Library Information Technology

Presentations and Publications

Presentations given by Library IT staff:

Digital Preservation in Hydra/Fedora (PPT)given to Library Staff March 24, 2015.

Digital Repository Development at Yale University Library (PDF), given at CNI conference Dec. 8, 2014

Library Technology Roadmap: Where Are We, and Where Are We Going? (PDF), given to Library Staff Nov. 6, 2014

Hydra/Fedora update (PDF), given to MSSA August 4, 2014

Library IT overview (PDF), given to the Budget Management Forum (BMF), April 9, 2014

Digital Repository Initiative (PDF), given to the Technology Architecture Committee (TAC), April 1, 2014

Overview of Library IT projects (PDF), given to MSSA March 27, 2014.

Library IT Newsletter

For issues from academic years 2014-2015 and 2013-2014, please visit

Last modified: 
Monday, March 30, 2015 - 11:35am