Library Collection Services

Accession Exceptions


The daily accession program works from a file of barcodes accessioned into the LSF locator software each day. The program checks Voyager to ensure that the item type associated with each barcode is a valid LSF item type.  If the item type is valid, the program then checks the location code to ensure that the original campus location is mapped for transfer to the LSF.  If the item type and location are valid, the program updates the item record and MFHD record location codes so that they accurately reflect the item’s new off-campus shelving location.

 The following four types of exceptions/errors may be reported as a result of an item being accessioned at LSF:

A. Error Message: Barcode not in LIBR: 39002098762377

  • Problem:

This problem is usually due to operator error: when an item record is created by staff preparing items for transfer to LSF, the barcode is not entered into the barcode field in Voyager.  The problem may also be the result of an equipment failure, i.e., a scanner that is operating improperly.

  • Resolution:

LSF staff will retrieve the item and forward it to the sending unit where the barcode will be scanned into the Voyager item record field.  Staff at the sending unit must also check to make sure that the item type was correctly changed to lsfc/lsfr. Finally, staff making the corrections must manually update the permanent location in the item record as well as the MFHD location for each item appropriately.

  • Prevention:

Insure that all staff are checking the barcode field in Voyager at the end of the processing routine to confirm that the barcode is properly scanned.  Note patterns of error then re-train staff or inspect/replace equipment as needed.

B. Error Message: Barcode has multiple items: 39002033543514 : 2

  • Problem:

This error occurs most often with “boundwiths” and is related to two factors: cataloging policy and the inability of the Voyager location updating program to update more than one item record for the same barcode. Another possible cause for the multiple item exception would be the use of the same barcodes assigned to a GEAC or temp circ record for fully cataloged records, Such errors would occur if—instead of re-linking the item records from the low-level bibs and MFHDs—new item records were created on the fully cataloged records using the same barcode as that associated with GEAC or temp circ record

  • Resolution:

Multiple item exceptions must be brought to the attention of Catalog Maintenance for clean-up, as many of these problems tend to have complicated cataloging history behind them. Each error must be checked and the records updated manually.

  • Prevention:

1) Make sure duplicate barcode detection is set in the Cataloging module when creating new item records; 2) develop policy regarding intentional “boundwiths,” identifying them as such; 3) filter items with GEAC/Provisional records out of pool of potential transfers when selection files are created.

C. Error Message: Item: 39002043391862 has invalid type: circ

  • Problem:

This error is recorded when the accessions program encounters a barcode for an item that has a non-lsf-related item type.  Either staff prepping items for transfer did not update the item type or an incorrect item type was applied. 

  • Resolution:

Staff at the sending unit will be notified of the errors and will manually update the item type appropriately.  In making the necessary corrections, staff at the sending unit must also update the permanent location in the item record as well as the MFHD location.

  • Prevention:

Insure that all staff are checking the item type field in Voyager at the end of the transfer prep routine to confirm that the item type has been properly entered.  Note patterns of error and re-train staff as needed.

D. Error Message: No matching location: 39002023240980

  • Problem:

If the combination of item type and campus location code has not been mapped to an LSF location code, then the barcode will be rejected from the accessions program as an error.

  • Resolution

Assuming the mapping file is current, staff at the sending unit should confirm that the item is supposed to be transferred to the LSF. If the mapping files are not current, Library IT must be contacted and the mapping files revised.  Staff at the sending unit will be notified of “no matching location” errors and will manually update the perm loc and MFHD loc for each item as appropriate.

  • Prevention:

Before sending material from a new location, the sending unit must notify Library IT so that the mapping file may be updated to accommodate the new location codes. The sending unit will also need to determine if items will be transferred with a non-restricted or restricted item type, so that the mapping file can be updated correctly.  NB. For restricted circulation from the LSF, additional preparation in Voyager is required, i.e., in the Circ Sysadmin: callslip print groups, matrix entries, Circ Policy Group definitions, and so forth.  Restricted retrieval entails on-campus staff training and requires staff to use a dedicated LSFR pseudo-patron for retrieval requests.

Last modified: 
Friday, December 5, 2014 - 10:04am