Recording other attributes of persons (RDA 9.3-9.18)

Music Cataloging at YaleRDA

Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.

Date associated with the person (9.3) | Title of the person (9.4) | Fuller form of name (9.5) | Other designation (9.6) | Gender (9.7) | Place of birth, death, country, and residence; address (9.8-9.12) | Affiliation (9.13) | Language (9.14) | Field of activity (9.15) | Profession or occupation (9.16) | Biographical information (9.17) | Identifier for the person (9.18)

(9.3) Date associated with the person
(9.3.1) Basic instructions on recording dates
A date associated with the person is a significant date associated with a person (e.g., date of birth, date of death).
( Sources of information
Take information on dates associated with the person from any source.
( Recording dates associated with persons
Record dates associated with persons, applying these instructions, as applicable:
     ° date of birth (9.3.2)
     ° date of death (9.3.3)
     ° period of activity (9.3.4)

Record a date associated with a person by giving the year or years in terms of the calendar preferred by the agency creating the data.
° LC practice/PCC practice: Record dates in terms of the Gregorian calendar.
          born November 28 (December 10), 1821, died December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878)
               Julian calendar dates precede the Gregorian calendar dates, which are in parentheses
               record the Gregorian dates: 1821-1878

Exception: If two or more persons have the same name and are born in the same year, see for instructions on recording their dates of birth.

Type of date Record the date
probable date with a question mark following the year
year is uncertain but known to be either one of two year in the form [year] or [year]
approximate in the form approximately [year]
period of activity in the form [year]–[year] or [century]–[century]
     if either year can only be approximated, precede it with the word approximately

Record dates as separate elements, as parts of access points, or as both.
     ° See Date of birth and/or death (9.19.13) and Period of activity ( for additional instructions on recording dates as parts of authorized access points

° Title of nobility: Add a title of nobility only if the title or part of the title commonly appears with the name in resources associated with the person or in reference sources.
     ° Disregard reference sources dealing with the nobility.
     ° In case of doubt, add the title.
° Saint: Do not add Saint to an access point representing a pope or an emperor, empress, king, or queen.

(9.3.2-9.3.3) Date of birth and date of death
Date of birth is the year a person was born.
     ° Date of birth may also include the month and day of the person's birth.
Date of death is the year a person died.
     ° Date of death may also include the month and day of the person's death.
( Sources of information
Take information on date of birth and date of death from any source.
( Recording date of birth and date of death
Record the person's date of birth and the date of death of a deceased person, applying the basic instructions on recording dates associated with persons at 9.3.1.

If the person was born in the same year as another person with the same name, record the date of birth in the form [year] [month] [day].
     ° Record the month in a language and script preferred by the agency creating the data.

LC practice/PCC practice for recording date of birth:
     ° Record the month in English.
     ° Use a hyphen after date of birth when recording the date in an authorized access point.
     ° Do not use the term "born" with the date.

LC practice/PCC practice for recording date of death:
     ° Use a hyphen before the date of death when recording the date in an authorized access point.
     ° Do not use the term "died" with the date.

(9.3.4) Period of activity of the person
Period of activity of the person is a date or range of dates indicative of the period in which a person was active in his or her primary field of endeavour
( Sources of information
Take information on period of activity of the person from any source.
( Recording period of activity
Record a date or range of dates indicative of the person's period of activity, by applying the basic instructions on recording dates associated with persons at 9.3.1.

If it is not possible to establish specific years of activity, record the century or centuries in which the person was active.

LC practice/PCC practice:
     ° Use "active" and "century" rather than the abbreviations "fl." and "cent."
     ° The term "active" should appear before the first period of activity date (e.g., "active 12th century")

(9.4) Title of person
Title of the person is a
     ° word or phrase indicative of royalty, nobility, or ecclesiastical rank or office
     ° term of address for a person of religious vocation.
( Sources of information
Take information on the title of the person from any source.
( Recording titles of persons
Record the title of the person by applying the instructions below, as applicable.
     ° See RDA (Titles of royalty), (Titles of nobility), and for religious titles.
Record titles as separate elements, as parts of access points, or as both.
     ° See Title or other designation associated with the person ( for additional instructions on recording titles as parts of authorized access points.
(9.5) Fuller form of name
A fuller form of name is the full form of:
     ° a part of a name represented only by an initial or abbreviation in the form chosen as the preferred name,
     ° a part of the name not included in the form chosen as the preferred name.

The most common instances occur when the preferred name contains initials and the spelled out form is known.
Less common instances occur when known given names, surnames, or initials are not chosen as part of the preferred name.

( Sources of information
Take information on fuller forms of names from any source.
( Recording fuller forms of names
If a fuller form of a person's name is known
and the preferred name (9.2.2) does not include all of that fuller form
then, record, as appropriate:
     ° the fuller form of all the inverted part of the name (given names, etc.)
     ° the fuller form of the part of the name recorded as the first element of the name (surname, etc.)

Record fuller forms of names as separate elements, as parts of access points, or as both.
     ° See Fuller form of name ( for additional instructions on recording a fuller form of the name as part of the authorized access point.

Variant names: Record the name in its fuller form as a variant name (, when appropriate.

