This manual is maintained by the Yale Archival and Manuscript Description Committee [1]. Please direct comments to Alison Clemens [2] (chair).
This manual was created by the Manuscript Cataloging Committee, a precursor to the Archival and Manuscript Description Committee, in response to a need for Yale-wide manuscript cataloging policies. A first version, based on the Beinecke Library's Orbis Cataloging Manual: Mixed Materials Format, was completed in 2006 and addressed collection-level cataloging only. Instructions for single manuscript cataloging were added in 2010. Links to the Beinecke Library's local manuscript cataloging decisions were added in 2011. Guidelines for RDA-compliant name and uniform title headings were added in 2013.
Guidelines in this manual reflects past and current practice of repositories represented on the committee: Arts, Arts of the Book, Beinecke, Divinity, Historical Medical, Manuscripts and Archives, and Music. Guidelines are intended to establish common ground among manuscript catalogers at Yale, by setting standard policies and presenting options and best practices. Field definitions include only those MARC fields, subfields, indicators, and codes which are most commonly used in manuscript cataloging. For complete MARC definitions, see the Library of Congress MARC standards [3] website.
This manual provides information on the creation and maintenance of Orbis records for manuscript collections and single manuscripts using record type p (mixed materials). Specific procedures for inputting and editing records conform to national standards (such as DACS, DCRM(MSS), LCAF, and LCSH) and Yale's general cataloging policies. Instructions in the main text address cataloging of manuscript collections with finding aids, and most are also applicable to other types of manuscript cataloging. Each section includes links to instructions for cataloging single manuscripts and collections without finding aids [4] and links to the Beinecke Library's local manuscript cataloging decisions [5]. Links are active when instructions are available; inactive links will be updated as these additional instructions are created. Criteria for cataloging manuscripts individually or as a collection, with or without a finding aid, are locally determined.
In cases where field names differ slightly between Voyager and MARC documentation, Voyager names are used. Some display constants defined by MARC indicator codes are not available in Voyager; see "Orbis Public Display Constant" in each field definition. While most common situations are covered, staff needing guidance on specific situations should consult Library of Congress MARC standards [3] or other documentation (see Appendix F: Reference Sources [6]), lead catalogers in each unit, or the Manuscript Cataloging Committee.
Orbis is Yale University's integrated library management system. There are several ways to input and upgrade records in Orbis: direct input, electronic transfer from OCLC, and copying a record already in Orbis. This manual contains instructions for creating original records directly in Orbis and exporting records to OCLC and MARS (OCLC Automated Authority Control). Also included are instructions for searching existing authority records and gathering information needed to create new authority records. Catalogers who have completed training may create or update authority records through the Name Authority Cooperative Project (NACO).
A typical catalog record consists of a bibliographic record, one or more associated holdings records (MARC format for holdings, or mfhd, pronounced "muffhead"), and possibly one or more item records. The bibliographic record contains an author, title, subject headings and description of the item, as appropriate, and the mfhd contains the location and call number. Item records, not used by all repositories, contain barcodes governing circulation to readers or to offsite shelving.
Orbis records are input in the Voyager cataloging module. When records are saved, the Voyager system generates indexing and OPAC field labels (e.g. Title: or Notes:), as determined by Yale-wide policy. The Voyager system also assigns and indexes separate record ID numbers for each bibliographic, mfhd, and item record.
The following symbols are used in this manual:
_ = blank space
‡ = subfield delimiter
Return to:
Introduction top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [8]
Determine whether full or preliminary level cataloging is appropriate. Preliminary cataloging may be used for unprocessed collections or partially-examined single items, such as recent accessions, or retrospective conversion. Generally, all other cataloging should be full level. See Encoding Level [9] in fixed field definitions and Appendix B: Preliminary Records [10].
Determine sources of information for manuscripts as follows (for more information, see DACS 2.3.1-2.3.2):
For collections with a finding aid, the finding aid is the chief source of information.
For collections without a finding aid, the chief source of information may be either provenance and accession records, the materials themselves, or outside reference sources. Always edit differing forms of descriptive information found in these sources to conform to cataloging standards.
For single manuscripts, the chief source of information is the manuscript itself, its housing or accompanying documentation, or any reliable reference source.
Perform additional background research as appropriate, such as:
Identifying related materials already in the repository, including cataloged and backlog materials.
Reviewing accession files.
Compiling historical or biographical notes to place materials in context, or for use in creating authority records.
Verifying literary manuscripts against published versions.
Generally, consult basic reference sources, as needed, for an overview of names and events pertaining to the material being cataloged. Extensive research should be the exception rather than the rule. Consult with a staff member with knowledge of the subject matter, as appropriate.
Return to:
Preparation for Cataloging top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
General Information
Creating Templates
Revising Existing Records
Creating and Editing Bibliographic Records
Validating and Saving Records
Exporting Records
Making a New Record by Copying an Existing Record
Deleting Records
Troubleshooting Common Problems
Coding Order and Indexing
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [11]
The bibliographic record contains all [12]information except for the location, which is contained in a linked MARC Format for Holdings record (mfhd) [12], and barcodes, which if present are in linked item records [13]. A system-generated record ID number is displayed in the title bar of the bibliographic record. Note that call numbers optionally may be listed in the bib record in the 090 field, which is keyword indexed and searchable. The mfhd is the only place in which the call number is call number-indexed and searchable.
The upper portion of each record consists of three tabs:
MARC tab:
Fixed fields, with buttons for Leader [14], 008 [15], and 006 [16]. Do not use 007 fields with record type p (Mixed Materials).
"Suppress from OPAC" check box. If a bibliographic record is suppressed, any associated mfhd records are automatically suppressed.
System tab:
Click on "OK to Export", and then save the bib record to DB to send a record to Backstage for authority control processing.
History tab: Record of date and operator ID for creation and all subsequent saves. (System supplied)
A record type assigned in the Leader [14] of a new record determines format-specific fixed fields in the 008 field [15]. Yale catalogs manuscripts using the Mixed Materials record type (p). Use of this record type was implemented in spring 1996, in response to the elimination of the Archival and Manuscript Control (AMC) format and limitations encountered in implementing format integration in Notis (Yale's former library management system).
Creation and modification of bibliographic records must be performed in the cataloging module, which may be accessed only with a net ID and Voyager password. Records are displayed in MARC coding in the cataloging module. The OPAC includes tabs for Full View and for MARC coding display. A bibliographic record may be searched in the cataloging module by either of the following procedures:
Click the Search icon and search by keyword or index term.
Click Record>Retrieve by Record ID>Bibliographic>[enter record ID].
New bibliographic records are created by use of templates, which may be developed locally by a repository and stored on the cataloger's hard drive or on a networked drive. To create a new template, click Template>New, add fields, and save. To edit an existing template, click File>Template>Edit, add, delete or edit fields, and save. Use editing techniques described below for adding, deleting, or editing template fields. Template file names must have extension "tem". The location of a default template may be specified in Preferences. See the Archival and Manuscript Description Committee SharePoint site [17] for sample bibliographic and mfhd templates. Fields, subfields, indicators, and text shown in the templates may be modified to conform to local use.
To open a blank template for creation of a new catalog record, either click the New icon or click Record>New>Bibliographic. This will bring up the default template specified in Preferences. This default may be changed by clicking Options>Preferences>Folders/Files, and entering a path in the Bib box. If no path is specified in Preferences, clicking the New icon will open a generic Voyager-supplied template.
To ensure that existing records in Oclc will be matched and overlayed by revisions:
If a duplicate record is inadvertently added to Oclc, via Backstage export, or if it is necessary to change a record type, see Deleting Records.
Creating and Editing Bibliographic Records
Start the cataloging module by either clicking Start button>Programs>Voyager, and then double clicking Cataloging, or by clicking a Cataloging icon shortcut. Supply your net id and Voyager password. To obtain a Voyager password, contact the Chief Catalog Librarian.
View the fixed fields by clicking on the Leader [14], 008 [15], and 006 [16] buttons found on the MARC tab. The Leader and 008 field are required in every record. Fixed fields are edited by choosing codes from drop down menus accessed by clicking in each field, with the exception of date fields in the 008, which are keyed in. Note that changing the record type in the Leader will invalidate the 008, which must then be re-entered. Complete these fields according to instructions in the section on Fixed Fields [18]. Optionally create 006 fields, for additional materials characteristics according to instructions for 006 fields [19]. Do not use the 007 field with record type p (Mixed Materials).
Complete the variable fields according to instructions for 0XX [20], 1XX [21], 2XX [22], 3XX [23], 5XX [24], 6XX [25], 7XX [26], and 8XX [27], arranging fields in the order specified in each of these sections. The following fields are required in every record: 040, 1XX (if applicable), 245, 300, 520, 506, 546, at least one 65X, 852.
Variable fields are edited using standard Windows keyboard and menu bar editing techniques. The Edit menu or right clicking on the gray selection column will display commands that may be used for cutting, copying, moving, and deleting selected text or fields. The following are basic Voyager-specific commands:
F2 with the cursor in the selection column: displays a menu of valid tags.
F2 with cursor in an indicator or field: displays a menu of valid indicators or subfields.
F3: adds new field above selected field
F4: adds new field below selected field.
F9: adds a subfield delimiter symbol.
See the Appendix G: Voyager Quick Reference [28]section for other Voyager-specific commands.
A diacritic is entered after the letter it modifies, and displays on the letter. To delete a diacritic, position the cursor after the modified letter and press the backspace key. In Voyager, diacritics and other special characters may be accessed by three methods:
Edit>Special character entry (or Ctrl-E). Select diacritic from window; insert and close.
Edit>Special character mode (or Ctrl-D). Use mapped keyboard to enter diacritic. Keyboard mappings are shown in the special character entry window. Diacritic mode continues until turned off by toggling the same command.
Open Macro Express (this software must be loaded on your computer separately from Voyager). Click on the Macro Explorer icon on the Actions toolbar. With the cursor in the catalog record, enter the keystrokes for the diacritic.
After entering all fields, save the record to Voyager by clicking the Save to DB icon. Do not click the Save icon, as this will save the record only to the workstation hard drive. The following windows will display:
Import/Replace Verification: Displays the first time a record is saved during a session. This message will display even though it is not necessary to specify a profile for original cataloging. Click No.
MARC Error Report: Displays if MARC tagging errors are present, as determined by Yale Library tag table. Click OK, correct errors, and click Save to DB again. Errors must be corrected before saving the record.
Authority Validation Window: Shows headings specified for validation in Options>Preferences>Validation. Use this window to view and copy/paste authorities, as necessary. Name or title headings must either validate as an authorized heading or conform to RDA standards and not conflict with an authorized heading. Subjects must be authorized headings and must use authorized subdivisions. Subjects with free-floating subdivisions will be partially validated, meaning that validation results apply only to the main part of the heading. Correct use of free-floating subdivisions must be verified separately. See Authority Control at Yale [29]for complete information. After verifying or editing all headings, click Continue.
Add or Update Confirmation: Click OK. A new record will now display a record ID number in the title bar. Creation and each subsequent save after editing will be listed on the History tab.
Create a mfhd record [12] and, if required by local practice, an item record [30]. A bibliographic record must exist before a mfhd or item record can be created.
Authority Control Processing
Add the record to YUL's daily batch export to Backstage Library Works (OCLC's MARS authority control service) by checking the "OK to export" box on the System tab, and then clicking Save to DB. Records exported each day are processed by Backstage and overlaid in Orbis overnight. The date of overlay is identified on the bibliographic record history tab by an entry with operator "MARS".
Suppressed records are not exported to Backstage. If the "OK to export" box is checked on a suppressed record for more than 30 days, it will not be exported to Backstage when the record is unsuppressed, because the bulk import application only exports records from the last 30 days. If a record has been suppressed and marked "OK to export" for more than 30 days, unsuppress it, then click "Change to Today" in the system tab and Save to DB. This will requeue the record for export to Backstage. See policy on Exporting Bibliographic Records from Orbis [31] for more information about exporting to Backstage.
As of 2017 April, Backstage processing includes addition of LC Linked Data Service [32] authority URIs to 100, 110, 111, 130, 600, 610, 611, 630, 700, 710, 711, and 730 fields, in subfield ‡0 (Authority record control number or standard number). Subfield ‡0 is added only to fields with exact authority matches; fields with free-floating subdivisions are excluded.
In 2017 August-September, LC URIs for the above fields and AAT [33]URIs for 655 fields were retrospectively added to records with accession records or finding aids in ArchivesSpace. These records are identified on the bibliographic record history tab by an entry with date 2017 August or September and operator "ARCHIVESPA2."
100 1_ ‡a Stein, Gertrude, ‡d 1874-1946. ‡0 [34]
655_7 ‡a Photographic prints. ‡2 aat ‡0 [35]
OCLC Export
New records are automatically queued for YUL's next weekly batch export to OCLC during processing by Backstage. After processing by Backstage, any updates in a bibliographic record will automatically queue the record for re-export to OCLC in the next weekly batch export. At least one previous authority control export, as indicated by "MARS" on the history tab, is required for export of updates to OCLC. Only bibliographic records are exported to OCLC; MFHD and item records are not.
Records created before 2010 September 4 were re-exported to OCLC as part of a YUL OCLC reclamation project completed in 2011 June. The reclamation overlaid all existing Yale holdings in OCLC with the contents of Orbis, current as of 2010 September 4. Records with 008/record type p were exported as master records, and an institutional record was created for each. Records that were exported to OCLC as part of this reclamation are identified on the bibliographic record history tab by an entry with date 2011 and operator "OCLCREC."
As the 2011 reclamation resulted in problems with overlay of updated records, export of new and updated records was suspended during during 2010 September 4 - 2017 July 11. Subsequent OCLC export status varies according the following groups:
Collection-level manuscript records (records coded record type p and bibliographic level c):
Export of new records was resumed in 2017 July.
Existing records were re-exported in 2017 November. These records are identified on the bibliographic record history tab by an entry with date 2017 November and operator "OCLCREC."
Single manuscript records (records coded record type p and bibliographic level c, with 006t and 33x):
Following implementation of these coding changes, export of new records was resumed in 2018 September.
Existing records were re-exported in 2018 October-2019 March. These records are identified on the bibliographic record history tab by an entry with date 2018 October-2019 March and operator "AMDECO."
Making a New Record By Copying an Existing Record
Click Record>Make a Copy, then edit and click Save to DB. The record will be saved with a new record ID number.
If a bibliographic record is entered accidentally and should not be in the database, notify a staff member who has a catalog librarian profile password, which allows deletion of records. If the record should be deleted from bibliographic utilities, notify Metadata Services and Catalog Management.
Troubleshooting Common Problems
You cannot create or make changes in a record:
Make sure that you have logged on with your correct log on and password.
You get a warning message that changing the record type will invalidate the 008:
If you intended to change the record type, click Yes, and then enter format-specific fixed fields in the new 008 [15].
You want to rearrange fields:
Right click on the selection column next to the desired field and click either "Move this field up by one" or "Move this field down by one."
You know you've edited a record, but when you check it, none of your corrections appear:
Make sure that you weren't logged into a Voyager test database when you made your corrections. Check which database you are by doing a non-keyword title search on "where am i". In Voyager, you will get an index including the item "Where am I? I am in **ProdOrbis**. Use this database for permanent production work. Do not use this database for training or testing".
You can't find a record in the OPAC that you know was saved.
The bibliographic record or mfhd may be suppressed. Display a record by deselecting the checkbox on the system tab. Or, you might accidentally have keyed your record into a test database (see above).
Record has not been exported.
Make sure record is not suppressed.
Call number in OPAC is "Status unknown".
Deselect "Suppress from OPAC" box on system tab in the mfhd record.
OPAC Display Constant |
Non-Keyword OPAC Indexing |
Non-Keyword Staff Indexing |
035 [36] |
System Control No. [36] |
None |
No |
Original Orbis Bib Number |
040 [37] |
Cataloging Source [37] |
None |
No |
No |
041 [38] |
Language Codes [38] |
None |
No |
No |
043 [38] |
None |
No |
No |
100 [39] |
Author |
Author |
Staff Name or Name/Title Headings |
110 [40] |
Author |
Author |
Staff Name or Name/Title Headings |
111 [41] |
Author |
Author |
Staff Name or Name/Title Headings |
245 [42] |
Title Proper [42] |
Title |
Title, Author Sorted by Title |
Title |
264 [43] |
Imprint [43] |
300 [44] |
Physical Description [44] |
Description |
No |
No |
351 [45] |
Organization |
No |
No |
545 [46] |
Biographical/Historical Note |
No |
No |
520 [47] |
Summary, Etc. [47] |
Summary |
No |
No |
546 [48] |
Language note [48] |
Notes |
No |
No |
530 [49] |
Available In Other Formats |
No |
No |
533 [50] |
Reproduction Note [50] |
Notes |
No |
Title, Series Title |
535 [51] |
Notes |
No |
No |
506 [52] |
Access and Use |
No |
No |
540 [53] |
Terms Governing Use [53] |
Access and Use |
No |
No |
555 [54] |
Finding Aids Note [54] |
Indexes/Finding Aids |
No |
No |
510 [55] |
Citations/References |
No |
Citation/References |
510 [55] |
Indexed In Its Entirety By |
No |
Citation/References |
510 [55] |
Indexed Selectively By |
No |
Citation/References |
510 [55] |
References |
No |
Citation/References |
581 [56] |
Publications Note [56] |
Publications |
No |
No |
562 [57] |
Notes |
No |
No |
561 [58] |
Notes |
No |
No |
500 [59] |
General Note [59] |
Notes |
No |
No |
590 [60] |
Local Notes [60] |
Local notes |
No |
No |
505 [61] |
Contents |
No |
Title |
502 [62] |
Dissertation Note [62] |
Dissertation |
No |
No |
544 [63] |
Notes |
No |
No |
580 [64] |
Notes |
No |
No |
524 [65] |
Cite As |
No |
No |
600 [66] |
Subjects (Library of Congress) |
Subject |
Names, Subjects, Staff Subject Heading, or Staff Subject Subdivision |
610 [67] |
Subjects (Library of Congress) |
Subject |
Names, Subjects Staff Subject Heading, or Staff Subject Subdivision |
611 [68] |
Subjects (Library of Congress) |
Subject |
Names, Subjects, Staff Subject Heading, or Staff Subject Subdivision |
630 [69] |
Subjects (Library of Congress) |
Subject |
Title, Subjects, Staff Subject Headings, Staff Subject Subdivision |
650 [70] |
Subjects (Library of Congress) |
Subject |
Subjects, Staff Subject Heading, or Staff Subject Subdivision |
651 [71] |
Subjects (Library of Congress) |
Subject |
Subjects, Staff Subject Heading or Subject Subdivision |
655 [72] |
Genre/Form [72] |
Type of Material |
Subject |
Subject: Genre/Form, Subjects |
656 [73] |
Occupation [73] |
Occupation |
No |
No |
690 [74] |
Subjects (Local Yale) |
Subject |
Subjects, Local Subjects |
692 [74] |
Subjects (Local Yale) |
Subject |
Subjects, Local Subjects |
693 [74] |
Subjects (Local Yale) |
Subject |
Subjects, Local Subjects |
700 [75] |
Also Listed Under |
Author, Author Sorted by Title |
Name, Title, Staff Name, and Staff Name/Title |
710 [76] |
Also Listed Under |
Author, Author Sorted by Title |
Name, Title, Staff Name, and Staff Name/Title |
711 [77] |
Also Listed Under |
Author, Author Sorted by Title |
Name, Title, Staff Name, and Staff Name/Title |
730 [78] |
Variant and Related Titles |
Title |
Title, Staff Title |
740 [79] |
Variant and Related Titles |
Title |
Title |
773 [80] |
Host Item Entry [80] |
In |
Title |
Title |
852 [81] |
Location [81] |
None |
No |
No |
856 [82] |
Electronic Version |
No |
No |
Return to:
Bibliographic Record top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging [5]Manual [83]
General Information
Creating Templates
Creating and Editing Mfhd Records
Saving Mfhd Records
Multiple Call Numbers for a Single Collection
Deleting a Mfhd Record
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [84]
The following instructions address creation and editing of MARC Format for Holdings records (or mfhd, pronounced "muffhead"). For detailed definitions of mfhd tags, indicators, and subfields, see MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data [85] or full documentation on Catalogers Desktop.
A mfhd record contains location and call number information, and is linked to a bibliographic record. A system-generated record ID number is displayed in the title bar, followed by the record ID of the associated bibliographic record. The upper portion of mfhd record consists of three tabs:
MARC tab: Fixed fields. (system supplied; do not edit). Contains "Suppress from OPAC" check box. Do not suppress a mfhd when its associated bibliographic record is displayed, as this will generate the following message in the OPAC:
"No longer held by the Yale Library. If another edition is not in Orbis, try Borrow Direct/ILL.".
System tab: Do not use "OK to export" checkbox. Mfhd records currently are not exported.
Bib Title(s) tab: Record ID and title of associated bibliographic record(s). (System supplied)
History tab: Record of date and operator ID for creation and all subsequent saves. (System supplied)
The mfhd record is visible only in the cataloging module, but call number and location information derived from the mfhd are displayed in the OPAC. To search a mfhd record in the cataloging module:
Click Record>Retrieve by Record ID>Holding>[enter record ID].
