Yale Center for British Art
Reference Library
The Reference Library provides access to the reference collections of the Center: 40,000 titles and over 120 current periodicals devoted to British art, artists, and culture from the fifteenth century to the present, as well as 150,000 images of British works of art in the Photograph Archive. Reference Library staff members are available to answer reference questions regarding artists and objects in the museum’s collections as well as about British art in general.
Study Room
The Study Room provides access to works in the Center’s Prints and Drawings, Rare Books and Manuscripts, and Institutional Archives collections. These collections include: 20,000 drawings and watercolors, and 35,000 prints giving a comprehensive history of British graphic art; over 3,000 photographs in a growing collection from the birth of photography to contemporary practice; 35,000 rare books and manuscripts from the fifteenth century to the present, including the J. R. Abbey collection of “color-plate” books, sporting material, early maps and atlases, incunables, private press and contemporary artists’ books, and manuscripts covering British artists of all periods; and 3,000 cubic feet in analog records and 8TB of born-digital records documenting the history of the Center and its programs, and the personal papers of associated individuals. The Study Room is also used for teaching with these collections, and staff members are available for advice on planning classes.
All of the YCBA collections can be searched simultaneously from the Center’s Collection Search page.
What's Available:
Access to the Yale Center for British Art Study Room and/or to the Reference Library is by appointment while the building is closed for construction. All visitors must comply with Yale COVID-19 visitor policies.
The Yale Center for British Art is located at the corner of Chapel and High Streets. Users should enter the YCBA main entrance and proceed to the Study Room or Library on the second floor of the Center.