madrid: Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales, 2006. 2a. ed.
Ref ML102 Z38 D5+ 2006
The Gramophone Shop encyclopedia of recorded music
hsr ML156 G747 G7 1948a
Hamilton, David. Metropolitan opera encyclopedia: a comprehensive guide to the world of opera. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.
Morgenstern, Sam. A dictionary of opera and song themes, including cantatas, oratorios, lieder, and art songs. New York: Crown Publishers, c1950.
hsr ML128 V872 B2 1950
New Grove dictionary of opera. London: Macmillan; New York: distributed in the United States of America and Canada by Grove's Dictionaries of music, 1992.
Parson, Charles H. Opera composers and their works. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellon Press, 1986.
Steiger, Franz. Opernlexikon. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1977.
Arranged in three sections, by title, composer, and librettist.
Symphony orchestra of the world: selected profiles. Edited by Robert Craven. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987.
Includes name in the language of country of origin as well as English translation of the name.
Beckmann, Klaus. Repertorium Orgelmusik: Komponisten, Werke, Editionen, 1150-2000, 57 Länder. 3. neu. und erw. Aufl. Mainz: Schott, 2001-
Very good resource; organized by country and then chronologically by date of birth. With work lists. Includes index.
Edson, Jean Slater. Organ-preludes. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970.
Includes composers, with birth and death dates, not found elsewhere.
Henderson, John. A directory of composers for organ. Wiltshire, England, 1996.
Includes composers' last names and initials, birth and death dates, and country; lists of works
Vessia, Gian Nicola, and Marco Rossi. Le firme dell'organo: compositori e repertorio organistico del '900 italiano. Bergamo: Carrara, 2003.
ML128 O68 V5
Covers 20th-century Italian organ composers.
Siwe, Thomas. Percussion ensemble & solo literature. Champaign, Ill.: Media Press, c1993.
Siwe, Thomas. Percussion ensemble literature. Champaign, Ill.: Media Press, c1998.
Siwe, Thomas. Percussion solo literature. Champaign, Ill.: Media Press, c1995.
Londeix, Jean-Marie. 150 years of music for saxophone: bibliographical index of music and educational literature for the saxophone, 1844-1994. Cherry Hill, NJ, USA: Roncorp, c1994.
Gives brief biographical information for lots of composers whose biographical information cannot be found elsewhere.
Viola da gamba
Dodd, Gordon. Thematic index of music for viols. London: Viola da Gamba Society of Great Britain, 1980-
Ref ML128 V785 V7+
Now online at