(9.6) Other designation associated with the person
Other designation associated with the person is a term other than a title that is associated with a person's name.
( Sources of information
Take information on other designations associated with the person from any source.
( Recording other designations associated with the person
Record other designations by applying the instructions below, as applicable.
     ° Saints: For a Christian saint, record Saint
     ° Spirits: For a spirit, record Spirit

Record other designations associated with the person as separate elements, as parts of access points, or as both.
     ° See Title or other designation associated with the person ( for additional instructions on recording a designation as part of the authorized access points.

(9.7) Gender
Gender is the gender with which a person identifies.
( Sources of information
Take information on gender from any source.
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at
     ° When recording other identifying attributes of a person indicate, when appropriate, the source from which the information was derived.
     ° Cite other sources consulted that provided no information of use in establishing the preferred name.
          » Record No information found following the citation for the source consulted.
( Recording gender
Record the gender of the person as a separate element using an appropriate term from the following list:
     ° female
     ° male
     ° not known
If none of the terms listed is appropriate or sufficiently specific, record an appropriate term or phrase.

Record gender as a separate element.
Gender is not recorded as part of an access point.

(9.8-9.12) Place of birth (9.8), death (9.9), country (9.10), and residence (9.11); and address (9.12)
( Place of birth is the town, city, province, state, and/or country in which a person was born.
( Place of death is the town, city, province, state, and/or country in which a person died.
( A country associated with the person is a country with which a person is identified.
( Place of residence is a town, city, province, state, and/or country in which a person resides or has resided.
( Address of the person is the address of a person's place of residence, business, or employer and/or an e-mail or Internet address.
( Sources of information
Take information on place of birth, place of death, country or countries associated with the person, place or places of residence, and address or addresses of the person from any source.
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at
( Recording lace of birth (, death (, country (, and residence (; and address (
Rule Record
( Place of birth
( Place of death
Record the place (town, city, province, state, and/or country) in which the person was born or in which in which the person died as instructed in chapter 16.
Abbreviate the names of countries, states, provinces, territories, etc., as instructed in appendix B (B.11), as applicable.

Record the place of birth and place of death as separate elements.
Place of birth and place of death are not recorded as part of an access point.

( Country or countries associated with the person
( Place of residence
Record the name of the country and the place or places (town, city, province, state, and/or country) in which the person resides or has resided as instructed in chapter 16.
Abbreviate the names of countries and of of countries, states, provinces, territories, etc.,as instructed in appendix B (B.11), as applicable.

Record a country and a place of residence as separate elements.
Country associated with the person and place of residence are not recorded as part of an access point.

( Address of the person Record the address of the person's place of residence, business, or employer, and/or an e-mail or Internet address.

Record an address as a separate element.
Address is not recorded as part of an access point.

(9.13) Affiliation
An affiliation is a group with which a person is affiliated or has been affiliated through employment, membership, cultural identity, etc.
( Sources of information
Take information on affiliation or affiliations from any source.
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at
( Recording affiliations
Record the names of groups with which the person is affiliated or has been affiliated through employment, membership, cultural identity, etc.

Record an affiliation as a separate element.
Affiliation is not recorded as part of an access point.

(9.14) Language of the person
Language of the person is a language a person uses when writing for publication, broadcasting, etc.
( Sources of information
Take information on the language of the person from any source.
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at
( Recording languages of the person
Record the language or languages the person uses when writing for publication, broadcasting, etc.
Use an appropriate term or terms in a language preferred by the agency creating the data, selecting terms from a standard list of names of languages, if available.

Record a language used by the person as a separate element.
Language is not recorded as part of an access point.

(9.15) Field of activity of the person
Field of activity of the person is a field of endeavour, area of expertise, etc., in which a person is engaged or was engaged.
( Sources of information
Take information on the field or fields of activity of the person from any source.
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at
( Recording fields of activity of the person
Record the field or fields of endeavour, area or areas of expertise, etc., in which the person is engaged or was engaged by recording a term indicating the field.

Record a field of activity of the person as a separate element.
Field of activity is not recorded as part of an access point.

(9.16) Profession or occupation
Profession or occupation is a profession or occupation in which a person works or has worked.
( Sources of information
Take information on the profession or occupation of the person from any source.
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at
( Recording fields of activity of the person
Record the profession or occupation in which the person works or has worked by recording a term indicating the class of persons engaged in the profession or occupation.

Record professions or occupations as separate elements, as parts of access points, or as both.
     ° See Profession or occupation ( for additional instructions on recording recording a profession or occupation as part of the authorized access point.

(9.17) Biographical information
Biographical information is information about the life or history of a person.
( Sources of information
Take biographical information from any source.
Indicate the source of information by applying the instructions at
( Recording fields of activity of the person
Record information about the life or history of the person.
As appropriate, incorporate information associated with specific identifying elements (see 9.3–9.16 above) into a biographical information element.

Record biographical information as a separate element.
Biographical information is not recorded as part of an access point.

(9.18) Identifier for the person
An identifier for the person is a character string uniquely associated with a person, or with a surrogate for a person (e.g., an authority record). The identifier serves to differentiate that person from other persons.
( Sources of information
Take information on identifiers for the person from any source.
( Recording fields of activity of the person
Record an identifier for the person preceding the identifier with the name or an identification of the agency, etc., responsible for assigning the identifier, if readily ascertainable.