Music Cataloging at Yale ♪ Orbis and OCLC
Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.
This page demonstrates the differences between four types of non-keyword, staff searches using the same search key.
The search key is "bach johann"
Tthe four staff searches are the names search, staff names search, staff subject headings search, and staff name/title headings search.
Staff name headings search | Staff subject headings search | Staff name/title headings search | Names search
The result of the "staff name headings search" is an alphabetical list of name headings. The number of bibliographic records for each heading is indicated. The word "authorized" indicates that there is a name authority record for that heading.
Using the "staff subject headings search" retrives authority records for headings that are used as subject headings as well as the bibliographic records that include those headings (6XX). This includes name-only authority records as well as name/uniform title authority records:
Staff name/title headings search
The "staff name/title headings search" retrieves authority records for headings that are used as name headings as well as the bibliographic records that include those headings (1XX, 7XX):
Scroll through the list to get to the point in the alphabet you need:
The best way to get to the exact point in the alphabet in staff name/title headings search is to use the full name heading with the first word of the uniform title.
Which will take you exactly to the place in the alphabetical index:
The names search is a local Yale search developed to make it possible to simultaneously search a name as both a name heading (1XX, 7XX, 8XX) and a subject heading (6XX). This search does not retrieve authority records.
When using the "names" search, the resultings are displayed in a titles index: