Join us online for a free Indie Lens Pop-Up screening and discussion of 9to5: The Story of a Movement, a new documentary by Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar.
When Dolly Parton sang "9 to 5," she was doing more than just shining a light on the fate of American working women. Parton was singing the true story of a movement that started with 9to5, a group of Boston secretaries in the early 1970s. Their goals were simple—better pay, more advancement opportunities, and an end to sexual harassment—but their unconventional approach attracted the press and shamed their bosses into change. Featuring interviews with 9to5's founders, as well as actor and activits Jane Fonda, 9to5: The Story of a Movement is the story of the fight that inspired a hit song and changed the American workplace.
What is Indie Lens Pop-Up?
Featuring upcoming documentaries from the Peabody Award-winning PBS series Independent Lens, Indie Lens Pop-Up brings people together for film screenings and community-driven conversations. Indie Lens Pop-Up is presented in Connecticut by the Yale Film Archive, CPTV, and PBS's Independent Lens.