Music Cataloging at Yale ♪ Orbis and OCLC
Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.
° Staff headings keyword searches retrieve both bibliographic and authority records.
° There are four staff headings keyword searches: staff title headings, staff name headings, staff name/title headings, and staff subject headings.
° Voyager's SysAdmin manual lists subfields indexed in a staff subject subdivision headings keyword search, but this search does not seem to be available. Subject subdivisions can be searched as part of the staff subject headings keyword search, but without retrieving subject subdivision authority records (which are available only in LCDB).
° The filters in the staff headings searches may be used to limit by type of heading.
° Truncation is allowed in all four staff headings keyword searches:
° The boolean operator "and" is the default and does not need to be included in a search.
° Including the boolean operator "and" retrieves the same results.
° A search with the boolean operator "not" takes a very long time.
° Plus (+) or minus (-) signs are ignored.
° Words of one or two characters may be used as individual search words or in a phrase!
° The search takes a long time.
° To search two or more words as a phrase, enclose the words in quotation marks. Searching "violin clarinet" retrieves different results than searching "clarinet violin."
° A staff headings keyword search using a phrase will search across subfields in the same field.
° Searching the phrase "sonatas oboe" in a staff name/title heading keyword search will retrieve records in which "sonatas, ‡m oboe" appears.
° A staff headings keyword search does not search across fields.
° A search employing multiple words retrieves only those records in which the words appear in the same field.
° For example, it will not retrieve authority records in which one word appears in the 1XX field and another word appears in a 4XX field.
° Exception: it is possible with a staff name/title heading keyword search to retrieve a record with one search words in the 100 and another in the 245/‡a or ‡b.
° Nesting with the boolean operator "or" is possible:
° When no other boolean operators are used, parenthesis are not necessary:
allegros or adagios
° When other boolean operators are used, enclose the nested terms in parentheses:
(carl or sebastian) bach
(german or germany) music
° Truncation within nesting works:
(german? or engl?) music
° The searches tend to be slower than other staff headings keyword searches.
° The boolean operator "not" may also be used, but as with any search using "not," it takes a long time.
Bibliographic records | ||
Field | Subfields indexed | Comments |
100 700 800 |
‡adq also ‡bc ‡adqt also ‡bc ‡adkqptv also ‡bc |
‡bc not listed in the Voyager SysAdmin manual; not ‡4 ‡bc not listed in the Voyager SysAdmin manual, up to ‡t; not ‡4 ‡bc not listed in the Voyager SysAdmin manual, up to ‡t |
110 710 810 |
‡abcdgkn ‡abcdefgkl ‡abcdefgklptv |
not ‡4 not ‡4; up to ‡t up to ‡t |
111 711 811 |
‡abcdefgklnpq ‡acdefgkl ‡abcdefgklptv |
up to ‡t up to ‡t |
Authority records | ||
° 008/14, ‡a (main or added entry heading use) must exist in the record in order for the record to be indexed | ||
Field | Subfields indexed | Comments |
X00 X10 X11 X51 |
‡abcdkq ‡abcdgkn ‡abcdegknq ‡ab |
Bibliographic records | ||
° 1XX/245 is not validated | ||
Field | Subfields indexed | Comments |
100 700 800 |
‡abcdkq ‡abcdkq up to t fgklmnoprt ‡abcdkq up to t fgklmnoprt |
100 will be combined with the first found 240/243 ‡adfgklmnopr or 245‡afgknps ° Note: it is possible to retrieve a record with the search words in the 100 and the 245/‡a or b |
110 710 810 |
‡abcdgkn ‡abcdgkn up to t dfgklmnoprst ‡abcdgkn up to t dfgklmnoprst |
110 will be combined with the first found 240/243 ‡adfgklmnopr or 245‡afgknps |
111 711 811 |
‡abcdegknq ‡abcdegknq up to t fgklnpst ‡abcdegknq up to t fgklnpst |
111 will be combined with the first found 240/243 ‡adfgklmnopr or 245‡afgknps |
Authority records | ||
° 008/14, ‡a (main or added entry heading use) must exist in the record in order for the record to be indexed | ||
Field | Subfields indexed | Comments |
X00 X10 X11 |
‡abcdkq up to tfgklmnoprt ‡abcdgkn up to tdfgklmnoprstn ‡abcdegknq up to tfgklnpst |
Bibliographic records | ||
Field | Subfields indexed | Comments |
130 | ‡adfgklmnoprs | will be combined only with 245 ‡afgknps; I was unable to search across the 130 and 245 fields |
440 | ‡anp | untraced series (490 field) are not indexeds |
730 | ‡adfgklmnoprs | |
830 | ‡adfgklmnoprs | |
Authority records | ||
° Authority 008/14 = ‡a (main or added entry heading use) as non-series ° Authority 008/16= (series heading use) as series |
Field | Subfields indexed | Comments |
X30 | ‡adfgklmnoprs | searches headings (130) (including SARs for non-traced series and series-like phrases) and references (430 and 530) |
Bibliographic records | ||
° Indicator 2 or ‡2 used to determine thesaurus ° Lead subfields stop at the first ‡t, v, x, y, z found ° Title subfields stop at first ‡v, x, y, z found |
Field | Subfields indexed | Comments |
600 | ‡abcdkq fgklmnoprt vxyz | using the "LC subject headings" filter will retrieve name/title authority record |
610 | ‡abcdgkn dfgklmnoprst vxyz | |
611 | ‡abcdegknq fgklnpst vxyz | |
630 | ‡adfgklmnoprs vxyz | |
650 | ‡abcd vxyz | |
651 | ‡ab vxyz | |
Authority records | ||
° Authority 008/14 = ‡a (main or added entry heading use) as non-series ° Authority 008/16= (series heading use) as series |
Field | Subfields indexed | Comments |
X00 X10 X11 X30 X50 X51 |
‡abcdkq fgklmnoprt vxyz ‡abcdgkn dfgklmnoprst vxyz ‡abcdegknq fglnpst vxyz ‡adfgklmnoprs vxyz ‡abcd vxyz ‡vxyz |
subject subdivision authority records are not retrieved |
This table is derived from Voyager's V5 SysAdmin manual, p. A-1ff