Musical biographical resources on the Web

Music Cataloging at Yale

See also Printed biographical sources for composers and their works held in the Yale University Music Library
Biographical resources (from Authority Control at Yale)

General resources | Composer biographies | by time period | Women composers and musicians | Performer biographies
Birth and death indexes | Online music publishers' catalogs
Multiple composer biographical sources by city, country, or geographic area | instrument or genre

General resources

      • Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)
      • Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB)
      • Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950 (ÖBL)
      • Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS)
      • Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon (OeML)
      • Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank (RPPD)
      • Sächsische Biografie (SäBi)
      • Slovenska biografija (SBI)


Composer biographies

Composer biographies by time period

Women composers and musicians biographies

Performer biographies

Birth and death indexes

By country or geographic area
International Association of Music Information Centres: 43 member organisations in 38 countries
See also Classical music country index

Multiple composers biographical sources by instrument or genre

Cello: A catalogue of twentieth-century cello ensemble music (pdf)
Church music: Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (not music-specific)
Clarinet: Clarinet compositions
The clarinet quintet
Flute: Composers of flute music
Claudia's flutepage (composers and flutists)
Guitar: Compositores Guitarristas Catalanes, nacidos en el siglo XIX | siglo XX (Internet archive versions)
Classical guitar composers list - alphabetical
Las compositoras españolas de obras con guitarra
Dirks guitar page
Max Eschig guitar catalog, pdf, 2001
Guitar composers of the classical and early romantic period, circa 1780-1900
The guitar in Italy in the nineteenth century, sixty biographies of Italian composers and guitarists (PDF; Internet archive version of 12/6/05)
Illiustrirovannyi biograficheskii entsiklopedicheskii slovar' gitaristy i kompository (illustrated biographical encyclopedic dictionary of guitarists and composers (in Russian (Cyrillic))
Master list of classical guitar composers arranged by nationality
Mujer y guitarra española (Spanish Women composers for guitar)
Partituras para guitarra clás (use the list of composers along the right side of the page)
Select list of works written in the last 25 years for guitar held at the Australian Music Centre library
Sheer pluck
Three composers significant to nineteenth century Nordic guitar tradition
Wikipedia list of composers for the classical guitar (nationality)
Hymns: Hymnary
Jazz: Wikipedia Liste des musiciens de jazz A-K | L-Z | The last post database of jazz people who have "gone on"
Opera: Opera composers
Italian Opera
Opernführer = Opera guide : 1001 Links zu Libretti und Inhaltsangaben in verschiedenen Sprachen
Organ: Biographical dictionary of organists, composers for organ and organ builders
Composers for the organ
Liste von Organisten (from German Wikipedia)
Piano: Pianopedia: includes 894 composers, 5471 works (indicating 15748 movements or excerpt)
Piano music for the left hand alone
Recorder: Composers for recorder on the Web (Internet archive version of 1/24/14)
Saxophone: Listes des compositeurs et leurs oeuvres
Catálogo de obras para saxofón de compositores de América Latina
Song: Index of composers of Lieder and art songs
Deutsches Lied
Italian composers whose songs have been recorded by or with the Trio Lescano A-C | D-L | D-L | Q-Z
Stabat Mater:
Trombone: Canadian compositions for trombone
Viola: List of compositions for viola: A-E | F-K | L-R | S-Z