When a bibliographic record is active in the cataloging module, an associated mfhd record may be displayed by either of the following procedures (A record is active when its title bar is highlighted in blue):
Click the Get Holdings icon.
Click the Hierarchy icon, expand if necessary, highlight the mfhd record, and click Retrieve.
New mfhd records are created by use of templates. For instructions on creating new templates and editing templates, see Creating Templates in the section on the Bibliographic Record [86].
To open a blank template for creation of a new mfhd, click on the New Hldgs icon, with the associated bibliographic record in the active window (a record is active when its title bar is highlighted in blue). This will bring up the default template specified in Preferences. Multiple templates may be stored on the hard drive or a networked drive, and the default may be changed by clicking Options>Preferences>Folders/Files, and entering a path in the Hldg box. If no path is specified in Preferences, clicking the New Hldgs icon will open a generic Voyager-supplied template.
Creating and Editing Mfhd Records
A mfhd record is required for each call number associated with a bibliographic record.
The Leader contains a system-supplied record type x (single part item). Do not change fixed field defaults in the leader, 007, or 008.
Edit the variable fields using editing techniques described in the section on the Bibliographic Record [86]. Complete the variable fields according to the following instructions.
014 |
Single Manuscript |
852 |
Single Manuscript |
866 |
Single Manuscript |
Do not delete or edit. 014 fields contain linking or migration information, such as the Notis key for an associated bibliographic record migrated from Notis (Yale's former library management system). This field does not appear in records created in Voyager.
Repeatable: yes
Holdings Keyword
‡b: Limit by location
Additional Staff Indexes: Holdings Boolean
‡b: Limit by location
Orbis Public Display Constants:
‡b: Holdings/Location [code displays as full library name]
‡h and ‡i: Holdings/Call Number
‡x: [no display]
‡z: Notes
8 Other scheme (local, non-LC call number)
0 Not by enumeration (not a serial)
‡b Sublocation
‡h Classification part
‡i Item part
‡k Call Number Prefix
‡x Nonpublic note
‡z Public note
Required Subfields
‡b Sublocation or Collection. Determined by the default set in Preferences (General-Holdings/Item Default Location). This subfield may also be set in a template, and may be edited either manually or by a menu accessed by putting the cursor in the 852 field and pressing control l (i.e. lower case L). All locations in Voyager are coded as a single string without punctuation. The name of the holding library derived from this code is displayed in the Opac.
‡h Classification Part. Contains the non-unique part of the call number.
‡i Item Part. Contains the unique part of the call number. Enter a space, with no punctuation between multiple parts within ‡i.
852 80 ‡b beingen ‡h GEN MSS ‡i 452
852 80 ‡b beinycal ‡h YCAL MSS FILE ‡i 132
852 80 ‡b beinwa ‡h WA MSS ‡i S-2440 R514
Other Subfields
Use the following subfields as appropriate.
‡x Nonpublic Note. Use for local processing notes for library staff use, such as notes regarding deletion of an existing access point or transfer from another Yale library, or to identify a recon record.
‡x To be completed with additional name tracings once curator supplies them; bein, ms 3/94.
‡x Before recon title was.... ; bein, ms 10/98.
‡x Before recon call number was... ; bein, ms 1/03.
‡x Recon collection, processing has been completed and Orbis record has been updated; bein, ms 4/99. [This is for recon collections that were reconned and then later recataloged. See note under Encoding Level.]
‡x Transferred from muddzeta; former call number was ... ; bein, ms 3/04.
‡z Public Note. Use for notes to be displayed in the OPAC.
‡k Call Number Prefix. Use rarely for a call number qualifier to be displayed in the OPAC. Contents are not indexed and cannot be globally edited. Before using this subfield, consult the Chief Catalog Librarian.
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Holdings Keyword
Additional Staff Indexes: Holdings Boolean
Orbis Public Display Constant: Library Has
4 Holdings level
1 ANSI/NISO Z39.71 or ISO 10324
‡8 Link and sequence number
‡a Textual holdings
‡x Nonpublic note
‡z Public note
Optionally use when multiple mfhd records are attached to a bibliographic record, to list boxes, volumes, or other containers shelved in the location specified by each mfhd. Especially consider using when a collection is split between onsite and LSF locations.
Subfield ‡8, with value 0, is required.
Mfhd for part of collection stored onsite:
852 80 ‡b beinycal ‡h YCAL MSS ‡i 999
866 41 $8 0 $a Boxes 1-10, 15-17
Mfhd for part of collection stored at LSF:
852 80 ‡b lsfbeiar ‡h YCAL MSS ‡i 999
866 41 $8 0 $a Boxes 11-14, 18-20
Saving Mfhd Records
After completing the 852 field, save the record to Voyager by clicking the Save to DB icon. Do not click the Save icon, as this will save the record only to the workstation hard drive. A message will appear confirming the save; click OK.
Multiple Mfhd Records
Multiple mfhd records may be attached to the same bibliographic record. Multiple mfhds may be used to record on- and off-site locations for parts of a single collection, or to record multiple call numbers for a single collection. Use of multiple mfhds ensures that all locations and call numbers are searchable. Each mfhd will have a unique Record ID. To view all mfhds attached to a bibliographic record, bring the bibliographic record to the active window and click either the Get Holdings icon or the Hierarchy icon.
Deleting a Mfhd Record
If a mfhd record is entered accidentally and should not be in the database, notify a staff member who has a catalog librarian profile password, which allows deletion of records.
Return to:
Mfhd Record top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
General Information
Creating Item Records
Modifying Item Records for Material going to LSF
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [87]
The item record describes the physical piece, including location, barcode number, and item type. The purpose of the item record is to track physical pieces, either for circulation or movement to and from the Library Shelving Facility (LSF).
Multiple item records can be attached to a single holdings record (MFHD), and there is no limit to the number of item records. The number of item records attached to a MFHD corresponds to the number of individually-circulating physical components, and not necessarily to the bibliographic level. For example, a collection could be housed in one box or multiple boxes, and an unbound single manuscript, or a single manuscript with accompanying material, could be housed in one box or multiple boxes.
Before an item record is created, the bibliographic and holdings records must be created.
In the cataloging module, retrieve the holdings record. Click on the "New Items" button. An item record appears with some information already entered. The "Title" field has the title taken from the 245 field in the bibliographic record. The "Location" field is from the holdings record (subfield ‡b of the 852 field.) The "Call #" is also from the holdings record (subfields ‡h and ‡i of the 852 field.) The "Perm. Loc." and "Item Type" fields will be system-supplied according to a Voyager profile pre-determined by the department. If information in the holdings record is changed, review the item record to determine if related updates are required.
The cursor will be blinking in the "Barcode" field. Enter the first barcode. (This can be done either by typing in or wanding the barcode.)
The "Enum:" and "Chron:" fields, while traditionally used for serials, can be used for item-specific information, such as box numbers, accession numbers, or any other identification.
(Example: Enum: Box 1 06/15/2004 2004-M-087)
Most repositories do not use any other fields in the item record.
Once the barcode and any other relevant information have been entered, click the "Save to DB" button.
If multiple item records are needed, you can copy the first record. With the current item record active, click "Record" from the menu and select "Make a copy" from the drop-down options. You will get a blank item record. Enter the new barcode and remember to change any information entered in the "Enum:" or "Chron:" fields so that it is specific to the item in hand. Click the "Save to DB" button.
Continue to follow the procedure until all the item records are created.
Modifying Item Records for Material Going to the Library Shelving Facility (LSF)
Before transfer to LSF, item records must include the following:
Title, Location, and Call #
Perm Loc = onsite location
Item Type = lsfr
Temp Loc and Temp Type = blank
If a large quantity of item records require manual updates in preparation for transfer to LSF, you can use macros, programming, and/or the Voyager "Pick and Scan" function. Contact a repository or cataloging unit using these methods for additional information.
When materials are transferred, MFHD 852 ‡b and Item record Perm Loc must be changed to lsf locations, usually by LSF during their accessioning process.
Contact LSF to schedule transfers and verify procedures.
Return to:
Item Record top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
General Information
Determining When to Create an Authority Record
Searching and Using Headings
Gathering Information for Creating Authority Records
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [88]
Authority work ensures consistency of headings in catalog records. Authority records also explain the use of headings in a catalog record, and provide a reference structure which guides readers to bibliographic information. Yale participates in the Name Authority Cooperative Project (NACO) and Subject Authority Cooperative Project (SACO). Only catalogers who have completed NACO training are authorized to establish name authority records. This section offers guidance in the use of established names and subjects, and in assembling supporting information for use in the creation of new headings. To create a new heading, route the supporting information to an authorized NACO cataloger in your unit. For further information see the Authority Control at Yale website [29].
Determining When to Create an Authority Record
The Yale Libraries create authority records for headings that meet criteria outlined in Authority Control Workflow for Yale Catalog Librarians [89]. Generally, these criteria state that an authority record is created when necessary to break a conflict, for headings that require cross references, or in cases when research on the heading should be documented in the authority record. In addition, creation of an authority record for a name used as the main entry for a collection of personal papers is recommended. This ensures that a repository holding a major collection of papers of that person will determine the form of the heading. Research should be documented only to justify the form of the heading and the necessity of any cross references. Further research on biography or historical context should be documented in the 545 (Biographical/historical data) [90] in the bibliographic record.
If there is no existing authority record, and creation of a new authority record is not required, according to the criteria above, enter the heading in accordance with RDA and in a form that does not conflict with existing headings.
Smith, Jane, ‡d 1897-1973.
(dates needed to distinguish from an existing heading for Smith, Jane)
Luhan, Mabel Dodge.
(requires cross reference from Dodge, Mabel)
Wilbur, George W.
(main entry for George W. Wilbur Papers)
Carroll Trail (Mont.)
(requires cross references for Helena-Carroll Wagon Road (Mont.) and Helena Road (Mont.))
Salsbury, Nathan, ‡d 1846-1902.
Cross references:
Salsbury, Nate, ‡d 1846-1902
Salsbury, N. ‡q (Nathan), ‡d 1846-1902
Research justifying dates, cross references, and verifying identity:
Nathan Salsbury papers, 1860-1965 ‡b (Nathan Salsbury; b. 1846; d. 1902)
RLIN, Jan 17, 2003 ‡b (hdg.: Salsbury, Nate, 1846-1902; usage: Nate Salsbury; N. Salsbury)
Nat. cycl. of Amer. biog.: ‡b v. 8, p. 166 (Salsbury, Nathan; actor and manager; b. Feb. 28, 1846; d. Dec. 24, 1902)
Burton, Charles O.
(no authority record required; does not conflict with existing headings)
The Orbis database ("Local Database") contains authority records for established headings used by Yale catalogers.
An authority record may be searched in the Orbis Local Database by any of the following procedures:
Click Record>Retrieve by Record ID>Bibliographic>[enter record ID].
Click the Search icon and search one of the indexes beginning with "Staff":
Staff Name Headings Search
Staff Subject Headings Search
Staff Title Headings Search
Staff Name/Title Headings Search
Highlight a heading identified as "Authorized" or "Reference" in left column, click the authority button, and highlight and click the authority record.
With the bibliographic record active, click Record>Retrieve Authorities
Headings may be validated by either of the following methods, when the bibliographic record containing them is active:
Select a heading by left clicking on the gray selection column, and click Validate Heading in This Field
When saving the bibliographic record, an authority validation box will appear (see Validating and Saving [91] in the section on the Bibliographic Record).
Parameters for validation may be changed by clicking Options>Preferences>Validation. When using Voyager validation, keep in mind that a valid heading may be a heading for another person with the same or a similar name. Always verify that each valid authority record is the correct heading.
For each name, subject, or title access point in a catalog record, search the Local Database for an an existing authority record. If the Descriptive Cataloging Rules in the 008 field [15] is coded either z (RDA), c (AACR2), or d (AACR2 compatible), the heading may be used. If no authority record is found, search for usage of an unestablished heading in bibliographic records. If the Cataloging Form in the Leader of a bibliographic record is coded either i (RDA) the unestablished heading may be used. If the Cataloging Form is coded a (AACR2), the unestablished heading may be used, with editing as necessary in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
If no authority record exists, and no RDA or AACR2 usage is found in bibliographic records, review Yale's Authority Control Workflow [89] and local repository guidelines to determine if an authority record is required. If an authority record is not required, create the heading in conformance with RDA.
If an authority record is required, gather the materials to create one, according to the instructions below.
Gathering Information for Creating Authority Records
In gathering information for an authority record, search the following, in order, as appropriate:
Orbis database (Local Database)
Library of Congress Authorities [92].
National Union Catalog
Reference sources (see suggestions in Appendix F: Reference Sources [6])
Manuscript materials in hand
Record the following types of information from the sources listed above, as appropriate, and pass all information on to an authorized NACO cataloger:
Personal Name:
‡a Personal name
‡b Numeration
‡c Titles and other words associated with the name
‡d Dates associated with a name
‡q Fuller form of name
Corporate Name:
‡a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
‡b Subordinate unit
Meeting Name:
‡a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
‡c Location of meeting
‡d Date of meeting
‡e Subordinate unit
Geographic Name:
‡a Geographic name
For all headings:
Any variants for "See" tracings.
Any variants for "See Also" tracings. Each "See also" reference must also be separately established as a heading.
For each source consulted: title, date, page number if applicable, and exact form(s) of heading found.
Return to:
Authority Record top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Records with obsolete record type b were globally changed to record type p, as part of Webvoyage 7 upgrade, 2010 December.
Field |
Guidelines |
Record Status |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Type of Record |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Bibliographic Level |
Single Manuscript [93] |
Type of Control |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Encoding Level |
Single Manuscript |
Cataloging Form |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Other Fields |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Field |
Guidelines |
Publication Status |
Single Manuscript [96] |
Date 1 and 2 |
Single Manuscript [98] |
Place of Publication |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Form of Item |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Language |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Modified Record |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Cataloging Source |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
006 |
Single Manuscript |
007 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
Indexed: no
a Increase in encoding level
c Corrected or revised
d Deleted
n New
Use n for all new records. Voyager will automatically update a record to c following any subsequent save. When a preliminary or recon Encoding Level [9] is upgraded to full level, the Record Status may be manually changed to a. However, coding will automatically change to c after subsequent saves, unless a is entered manually each time.
Return to:
Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: Limit search by Item Type
p Mixed materials
Code p for Mixed Materials, formerly known as Archives and Manuscripts Control (AMC), was introduced with format integration, and was implemented in 1996 March. The record type code for AMC records was b. Records with obsolete record type b were globally changed to record type p in 2010 December.
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: no
m Single item
c Collection
d Subunit
See also:
Bibliographic Level: Single Manuscript [101]
Bibliographic Level: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [94]
Use c for collections or small groups of two or more items. Also use c for a collective record for items in a scrapbook, photograph album, or multiple manuscripts bound together or with into a printed work which has been cataloged separately.
Use d for a subunit of a collection or analytic for item in a collection or multiple manuscripts bound together.
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: no
_ No specified type of control
a Archival
Ue a for all manuscript materials. This field was introduced with format integration, and was implemented in 1996 March.
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: no
_ Full level
1 Full level, material not examined
5 Preliminary or accession level record
7 Minimal level
See also:
Encoding Level: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [95]
Use _ for full level cataloging. Use 1 for records converted from existing cataloging data, such as retrospective conversion of catalog cards. Use 7 for unprocessed collections with provisional cataloging, as well as for permanent brief catalog records. Code _, 1, or 7 is required for export to utilities and MARS authority control. Change 1, 5, and 7 to _ when upgrading to full level.
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: no
i ISBD punctuation included
Use i for all records, indicating conformance to DCRM or DACS standards, and use of RDA headings. Code i may be used for retrospective conversion, whether or not headings are upgraded to RDA.
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Codes for the following fields are supplied by Voyager. Do not edit these fields.
Multipart Resource Record Level: _
Length of the Length-of-Field Portion: 4
Length of the Starting-Character-Position Portion: 5
Length of the Implementation-Defined Portion: 0
Undefined: 0
These fields were added retrospectively to all records during a tag table update in 2008 May.
Return to:
Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Publication Status (Type of Date)
Indexed: no
_ No dates given; B.C. date involved
e Detailed date
i Inclusive dates of collection
k Range of years of bulk of collection
n Dates unknown
q Questionable dates
s Single known date/probable date
See also:
Publication Status: Single Manuscript [102]
Publication Status: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [97]
Use i for a span of known dates or a span of dates qualified by "circa.". Note bulk dates, if appropriate, in subfield ‡g of the 245 (Title Statement) [103].
If a known or estimated span of dates falls within one year, either use i and enter the year in both Date 1 and Date 2 [104], or use s, enter the year in Date 1, and leave Date 2 blank, according to local practice.
If all materials in a collection are known or estimated to have the same date, use s, enter the year in Date 1, and leave Date 2 blank.
Use q for a date span qualified by a question mark.
See also Date 1 and Date 2 [104].
Due to OCLC encoding requirements, do not use m multiple dates for records where bibliographic level is c collection.
Publication Status i
Date 1 1845
Date 2 1962
245 ‡f 1845-1962 ‡g (bulk 1933-1960).
Publication Status i
Date 1 1861
Date 2 1865
245 ‡f [circa 1861-1865].
Publication Status i
Date 1 1840
Date 2 1840
245 ‡f 1840 Feb 19-May 20.
(local practice)
Publication Status i
Date 1 1840
Date 2 ____
245 ‡f 1840 Feb 19-May 20.
(local practice)
Publication Status e
Date 1 1915
Date 2 0523
245 ‡f 1915 May 23.
(all materials are dated 1915 May 23)
Publication Status q
Date 1 1801
Date 2 1805
245 ‡f [1801-1805?].
Return to:
Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: Limit search by Date (searches by date in this field, not ‡f in 245)
____ Data not yet supplied (fill in characters)
See also:
Date 1 and Date 2: Single Manuscript [105]
Date 1 and Date 2: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [99]
Each date consists of a four-digit year, with any unidentified digits represented by the letter u. Dates 1 and 2 must match dates in ‡f in the 245 (Title Statement) [103].
For a collection acquired over a period of years, enter either the current date span, or 9999 in Date 2 and update Date 2 as new parts are accessioned, according to local practice.
Do not transcribe incorrect dates. Always enter correct dates in Dates 1 and 2 and in the 245 field. Note any incorrect dates appearing on the materials in a 520 (Summary, etc.) [106] or 500 (General note) [107].
See also Publication Status [108].
Publication Status i
Date 1 1845
Date 2 1962
245 ‡f 1845-1962 ‡g (bulk 1933-1960).
Publication Status i
Date 1 18uu
Date 2 18uu
245 ‡f [1800s].
(letters from 19th century)
Publication Status i
Date 1 184u
Date 2 184u
245 ‡f [1840s].
Publication Status i
Date 1 1920
Date 2 9999
(ongoing gift; local practice)
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: no
___ Data not yet supplied (choose from menu)
For collection-level records, this code represents the state of the repository where the materials are held. For all collection-level records, enter code ctu, for Connecticut.
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: no
_ None of the following
a Microfilm
b Microfiche
c Microopaque
d Large print
r Regular print reproduction (such as a photocopy)
This code reflects the predominant part of the materials being described. Use code r for reproductions in eye-readable print, such as photoprints and photocopies. If the repository holds both the original material and a reproduction, use code _, describe the original material in the record, and include a 533 (Reproduction note) [109].
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: Limit search by Language
___ Data not yet supplied (choose from menu)
See the USMARC Code List for Languages on Cataloger's Desktop or on the Library of Congress website [110].
This code reflects the predominant part of the materials being described. If more than one language is represented, enter multiple codes in 041 (Language codes) [38].
See also 546 (Language note) [111].
Language eng : English
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: no
_ Not modified
Only code _ is valid for record type p (Mixed Materials).
Return to:
Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beine [112]cke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: no
_ National bibliographic agency (Library of Congress, or, National Library of Canada)
d Other sources (includes original record keyed by inputting library)
Always use code d for original cataloging.
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
006 Additional Materials Characteristics
See also:
006: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [100]
Use 006 fields to include record type codes in addition to code p (Mixed Materials). OPAC search limiting by item type is based on record type codes in the Leader and in any 006 fields present in the record. For example, manuscript material coded p in the Leader which contains substantial photographic material will be found by searches limited to photographic material only if an 006 for 2-D Nonprojectable materials has been included in the record.
See appendix 006 Codes [19] for definitions of commonly used codes. For more information, see the MARC21 Concise Format [113] on the Library of Congress website.
See also 008 (Mixed Material) [15].
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Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
See also:
007: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [114]
OPAC search limiting by medium is based on record type codes in the 007. Generally this field has not been used. Optionally, use to indicate the presence of microfilm in a collection.
For more information, see the MARC21 Concise Format [113] on the Library of Congress website.
