Recording date and place of origin for musical works (RDA 6.4-6.5)

Music Cataloging at YalePreferred titles

Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.

(6.4) Date of work
Use in conjunction with MARC 046 field (Special coded dates).
Date of work is the earliest date associated with a work.
It may be the date:
     ° the work was created
     ° the work was first published or released.
( Sources of information
Take information on date of work from any source.
( Recording date of work

Record the date of the work in terms of the calendar preferred by the agency creating the data.
     LC-PCC PS: LC practice: Record dates in terms of the Gregorian calendar.
For works other than treaties, generally record the date of the work by giving the year or years alone.
Record date of work as a separate element, as part of an access point, or as both.
For instructions on recording date of work as part of authorized access points representing musical works, see
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at

Best practices for music cataloging: If giving date of work as a component of an access point (i.e., to distinguish two works with the same preferred title), routinely also give date of work in an 046 ‡k (and ‡l as appropriate). For other works, give date of work separately in a an 046 ‡k (and ‡l as appropriate) if readily ascertainable.

(6.5) Place of origin of the work
Use in conjunction with MARC 370 field (Associated place).
Place of origin of the work is the country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a work originated.
( Sources of information
Take information on place of origin of the work from any source.
( Recording place of origin of the work

Record the place of origin as a separate element, as part of an access point, or as both.
For instructions on recording place of origin as part of authorized access points representing musical works, see
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at

Best practices for music cataloging: In authority records for works, give place of origin of the work in 370 ‡g if readily ascertainable. Give country or local place within a country, as appropriate.