Copy or new edition? and Revised editions

Music Cataloging at Yale RDA

Copy or new edition? (LC-PCC PS for 2.1) and Revised editions

Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.

These guidelines LC practice/PCC practice followed to determine whether a resource is a copy of an earlier edition or it is a separate edition requiring a separate bibliographic record.
Copy New edition
Consider that the book is a copy if the only variation is one or more of the following:
° a difference in the printing or copyright date when there is also a publication date;
° a minor variation in an entity's name when a publisher uses multiple forms concurrently;
   » A genuine name change, even if minor, should not be considered a variation;
° the addition, deletion, or change of an ISBN;
° a difference in binding;
° a difference in the edition statement or the series whenever the item is a CIP book issued by the publisher in both a hardbound and a softbound version.
Consider that a new edition is involved whenever:
° there is an explicit indication of changes (including corrections) of content;
° anything in the MARC 245 field, 250 field, 300/‡a, or 4XX field differs from one bibliographic record to another.

Revised editions

From Revised editions, Dave Reser, LC Policy & Standards Division, December 2011

New Work New expression
The creator is the same but a title change or other information indicates the resource has a very different scope of content or coverage

The creator has changed but the resource is presented as an adaptation or revision of the previous work:
° adaptation or revision of the previous work and is presented as the work of the adapter/reviser (
° Optionally, relate the works with an:
     » unstructured description in a note (500 field)
     » authorized access point (7XX name/title field)
° Optionally, use relationship designators applicable to works (Appendix J.2)
     » Do not use "revision of" because that is an expression relationship

The creator is the same and:
° there is no indication there has been a major shift in focus
° it is presented as an edition of the original work

° New expression : no change in title proper
     » probably the most common situation
     » often indicated by new edition statements
     » no need for uniform title

° New expression : title proper changes
          » Change in practice between AACR2 and RDA:

° Do not use a uniform title
° Use "edition and history" note
° Make related work added entry to earlier expression
° Use a preferred title (the title of the original work or by which it has become known) (
° Use edition statement and other elements to identify expression differences

° New expression : order of creators' names differs
     » construct the authorized access point based on the first resource received (

° New expression : additional creator
     » New expression if scope/content not vastly different
     » New work if resource has very different scope/content

Relating expressions
° Use an authorized access point to relate all the expressions of the same work
° Optionally, give information on the previous expression using:
     » unstructured description: 500 note
     » structured description: 775 ("Revision of:")