Return to:
Variable Control Fields top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript |
040 |
Single Manuscript [116] |
041 |
Single Manuscript |
042 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
043 |
Single Manuscript |
079 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
090 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
099 |
Single Manuscript |
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Staff Indexes: Original Orbis Bib Number
‡a System control number
‡z Cancelled/invalid system control number
‡9 Notis record key or search string for link from Finding Aid Database
See also:
035: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [115]
System-Generated Fields
Do not edit or delete system-generated 035 fields. The following system-generated 035 fields are typically found in manuscript records:
Notis Keys. In records migrated from Notis to Voyager in 2002, an 035 ‡9 contains the Notis system record key. This key originally consisted of a three-character alphabetic range followed by a four-digit sequential number. During migration to Voyager, "YL" was added to the end of these keys. The list below shows Notis key spans and corresponding cataloging sources:
AAAxxxx - BZZxxxx |
RLIN (cataloged in RLIN) |
CAAxxxx - CZZxxxx |
RLA (Beinecke print recon) |
DAAxxxx - DZZxxxx |
OCLC (tape load) |
EAAxxx - |
Electronic Scriptorium (CCL recon) |
FAAxxx - FZZxxx |
Created Online |
PAAxxxx - PLPxxxx |
GEAC (Circulation) |
035 __ ‡9 FKY6244YL
Voyager Bibliographic Record ID. In records created in Voyager and exported to MARS, an 035 ‡a field containing the Voyager bib id number is system-generated when the record is returned by MARS. For more information on exporting records, see section on exporting bibliographic records [121].
035 __ ‡a 4075432
OCLC Institutional Record ID. System-generated following export of a new record to OCLC. Contains OCLC institutional record number, preceded by the code (OCoCL). This field is used in matching when a record updated in Voyager is re-exported to OCLC. For more information on exporting records, see section on exporting bibliographic records [121].
035__ ‡a (OCoLC)ocn702230877
Local Fields
Local use of the 035 field must be approved by the Head of Cataloging. Currently, three approved types of local 035 fields are used for special collections records: search strings that link from finding aids to the associated catalog records (see below), HVT numbers used by the Fortunoff Video Archives for Holocaust Testimonies, and Manuscripts and Archives microform numbers.
For new records created in Voyager, a new 035 field must be entered if a link between the Finding Aid Database and the associated catalog record is needed. Enter this search string in a subfield ‡9, using the following syntax: (YUL)ead.[repository id].[ead id]. The "ead id" is a unique identifier for the text file containing the finding aid. The form of the repository and ead identifiers are determined locally.
035 __ ‡a HVT-4257
(HVT number)
035 __ ‡a Film HM 216
(microform number)
035 __ ‡9 (YUL)ead.beinecke.wkent
035 __ ‡9 (YUL)ead.beinecke.prycejon
035 __ ‡9 (YUL)ead.divinity189
(finding aid links)
Return to:
0XX top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
040 (Cataloging Source)
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
‡a Original cataloging agency
‡b Language of cataloging
‡c Transcribing agency
‡d Modifying agency
‡e Description conventions
See also:
040: Single Manuscript [116]
040: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [117]
Subfields ‡a and ‡c contain the repository's NUC code. Subfield ‡b contains the language code eng, for the language of cataloging. Subfield ‡e contains the code for DACS. Subfield ‡d is rarely used in manuscript cataloging.
Input subfields alphabetically by subfield delimiter, or optionally use a locally-determined order.
040 __ ‡a CtY-BR ‡b eng ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dacs
040 __ ‡a CtY ‡b eng ‡c CtY ‡e dacs
040 __ ‡a CtY-M ‡b eng ‡c CtY-M ‡e dacs
Return to:
0XX top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
0 Item is not a translation/does not include a translation
1 Item is or includes a translation
‡a Languages of text
‡h Language code of original
‡k Language code of intermediate translations
See the USMARC Code List for Languages on Cataloger's Desktop or on the Library of Congress website [110].
See also:
041: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [118]
Use optionally when significant material in two or more languages is present. Determine significance by considering volume, research importance, and whether language skills are required to use major parts of the collection.
List each code in a separate subfield ‡a. The first code must also appear in the 008 language field [122]. List subsequent codes in order of predominance in the collection.
See also 546 (Language note) [111].
041 0_ ‡a eng ‡a fre ‡a spa ‡a ger ‡a ita ‡a hun
245 00 ‡a Memories of my youth, ‡f 1895-1915.
546 __ ‡a Chiefly in English, French, and Spanish. Also includes some material in German, Italian, and Hungarian.
041 0_ ‡a eng ‡h ger
245 10 ‡a Troubles of a bibliophile, or, Outpourings from the heart of a bookloving worldling : ‡b for Paul Hirsch on February 24, 1931 : [Leipzig?] / ‡c by Martin Breslauer ; translated by Ruth Frey Axe, ‡f [ca. 1935].
Return to:
0XX top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
‡a Authentication code
Optionally use to identify a record in compliance with the Program for Cooperative Cataloging, BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile for Archival Collections [123], by entering the code "pcc."
042 __ ‡a pcc
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0XX top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
‡a Geographic area code
See the USMARC Code List for Geographic Areas on Cataloger's Desktop or on the Library of Congress website [124].
See also:
043: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [119]
Use optionally when the subject matter of a collection is geographic, and when the catalog record includes at least one 651 (Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name) [125]. Use the most specific appropriate code.
List each code, in a separate subfield ‡a. For each code, enter all seven characters and any hyphens, including any trailing hyphens.
043 __ ‡a np----- ‡a n-us-ca ‡a n-us-ri
Return to:
0XX top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
079 (OCLC Master Record Number)
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Staff Indexes: System Numbers
‡a OCLC master record number
‡z Superceded OCLC master record number
System-generated, following export of a new record to OCLC. Do not edit or delete.
Contains OCLC master record number, preceded by the code ocn. This field is used in matching when a record updated in Voyager is re-exported to OCLC. For more information on exporting records, see section on exporting bibliographic records [121].
035__ ‡a ocn702150507
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0XX top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
‡a Local classification number
‡b Local cutter number
Optionally use to record the call number, to facilitate keyword searching. Use of subfields is locally determined. Optionally, enter the whole call number in one subfield ‡a to enable keyword searching.
The call number must also be entered in the Mfhd 852 field [126], which is searchable by local call number indexing only.
090 __ ‡a MS 450
090 __ ‡a RU 109
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0XX top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
‡a Local classification number
See also:
099: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [120]
Optionally use to record a former call number, to facilitate keyword searching. Wording is determined by local practice.
099 __ ‡a Former call number: Uncat Mss 100
Return to:
0XX top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Guidelines |
1XX |
Single Manuscript [127] |
100 |
Single Manuscript |
110 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
111 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
130 |
Single Manuscript [130] |
An 1XX field is required if a creator of the collection can be identified. For intentionally-assembled collections created by a YUL repository, use the repository name as 110, if possible.
Records with no 1xx and at least one 7xx: as of 2018 December, Archives at Yale will display the first 7xx as the primary creator. To ensure correct display, enter a 1xx.
See also Single Manuscript Instructions [127]
See also 1XX: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [128]
100 (Main Entry - Personal Name)
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Author
Additional Staff Indexes: Staff Name Headings or Staff Name/Title Headings
Orbis Public Display Constant: Author/Creator
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields
0 Forename
1 Surname
3 Family name
‡a Personal name
‡b Numeration
‡c Titles and other words associated with a name
‡d Dates associated with a name
‡e Relator term
‡q Fuller form of name
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
See also:
100: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [129]
Use for a personal name of the creator of the collection. Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations. Consult a NACO cataloger in your unit and the Authority Control at Yale [29] website for guidelines on when a new authority record should be created.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
Personal names
‡d Dates:
Birth date: required if known.
Only birthday known, or still living: ‡d [yyyy]-
Death date: required if applicable and known.
Only death date known: ‡d -[yyyy]
To break a conflict, use the following standard terms as appropriate, for any century, spelling out all terms:
[yyyy] [Month] [dd]
approximately [yyyy]
active [yyyy]
active approximately [yyyy]
‡q Fuller form of name: required only to break a conflict not resolved by dates
‡c Titles and other words associated with a name
Required if applicable and known: Jr., Sr.; titles for saints, religious office, nobility
Use of terms of honor, such as Sir, Dame, Esq.: will be required if applicable, pending addition to RDA, projected for 2013 April.
To break a conflict not resolved by dates or titles, use a profession or occupation, capitalized and in parentheses:
‡c ([Occupation])
‡e Relator term
Optionally use the term"collector" to identify a person who assembled a collection but did not create the materials in it:
‡a [Name], ‡d [yyyy]-[yyyy], ‡e collector.
As of 2013 January, some LCAF records reflect interim RDA decisions, such as use of born/died instead of hyphens. Use these LCAF records as is.
Family names
Create a heading following RDA guidance for family name and qualifiers:
‡a Name
Type of family: required, using one of the following terms: Family, Dynasty, Royal house, Clan
Use standard form: ‡a [Name] ([Type])
‡c, ‡g, ‡d Qualifiers
Use as appropriate to break conflicts:
‡a [Name] (Family: ‡c [Place])
‡a [Name] (Family: ‡g [Name of prominent member of family], [yyyy-yyyy])
‡a [Name] (Family: ‡d [yyyy-yyyy])
For places, record a country, state, or city, using LCSH but separating jurisdictions with commas, not parentheses.
For prominent member of family, use LCAF or RDA rules for form of name and dates.
Do not use RDA headings for family names in 600; instead use the form established in LCSH, or create a heading in conformance with LCSH. An RDA family name in the 100 field refers to a specific family, while the same family name in LCSH collocates all families sharing that name.
100 1_ ‡a Comfort, Aaron Ivins, ‡d 1827-1915.
100 1_ ‡a Austin, Stephen F. ‡q (Stephen Fuller), ‡d 1793-1836.
100 1_ ‡a Barbé-Marbois, François, ‡c marquis de, ‡d 1745-1837.
100 0_ ‡a Victoria, ‡c Queen of Great Britain, ‡d 1819-1901.
100 1_ ‡a Spender, Stephen, ‡d 1909-
100 1_ ‡a Smith, John, ‡d -1773.
100 1_ ‡a Smith, John, ‡d active 1719–1758.
100 1_ ‡a Smith, John, ‡d active approximately 1700-1720.
100 1_ ‡a Smith, John, ‡d 1719-approximately 1758.
100 1_ ‡a Frazer, John ‡c (Architect)
100 1_ ‡a Morgan, John Pierpont, ‡d 1837-1913, ‡e collector.
100 3_ ‡a Gregory (Family)
100 3_ ‡a James (Family : ‡c Summerton, S.C.)
100 3_ ‡a Peale (Family : ‡g Peale, Charles Willson, 1741–1827)
100 3_ ‡a Medici (Royal house : ‡g Medici, Lorenzo de', 1449–1492)
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1XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
110 (Main Entry - Corporate Name)
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Author/Creator
Additional Staff Indexes: Staff Name Headings or Staff Name/Title Headings
Orbis Public Display Constant: Author
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields
0 Inverted name
1 Jurisdiction name
2 Name in direct order
‡a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
‡b Subordinate unit
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Use for the name of a corporate body that created the collection. Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations. Consult a NACO cataloger in your unit and the Authority Control at Yale [29] website for guidelines on when a new authority record should be created.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
‡b Subordinate unit: spell out Department
110 2_ ‡a Hudson's Bay Company.
110 1_ ‡a California. ‡b Governor (1975-1983 : Brown)
110 2_ ‡a Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
110 2_ ‡a Yale University. ‡b Library.
110 1_ ‡a South Dakota. Department of Public Safety (1973–1984)
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1XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
111 (Main Entry - Meeting Name)
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Author
Additional Staff Indexes: Staff Name Headings or Staff Name/Title Headings
Orbis Public Display Constant: Author/Creator
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields
0 Inverted name
1 Jurisdiction name
2 Name in direct order
‡a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
‡c Location of meeting
‡d Date of meeting
‡e Subordinate unit
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Use for the name of a conference or meeting name that created the collection. Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations. Consult a NACO cataloger in your unit and the Authority Control at Yale [29] website for guidelines on when a new authority record should be created.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
‡a Name: if needed for clarity, add: (Conference)
‡d Date: frequency (such as Annual orBiannual) is required if applicable
111 2_ ‡a Panama-Pacific International Exposition ‡d (1915 : ‡c San Francisco, Calif.)
111 2_ ‡a BTR (Conference) (2nd : 2002 : University of New Mexico)
111 2_ ‡a International Whaling Commission. ‡b Annual Meeting.
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1XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
130 (Main Entry - Uniform Title)
Do not use for collections. For records of a serial publication use 110 for the publisher name. If the publisher name is not known, do not use 1xx, or optionally use the publication title as a corporate name in 110.
See also:
130: Single Manuscript [130]
130: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [131]
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1XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Guidelines |
240 |
Single Manuscript [132] |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
245 |
Single Manuscript [133] |
246 |
Single Manuscript [135] |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
250 |
Single Manuscript [136] |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
260 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
240: Single Manuscript [132]
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2XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Title, Author Sorted by Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Title
Punctuation: Ends with a period, even when another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present unless the last word in the field is an abbreviation, initial, etc.
0 No title added entry
1 Title added entry
0-9 Number of nonfiling characters present
First indicator 0 is used when there is no 1XX and the 245 is the main entry. However, as the 245 field is always indexed in Voyager, regardless of first indicator, this indicator may be set as 1 or 0, as determined by local practice.
‡a Title
‡b Remainder of title
‡c Remainder of title page transcription/statement of responsibility
‡f Inclusive dates
‡g Bulk dates
Subfields ‡a and ‡f are required. Use subfields in order: ‡a, ‡f, ‡g. Subfields ‡b and ‡c are not used for collections, but may be used for cataloging single items.
General Collection Titles
Small Collection Titles
See also:
245: Single Manuscript [133]
245: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [134]
Title (‡a)
Titles are constructed according to local practice, within the following guidelines. For collections with a 1XX main entry, generally repeat the main entry in direct order, as the first element in ‡a, followed by "papers," "archive," "collection," or another genre term or terms describing the predominant form of materials. The form of name may be truncated or may otherwise differ from the main entry, as determined by local practice. Use a space between initials in personal names.
For collections with no 1XX main entry, construct a title using topical and genre terms which will facilitate title searches and title browsing. Avoid using "miscellaneous" as the first word in the title, though this may have been done in the past. For new catalog records, use "miscellany" following a personal name or topical terms.
Although collection names are supplied rather than transcribed, they are derived from authorized sources of information (see DACS), and therefore bracketing of data is not necessary. For bracketing of dates, see Dates [137], below. Capitalize only the first word of the title and any proper names. See 520 and 500 notes regarding description of accompanying materials not accounted for in the 245.
100 1_ ‡a Wilder, Thornton, ‡d 1897-1975.
245 10 ‡a Thornton Wilder papers, ‡f 1892-1991 ‡g (bulk 1935-1975).
(Collection of personal papers with 1XX main entry)
100 1_ ‡a West, Rebecca, ‡c Dame, ‡d 1892-
245 10 ‡a Rebecca West collection, ‡f 1913-[ongoing].
(Term of address in main entry not used in title)
110 2_ ‡a American Jewish Society for Service.
245 00 ‡a American Jewish Society for Service records, ‡f 1948-2000 (inclusive), ‡g 1951-1984 (bulk).
(Corporate records)
245 00 ‡a Account books recording fees for writs served in Stonington, Connecticut, ‡f 1811-1825.
245 00 ‡a Yale Collection of American Literature manuscript miscellany, ‡f [circa 1800-ongoing].
245 00 Texas legal documents, ‡f 1832-1895 ‡g (bulk 1832-1869).
(Title main entries)
Dates (‡f and ‡g)
Always provide inclusive dates in ‡f, stating the complete date span of materials. If most materials fall within a smaller date span, optionally supply bulk dates in ‡g. Use consistent wording and punctuation, as determined by local practice. For open-ended collections, for which additions are expected, use the current date span and update as necessary, or optionally use a date span ending in "-ongoing".
Examples, showing possible wording and punctuation:
‡f 1904-1987.
‡f 1904-1987 ‡g (bulk 1970-1980).
‡f 1904-1987 (inclusive), ‡g (bulk 1970-1980).
‡f 1904-1987 (inclusive), ‡g 1970-1980 (bulk).
‡f 1904-1987 (inclusive) ‡g (bulk 1970-1980).
If information can be supplied for undated or incorrectly dated materials, and this affects the date span of the collection, put supplied dates, in brackets, in ‡f and in the Date 1 and Date 2 codes in the 008 field. Note incorrect dates in a 520 field.
245 ... ‡f [circa 1800-1900].
245 ... ‡f 1906-[1950].
245 ... ‡f 1927-[196-] (inclusive).
245 ... ‡f [1860]-1865.
520 __ ... Earliest correspondence is misdated 1861.
For small collections that do not have finding aid, catalog in conformance with DACS, using the instructions below and local practice. For full instructions about collection titles, see General Collection Titles.
Repeat the main entry in direct order as the first element in ‡a, followed by "papers," "archive," "collection"; or one of these terms and a specific genre term; or up to two specific genre terms. Use specific genre terms if the bulk or research value is found mainly in these materials.
To describe a relationship between materials, use wording like "[genre] and [genre] related to ... " or "[genre] and papers from/related to ...". If one genre predominates, clarify this in a 520 note.
100 1_ ‡a Allen, John Q.
245 10 ‡a John Q. Allen diaries and scrapbooks relating to the New York theater, ‡f 1915-1925.
300 __ ‡a 1 ‡f linear feet (2 boxes)
520 __ ‡a Daily diaries (10 v.) with extensive entries of activities, including commentary on people in theatrical circles and plays seen. Scrapbooks (2 v.) contain photographs, theater programs, ticket stubs, postcards and other printed ephemera.
1001_ ‡a Allen, John Q.
245 10 ‡a John Q. Allen letters and papers from his European tour, ‡f 1912-1913.
300 __ ‡a .5 ‡f linear feet (1 box)
520 __ ‡a Chiefly letters from family and friends, and retained copies of his outgoing letters, plus photographs, theater programs, tickets stubs, postcards and other printed ephemera.
100 1_ ‡a Allen, John Q.
245 10 ‡a John Q. Allen diaries and papers, ‡f 1915-1925.
300 __ ‡a 1.5 ‡f linear feet (3 boxes)
520 __ ‡a 14 volumes of diaries dated 1935-1945. Additional papers include clippings, notes, photographs, and other personal and professional memorabilia from his childhood and later life.
555 0_ ‡a Accompanied by a container list (in box 1).
100 1_ ‡a Jones, Peter R.
245 10 ‡a Peter R. Jones correspondence and diaries, ‡f 1915-1925.
300 __ ‡a 1 ‡f linear feet (2 boxes)
520 __ ‡a Weekly correspondence with family members from the period 1856-1902, and 25 diaries dated 1890-1914. The collection also includes a few early family photographs and theater programs.
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2XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Title
Orbis Public Display Constant:Variant and Related Titles
Punctuation: Doesn't end with a mark of punctuation unless the last word in the field is an abbreviation, initial, etc.
3 No note, added entry
_ No type specified
‡a Title proper/short title
‡i Display text
See also:
246: Single Manuscript [135]
Use to give access to a former title of the collection. Enter the title in ‡a, preceded by explanatory text in ‡i. Do not use for a title of a work found within a collection; use 740 [138] instead.
245 10 ‡a Jane Smith papers, ‡f 1920-2000.
246 3_ ‡i Collection formerly titled ‡a Jane Smith collection.
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2XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
250: Single Manuscript [139]
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2XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Published/Created
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation, a closing parenthesis, closing angle bracket, closing bracket, or a comma.
‡a Place of publication, distribution, etc.
‡b Name of publisher, distributor, etc.
‡c Date of publication, distribution, etc.
Punctuation: 260 __ ‡a [Place]: ‡b [Name], ‡c [Date(s)].
This field is generally not used in mixed materials records. An exception is use by the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, to record the place where the taping took place, the affiliate responsible for creating the videotape, and the date of taping.
260 __ ‡a Ramat Aviv, Israel : ‡b Beth Hatefutsoth, Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, ‡c 1985.
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2XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Guidelines |
300 |
Single Manuscript [140] |
351 |
Single Manuscript |
300 (Physical Description)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Description
Punctuation: Doesn't end with a mark of punctuation unless the last word in the field is an abbreviation, initial, etc.
‡a Extent
‡b Other physical details
‡c Dimensions
‡e Accompanying material
‡f Type of unit
‡g Size of unit
‡3 Materials specified
General Collections
Small Collections
See also:
300: Single Manuscript [140]
300: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [141]
Subfield ‡a is required. Subfield ‡f is optional. Subfield ‡3 specifies materials when multiple 300 fields are used. Other subfields are not used for collections, but may be used for cataloging single items. Subfield ‡c is required for single items.
The 245 and 300 fields should match, both describing either a collection or a single item.
Extent (‡a)
Always use subfield ‡a, and include at least the number of linear feet. Rounding of numbers and extent of decimal points are determined by local practice. If only subfield ‡a is used, also include the term "linear feet," the number of boxes, and, optionally, the number of other storage formats. Do not abbreviate words.
To calculate footage based on size and number of boxes, use local procedures, or use a linear footage calculator [142].
300 __ ‡a 10.50 linear feet
300 __ ‡a 10.5 linear feet (5 boxes)
300 __ ‡a 10 linear feet (5 boxes) + 2 broadside folders
Broadsides are not included in the linear footage.
300 __ ‡a 49.6 linear feet (52 boxes, 12 rolled maps, 74 broadside folders)
Rolled maps and broadsides are extensive, and are therefore included in linear footage.
