Recording form of work (RDA 6.3)

Music Cataloging at YalePreferred titles

Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind.

(6.3) Form of work
Use in conjunction with Best practices for music cataloging using RDA and MARC 21, MLA's Best practices for using LCGFT for music resources, and MARC 380 field (Form of work).
Form of work is a class or genre to which a work belongs.
( Sources of information
Take information on form of work from any source.
( Recording form of work

Record form of work as a separate element, as part of an access point, or as both.

Best practices for music cataloging: If giving form of work as a component of an access point (i.e., preferred titles consisting of the name of one or more type of composition), routinely also record form of work in a 380 field.
For other works, record form of work separately in a 380 field if readily ascertainable.
Prefer controlled vocabulary such as Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library (LCGFT) (See Commonly used music terms in the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms.

For consistency, capitalize the first term.

When terms do not come from a controlled vocabulary, use the singular form.

Do not record in a 380 field types of composition terms that are:
   ° terms indicating a number of performers (e.g. Duets)
   ° tempo markings (e.g., Allegros)
   ° other generic terms that do not convey formal characteristics (e.g., Pieces, Music).