Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.
See also Preferred titles
- Best practices for music cataloging using RDA and MARC 21 (RDA Toolkit, requires subscription)
- RDA elements: elements, element sub-types, and sub-elements (PDF) in order by RDA instruction number (p. 2-17) and by element name (p. 18-33), from RDA Steering Committee
- Transcription (RDA 1.7) including capitalization and abbreviations
- Capitalization of foreign terms based on RDA Appendix A
- Recording numbers (RDA 1.8) and dates (RDA 1.9)
- Copy or new edition? (LC-PCC PS for 2.1) and Revised editions
- Preferred source of information (RDA and 2.2)
- Titles (RDA 2.3)
- Statement of responsibility for titles (RDA 2.4)
- Edition statement (RDA 2.5)
- Production, publication, distribution & manufacture statements and copyright date (RDA 2.7-2.11)
- Content, media, and carrier type (RDA 6.9, 3.2, 3.3 & MARC 336-338)
- Extent and dimensions for notated music and text (from RDA 3.4 & 3.5)
- Sound characteristics (RDA 3.16 & MARC 344)
- Describing content (from RDA Chapter 7)
- Publisher's and plate number for music (RDA 2.15.2 & 2.15.3)
- Names
- Persons
- Recording names (RDA 8.4-8.5)
- Identifying, choosing, and recording preferred and variant names for persons (RDA 9.0-9.2)
- Recording other attributes of persons (RDA 9.3-9.18)
- Constructing access points and variant access points to represent persons (RDA 9.19-9.2)
- LC/PCC practice for creating NARs for persons who use pseudonyms
- Personal names (PPT from British Library)
- Corporate names
- Corporate names (PPT from British Library)
- Persons
- Relationship designators between
- a resource and persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with the resource (RDA Appendix I)
- works, expressions, manifestations (RDA Appendix J)
- From PCC:
- RDA short checklists (Yale)
- FRBR, WEMI & music
- FRBR as a foundation for RDA (ALA webcast) / Robert L. Maxwell
- AACR2 to RDA
- A brief overview of some of the changes from AACR2 to RDA
- Changes from AACR2 to RDA part 1 | part 2 (ALA webcast) / Adam L. Schiff
- RDA name authorities—what's new and different from AACR2 (ALA webcast) / Paul Frank
- Changes from AACR2 to RDA: a comparison of examples (PDF, revised May 2011) / Adam Schiff.
- RDA and MARC
- RDA to MARC bibliographic mapping (maps RDA elements to corresponding MARC 21 bibliographic elements; in RDA Toolkit)
- Examples of MARC RDA record (from RDA Steering Committee) (in RDA Toolkit)
- Presentations
- RDA for music: classical music audio recordings
- RDA for music : popular, jazz, and world music audio recordings
- Hit the ground running! RDA training for music catalogers
- RDA Preconference, 2013 MLA meeting
- A brief introduction to RDA for scores & sound recordings / Nancy Lorimer
- RDA and sound recordings—a cataloging workshop / Kathy Glennan
- RDA and music basics: scores (ALA webcast) PPT slides / Kathy Glennan
- RDA and music basics: sound recordings (ALA webcast) PPT slides / Kathy Glennan
- Significant changes for cataloging music: AACR2 vs. RDA (PDF) / Daniel Paradis, 2010
- Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA
- RDA essentials (ppt presentation with speaker notes) / Judith Kuhagen, 2010
- RDA in Brief (A distillation of RDA, at least for copy catalogers) / Mark K. Ehlert
- RDA YouTube channel