Type of unit (‡f)
Optionally, use subfield ‡f, following subfield ‡a. If both subfields ‡a and ‡f are used, only the number of linear feet is included in ‡a; the term "linear feet," and, optionally, the number of boxes of other storage formats, are included in ‡f.
300 __ ‡a 3.75 ‡f linear feet (10 boxes)
300 __ ‡a 0.21 ‡f linear feet (1 box) + 1 portfolio
Depending on local decisions about supplied titles and physical housing, physical description of a small collection may be expressed in various ways, such as:
Count of multiple bound volumes, boxed individually.
For example, a group of diaries in multiple volumes
Count of multiple unbound items, housed in one or more folders.
For example, a group of letters
Any of above, housed in one or more boxes, with linear footage.
For example, a small collection of diaries and letters
Physical description of similar materials can vary, depending on factors such as be security, housing requirements, and local practice. In all cases, the bibliographic level, dates, and physical description must each account for all material named in the title, consistently describing the same a group of items. These elements should not include accompanying material mentioned only in a 500 or 520 note.
A collection of three diaries, dated 1917-1951, in three volumes:
Leader/Bibliographic Level: c
‡a CtY-BR ‡b eng ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dacs
300 __ ‡a 3 ‡f volumes
or 300 __ ‡a 0.20 ‡f linear feet (1 box)
A collection consisting of a diary in a single volume, dated 1917-1951, and two maps, dated 1910:
Leader/Bibliographic Level: c
008 Dates 1 and 2: 1910 and 1951
‡a CtY-BR ‡b eng ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dacs
300 __ ‡a 3 ‡f items
or 300 __ ‡a 0.20 ‡f linear feet (1 box)
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3XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
351 (Organization And Arrangement)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Organization
Punctuation: Ends with a period.
‡a Organization
‡b Arrangement
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
351: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [141]
Organization (‡a)
Use to list series in a collection. Wording is determined by local practice. Separate series by periods. If a collection is arranged in series, use only subfield ‡a; do not use subfield ‡b.
351 __ ‡a Organized into three series: I. Writings, 1915-1961. II. Correspondence, 1910-1954. III. Personal Papers, 1900-1957.
Arrangement (‡b)
Use to indicate alphabetical, chronological, or other arrangement for a small collection not organized into series.
245 10 ‡a Jane Doe correspondence.
351 __ ‡b Arranged chronologically.
Materials specified (‡3)
Use to indicate a specific part of collection described in this field. Do not use punctuation between ‡3 and ‡b, so that these will display as one sentence in the OPAC.
245 10 ‡a Jane Doe correspondence and drawings.
351 __ ‡3 Correspondence ‡b arranged chronologically
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3XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Guidelines |
5XX |
Single Manuscript |
545 |
Single Manuscript |
520 |
Single Manuscript |
546 |
Single Manuscript |
530 |
Single Manuscript |
533 |
Single Manuscript |
535 |
Single Manuscript |
506 |
Single Manuscript |
540 |
Single Manuscript |
555 |
Single Manuscript |
510 |
Single Manuscript |
581 |
Single Manuscript |
562 |
Single Manuscript |
561 |
Single Manuscript |
500 |
Single Manuscript |
590 |
Single Manuscript |
505 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
502 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
544 |
Single Manuscript |
580 |
Single Manuscript |
524 |
Single Manuscript |
5XX Fields: General Instructions
See also:
5XX: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [143]
Voyager will accept 5XX tags in any order, but using the above recommended order will simplify the OPAC display for 5XX fields displaying under the "Notes" label. Field order for other fields is determined by Voyager configuration documents.
Use subfield ‡3 (materials specified) in 5XX fields as necessary, particularly when describing components of large collections.
Avoid using abbreviations in note fields, unless transcribing a quote from the collection itself.
506 __ ‡3 Correspondence: ‡a restricted until 2020. Consult the appropriate curator for further information.
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5XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Notes
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a General note
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
500: Single Manuscript [162]
500: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [157]
Use sparingly, for general information for which no specialized note (5XX) field has been defined. Either 500 or 590 (Local note) fields can be used for single notes. Use of these fields should be consistent, as determined by local practice.
500 __ ‡a Audubon autograph lacking.
500 __ ‡a Includes transcript of diaries.
500 __ ‡a Contents also cataloged individually.
500 __ ‡a On White House stationery.
245 __ ‡a English miscellaneous manuscripts collection, ‡f 1362-1945 (inclusive).
500 __ ‡a Additions to this collection will include accessions whose subject content is exclusively British, and which were created in Great Britain or by British citizens. Materials will not be transferred from other collections to this collection.
245 __ ‡a Civil War Manuscripts Collection, ‡f 1859-1900 (inclusive).
500 __ ‡a Further additions to this collection will meet departmental standards for additions to artificial collections and thus not amount to more than .25 linear feet of material or contain material in smaller quantities which warrant collection level status due to individual or subject content. Additions will include material generated during the Civil War period, 1861-1865, or the reminiscences, remembrances and recollections of individuals who were a party to events relating to the war.
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5XX top [163]
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines [164]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [165]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
502: Single Manuscript [166]
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5XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Staff Indexes: Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Contents
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
Display constant controller
0 Contents
1 Incomplete contents
2 Partial contents
8 No display constant generated
Level of constant designation
_ Basic
0 Enhanced
‡a Formatted contents note
See also:
505: Single Manuscript [167]
This field is rarely used. It may be useful for listing titles of individual items to facilitate keyword searching. Separate items with a space, hyphen, hyphen, space.
505 0_ ‡a Federal Farm Loan Bureau. Upper Yellowstone River Drainage Area, Montana / Report by J. Winter Smith -- Upper Glendive-Fallon Irrigation District, Project No. 15, Dawson and Prairie Counties, Montana. Report of the State Engineer to the Montana Irrigation Commission / C. S. Heidel [and] Fred E. Buck -- Red Lodge-Rosebud Irrigation District, Irrigation Project No. 10, Carbon County, Montana. Report of the State Engineer to Montana Irrigation Commission / C. S. Heidel [and] J. W. Smith -- Joliet & White Horse Bench Irrigation District Irrigation Project No. 11, Carbon County, Montana. Report of the State Engineer to Montana Irrigation Commission / C. S. Heidel [and] J. Winter Smith -- East Bench Irrigation District Irrigation Project No. 9, Beaverhead County, Montana. Report of the State Engineer to Montana Irrigation Commission / C. S. Heidel [and] Fred E. Buck -- Silver Irrigation District (Project No. 19) in Lewis and Clark County, Montana. Engineering report and recommendations / by the Public Service Commission of Montana -- Montana Joint Stock Land Bank. Lebo Valley, Montana / Report by J. Winter Smith -- Montana Joint Stock Land Bank. Madison River Drainage Area, Montana / Report by J. Winter Smith
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5XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
506 (Restrictions On Access)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Access and Use
_ No information provided
0 No restrictions
1 Restrictions apply
‡a Terms governing access
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
506: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [150]
Use of first indicators is determined by local practice. First indicators 0 and 1 were established in 2006.
If there are no restrictions, enter a note stating this.
506 0_ This collection is open for research.
For collections with restrictions, use this field to reference entire collections or series withheld from reader use due to donor- or institution-imposed restrictions, or to reference restrictions which expire on a specified date. Include the expiration date in the 506 statement (see example, below). Also use for an in-process collection or a collection that is currently being microfilmed (see examples, below). When processing or microfilming is complete, delete the note.
See also 540 (Terms governing use). Required use of microfilm surrogates may be indicated by either a 506 or 540 field, according to local practice.
506 1_ ‡a The papers are closed to research during the lifetimes of Mr. & Mrs. Eugene V. Rostow and for a period of ten years thereafter.
506 1_ ‡a The papers are closed. Access granted through permission from Anne Morrow Lindbergh or two of the Lindbergh children. The personal family correspondence is restricted throughout the lifetime of Anne Morrow Lindbergh and for fifty years after her death.
506 1_ ‡a Permission for access must be obtained from the donor during her lifetime. For the ten year period thereafter, the donor asks that her husband, Robert L. Wald, or in the event of his unavailability, her daughter, Sarah Wald Stark, or such representative as either of them may designate, approve access to the papers.
506 1_ ‡3 Correspondence of A. K. Smiley: ‡a Closed until 2020. For further information consult the appropriate curator.
506 1_ ‡3 1924 Diary: ‡a Restricted fragile material. For further information consult the appropriate curator.
(Neither a film nor paper surrogate is available. Access to original material requires curatorial approval.)
506 1_ In-Process Collection. Research use may require advance notice. Contact the Public Services Librarian for further information.
506 1_ ACCESS TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED. As of September 2004, this collection is scheduled for preservation microfilming. Researchers should contact the library in advance to determine availability.
100 1_ ‡a Jones, Paul S.
245 10 ‡a Diaries, ‡f 1843-1845.
300 __ ‡a 3 ‡v. ; ‡c 24 cm
506 1_ ‡a Restricted fragile material. Use microfilm instead of original.
530 __ ‡a Available on microfilm ‡b from Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
(Collection has been filmed.)
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Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Staff Indexes: Citation/References
Orbis Public Display Constant:
1st Indicator 0: Citation/References
1st Indicator 1: Indexed In Its Entirety By
1st Indicator 2: Indexed Selectively By
1st Indicator 3 or 4: References
Punctuation: A comma is usually placed at the end of subfields ‡a, ‡b, ‡c and/or ‡x if another subfield follows. Field doesn't end with a mark of punctuation unless last word is an abbreviation, etc.
Coverage/location in source
0 Coverage unknown
1 Coverage complete
2 Coverage selective
3 Location in source not given
4 Location in source given
‡a Name of source
‡c Location within source
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
510: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [153]
Use for the name of a publication in which materials have been cited, indexed, or abstracted. Give a separate 510 for each citation. Use Standard Citation Forms for Published Bibliographies (available on the Cataloger's Desktop). Apply the working principles in this volume when constructing new citations (section IV). When a bibliography is unnumbered, add specific location information (such as page number). As Orbis will supply a public display constant (see first indicator, above), do not input additional terms such as "References:" or "Indexed by:".
Do not confuse with 581 (Publications Note).
510 4_ ‡a Withington, ‡c 30
510 4_ ‡a Goddard & Kritzler, ‡c 235
510 4_ ‡a Yale. Ornithological Books, ‡c 95
510 4_ ‡a Yale University Gazette, 1971 April, Vol. 45, No. 4, ‡c "The Ellsworth Huntington Papers," by Geoffrey Martin, p.185-95
510 4_ ‡a The Harvey Cushing Collection of Books and Manuscripts, 1943, ‡c manuscript 52
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Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Summary
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
Display constant controller
_ Summary
‡a Summary, etc. note
‡3 Materials specified
Do not use subfield ‡b (expansion of summary note). Record the complete summary note in subfield ‡a.
See also:
520: Single Manuscript [168]
520: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [145]
Use this field as a scope and content note. If there is a collection finding aid, derive this note from the description of the collection and the series descriptions in the finding aid. List materials found in the collection that reflect the major occupations/activities of the individual and/or organization, being as concise as possible. Use a 545 (Biographical or historical data) field, however, for biographical data and historical information that puts the materials in context.
Begin in general terms and move to greater detail, stating information in the following order:
Follow Chicago Manual of Style for title capitalization, grammar, and style. Generally, spell out words, and avoid abbreviations. Enter a space between initials in personal names, as in an established heading. If a writer is unidentified, use "unidentified," rather than "unknown".
Although paragraphing is not possible within a single 520 field, multiple 520 fields will display as separate paragraphs in the OPAC.
Optionally, use subfield ‡3 to describe a specific item or group of materials within a collection. Subfield ‡3 is not repeatable in a single 520; enter multiple ‡3 subfields in separate 520 fields. When describing specific items, optionally add collation information to the description of the item in the 520 note.
300 __ ‡a 2 ‡f boxes (1.5 linear feet)
520 __ ‡3 Letters: ‡a 7 autograph letters, signed (18 p.). Detailing events in San Francisco following the 1906 earthquake and fire.
520 __ ‡3 Diaries: ‡a 12 volumes, 1848-1850, covering his tenure as American ambassador to France.
100 1_ ‡a Vance, Cyrus R. ‡q (Cyrus Roberts), ‡d 1917-
245 00 ‡a Cyrus R. Vance and Grace Sloane Vance papers, ‡f 1942-2002 (inclusive).
520 __ ‡a The Vance papers primarily document Cyrus R. Vance's professional and personal activities. Of particular significance are background materials, correspondence, position papers, and handwritten meeting notes relating to SALT II negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union; the Camp David Summit and the signing of the Middle East Peace Treaty; diplomatic relations with the Far East, especially China; and negotiations to release the American hostages in Iran. Proposals, reports, handwritten notes, and correspondence provide insight into the dispute between Greece and Turkey over Cyprus in 1967, federal recovery assistance to Detroit after the riot of 1967, and the Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam in 1968. Governmental statements and commentaries, draft bills, and Senate committee background materials from 1958 document Vance's involvement in the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA). Extensive files of position papers, project proposals, meeting minutes, reports, publications, and handwritten notes document Vance's involvement with various events and organizations following his resignation from the Carter administration. The collection also contains manuscript drafts used for Vance's book Hard Choices: Critical Years in America's Foreign Policy.
110 2_ ‡a Coalition to Stop Trident.
245 00 ‡a Coalition to Stop Trident records, ‡f 1969-1996 (inclusive).
520 __ ‡a The records consist of administrative records, correspondence, publications, subject files, and photographs documenting the history, structure, philosophies, and activities of the Coalition to Stop Trident as well as other groups working to stop the production and deployment of Trident submarines and missiles in Connecticut and New England. There are also subject files which place the local activities of these Connecticut groups into the context of the national and international disarmament movement.
100 1_ ‡a Gregory, Alyse, ‡d 1884-1967.
245 10 ‡a Alyse Gregory papers, ‡f 1888-1982 ‡g (bulk 1939-1967).
520 __ ‡a The collection consists chiefly of correspondence, with smaller amounts of diaries, writings, notebooks, artworks, photographs, and other personal papers. Also present are papers of others closely associated with Gregory, including papers of Llewelyn Powys; writings of John Cowper Powys and Edna St. Vincent Millay; and diaries of Gertrude Powys. Accompanying these is a small amount of correspondence and notes of Rosemary Manning, concerning Gregory's papers.
520 __ ‡a The collection documents Gregory's literary friendships and personal relationships, particularly with Llewelyn Powys, his siblings and the Powys circle, colleagues associated with The Dial, and the Gregory family; her writing and intellectual interests; and her efforts to edit her diaries and correspondence and those of Llewelyn Powys.
100 1_ ‡a Darrach, Bartow, ‡d 1831-1863.
245 10 ‡a Bartow Darrach letters, ‡f 1852-1856.
520 __ ‡a 115 ALS written by Bartow Darrach while living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Kentucky; and Kansas Territory; most to his parents, James and Helena White Darrach, New York; his brother, William Bradford Darrach; and other family members in the East. Five letters are dated at Philadelphia, 1852-1853, and relate to the completion of Darrach's medical studies and his application to the United States Navy for an appointment as a medical officer. Approximately half of the letters are dated at Eddyville, Kentucky, 1853-1855, and concern Darrach's work in establishing a medical practice there.
520 __ ‡a Darrach moved to Kansas Territory in 1855; circa fifty letters dated at Osawatomie, 1855-1856, contain a detailed narrative of the lives of settlers and events of the Kansas border war, including discussion of elections and constitutional conventions; events in Lawrence and other fighting between free soil and slavery advocates; and the killings at Pottawatomie by John Brown and the subsequent sack of Osawatomie. The letters are accompanied by an ink and watercolor portrait, 1843.
245 __ ‡a Texas legal documents, ‡f 1832-1895 ‡‚g (bulk 1832-1869).
520 __ Manuscript legal documents, written in various hands and signed by court officers and other individuals. Most documents were filed at the Nacogdoches County Court and include docketing annotations on versos; also represented are courts of other Texas counties. Many documents relate to summoning of juries, probate court business, bonds for court appearances, and trial proceedings. Some early documents certify Republic of Texas citizenship, military service, and land bounties. Also present are a few documents concerning slavery and freedmen, elections, appointment of government officials, land tenure, and petitions for road construction. Some items are annotated or accompanied by holograph notes written by Alex Dienst, identifying writers of documents and their significance in Texas history.
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524 (Preferred Citation of Described Materials)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Cite as
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
Display constant controller
_ Cite as
‡a Preferred citation of described materials note
See also:
524: Single Manuscript [169]
524: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [161]
Use a consistent form that readers should use in citations, including at least title and location information. Optionally include a main entry, call number, or other identifying information which is not expected to change. Do not include a main entry if this name also appears in the title of the collection.
524 __ ‡a John Vance Lauderdale Papers. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
524 __ MSS 50, The Paul Bekker Papers in the Music Library of Yale University.
524 __ ‡a John Ashley Journal. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
524 __ ‡a Anne Smiley, Journal of a Trip Home. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
524 __ ‡a Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers. Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
524 __ ‡a Records of Kingman Brewster Jr. as president of Yale University (RU 11). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
524 __ ‡a Edith A. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-279). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
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530 (Additional Physical Form Available)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Available In Other Forms
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a Additional physical form available note
‡b Availability source
‡c Availability conditions
‡d Order number
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
530: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [147]
This field contains information about additional physical formats, such as microforms or facsimiles, available for public use either at the repository and/or in published form. Do not use for transcripts; these are noted in 500 (General note) and/or 520 (Summary, etc.).
Note standard wording for ‡b (see examples below); do not include time valued information (such as staff names, specific titles, PO Box #, etc.). Do not include price information.
If an entire series has been filmed, cite the series specifically. Use the simple phrase "Also available on microfilm" only when the entire collection has been filmed.
Do not confuse with 533 (Reproduction note). A 530 field is not used in conjunction with a 533 field.
530 __ ‡3 Correspondence, 1866-1912 ‡a available on microfilm ‡b from Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
530 __ ‡a Available on microfilm ‡b from Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
530 __ ‡a Portions available on microfilm ‡b from Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
530 __ ‡3 Series II. General Correspondence, and Series III. Diaries, Journals, Reminiscences, and Manuscripts ‡a also available on microfilm (12,171 frames on 14 reels, 35mm.) ‡b from Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, ‡c at cost. ‡d Order no. HM140.
530 __ ‡3 Four logbooks kept during the Paris Peace Conference ‡a are available on microfilm (1 reel, 35mm.) ‡b from Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, ‡c at cost. ‡d Order no. HM68.
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Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Staff Indexes: Title, Series Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Notes
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a Type of reproduction
‡b Place of reproduction
‡c Agency responsible for reproduction
‡d Date of reproduction
‡e Physical description of reproduction
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
533: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [148]
For use by a repository holding a copy of the material, not the original, normally in conjunction with a 535 (Location of originals/duplicates note). The original is described in other fields of the record, including genre/form of the item in a 245 (Title statement) [103] and/or 520 (Summary, etc.), as appropriate. A record with a 533 field may also have a 540 (Terms governing use) note: "May not be duplicated". Form of Item in the 008 field must be set to a code other than _.
Do not confuse with 530 (Additional physical form available). A 533 field is not used in conjunction with a 530 field.
533 __ ‡a Microfilm. ‡b Washington, D.C. : ‡c National Archives and Records Administration, ‡d 1983. ‡e 9 reels ; 35mm.
100 1_ ‡a O'Malley, Jacob.
245 10 ‡a Jacob O'Malley financial records, ‡f 1945-1987.
300 __ ‡a 3 linear ft. (6 boxes)
520 __ ‡a Receipts, and tax records documenting O'Malley's income and expenses.
533 __ ‡a Microfilm. ‡b New Haven, CT : ‡c Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, ‡d 1989. ‡e 9 reels ; 35 mm.
535 1_ ‡a Originals located in: Jacob O'Malley Trust ; ‡b New York, NY.
540 __ ‡a May not be reproduced.
500 __ ‡Financial records retained by the O'Malley family following his death, to complete settlement of his estate. Copied by Beinecke Library for research purposes.
544 1_ ‡d Related Material: Jacob O'Malley Papers (YCAL MSS 999) ‡a Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
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535 (Location of Originals/Duplicates)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Notes
Punctuation: End with a period, unless the last word in the field is an abbreviation, initial, etc.
Additional information about custodian
1 Holder of originals
2 Holder of duplicates
‡a Custodian
‡b Postal address
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
535: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [149]
This field contains the name and location of the repository with custody of originals or duplicates of the described materials. Use only for locations of originals not held locally, and use only if all or a significant portion is involved. If the location is unknown, note this fact to avoid future confusion. If the described materials are on microfilm, include an 006 for projected medium [170] (form of item=microfilm), to facilitate search limiting.
As this field is displayed with other 5XX fields in the OPAC under "Notes," differentiate from other notes by beginning with text such as "Originals located in..."
535 1_ ‡a Originals located in: Niels Bohr Library, Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics ; ‡b New York, NY.
535 1_ ‡a Location of originals unknown.
535 1_ ‡a Originals retained by the family.
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540 (Terms Governing Use And Reproduction)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Access and Use
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a Terms governing use and reproduction
‡b Jurisdiction
‡c Authorization
‡d Authorized users
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
540: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [151]
This field contains information about terms governing the use of materials after access has been provided, such as constraints on duplication and handling not covered by general policies and practices. Optionally, also use this field for copyright information.
540 __ ‡a Special restrictions governing use or reproduction of some materials apply. Consult the appropriate curator for further information.
540 __ ‡a Diaries may not be reproduced.
540 __ ‡a For research use only. May not be duplicated. Permission to copy must be obtained from the copyright holder. Consult the appropriate curator for further information.
540 __ ‡a Copyright has been transferred to Yale University.
540 __ ‡3 Original watercolor sketches in Boxes 1-5 ‡a may not be photocopied. Copies may be made from the black and white negatives in Boxes 7-8 or from the color slides in Box 9 or the copy negatives of the slides in Box 10.
540 __ ‡a The collection must be used under the supervision of a reference archivist.
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544 (Location Of Other Archival Materials)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Notes
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
_ No information provided
0 Associated materials [located in another Yale repository, or a repository outside Yale]
1 Related materials [located in the same respository]
‡a Custodian
‡b Address [do not use specific postal codes, just city and state/province]
‡c Country
‡d Title
‡e Provenance
‡n Note
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
544: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [159]
This field cites other materials within or outside the repository which are related to the described materials by provenance. Use only for significant materials with the same provenance as the materials in hand, for which this information is readily available and the provenance link is clear. Use a separate 544 for each citation. Enter subfield ‡d before subfield ‡a. Optionally, enter all information in a single subfield ‡n.
As this field is displayed with other 5XX fields in the OPAC under "Notes," differentiate from other notes by beginning this field with either "Related material:", for related materials at your own repository or "Associated material:", for materials at another Yale repository, or a repository outside Yale.
100 1_ ‡a Charles Augustus Lindbergh papers, ‡f 1830-1987 (inclusive), ‡g 1911-1974 (bulk).
544 1_ ‡d Related material: Anne Morrow Lindbergh Papers (MS 829) ‡a Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
544 0_ ‡d Associated material: Bronislaw Malinowski Papers, ‡a London School of Economics and Political Science.
544 1_ ‡d Related material: African Postcard Collection, MS 1575. ‡a Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
544 1_ ‡d Related material: Anne Morrow Lindbergh Papers (MS 829) Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
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545 (Biographical Or Historical Data)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Biography/Historical Note
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
Type of data
_ No information provided
0 Biographical sketch
1 Administrative history
‡a Biographical or historical data
See also:
545: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [144]
Use this field for biographical and historical information on people or corporate bodies in the 1XX field, and/or information on any related people or corporate bodies. Generally, be as concise as possible; however, wording and length are not prescribed. For personal names, include name, birth and death dates (if not in 100 field), occupation(s), significant achievements (with dates), relevant education, and information on family. For a Yale graduate, mention the class year. Start with the most important identifying information (how the person or organization is best known), followed by whatever additional information is relevant to the material being cataloged. For corporate bodies, include as much of the following information as is available: full name, founding and closing dates, location, and purpose and function(s).
Provide a space between initials in personal names, just as in an established heading. Otherwise, it is not necessary to conform to the authorized form of the name in this field. For example, if birth and death dates are known, but the authorized form of the name does not include them, give them at the beginning of the 545 field, following the name.
Compose the 545 with the 520 (Summary, etc.) in mind: the 520 gives collection content that reflects biographical information in 545. Optionally, use multiple 545 fields for notes on more than one individual or organization. If little or no biographical/historical information is available, the 545 field may be omitted, and any available information integrated in a 520 field.
Although paragraphing is not possible within a single 545 field, multiple 545 fields will display as separate paragraphs in the OPAC.
545 __ ‡a Walter Millsap was from 1916 to 1919 an active member of the Utopian Llano colony, a socialist community which moved from its original location in California to Louisiana in 1917. Millsap was trustee of United Co-Operative Industries and head of the Llano Co-Operative Association.
545 __ ‡a Keikichi Akana Imamura was a salesman for Millsap's United Co-Operative Industries before World War II and an adjunct professor in Oriental languages at Yale University in the fall of 1945.
545 __ ‡a Richard Wright, journalist, novelist and lecturer, author of Native Son and Black Boy.
545 __ ‡a William Henry White graduated from Yale University in 1900. He went to Alaska during the Klondike Gold Rush, arriving in August, 1900, and initially serving as a representative of a thawing machine company, involving R. M. Elliot, H. C. Elliot, and White's father, George L. White. In September, 1900, William Henry White began working for the Office of the Gold Commissioner, Yukon Territory, Canada. He was appointed mining recorder for the Dawson District in January, 1901, and for the Forty Mile District in February, 1901. White returned to Waterbury, Connecticut, in July, 1901.
(Yale graduate)
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Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Notes
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a Language note
‡b Information code or alphabet, (i.e. roman alphabet, braille, pictograms, arabic alphabet, hieroglyphics)
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
546: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [146]
For collections in English, enter a note stating this.
546 __ In English.
For collections in languages other than English, or collections containing significant materials in languages other than English, use an approprate note. If two or more non-English languages are present, give approximate importance, as appropriate (for example, "Chiefly in French; some letters in German"). If a language applies only to a specific group of materials, specify this in a subfield ‡3.
See also 041 (Language codes) [38].
546 __ ‡a Originals in English, translations in French.
546 __ ‡a Materials in English and Russian.
546 __ ‡a Chiefly in French, some letters in German.
546 __ ‡3 Notebooks ‡a in French.
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555 (Cumulative Index/Finding Aids)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Indexes/Finding aids
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
Display constant controller
_ Indexes
0 Finding aids
‡a Cumulative index/finding aids note
‡3 Materials specified
‡u Uniform resource indentifier
See also:
555: Single Manuscript [171]
555: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [152]
Use for finding aids, indexes, card files, etc. The text of this field is determined locally. Use "finding aid" to refer to lists in Archives at Yale. If referring to other guides or listings not there, be specific (for example, "Preliminary list available for correspondence in box..."). For manuscripts for which analytics also have been made, use this field to note parts which have been individually cataloged.
Use first indicator 0 for finding aids.
Do not enter the words "Indexes:" or "Finding Aids:", as these terms are supplied in the OPAC field label.
555 0_ ‡a Finding aid available.
555 0_ ‡a Finding aid available in repository and on internet.
555 0_ ‡a Preliminary list.
555 0_ ‡a Accompanied by a container list.
555 0_ ‡a Accompanied by a container list (in box 1).
555 0_ ‡a Accompanied by a container list. Some items also cataloged separately.
555 0_ ‡a Preliminary container list available.
555 0_ ‡a Finding aid to correspondence available. Notebooks and Writings listed in the Manuscripts Card Catalog.
555 0_ ‡a Selected items also cataloged separately.
(Bound ms with several items; analytics done only selectively)
555 0_ ‡d Podeschi, John B. Dickens and Dickensiana: a Catalogue of the Richard Gimbel Collection in the Yale University Library. New Haven: The Library, 1980.
(To reference a printed catalog that serves as a finding aid)
555 0_ ‡3 Series I: ‡a finding aid available.
(partial finding aid only)
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561 (Ownership and Custodial History)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Notes
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a History
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
561: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [156]
Use to record the source of acquisition. Optionally also include provenance information relating to previous owners. Statements can include information such as date, gift, purchase or other type of acquisition, full name of donor or vendor, and fund. If a purchase was made through an agent from an auction house, state the name of the auction house, and do not state the agent (for example, "Purchased from Sotheby's"). Do not include confidential information such as price, value, address, or phone number. Do not name people who have requested anonymity (see example, below). Optionally, if it is unclear whether materials were a gift or a purchase, use the phrase "Acquired from." The 561 field can be left out entirely if there is no provenance information available.
Optionally, if the donor is a Yale graduate, note that information as part of the donor name. Note that the correct format for citing the class is Yale [yyyy], e.g. Bequest of Paul Mellon (Yale 1929), 2000. Gift of Susan and John Doe (Yale 1954), 1974-1995. As in this last example, indicate Yale class date immediately following the corresponding name. In this case, John is a Yale graduate, while Susan is not.
Enter information in a single field. Do not use separate subfields for each indication of ownership. For collections with finding aids, this provenance statement here should match or closely follow that in the finding aid.
Do not use the 541 field (immediate source of acquisition); use the 561 for all provenance information included in the catalog record. The 541 field was originally intended to include confidential information, such as purchase price. Before RLIN21, the 541 field was part of the archival segment. The 541 field does not display to the public or other institutions, while the 561 field is publicly visible. Because Orbis does not mask any field, all fields are visible in the OPAC MARC view. For these reasons, Yale repositories maintain confidential information in local databases, and use 561 for all other provenance information.
561 __ ‡a Gift of Charles Eberstadt, 1961.
561 __ ‡a Acquired by exchange, 1996.
561 __ ‡a Purchased from Goodspeed's Book Shop, Inc., 1950. Letter of Nov. 14, 1844 gift of Charles Goodspeed, 1952.
561 __ ‡a Gift of an anonymous donor in 1987.
561 __ ‡a Gift of Bret Jones, 1947. Formerly held in Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University as MS 700 before transfer to Beinecke Library in 1996.
561 __ The Paul Bekker Papers were established in the Music Library of Yale University by Sarah Bekker in 1983.
561 __ ‡a Deposited by Robert F. Butts, 1985-1996, 2001-2003. Gift of Tam Mossman, 1996-1997, 2001. Gift of Richard Kendall, 1991-1992, and 1995, 1997, 1999, and 2001; Seth Network International, 1993-1995, 1997-1998; Norman Friedman, 1993; Madelon Rose Logue, 1996-2005; Ron Heckens, 1999; Anita Newell and Nancy Walker, 2000; Mary Rouen/Brass Ring Bookstore, 2000-2001; Moment Point Press, 2001; Rick Stack, 2001, 2002; Jobi Harris, 2001; Barry Noonan, 2001, 2004; Mary Dillman, 2001; Sue Watkins, 2001; Joyce Combs, 2002; Mike Flynn, 2002; and Lucy Gillis, 2002, 2003.
561 __ ‡a Acquired from John Q. Allen, 1945.
(Unclear whether a gift or purchase)
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Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
562 (Copy And Version Identification)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Notes
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a Identifying markings
‡b Copy identification
‡e Number of copies
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
562: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [155]
Contains information which distinguishes a copy or version of an item, when more than one copy or version exists or could exist. Make a separate note for each copy.
Use rarely , as this information generally goes in a 500 (General note) field.
562 __ ‡e 3 copies: ‡b DVCam Master; ‡b Betacam SP dub; ‡b and 1/2 in. VHS with time coding.
562 __ ‡e 3 copies: ‡b VHS Master; ‡b Betacam SP dub; ‡b and 1/2 in. VHS with time coding.
(Multiple copies of a videotape)
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5XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
580 (Linking Entry Complexity)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Notes
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a Linking entry complexity note
See also:
580: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [160]
This field is used for a note expressing a complex relationship with another item, which cannot be adequately generated by a 773 (Host Item Entry) [172] field. Though the 580 and 773 fields are rarely used, the 580 field has been used to relate materials to a record group within the University archives.
580 __ ‡a Forms part of Yale Record Group 46-A (YRG 46-A), records and materials broadly documenting Yale buildings, facilities, and grounds.
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Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Publications
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
Display constant controller
_ Publications
8 No public display constant generated
‡a Publications about described materials note
‡3 Materials specified
See also:
581: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [154]
Use this field to give a citation for a publication based on use, study, or analysis of the materials described in the record, or to give other information about such a publication.
Do not confuse with 510 (Citation/References Note).
581 __ ‡a Charles II to Lord Taaffe: Letters in Exile, ed. Timothy Crist. Cambridge: Rampant Lions Press, 1974.
581 __ ‡a The George Eliot letters; edited by Gordon S. Haight. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954-78.
581 __ ‡a Collected poems, 1912-1944 / H. D.; edited by Louis L. Martz. New York: New Directions, 1983.
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5XX top
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Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Local Notes
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a Local note
See also:
590: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [158]
Use for additional notes, as determined locally.
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5XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Guidelines |
6XX |
Single Manuscript |
600 |
Single Manuscript |
610 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
611 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
630 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
650 |
Single Manuscript |
651 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
655 |
Single Manuscript [176] |
656 |
Single Manuscript |
69X |
Single Manuscript [179] |
6XX Fields: General Instructions
See also:
6XX: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [173]
Use for subject access to names (see also 700 (Added Entry - Personal Name) [181]). Generally, include the name in the 1XX field also in a 6XX field, as manuscript material, such as letters or personal papers, is as much about the person, corporate body, or meeting in the 1XX field as it is authored by that entity. Use also for correspondents and other creators of works present in the collection.
At least one 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, or 651 is required. Use additional 6XXs as appropriate. Justify all 6XXs by describing subject matter in a 520 (Scope and content note) [106]. Long lists of 6XXs for correspondents may be generally characterized, without being individually mentioned, in the 520 field.
Voyager indexes names in 6XXs as subjects and names in 7XXs [182] as authors. Yale repositories use 6XX, rather than 7XX, for listing correspondents.
Generally, put 6XX added entries in tag order, and in alphabetic order within each tag. Exceptions may be determined locally; for example, listing the creator of the collection as the first 6XX. The ordering of headings may change if headings are updated during MARS processing.
In the past, second indicator 4 was used with 6XX local headings, but this practice is no longer used. Use 69X fields for all local headings. When found in older records, 6XX headings with second indicator 4 should be updated to 69X headings.
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6XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
600 Subject Added Entry - Personal Name
600/610 Required
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Subject
Additional Staff Indexes: Names, Subject, Staff Subject Heading or Subject Subdivision
Orbis Public Display Constant: Subjects (Library of Congress)
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0 Forename
1 Surname
3 Family name
0 Library of Congress Subject Headings/LC authority files
‡a Personal name
‡b Numeration
‡c Titles and other words associated with a name
‡d Dates associated with the name
‡e Relator term
‡q Fuller form of name
‡t Title of a work
‡v Form subdivision
‡x General subdivision
‡y Chronological subdivision
‡z Geographic subdivision
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
See also:
600: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [174]
Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
Personal names: see 100 (Main Entry - Personal Name) [39].
Family names: do not use RDA headings for family names in 600; instead use the form established in LCSH, or create a heading in conformance with LCSH. LCSH family headings used as subjects should always be in 600, not in 650.
‡t Title: see 240 (Uniform Title) [183]
‡e Relator term:
If the OPAC field label does not sufficiently identify the relationship, optionally use a relator term. RDA may require use of "creator" or another relator term in 1xx and 7xx; a decision is pending as of 2013 January.
Use only terms from RDA Appendix I. A process for adding terms to Appendix I is pending as of 2013 January.
Don't trace nicknames unless they are bibliographically significant, and then only if this heading is authorized, or does not conflict with authorized headings and conforms to RDA.
Optionally use ‡v Archives for a major collection oof the subject's papers.
600 10 ‡a Clarkson, Robert H. ‡q (Robert Harper), ‡d 1826-1884.
600 10 ‡a Millsap, Walter, ‡d 1886- ‡v Archives.
600 10 ‡a Smith, Jane, ‡e illustrator.
600 30 ‡a Gregory family.
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610 (Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name)
600/610 Required
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Subject
Additional Staff Indexes: Names, Subject, Staff Subject Heading or Subject Subdivision
Orbis Public Display Constant: Subjects (Library of Congress)
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0 Inverted name
1 Jurisdiction name
2 Name in direct order
0 Library of Congress Subject Headings/LC authority files
‡a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
‡b Subordinate unit
‡e Relator term
‡v Form subdivision
‡x General subdivision
‡y Chronological subdivision
‡z Geographic subdivision
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
See: 110 (Main Entry - Corporate Name) [184]
Use first indicator 1 when corporate name begins with place.
For headings without authority records, identify the geographic location in parentheses, if possible.
610 20 ‡a Gila River Relocation Center.
610 20 ‡a Llano Colony (Secular Community)
610 10 ‡a Connecticut. ‡b Militia
(Authorized headings)
610 20 ‡a American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ‡z Philippines.
(Authorized heading, with geographic subdivision)
610 20 ‡a Twin Buttes Railroad Company (Tucson, Ariz.)
(No authorized heading)
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6XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
611 (Subject Added Entry - Meeting or Conference)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Subject
Additional Staff Indexes: Names, Subject, Staff Subject Heading or Subject Subdivision
Orbis Public Display Constant: Subjects (Library of Congress)
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0 Inverted name
1 Jurisdiction name
2 Name in direct order
0 Library of Congress Subject Headings/LC authority files
‡a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
‡c Location of meeting
‡d Date of meeting
‡e Subordinate unit
‡q Name of meeting following jurisdiction name as entry element
‡v Form subdivision
‡x General subdivision
‡y Chronological subdivision
‡z Geographic subdivision
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
See: 111 (Main Entry - Meeting Name) [185].
611 20 ‡a Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition ‡d (1909 : ‡c Seattle, Wash.)
611 20 ‡a Stampede ‡d (1916 : ‡c Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.)
(Annual tournament of cowboy skills)
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6XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
630 (Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title Heading)
Repeatable:: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Subject
Additional Staff Indexes: Names, Subject, Staff Subject Heading or Subject Subdivision
Orbis Public Display Constant: Subjects (Library of Congress)
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0-9 Number of nonfiling characters present
0 Library of Congress Subject Headings/LC authority files
‡a Uniform title
‡t Title of work
‡d Date of treaty signing
‡f Date of a work
‡l Language of a work
‡v Form subdivision
‡x General subdivision
‡y Chronological subdivision
‡z Geographic subdivision
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Use for a uniform title of a book or serial that is a subject of the collection. Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
See: 240 (Uniform Title) [183]
630 00 ‡a Perspectives of new music.
630 00 ‡a New Yorker.
630 00 ‡a Lyell lectures.
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6XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
650 (Subject Added Entry - Topical Term)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Subject
Additional Staff Indexes: Names, Subject, Staff Subject Heading or Subject Subdivision
Orbis Public Display Constant: Subjects (Library of Congress)
Puncation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0 Library of Congress Subject Headings/LC authority files
‡a Topical term or geographic name as entry element
‡c Location of event
‡d Active dates
‡e Relator term
‡v Form subdivision
‡x General subdivision
‡y Chronological subdivision
‡z Geographic subdivision
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
See also:
650: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [175]
Use for topical subject access. Search the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) through the Library of Congress Authorities [92] or Classification Web [186]. See the Chief Catalog Librarian to obtain a logon and password for Classification Web.
For large collections of personal papers, optionally use "[occupation] ‡v Archives". Do not use the subdivision "Correspondence," as this is implied in title words such as "papers," "records," or "collection". "Correspondence" is used as a subdivision for published collections of correspondence. For literary papers, optionally include a heading tracing national identity and chronological era. Note that "Translations into [language]" appears in subfield ‡v, while "Translations from [language]" appears in subfield ‡x.
650 _0 ‡a String quartets.
650 _0 ‡a Piano music.
650 _0 ‡a Authors, English ‡v Archives.
650 _0 ‡a Woodwind quintets (Flute, clarinets (4)) ‡v Scores and parts.
650 _0 ‡a Big band music ‡v Scores and parts.
650 _0 ‡a English literature ‡v Translations into German.
650 _0 ‡a Quakers ‡z Great Britain ‡v Personal narratives.
650 _0 ‡a German literature ‡x Translations from English.
650 _0 ‡a Mexican War, 1846-1848 ‡x Naval operations, American.
650 _0 ‡a Authors, Russian ‡y 20th century.
650 _0 ‡a Frontier and pioneer life ‡z Oregon.
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Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
651 (Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Index: Subject
Additional Staff Index: Names, Subject, Staff Subject Heading or Subject Subdivision
Orbis Public Display Constant: Subjects (Library of Congress)
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0 Library of Congress Subject Headings/LC authority files
‡a Geographic name
‡v Form subdivision
‡x General subdivision
‡y Chronological subdivision
‡z Geographic subdivision
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Use for topical geographic subject access. Use an established authority, if one exists. If not, create the heading in conformance with RDA, using Geonet, or, if necessary, a subject-specific print resource or other standard reference sources. Geonet and other sources are available through the Authority Control at Yale [29]webpage. For chronological subdivisions (‡y), follow instructions in LCSH (see 650) and the Subject Cataloging Manual (on Catalogers Desktop).
651 _0 ‡a Mexico ‡x History ‡y 1821-1861.
651 _0 ‡a Cheyenne (Wyo.) ‡x Church history.
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Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Index: Subject
Additional Staff Index: Subject: Genre/Form, Subjects
Orbis Public Display Constant: Genre/Form
Punctuation: Subfield preceding subfield ‡2 ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
none Basic
7 Source of heading specified in ‡2
‡a Genre/form data or focus term
‡2 Source of term
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
See also:
655: Single Manuscript [176]
655: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [177]
Use to to give access to genre terms from a standard thesaurus specified in ‡2. Generally used only for substantive quantities of material, though may be used for smaller numbers of special photographic formats or a single occurrence of an especially rare item or format. Do not trace genres commonly found in collections, such as correspondence or literary manuscripts.
Use terms from the following thesauri, in this order of preference:
Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) [187]
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT) [188]
Other established thesauri, including the following:
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) Controlled Vocabularies [189]
Optionally add an 006 Additional Materials Characteristics field [191] corresponding to each genre heading, to facilitate search limiting.
Genre/form terms should not be subdivided geographically, topically, chronologically, or by form. In limited cases terms from AAT or GMGPC may be subdivided, for example when the geographic or chronological association of a genre or form in a manuscript or archive differs significantly from the geographic or chronological association of the resource as a whole.
655 _7 ‡a Diaries. ‡2 aat
655 _7 ‡a Photographic prints. ‡2 aat
655 _7 ‡a Daguerreotypes (photographs). ‡2 aat
655 _7 ‡a Vespers (Music) ‡2 lcgft
655 _7 ‡a Sketches. ‡2 aat
655 _7 ‡a Brocade bindings (Binding) ‡2 rbbin
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Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Occupation
Punctuation: Subfield preceding subfield ‡2 ends with a mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis.
7 Source of term specified in ‡2
‡a Occupation
‡x General subdivision
‡y Chronological subdivision
‡z Geographic subdivision
‡2 Source of term
See also:
656 Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [178]
Use to give access to index terms for occupations or avocations reflected in the collection. Consider also including this term or a similar term in a 650 (Subject Added Entry - Topical Term). Inclusion of 650 fields may facilitate searching, as 650s are indexed as subject, while 656 fields are indexed by keyword only.
Optionally subdivide geographically (by state if in the United States; otherwise by country) and/or chronologically.
Standard thesauri are Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh) [186] and Art and Architecture Thesaurus (aat) [192]. When an appropriate term is not found in a standard thesauri, optionally use a local term followed by "‡2 local".
656 _7 ‡a Engineers. ‡2 lcsh
656 _7 ‡a Architects ‡z California. ‡2 lcsh
656 _7 ‡a Architects ‡z France. ‡2 lcsh
656 _7 ‡a Missionaries. ‡2 lcsh
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6XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
690, 692, 693 (Local Subject Added Entries)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Special Collections Subject
Additional Staff Indexes: Subject, Special Collections Subject
Orbis Public Display Constant: Subjects (Local Yale)
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis.
See first indicators for 600, 610, 650, and 651
4 Source not specified
See subfields for 600, 610, 650, and 651
See also:
69X: Single Manuscript [179]
69X: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [180]
Use to provide access to subject headings which are locally-created and are not controlled by Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). Local subject headings are indexed in the OPAC as Special Collections Subjects only, and are not included in the Subjects index. Subfields and and first indicators for 692 (personal name), 693 (corporate name), 690 (topical term), and 691 (geographic name) conform to those for 600, 610, 650, and 651 fields, repectively. Use second indicator 4 for all 69X fields.
Use a 691 field only for an alternate form of a geographic heading that already has an authoritative form established in LCSH. Create new geographic authority records when needed (see 651 [193]). Generally, do not use 651 and 691 for the same geographic name in the same record. An exception has been made for the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, which does use both established and local forms in the same record, to allow access to both the current form of a place name and the form used in the testimony.
692 14 ‡a Purdy, James ‡x Presentation inscription to C. Van Vechten.
692 14 ‡a Van Vechten, Carl, ‡d 1880-1964 ‡x Presentation inscription from J. Purdy.
692 14 ‡a Alger, Abby L. ‡x Autograph.
692 14 ‡a Rescher, Oscar ‡x Ms. notes.
692 14 ‡a Beckford, William, ‡d 1760-1844 ‡x Binding.
693 24 ‡a Sangorski and Sutcliffe ‡x Binding.
690 _4 ‡a Binding ‡y 1550.
691 _4 ‡a L'vov (Ukraine)
691 _4 ‡a Lw'ow (Poland)
(Alternate forms of geographic headings used by Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies)
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6XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Guidelines |
7XX |
Single Manuscript [194] |
700 |
Single Manuscript |
710 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
711 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
730 |
Single Manuscript |
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke |
740 |
Single Manuscript |
773 |
Single Manuscript |
7XX Fields: General Instructions
See also:
7XX: Single Manuscript [194]
7XX: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [195]
Generally use 6XXs [199] for significant names represented in a collection. For a collection consisting of papers created by two or more people or corporate bodies, also make 7XX added entries for each name appearing in the 245, if not in the 1XX.
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7XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
700 (Added Entry - Personal Name)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Author, Author Sorted by Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Name, Title, Staff Name and Name/Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Also Listed Under
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4 or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0 Forename
1 Surname
3 Family name
_ No information added
2 Analytical entry
‡a Personal name
‡b Numeration
‡c Titles and other words associated with a name
‡d Dates associated with a name
‡t Title of a work
‡e Relator term
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
See also:
700: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [196]
Use primarily to identify a secondary creator or collector responsible for assembling a collection, or an author, coauthor, illustrator, editor, and title of a work contained in a collection.
Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
Personal and family names: see 100 (Main Entry - Personal Name) [39]
‡t Title: see 240 (Uniform Title) [183]
‡e Relator term:
If the OPAC field label does not sufficiently identify the relationship, optionally use a relator term.
Use only terms from RDA Appendix I. A process for adding terms to Appendix I is pending as of 2013 January.
See also: 600 (Subject Added Entry - Personal Name) [200]
100 1_ ‡a Wolfe, Alfred.
245 10 ‡a Alfred and Bernard Wolfe papers, ‡f 1922-1995.
700 1_ ‡a Wolfe, Bernard.
(secondary creator of collection)
100 1_ ‡a Serge, Victor, ‡d 1890-1947.
245 10 ‡a Victor Serge papers, ‡f 1912-1994 ‡g (bulk 1936-1947)
351 __ ‡a Organized into five series: I. Correspondence, 1934-1947. II. Writings, 1912-1947. III. Subject Files, 1935-1947. IV. Personal Papers and Memorabilia, 1916-1947. V. Materials Collected by Vlady Kibalchich, 1949-1994.
700 1_ ‡a Kibalchich, Vlady, ‡e collector.
(secondary collector responsible for part of collection)
100 1_ ‡a Hardy, Thomas, ‡d 1840-1928.
245 10 ‡a Thomas Hardy collection, ‡f 1873-1929.
520 __ ‡a Letters by Thomas Hardy to various parties including J. M. Barrie, Arthur Locker, and Charles S. Prideaux, along with letters from his wives, Emma and Florence; manuscripts of writings by Hardy, including the complete holograph draft of "Far from the Madding Crowd", and a photograph of Hardy.
700 12 ‡a Hardy, Thomas, ‡d 1840-1928. ‡t Far from the madding crowd.
(author/title for work contained in the collection)
100 1_ ‡a A., David, ‡d 1928-
245 10 ‡a David A. Holocaust testimony (HVT-1153) ‡h [videorecording] ‡c interviewed by Dana L. Kline and Lawrence L. Langer, ‡f March 3, 1989.
700 1_ ‡a Langer, Lawrence L., ‡e interviewer.
700 1 _ ‡a Kline, Dana L., ‡e interviewer.
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7XX top
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
710 (Added Entry - Corporate Name)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Author, Author Sorted by Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Name, Title, Staff Name and Name/Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Also Listed Under
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4 or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0 Inverted name
1 Jurisdiction name
2 Name in direct order
_ No information provided
2 Analytical entry
‡a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
‡b Subordinate unit
‡c Location of meeting
‡d Date of meeting or treaty signing
‡e Relator term
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
See: 110 (Main Entry - Corporate Name) [184]
Use first indicator 1 when the corporate name begins with a place.
For headings without authority records, identify the geographic location in parentheses, if possible.
See also: 610 (Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name) [201].
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7XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
711 (Added Entry - Meeting Name)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Author, Author Sorted by Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Author, Author Sorted by Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Also Listed Under
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4 or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0 Inverted name
1 Jurisdiction name
2 Name in direct order
_ No information provided
2 Analytical entry
‡a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
‡c Location of meeting
‡d Date of meeting
‡e Subordinate unit
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
See: 111 (Main Entry - Meeting Name) [185]
See also: 611 (Subject Added Entry - Meeting or Conference) [202].
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7XX top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
730 (Added Entry - Uniform Title)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Title, Staff Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Also Listed Under
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4 or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields.
0-9 Number of nonfiling characters present
_ No information provided
2 Analytical entry
‡a Uniform title
‡t Title of a work
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
See: 240 (Uniform Title) [183]
See also 630 (Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title Heading) [203].
730 0_ ‡a Bible.
730 0_ ‡a Independent Whig (Norwalk, Conn.)
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7XX top
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740 (Added Entry - Uncontrolled Related\Analytical Title)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Also Listed Under
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
0-9 Number of nonfiling characters present
_ No information provided
2 Analytical entry
‡a Uncontrolled related\analytical title
See also:
740: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [197]
Use for uncontrolled related titles mentioned in the 520 (Summary, etc.) [106], or for analytical titles used as an added entry. Omit initial articles.
245 10 George Baehr papers, ‡f 1915-1978 (inclusive)
520 __ ...These papers form part of the Contemporary Medical Care and Health Policy Collection.
740 0_ ‡a Contemporary Medical Care and Health Policy Collection.
245 00 ‡a Patent medicine almanacs, ‡f 1843-1966.
520 __ ‡a Almanacs issued annually by American companies to promote the sale of proprietary and other medicines.
740 02 ‡a Agricultural and family almanac.
740 02 ‡a Almanac and guide to health.
740 02 ‡a Almanac and weather forecasts.
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See also:
773: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [198]
Currently not used. Instead, use 580 (Linking entry complexity note) [204] to describe relationship to a larger collection.
Formerly used for information concerning the host item for a component part of subunit described in the record.
Example of former use:
773 0_ ‡7 nnbc ‡t Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. ‡w (CStRLIN)CTYV88-A78
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Guidelines |
852 |
Single Manuscript |
856 |
Single Manuscript |
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: none
Punctuation: No mark of punctuation
1st (shelving scheme)
_ No information provided
2nd (shelving order)
_ No information provided
‡a Location (custodian or owner)
‡b Sublocation or collection
‡e Address
See also:
852: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [205]
Use to record location of the repository.Use of subfields, content, and wording are determined locally. This information was formerly recorded in the 851 field, which is now obsolete.
Note that this 852 field appears in the bibliographic record. A separate 852 field containing the call number appears in the mfhd record [126].
852 __ ‡a Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
852 __ ‡a Manuscripts and Archives, ‡b Yale University Library, ‡e Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520-8240
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8XX top
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856 (Electronic Location and Access)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: none [was "Electronic version" before 1/07]
Punctuation: No mark of punctuation
_ No information provided
_ No information provided
2 Related resource
‡3 Materials specified [linked text for Archives at Yale]
‡y Link text [linked text for other websites]
‡u Uniform resource identifier [URL or URN]
See also:
856: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [206]
Use to create a link from the OPAC to a file in Archives at Yale or in another website.
Use subfield ‡3 or ‡y for text that will be hyperlinked in the OPAC. Use text that informs readers about the content of the linked information. Standard wording for finding aid links improves user experience. Catalogers should therefore consult with the Archival and Manuscript Description Committee for deviations from standard wording for 856 finding aid links.
Subfield ‡3 (linked text for Archives at Yale):
Subfield ‡y (linked text for other websites):
If more than one file or database is associated with the catalog record, enter multiple 856 fields, with text in each subfield ‡3 identifying the links.
Use subfield ‡z for a public note, such as instructions for paging.
856 42 ‡3 View a description and listing of collection contents in the finding aid ‡u [207]
(link to full finding aid in Archives at Yale)
856 42 ‡3 Miscellaneous Material: View a description and listing of collection contents in the finding aid ‡u [208]
(link to partial finding aid in Archives at Yale)
856 42 ‡y View an online guide ‡u [209]
(link to non-Archives at Yale online finding aid)
856 42 ‡y Forms part of the Roger W. Moss Collection of manuscript, original art and printed material by and about Richard Shirley Smith: View a description and listing of the full finding aid ‡u [210]
(link to a finding aid for an item, within a larger collection, within a catalog record for the individually-cataloged item)
856 41 ‡3 Sample images available ‡u [211]
(link to Beinecke Digital Library)
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Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
The following information supplements collection-level cataloging guidelines with instructions specific to cataloging of single manuscripts and collections without finding aids. These instructions are also accessible through links from corresponding sections in the collection-level guidelines.
Instructions for single items were revised in compliance with Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Manuscripts) (DCRM(MSS)) [212]in 2016.
006 (Additional Materials Characteristics)
008: Publication Status (Type of Date)
008: Date 1 and Date 2
008: Place of Publication
040 (Cataloging Source)
1XX (Main Entry)
130 (Main Entry - Preferred Title)
240 (Uniform Title)
245 (Title Statement)
246 (Varying Form of Title)
250 (Edition Statement)
264 (Place and Date of Production)
300 (Physical Description)
33x (Content, Media, and Carrier Type)
500 (General Note)
502 (Dissertation)
505 (Formatted Contents)
520 (Summary, Etc.)
524 (Preferred Citation of Described Materials)
555 (Cumulative Index/Finding Aids)
690, 692, 693 (Local Subject Added Entries)
7XX (Added Entry)
Single Manuscript Instructions
Bibliographic Level
See also:
Bibliographic Level: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [11]
Use c (collection) for both single item and collection-level records. Use of record type p and bibliographic level c collocates single items and collections for searching and enables export of single item records to Oclc. Single item records are identifiable by 006t (manuscript language) [213] and 33x [214] codes.
Before 2018 October, single manuscripts were coded m (monograph).
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Single Manuscript Instructions
006 (Additional Materials Characteristics)
For all single item records, enter 006t (manuscript language) [213].
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Single Manuscript Instructions
Publication Status (Type of Date)
See also:
Publication Status: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [97]
Use s for a single date.
For a single item encompassing a range of dates, such as a diary, use i.
For a single item with an exact date, use e.
Due to OCLC encoding requirements, do not use m multiple dates for records where bibliographic level is c collection.
Publication Status s
Date 1 1915
Date 2 ____
264 ‡c 1915.
Publication Status i
Date 1 1915
Date 2 1965
264 ‡c 1915 January 1-1965 June 16.
Publication Status e
Date 1 1915
Date 2 0523
264 ‡c 1915 May 23.
(all materials are dated 1915 May 23)
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Single Manuscript Instructions
Date 1 and Date 2
See also:
Date 1 and Date 2: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [99]
Represent unidentified digits with the letter u.
Publication Status s
Date 1 18uu
Date 2 ____
264 ‡c 1800s.
Publication Status s
Date 1 184u
Date 2 ____
264 ‡c 1840s.
Publication Status i
Date 1 1810
Date 2 1814
264 ‡c 1810 May 1-1814 April 3.
(Diary kept over years)
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Single Manuscript Instructions
Place of Publication
Enter a code for place of production, matching place of production in 264 ‡a. Use the following codes:
Single place: [choose code for state or country]
Multiple places: vp [various places]
Optionally, enter a code for one state or country, and enter the same code, followed by other codes in 044.
Unidentified place: xx
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Single Manuscript Instructions
040 (Cataloging Source)
See also:
040: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [117]
For description convention in subfield ‡e, use the following codes:
Single manuscript: dcrmmss
Small collection: dacs
040 __ ‡a CtY-BR ‡b eng ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dcrmmss
040 __ ‡a CtY ‡b eng ‡c CtY ‡e dacs
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Single Manuscript Instructions
1XX (Main Entry)
See also:
1XX: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [128]
Use for the creator or the collector of the intellectual content.
100 1_ ‡a Verney, Ralph, ‡c Sir, ‡d 1613-1696. (writer of a diary)
100 1_ ‡a Traill, Thomas Stewart, ‡ d 1781-1862, ‡e collector. (assembler of a bound collection)
110 1_ ‡a United States. ‡b Office of Indian Affairs. ‡b Shoshone Agency. (creator of a letter book)
For an adaptation that has been changed significantly, use for the adapter.
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Single Manuscript Instructions
130 (Main Entry - Uniform Title)
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Title, Uniform Title as Main Entry
Additional Staff Indexes: Staff Name, Title, or Name/Title Headings
Orbis Public Display Constant: Uniform Title
Punctuation: Ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If final subfields are subfield ‡2, ‡3, ‡4, or ‡5 a mark of punctuation precedes those subfields
0-9 Number of nonfiling characters present
‡a Uniform title
‡l Language of a work
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (see Exporting Records [121]/MARS Authority Processing)
See also:
130: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [131]
Used for titles such as the Bible that don't have a specified author and are known to have been created under variant 245s. Search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
LCAF headings will be updated to RDA beginning in 2013 March. Updated headings will:
Spell out Old Testament and New Testament for multiple books from one testament
Omit Old Testament and New Testament for single books
130 0_ ‡a Bible.
130 0_ ‡a Bible. ‡p Old Testament.
130 0_ ‡a Bible. ‡p Kings.
See also: 240 (Uniform Title)
130 0_ ‡a Bible.
245 14 ‡a The hieroglyphick Bible, or, Selected passages in the Old and New Testaments
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Single Manuscript Instructions
240 (Preferred Title)
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Title, Author Sorted by Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Title
Punctuation: Doesn't end with a mark of punctuation unless the last word in the field is an abbreviation, initial, etc.
0 Not printed or displayed
1 Printed or displayed
0-9 Number of nonfiling characters present
‡a Uniform title
‡l Language of a work
Contains the uniform title for a work that has a 1XX (for those that do not have a 1XX, a 130 is used). A uniform title is used when a work has appeared under varying titles, necessitating a choice for the 245.
For a work that has been published, search Orbis and the Library of Congress authority file for an authority record, and use this form if one exists. If no authority record exists, create a heading in accordance with RDA rules and LC interpretations.
RDA rules and LC interpretations:
‡a Uniform title
Omit inital article.
For multiple works, record additional titles in one or more in 700 ‡t's, or optionally use: 240 10 ‡a Works. ‡k Selections
‡l Language
Do not use multiple languages of translation in ‡l. Record additional languages in one or more 700 ‡t's.
Spell out: arranged, accompanied, unaccompanied.
Use cello instead of violoncello.
Verify medium of performance in ‡m is valid in RDA.
240 10 ‡a War and peace. ‡l French
245 13 ‡a La guerre et la paix ...
Author: Olmsted, Francis Allyn, 1819-1844.
Uniform Title: Incidents of a whaling voyage
Title: Journal of a voyage around Cape Horn, 1839-1841 ...
Physical Description: 2 v.
Same record in MARC:
040 __ ‡a CtY-BR ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dcrmmss
100 1_ ‡a Olmsted, Francis Allyn, ‡d 1819-1844.
240 10 ‡a Incidents of a whaling voyage
245 10 ‡a Journal of a voyage around Cape Horn ...
300/1 __ ‡a 2 volumes
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Single Manuscript Instructions
245 (Title Statement)
See also:
245: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [134]
Either transcribe a formal title or devise a title, according to instructions below.
For single manuscripts, do not use subfield ‡f in 245. As of implementation of DCRM(MSS) in 2017, date of creation is recorded in 264 subfield ‡c.
‡a : ‡k.
Title Proper (subfield ‡a)
Generally, include the following elements, as required, preferably in this order:
Creator name, in direct order (required if known)
Subject (optional)
Form/genre (required; optionally precede by “untitled”)
245 10 ‡a Edward T. Crosby diary ...
245 10 ‡a Edward T. Crosby Civil War diary ....
245 10 ‡a Joan Smith untitled poem ...
Optionally, use a succinct form of creator name.
100 1_ ‡a Simpson, Evelyn Mary Spearing, ‡d 1885-1963.
245 10 ‡a Evelyn Simpson diary ...
For the following form/genres, include additional elements, as required, preferably in the order shown, with the punctuation shown in the examples.
Creator name, in direct order (required if known)
Form, such as “letter” or another general term (required)
Geographic location of creator, in standard form, such as street address, city, state, country, or other geographic name (optional)
Recipient name, in direct order (required if known)
Geographic location of recipient, in standard form, such as street address, city, state, country, or other geographic name (optional)
Subject (optional)
Date of intellectual creation, in standard form (required)
245 10 ‡a John Q. Allen letter, to George Gissing, 1868 January 3 ...
245 10 ‡a John Q. Allen letter, London, to George Gissing, Oxford, 1868 January 3 ...
245 10 ‡a Joan Smith letter, to an unidentified recipient, 1910 March 8 ...
245 10 ‡a Joan Smith letter, to an unidentified recipient, about travel to California, 1910 March 8 ...
245 00 ‡a Letter, to Joan Smith, 1910 March 8 ... [letter writer is not identified]
Legal documents
Creator name, in direct order (required if known)
Form, such as “will,” “deed,” “contract, or another general term (required)
Subject (optional)
Geographic location of creation, in standard form, such as street address, city, state, country, or other geographic name (optional)
Names of other major parties, in direct order (required if known)
Date of intellectual creation, in standard form (required)
245 10 ‡a Joan Smith will, Boston, 1918 October 30 ...
245 10 ‡a John Smith contract with William Jones for transport of property, Charleston, South Carolina, 1830 June 18 ...
245 00 ‡a Commission appointing J.E. Bradshaw to command the Peshawar Battalion, 1850 April 15 ...
Sermons, speeches, and lectures
Creator name, in direct order (required if known)
Form, such as “sermon,” “speech,” “lecture,” or another general term (required)
Subject (optional)
Geographic location of delivery, in standard form, such as street address, city, state, country, or other geographic name (optional)
Date of delivery, in standard form (optional)
245 10 ‡a William Johnson lecture, Royal College of Medicine, London, 1900 September 8 ...
245 10 ‡a Ezra Stiles sermon on Psalms 39:9, New Haven, Connecticut, 1788 May 24 ...
245 00 ‡a Lecture on chemistry, undated ... [creator is unidentified]
Printed forms completed in manuscript
Devise a title as shown above.
Include a phrase such as "Printed document completed in manuscript" in a 520 note.
If an imprint is present, optionally include this information in a 500 or 520 note, and optionally trace the printer in a 710 [215] field and/or the title in a 246 [216] field.
Optionally, catalog as a printed item with manuscript annotations, in addition to or instead of cataloging as a manuscript.
245 00 ‡a Diary of a California gold miner and sailor, 1856 January-September ...
520 __ ‡a Printed "Daily Journal for 1856," published by Francis & Loutrel, New York, containing an autograph manuscript diary written by an unidentified writer from Rockland, Maine, ...
710 2_ ‡a Francis & Loutrel. ‡t Daily journal for 1856.
Material type (subfield ‡k)
Use “manuscript,” "typescript," or another general term. Repeat this term in 520, optionally with more details. For more information on material type terms, see DCRM(MSS) [212], section 1D.
245 10 ‡a John Q. Allen letter, to George Gissing, 1868 January 3 : ‡k manuscript.
520 __ ‡a Autograph letter, signed, ...
245 10 ‡a Joan Smith will, Boston, 1918 October 30 : ‡k manuscript.
520 __ ‡a Manuscript will in an unidentified hand, signed by Joan Smith ...
245 00 ‡a Lecture on chemistry, undated : ‡k typescript.
520 __ ‡a Lecture, typescript carbon, with brief manuscript annotations ...
Transcribe a formal title, if an appropriate formal title is present.
Transcribe from one of the following sources, in order of preference: title page, colophon, caption, other source within the manuscript, source outside the manuscript.
If one source contains multiple versions of the title, prefer the most prominent, most descriptive, or earliest.
Generally, transcribe spelling errors or nonstandard spelling as is. Optionally, supply standard spelling in square brackets and give original spelling in a 500 note. Optionally, trace original spelling in a 246 [216] field.
Transcribe initials and acronyms without internal spaces.
Always note the source of a formal title in a 500 note, even if the source is the title page.
Use the following subfields, as required (in bold) or as needed, in the following order, and with the punctuation shown:
‡a : ‡b : ‡k / ‡c.
Title Proper (subfield ‡a) and Other Title Information (subfield ‡b)
245 10 ‡a Recueil de chansons ...
245 10 ‡a Poetical ornithology ...
245 10 ‡a Four sermons : ‡b composed and preached in the years 1790, 91, and 92 ...
245 10 ‡a Willa Cather : ‡b an American author ...
Transcription issues and examples:
For titles in English, capitalize only first word and proper names:
245 10 ‡a Diary of my trip to California ...
transcription of: Diary of My Trip to California
For titles in other languages, capitalize according to standard rules for that language.
Optionally, simplify transcribed punctuation:
245 10 ‡a Diary of my trip to California, or, Happy trails ...
transcription of: Diary of my trip: to California (or "Happy Trails")
Optionally, abridge long titles after the first several words. Optionally, record the full title or explain the abridgement in a 500 or 520 note:
245 10 ‡a Memoranda : ‡b from a journal of tours made upon the Continent ... : with illustrations sketched upon the spot ...
500 __ Title page includes list of destinations and mileage from London.
Material type (subfield ‡k)
Use “manuscript,” "typescript," or another general term. Repeat this term in 520, optionally with more details. For more information on material type terms, see DCRM(MSS) [212], section 1D.
245 10 ‡a Four sermons : ‡b composed and preached in the years 1790, 91, and 92 : ‡k manuscript.
520 __ ‡a Autograph manuscript sermons, signed.
245 10 ‡a Willa Cather : ‡b an American author : ‡k typescript.
520 __ ‡a Biography, typescript, with manuscript revisions and printer’s annotations.
Statement of Responsibility (subfield ‡c)
If a statement of responsibility is present, transcribe it in subfield ‡c, following subfield ‡k.
If a transcribed statement of responsibility is in a different hand, indicate this in a 500 note.
Optionally, record names not intended as statements of responsibility, such as ownership signatures, presentation inscriptions, or other annotations, in a 520 or 500. If in doubt, record names in a 520 or 500.
100 1_ ‡a Wright, Richard.
245 10 ‡a Black boy : ‡k manuscript / ‡c by R. Wright.
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Single Manuscript Instructions
246 (Varying Form of Title)
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Public Indexes: Title
Additional Staff Indexes: Title
Orbis Public Display Constant:Variant and Related Titles
Punctuation: Doesn't end with a mark of punctuation unless the last word in the field is an abbreviation, initial, etc.
3 No note, added entry
_ No type specified
‡a Title proper/short title
‡i Display text
Optionally use to give access to titles other than the title in the 245. Use only for titles that require indexing.
Optional uses include:
Spine, cover, or caption titles.
Former titles, such as a title used before full cataloging.
Variant spellings.
Printed titles present on items completed in manuscripts.
Known alternative title not present on the item.
Enter the title in ‡a, preceded by explanatory text in ‡i.
245 10 ‡a Notes on travel to California ...
246 3_ ‡i Spine title: ‡a California diary.
245 10 ‡a Notes on travel to California ...
246 3_ ‡i Former title: ‡a Journal of a trip to California.
245 10 ‡a [Journal] of a voyage to Alaska ...
246 3_ ‡i Original title spelling: ‡a Jounal of a voyage to Alaska
245 00 ‡a Diary of a California gold miner and sailor ...
246 3_ ‡i Printed title: ‡a Daily journal for 1856
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Single Manuscript Instructions
250 (Edition Statement)
Do not use.
Optionally, transcribe a statement relating to a specified version of manuscript, such as a draft or proof identified by a name or number, in a 500 note.
If a manuscript created or used in preparation of an edition of a published work includes a statement relating to that edition, give the edition statement in a 500 or 520 note.
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Single Manuscript Instructions
264 (Place and Date of Production)
Repeatable: no
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Production
0 Production
‡a Place of production
‡c Date of production
Use the following required subfields, in the following order and with the punctuation shown:
‡a, ‡c.
Place of production (subfield ‡a)
Record a city and/or country, or other place of production, in a standard form, preferably conforming to LCSH, but without abbreviations or parentheses. Do not use square brackets.
For multiple places, record either all places, some places with omissions indicated, or a geographic term encompassing all places.
Indicate uncertainty with a question mark or "Place not identified".
For copies, record the place of reproduction, rather than intellectual creation.
The place recorded in 264 ‡a matches 008 Place of Production. Place of production may differ from the place of intellectual creation recorded in 245.
Date of production (subfield ‡c)
Record date or date span of production in a standard form. Do not use square brackets.
For single dates, include a day and month, as appropriate. Do not abbreviate months.
If no date is present, use outside sources to supply or estimate a date. For letters, if a postmark is present, use this as an estimated date.
Do not use the term "undated." If no date is present, and a date cannot be supplied, estimate a year, span of years, century, or other time period, using a question mark or "circa," as appropriate.
Dates recorded in 264 match Dates 1 and 2 in 008. Dates of production may differ from dates of intellectual creation in 245.
264 _0 ‡a New Haven, Connecticut, ‡c 1926.
264 _0 ‡a Boston, ‡c 1926 May?
264 _0 ‡a Boston, ‡c 1926 May 5.
264 _0 ‡a Paris ; Berlin, ‡c circa 1867.
264 _0 ‡a Paris ; Berlin ; other places, ‡c circa 1867-1870.
264 _0 ‡a United States, ‡c 20th century.
264 _0 ‡a Place not identified, ‡c after 1950.
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Single Manuscript Instructions
300 (Physical Description)
See also:
300: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [141]
Depending on local decisions about devised titles and physical housing, physical description of a single item may be expressed in various ways, such as:
Bound or unbound item, optional page count or estimate, and optional measurement.
Unbound item, or bound item in multipe volumes, housed in one or more boxes, with box count. Do not include linear footage.
For example, a lengthy unbound literary draft, housed in multiple folders in one or more manuscript boxes
Any of the above with accompanying material.
For example, a volume with an oversize map housed separately
Physical description of similar materials can vary, depending on factors such as be security, housing requirements, and local practice. In all cases, the bibliographic level, dates, and physical description must each account for all material named in the title, consistently describing as a single item. These elements should not include accompanying material mentioned only in a 500 or 520 note.
Diary, dated 1917-1951, in three volumes:
Leader/Bibliographic Level: m
008 Dates 1 and 2: 1917 and 1951
‡a CtY-BR ‡b eng ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dcrmmss
300 __ ‡a 3 volumes
300 __ ‡a 3 boxes
(Do not include linear footage)
Diary, dated 1917-1951, accompanied by clippings, dated 1965-1972:
Leader/Bibliographic Level: m
008 Dates 1 and 2: 1917 and 1951
‡a CtY-BR ‡b eng ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dcrmmss
300 __ ‡a 1 volume (300 pages) ; ‡c 28 cm
520 __ ‡a Diary, holograph, accompanied by clippings dated 1965-1972...
Diary, dated 1917-1951, accompanied by two maps, dated 1910:
Leader/Bibliographic Level: m
008 Dates 1 and 2: 1917 and 1951
‡a CtY-BR ‡b eng ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dcrmmss
300 __ ‡a 1 volume (300 pages) ; ‡c 28 cm + ‡e 2 maps
520 __ ‡a Diary, holograph, accompanied by two maps dated 1910...
Use the following subfields, as required (in bold), in the following order, and with the punctuation shown:
‡a : ‡b, ‡c +‡e.
Do not use abbreviations.
Extent (subfield ‡a)
Record a count and standard term, such as item or volume.
Optionally, follow the term by a count or estimate of pages or leaves, in parentheses.
Use either "page(s)," when content is present of both sides; or "leaf" or "leaves" if content is present on one side only; or "sheet" for maps or broadsides.
Precede estimated counts by "circa."
Other physical details (subfield ‡b)
Optionally, record details such as support material or illustrations.
Dimensions (subfield ‡c)
Optionally, record a measurement in the following format: h x w cm.
If an item is mounted on another sheet or inlaid in a space cut from a sheet, measure the item itself, optionally followed by the measurement of the sheet. Especially consider including measurement of the sheet if the item is unlikely to be removed.
Round up to the nearest centimeter.
Do not follow the symbol "cm" with period.
Accompanying material (subfield ‡e)
Optionally, record accompanying material, using counts and standard terms.
300 __ ‡a 1 item
300 __ ‡a 1 volume
300 __ ‡a 1 volume (32 pages)
300 __ ‡a 1 volume (40 leaves) ; ‡c 28 x 20 cm
300 __ ‡a 1 volume (26 pages, 4 leaves, [34] pages) ; ‡c 34 x 24 cm
300 __ ‡a 1 volume (circa 300 pages)
300 __ ‡a 3 volumes
300 __ ‡a 6 items
300 __ ‡a 1 volume (32 pages) : ‡b illustrations ; ‡c 28 x 20 cm
300 __ ‡a 1 item (1 page) ; ‡c 33 x 20 cm, mounted on sheet 39 x 35 cm
300 __ ‡a 1 volume (circa 120 pages) ; ‡c 34 x 24 cm + ‡e 1 map
300 __ ‡a 1 item ; ‡c 35 x 66 cm, folded to 10 x 19 cm
300 __ ‡a 1 item ; ‡c 35 x 320 cm (rolled)
300 __ ‡a 1 item (70 pages in case) ; ‡c 20 x 24 cm
Return to:
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [141]
Single Manuscript Instructions
33x (Content, Media, and Carrier Type)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
‡a Content type term
‡2 Source
For textual manuscripts, use the codes shown below.
33x fields are not defined in DCRM(MSS), but can be used in DCRM(MSS) records. They are required in DCRM records per local YUL decision. Complete lists of codes are in the RDA tookit [217]:
Content: section
Media: section
Carrier: section
336 (Content type)
336 __ ‡a text ‡2 rdacontent
337 (Media type)
337 __ ‡a unmediated ‡2 rdamedia
338 (Carrier type)
Unbound item:
338 __ ‡a sheet ‡2 rdacarrier
Bound volume:
338 __ ‡a volume ‡2 rdacarrier
33x fields were implemented with DCRM(MSS) in 2016. In 2018, 33x fields were added retrospectively to pre-DCRM(MSS) single manuscript records, using the following codes:
336 __ ‡a unspecified ‡2 rdacontent
337 __ ‡a unspecified ‡2 rdamedia
338 __ ‡a unspecified ‡2 rdacarrier
Single Manuscript Instructions
502 (Dissertation)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Orbis Public Display Constant: Dissertation
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
‡a Dissertation note
Use for single manuscripts.
502 __ ‡a Thesis (M.A.) - University College, London, 1969.
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript Instructions
505 (Formatted Contents)
Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Keyword
Additional Staff Indexes: Title
Orbis Public Display Constant: Contents
Punctuation: Ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis is present.
1st Display constant controller
0 Contents
1 Incomplete contents
2 Partial contents
8 No display constant generated
2nd Level of constant designation
_ Basic
0 Enhanced
‡a Formatted contents note
Optionally, use for single manuscripts.
Enter all contents in ‡a, using -- to divide parts.
245 10 ‡a Specimens of architecture, Grecian & Gothic ...
520 __ ‡a Anonymous. Consists of a title page followed by 12 architectural drawings in watercolor or graphite. All are mounted on larger leaves, and separated by brown guard-sheets. A frame for each drawing and a caption title has been added in pencil on each of the larger leaves (except for the final drawing, which is uncaptioned).
505 0_ ‡a At Sir R.C. Hoare's, Bart.; Stourhead -- Avanzi del tempio di Giove Tonante -- A Caen; Normandie -- Avanzi di una galleria, nella Villa Adria -- Croix antique; au nord de France -- Pronao del Tempio di Ercole, a Cora -- Arco Trionfale di Tito Vespasiano a Roma -- Lindisfarne Abbey Holy Isle; Northumberland -- Tempio della Sibilla, à Tivoli -- At Alfreton, Derbyshire -- At Agrigentum.
Return to:
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript Instructions
520 (Summary, Etc.)
See also:
520: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [145]
Begin by identifying genre and form, and continue with a brief description of content and subject matter. The description must justify subject headings. As appropriate, identify individual subjects and/or summarize groups of subjects. For example, names of correspondents in a letter book or names of geographic places in a diary may be summarized the description while listed individually as subject headings.
When describing individual letters, use the following standard terms, without abbreviations:
Autograph letter, signed
written in the author's hand, signed by the author
Autograph letter
written in the author's hand, not signed
Letter signed
written in a hand other than the author's, signed by the author
Typed letter, signed
typewritten, signed by the author
Typed letter
typewritten, not signed
100 1_ ‡a Hagerman, James John, ‡d 1838-1909.
245 10 ‡a James John Hagerman : ‡b memoirs of his life : ‡k typescript / ‡c written by himself at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1908.
264 _0 ‡a Place of production unidentified, ‡c 20th century.
520 __ ‡a Typescript, carbon, of a memoir written by James John Hagerman for his sons, possibly transcribed by his son Percy Hagerman. The memoir discusses Hagerman’s early life in Michigan and student days at the University of Michigan; his experiences as a steamboat clerk on the Great Lakes; his work with the Milwaukee Iron Company and the dissolution of the Company; and his work with the Menominee Mining Company. The memoir briefly addresses the Colorado Midland Railway Company and Pecos Valley development, referring his sons to appended documentation; notes added by Percy Hagerman indicate that these documents were unavailable when the transcription was prepared.
100 1_ ‡a Dalling, John.
245 10 ‡a Observations on the present state of the island of Jamaica : ‡k manuscript.
264 _0 ‡a London, ‡c 1774 May 14.
520 __ ‡a Manuscript, in an unidentified hand, of a detailed description of the geography, population, economy, government, and social organization of Jamaica by John Dalling. Topics include agriculture, the sugar trade and the mechanics of a typical sugar plantation, slavery and slave customs, and relations between the races.
100 1_ ‡a Brown, Frederic.
245 10 ‡a Frederic Brown letter, London, to George Gissing, Oxford : ‡k manuscript.
264 _0 ‡a London, ‡c 1868 January 3.
520 __ ‡a Autograph letter signed, describing a dinner party Brown attended at Windsor Palace.
100 0_ ‡a Buffalo Bill, ‡d 1846-1917.
245 10 ‡a Buffalo Bill letter, Saint Louis, Missouri, to Joseph Witherspoon Cook, Greenwood, South Dakota : ‡k manuscript
264 _0 ‡a Saint Louis, Missouri, ‡c 1896 May 23.
520 __ ‡a Autograph letter, signed, responding to Joseph Witherspoon Cook’s interest in a Dakota Indian boy taken prisoner by the United States Army at the Battle of Summit Springs. Buffalo Bill discusses actions of United States soldiers and himself in the battle, capture of the boy by Pawnee scouts employed by General Eugene A. Carr, and removal of the boy and other Indian prisoners to Fort Sedgwick, Colorado. He briefly discusses white captives held by Cheyenne Indians. The letter is written on pictorial letterhead of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Company.
100 1_ ‡a Noyes, Charles P., ‡d 1842-1921.
245 10 ‡a Charles Noyes autograph album : ‡k manuscript.
264 _0 ‡a United States, ‡c 1772-1926.
520 __ ‡a Autograph album containing letters written in response to Noyes’ requests for autographs, signatures clipped from letters and franked envelopes, and other letters and documents. Most signers are politicians and writers of the Civil War era, including William Lloyd Garrison, Benjamin Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Henry M. Waite. Notes and additional documents collected by family members are laid in.
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript Instructions
500 (General Note)
See also:
500: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [157]
Required notes
Source of transcribed title
500 __ ‡a Title from title page.
500 __ ‡a Title from spine.
Romanization of nonroman script
500 __ ‡a Title transliterated from the Greek.
500 __ ‡a Romanization supplied by cataloger.
Optional notes
Devised titles
500 __ ‡a Title devised by cataloger.
Physical features
500 __ ‡a On letterhead of H.M.S. Titanic.
500 __ ‡a On White House stationery.
Manuscript material removed from a book or other printed item
Make a note referring to the printed item and/or include a note in the print record referring to the manuscript. Especially consider making these notes if the printed item and manuscript share a common provenance.
500 __ ‡a Removed from an imperfect copy of Thomas Loraine McKenney's History of the Indian Tribes of North America (Philadelphia: J.T. Bowen, 1848-1850), autographed on front wrappers of part 17 by R. M. Strattan, 242 Water Street.
500 __ No. [#] of [#] items bound together.
Other notes
Use for other notes for which no specific 5XX field has been defined, such as variations in title, physical details, or transcripts; or for additional description of the artifact necessary for security. Treat each note or category of note as a separate field. Enter notes on physical condition notes only if the condition affects content or use, and the condition will not change through conservation treatment.
500 __ ‡a Spine title: Manuscritos Mexicanos.
500 __ ‡a Includes transcript of diaries.
500 __ ‡a Contents also cataloged individually.
500 __ ‡a Audubon autograph lacking.
500 __ ‡a Original binding; back cover lacking.
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript Instructions
524 (Preferred Citation of Described Materials)
See also:
524: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [161]
For formal titles, generally use the name in 1XX, in direct order, followed by a comma, followed by the title in 245 ‡a. For devised titles, use the title in 245 ‡a.
Do not include birth and death dates, unless needed to differentiate the name. Optionally change an authoritative name form to a simpler or more common form. Optionally truncate a long title statement, using as much as is needed to uniquely cite the item. Include 245 ‡b or a date of production only if necessary for a unique citation. Omit any square brackets used in 245.
For titles in English, only the first word in the title statement and proper names are capitalized in 245; in 524 citation, however, all significant words are capitalized (e.g. John Allen papers in 245; but John Allen Papers in 524). For titles in other languages, follow the Chicago Manual of Style.
524 __ ‡a Anne Smiley, Journal of a Trip Home. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
formal title
524 __ ‡a John Ashley Journal. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
devised title
100 1_ ‡a Pound, Homer L. ‡q (Homer Loomis), ‡d 1858-1942.
245 10 ‡a Homer L. Pound scrapbook ...
524 ‡a Homer L. Pound Scrapbook. Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
simplified form of name
If the main entry is a jurisdiction name, do not include periods between name elements, and use judgement in arranging elements in an order that makes sense in the title.
110 1_ ‡a United States. ‡b Army. ‡b Connecticut Infantry Regiment, 29th (1864-1865)
524 __ ‡a United States Army Connecticut 29th Infantry Regiment Quartermaster Records. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
For analytics, cite only the specific item described in record. Optionally, use 580 [204] to identify the relationship with host material.
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript Instructions
555 (Cumulative Index/Finding Aids)
See also:
555: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [152]
Use to indicate availability of a finding aid, container list, or similar tool.
555 0_ ‡a Accompanied by a container list.
555 0_ ‡a Accompanied by a container list (in box 1).
housed in two or more boxes, with a container list
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript Instructions
690, 692, 693 (Local Subject Added Entries)
See also:
69X: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [180]
Use optionally for local headings, such as provenance or binding terms.
Provenance Tracings
Use for physical evidence of former ownership, such as a bookplate, stamp, or signature, or for previous ownership with no physical evidence. Use 692 for personal names, and 693 for corporate bodies. Use second indicator 4 for all 69X headings. Optionally include additional provenance description in 520 or 500.
Enter the complete, authorized form of the name (when available) in ‡a. While local headings do not have to be unique, consider whether it is useful to trace common names that cannot be uniquely identified (for example W. Smith or J. Brown).
For reverse tracings for presentation inscriptions, optionally, enter an abbreviated form of the name in ‡x. For presentation inscriptions to a Yale library, enter the name of the library as it appears on the material. Do not make a reverse tracing.
Use the following list of subdivisions, or optionally using locally-determined standard terms. Optionally, include dates.
Inscription (used for institutions)
Ms. notes
Ownership (no marks of provenance or presentation incription with no name of presenter)
Presentation inscription to <forename initials> <surname>
Presentation inscription from <forename initials> <surname>
692 14 ‡a Van Vechten, Carl, ‡d 1880-1964 ‡x Autograph.
692 14 ‡a Riou, Stephen ‡x Presentation inscription from Mordach Mackenzie, 9 February 1754. (inscription is dated 9 February 1754)
692 14 ‡a Purdy, James ‡x Presentation inscription to C. Van Vechten.
692 14 ‡a Van Vechten, Carl, ‡d 1880-1964 ‡x Presentation inscription from J. Purdy.
692 14 ‡a Alger, Abby L. ‡x Autograph.
692 14 ‡a Rescher, Oscar ‡x Ms. notes.
692 14 ‡a Tinker, Chauncey Brewster, ‡d 1876-1963 ‡x Presentation inscription to Yale Library.
Binding Tracings
Use for names associated with armorial bindings, with authorized form of name, if available, and ‡x Binder.
692 14 ‡a Newcastle, Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, ‡c Duke of, ‡d 1720-1794 ‡x Binding.
armorial binding of the Duke of Newcastle
Use 690 to trace binding date.
690 _4 ‡a Binding ‡y 1550.
binding made in 1550
Use 655 to trace types of bindings.
Use 7XX fields to trace personal or corporate names of binders.
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript Instructions
7XX (Added Entry)
See also:
7XX: Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [195]
Use to identify coauthors or other secondary creators. Optionally use to identify bookbinders.
100 1_ ‡a Hagerman, James John, ‡d 1838-1909.
245 10 ‡a James John Hagerman : ‡b memoirs of his life : ‡k typescript / ‡c written by himself at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1908.
264 _0 ‡a Place of production unidentified, ‡c 20th century.
520 __ ‡a Typescript, carbon, of a memoir written by James John Hagerman for his sons, possibly transcribed by his son Percy Hagerman...
700 1_ ‡a Hagerman, Percy.
700 1_ ‡a Beckford, William, ‡d 1760-1844, ‡e binder.
710 2_ ‡a Sangorski and Sutcliffe, ‡e binder.
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Single Manuscript Instructions
752 (Hierarchical place names)
Use to provide access to the place of production in a standardized form. Generally, record the name of the country (‡a), first order political division or state (‡b), and city (‡d), if this information is available. In certain instances, a city subsection (‡f) may also be recorded. Use the Name Authority File as the basis for the standardized form. In particular, the 781 field which shows the form of place name used in indirect subdivision. Not all of the elements for the standardized form will appear in a single authority record, however, so it may be necessary to assemble the standardized form from more than one NAF record.
752 __ ‡a United States ‡b California ‡d San Francisco.
752 __ ‡a Mexico ‡d Mexico City.
752 __ ‡a Italy.
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Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [218]
Preliminary records are created for collections which will not be processed immediately. These can be closed collections, in which all materials have been received, or ongoing collections, in which more materials will be received in the future. Preliminary records consist of a bibliographic record, one or more mfhd records, and, if applicable, one or more item records. Features of a preliminary bibliographic record are:
Contains at least the following fields: Leader [14], 008 [15], 040 [37], 1XX [219] (if applicable), 245 [103], 300 [220], brief 520 [106], 555 [221] (if applicable), at least one 6XX [222], and 852 [223].
Leader/Encoding level [9]: 7 (Minimal level processing).
Date span: for unprocessed collection of personal papers, if undetermined, may be given as "ca. [birth date]-[death date]" in 245 ‡f [103]. Date span of an ongoing collection may be given as "[ongoing]" in 245 ‡f, with "9999" in the 008 Date 2 [104], or as an estimated closing date in 245 ‡f and 008 Date 2.
300 [220]: contains estimated linear footage. For an ongoing collection, may be given as "ms."
520 [106]: contains a general description of the types of material in the collection.
555 [221]: notes available access tools, for example "Unprocessed collection. Preliminary finding aid available. For further information, consult the Public Service Desk."
Optional fields:
041 [38] and 546 [111]: note languages represented.
506 [224]: notes any restriction.
Preliminary records can be exported [121] to OCLC and MARS.
Example Fields, Closed Collection:
Encoding Level: 7
Publication Status: i
Date 1 1926
Date 2 1988
Language: eng: English
Variable Fields:
040 __ ‡a CtY-BR ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dacs
100 1_ ‡a Lees-Milne, James.
245 10 ‡a James Lees-Milne papers, ‡f ca. 1926-1988.
300 __ ‡a 7.25 ‡f linear feet
506 __ ‡a Diaries restricted. For further information consult the appropriate curator.
520 __ ‡a Correspondence, photographs, printed material, writings, diaries.
555 __ ‡a Unprocessed collection. Preliminary finding aid available. For further information, consult the Public Service Desk.
600 10 ‡a Lees-Milne, James.
852 __ ‡a Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
852 70 ‡b beingen ‡h Uncat MSS ‡i 620
Example Fields, Ongoing Collection
Encoding Level: 7
Publication Status: i
Date 1 1917
Date 2 1999
Language: eng: English
Variable Fields:
040 __ ‡a CtY-BR ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dacs
100 1_ ‡a Lord, James
245 10 ‡a James Lord papers, ‡f 1917-[ongoing]
300 __ ‡a ms.
520 __ ‡a Writings, correspondence, research notes, artwork, audio tapes, printed material and photographs.
555 __ ‡a Unprocessed collection. For further information, consult the Public Service Desk.
600 10 ‡a Lord, James.
852 __ ‡a Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
852 70 ‡b beingen ‡h Uncat MSS ‡i 621
Return to:
Appendix B: Preliminary Records top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Books and Manuscript Language
Computer File
Printed Map or Manuscript Map
Printed Music, Manuscript Music, Musical Sound, and Nonmusic Sound
Serial Control
2-D Nonprojectable, 3-D Artifact, Projected Medium, and Kit
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [225]
Illustrations 1-4. Up to four codes may be recorded, in alphabetical order. If fewer than four codes are used, the remaining positions are represented by blanks. Codes include:
_ No illustrations
a Illustrations
b Maps
c Portraits
i Coats of arms
o Photographs
Audience. Generally use _ (unknown or not specified).
Form of Item. See 008 Form of Item [226].
Contents 1-4. Generally use _'s (no specified nature of contents).
Govt. Publications. Generally use _ (not a government publication).
Conf. Publications. Generally use 0. (not a conference publication)
Festschrift. Generally use 0. (not a festschrift).
Index. Generally use 0 (no index).
Literary Form. Generally use 0 (not fiction).
Biography. Generally use _ (no biographical material).
Computer File/Electronic Resources
Target Audience. Generally use _ (unknown or not specified).
Type of File. Codes include:
a Numeric data
b Computer program
d Document
g Game
i Interactive media
m Combination
u Unknown
Govt. Publication. Generally use _ (not a government publication).
Map Relief 1-4. Generally use _ (no relief shown).
Projection. Generally use __ (projection not specified).
Material. Codes include:
a Single map
b Map series
c Map serial
d Globe
e Atlas
Govt. Publications. Generally use _ (not a government publication).
Form of Item. See 008 Form of Item [226].
Index. Generally use 0 (no index).
Special Format Characters 1-4. Codes include:
_ No specified special format characteristics
e Manuscript (do not use; enter a separate 006 for manuscript maps)
o Wall map
Printed Music, Manuscript Music, Musical Sound, and Nonmusical Sound
Composition. Use a two-character code to identify type of compositional form. A list of codes [227]is available on the Music Cataloging at Yale website.
Format of Music. Choose from the following codes:
a full score
b full score, miniature or study size
c accompaniment reduced for keyboard
d voice score
e condensed score or piano-conductor score
g close score
m multiple score formats
u unknown
z other than score format (e.g., p. of music)
Audience. Generally use _ (unknown or not specified).
Form of Item. See 008 Form of Item [226].
Literary Text for Sound Recording 1-2. Use for nonmusical sound recordings. Two codes may be recorded. If only one code is used, left justify it and leave the other position blank. Codes include:
_ Item is a musical sound recording
a Autobiography
b Biography
d Drama
f Fiction
g Reporting
l Lectures, speeches
n Not applicable (printed or manuscript music)
p Poetry
t Interviews
Frequency. Codes include:
a Annual
b Bimonthly
d Daily
m Monthly
q Quarterly
r Regular
u Unknown
Regularity. Codes include:
n Normalized irregular
r Regular
x Completely irregular
u Unknown
ISSN Center. Generally use _ (no ISSN center code assigned).
Type of Serial. Codes include:
n Newspaper
p Periodical
Original Item. Codes include:
_ None of the following
a Microfilm
e Newspaper format
Form of Item. See 008 Form of Item [226].
Nature of Entire Work. Generally use _'s (no specified nature of contents).
Nature of Contents 1-3. Generally use _'s (no specified nature of contents).
Govt. Publication. Generally use _ (not a government publication)
Conf. Publication. Generally use 0. (not a conference publication)
Alphabet. Codes include:
_ No alphabet given / no key title
a Basic Roman
Type of Entry. Generally use 0. (successive entry).
2-D Nonprojectable, 3-D Artifact, Projected Medium, and Kit
Running Time. Enter one of the following:
nnn not applicable (for materials other than motion pictures and videorecordings)
001-999 running time (in minutes; right justified, with zeros in unused positions)
000 running time exceeds three characters
Audience. Generally use _ (unknown or not specified).
Govt. Publications. Generally use _ (not a government publication).
Form of Item. See 008 Form of Item [226].
Type of Material. Codes include:
k graphic (original or historical graphic material, such as photographs)
i picture (other two-dimensional, eye-readable materials)
m motion picture
s slide
v videorecording
Technique. Codes include:
l live action
n not applicable (materials other than motion pictures and videorecordings)
u unknown
Return to:
Appendix C: 006 top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [228]
Leader/Character Coding
Eliminated from cataloging module displaywith Unicode/Orbis 5.0 upgrade, 1/06.
851 (Location)
Use 852 [223], as of mid-1990s.
909 (Tape Load Instruction)
Began using 927 instead, as of 5/4/99.
Use ExportQ [121], as of migration to Voyager, 6/02. Existing 909 fields were not retained in Voyager migration.
927 (Tape Load Instruction)
Use ExportQ [121], as of migration to Voyager, 6/02. Existing 927 fields were retained in Voyager migration.
928 (Authority Control Load Instruction)
Use ExportQ [121], as of migration to Voyager, 6/02. Existing 928 fields were retained in Voyager migration.
940 (Location Codes)
Use Mfhd 852 ‡b [126], as of migration to Voyager, 6/02. Existing 940 fields were not retained in Voyager migration.
948 (Local Processing Information)
Use Mfhd 852 ‡x [126], as of migration to Voyager, 6/02. Previously used only for information migrated from 949 fields from Notis bibligraphic records and Title Level Notes fields in Notis copy holdings records.
949 (Local Processing Notes)
Use Mfhd 852 ‡x [126], as of migration to Voyager, 6/02. When used in Notis, "949" was entered in a Title Level Notes field in the Notis copy holdings record. 949 fields created in Notis were converted to 948 fields in Voyager migration, 6/02.
Formerly included:
Format Integration Memorandum
March 15, 1996
Fr: Yale Archives and Manuscript Catalogers
Re: Format Integration
As you undoubtedly have heard, phase II of MARC format integration is to be implemented in ORBIS starting next week. Among the more dramatic changes brought about by format integration is the elimination of the AMC (Archives and Manuscript Control) format.
Until the issues detailed below are resolved, the archives and manuscript catalogers at Yale will use the Mixed Materials format for all materials that would have been cataloged into AMC prior to format integration. Therefore, the keyword search with the qualifier "u.fmt." will retrieve the same materials as in the past. The tags in the indices, however, will vary. Pre-format integration records will continue to display as <archiv-mss>; post-format integration records will display as <mixed material>.
The implementation of format integration phase II in ORBIS as currently specified by the new NOTIS release and the MARBI standards would result in the following issues for archival and manuscript materials cataloged in ORBIS:
* Single manuscripts as well as manuscript and archival collections cataloged after format integration would be scattered among formats, depending on which specific form of material (textual, visual, music, cartographic, etc.) predominates. Where no single form of material predominates, collections would be cataloged in the new Mixed Materials format (coded as "u" in the FMT fixed field). Thus physical format has been given precedence over the idea of archival control, with the result that manuscript and archival materials would no longer be retrieved with a single format search.
* Material cataloged in the AMC format (FMT = u) prior to format integration and readily retrieved by a keyword search with the qualifier "u.fmt." would remain as is. No changes would be made to bring existing records into line with format integration specs.
* In a "split file" situation such as this, locating occurrences of manuscript material throughout the ORBIS database would require decidedly more complex searching.
* The brief and long displays for the Mixed Materials format will be governed by those previously defined for AMC records. However, the brief and long displays of other formats have been defined in terms of the fields these formats have used traditionally, and not with the idea that archives and manuscript records would be present. If any other record type is chosen (due to the predominance of a type of material), only the fields previously defined for the format that the record type (RT) is mapped to will be seen in the OPAC display. For example, record type (RT) "t" (manuscript language material) is mapped to the Books format, and the Books brief and long views govern the display. These displays do not include fields which provide necessary information about manuscript and archival material.
There is considerable and heated debate within the manuscripts and archives community at large about the MARBI specs for manuscript and archives treatment, and it seems likely that changes to the specs may occur in the not too distant future.
When the dust settles around this issue, we will re-examine our cataloging policy. If you have any questions, please direct them to any one of the following persons: Nancy Lyon (Mss. & Archives), Audrey Novak (Library Systems), Diana Smith (Beinecke).
Return to:
Appendix D: Obsolete Fields top
M [164]Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [229]
Manuscript collections are usually assigned sequential call numbers according to a locally-defined call number scheme, instead of Library of Congress Classification or other subject classification call numbers. Local call number sequences support efficient use of stack space for materials that do not require a browsable classification and patron stack access. Typically, a local call number begins with a string of alphabetic characters, common to all call numbers in the sequence, followed by a sequential number, which makes each complete call number unique.
Local call numbers are indexed alphabetically by Voyager, in an index separate from Library of Congress call numbers. Each sequence can be browsed as a shelf list, although the order will be partially off, as Voyager indexes numbers by digit (e.g. 1,10, 100, 101, 102...2, 20, 200, 201, 202, etc.) instead of in counting order. When creating a new sequence, consider starting the sequence with a readily identifiable string of characters, especially if browsing is desireable. Before implementing a new local call number sequence, consult with the Chief Catalog Librarian.
Examples of local call number sequences:
MS [#]
(Manuscript collections, Manuscripts and Archives)
RU [#]
(Yale University archives, Manuscripts and Archives)
MSS [#]
(Manuscript collections, Music Library)
Misc. Ms. [#]
(Miscellaneous manuscripts, Music Library)
(General Collection manuscripts, Beinecke Library)
(Yale Collection of American Literature manuscripts, Beinecke Library)
Return to:
Appendix E: Local Call Number Sequences top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [230]
(* = on the Cataloger's Desktop. For a password, contact the Chief Catalog Librarian.)
General Standards
*RDA Toolkit.
*Betz, Elisabeth W. Graphic Materials: rules for describing original items and historical collections. (1982). Cataloger's Desktop version includes 1996 update.
*Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS). Society of American Archivists (2004).
*Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books. (DCRB) (1991).
Library of Congress: general standards
*Chronological Headings and Subdivisions.
Classification Web [186]. Includes Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). For a password, contact the Chief Catalog Librarian.
*Free-Floating Subdivisions.
*Rule Interpretations.
*Subject Cataloging Manual.
Library of Congress: MARC standards [3]
*Code List for Geographic Areas [124].
*Code List for Languages [231].
*Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions [232].
Links for concise formats (see Cataloger's Desktop for full information):
*Format for Authority Data [233].
*Format for Bibliographic Data [113].
*Format for Holdings Data [85].
Art and Architecture Thesaurus. [187] (AAT)
Association of College and Research Libraries Thesauri for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging (additions and changes may be found on the RBMS website [234]):
Binding Terms. (1988).
Genre Terms. (1991).
Paper Terms. (1990).
Printing and Publishing Evidence. (1986).
Type Evidence. (1990).
*Thesaurus for Graphic Materials. Section II: Genre and Physical Characteristic Terms [235]
*Standard Citation Forms for Published Bibliographies and Catalogs Used in Rare Book Cataloging. (1982).
Yale Websites
Cataloging and Metadata Services (CMS) [236]
Authority Control at Yale [29]
Cataloging in Orbis [237]
Orbis authority file (Local Database). Access through Voyager cataloging module.
Library of Congress Authorities [92].
Old Yale card catalog. In Sterling Library. Useful for verifying names that do not require authority records.
The National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints. Useful for verifying names that do not require authority records.
Authority Control at Yale. Biographical Resources [238] and Geographical Resources [239].
Irving S. Gilmore Music Library. Music Cataloging at Yale [240].
Research Tools on the Yale University Library website [241].
Return to:
Appendix F: Reference Sources top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Opening and Closing Windows
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [242]
Open Bib Template - New icon
Open Mfhd Template - New Hldgs (with bibliographic record active)
Exit Record Without Saving - click on "x" in upper right corner
View Bibliographic Record from Mfhd Record - Mfhd Bib Tab or Hierarchy icon
View Mfhd Record from Bibliographic Record - Get Hldgs or Hierarchy icon
Toggle Windows Within Cataloging Module - Ctrl Tab
New Search - Search icon
Return to Index Display - Headings or Titles icon
Next record - Headings or Titles icon
Previous record - Headings or Titles icon
View MARC Format in OPAC - Staff (MARC) View Tab
Move Cursor Between Cells - Tab (forward) and Shift Tab (backward)
Show MARC values - F2
Show Holdings Locations - Ctrl L (with cursor in Mfhd 852)
Cut/Paste/Delete - Edit menu or right click mouse
Insert New Field - F3 (above cursor position) or F4 (below cursor position)
Subfield Delimiter - F9
Save Record - Save to DB icon
Return to:
Appendix G: Voyager Quick Reference top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke [243]
Edmund Wilson Papers [244] (162.42 lin. ft., literary, Beinecke)
Ezra Pound Papers [245] (67 lin. ft., literary, Beinecke)
Henry A. Holocaust Testimony [246] (videorecording, part of oral history archive, Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
Louise Bryant Papers [247] (13.5 lin. ft., historical, Manuscripts and Archives)
San Francisco Custom House Records [248] (4.14 lin. ft., historical, Beinecke)
Records of Kingman Brewster, Jr. as president of Yale University [249](282.25 lin. ft., corporate, Manuscripts and Archives)
Rochambeau papers and Rochambeau family cartographic archive [250] (49.8 lin. ft., historical, Beinecke)
General Collection Manuscript Miscellany [251] (ongoing, historical/literary, Beinecke)
[Sample records conforming to DCRM(MSS) are to be determined]
Return to:
Appendix H: Sample Records top
Manuscript [7] Cataloging Guidelines [7]
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions [4]
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual [5]
Manuscripts and Archives has developed MARC training slides specific to its cataloging practices. These slides address only collection-level records and are intended to serve as a guide for creating catalog records in Voyager for already-existing descriptive content. Other cataloging units may wish to repurpose or adapt these slides for their own training purposes.
The MSSA MARC training slides are available here: MSSA MARC Training [252] (last updated July 2018)
The Born Digital Archival Description Guidelines [253] provide guidance on describing born-digital collection material housed at Yale University. The guidelines were developed by the Archival and Manuscript Description Committee's Born Digital Archival Description Task Force (Alison Clemens, co-chair; Matthew Gorham, co-chair; Jonathan Manton; Cate Peebles; and Jessica Qualiaroli) in 2020.
Reparative archival description aims to remediate or contextualize potentially outdated or harmful language used in archival description and to create archival description that is accurate, inclusive, and community-centered. The Reparative Archival Description LibGuide [254] provides guiding principles, recommendations, and standardized descriptive notes pertaining to reparative archival description. The LibGuide also includes information on reparative archival description projects at Yale Unversity Library.
Beinecke Manuscript Unit documentation of Voyager cataloging module indexes, Orbis opac indexes, and Orbis opac display labels used in manuscript cataloging:
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging: Orbis Indexing and Opac Display [255]
YUL Cataloging and Metadata Services documentation of Orbis opac indexes:
Orbis Basic Search Indexes [256]
Orbis Advanced Search Indexes [257]
YUL IT documentation of Marc field mapping in Quicksearch:
Quicksearch Search Indexes [258]
Quicksearch Facet Indexes [259]
Quicksearch Sort Indexes [260]
[32] http://LC Linked Data Service