Voyager Cataloging
Templates Workshop
Xinkai Kong
Asst. Cat. Magnt. Librarian
Catalog Dept., Sterling Memorial Library
Yale University
Functionality of Voyager Cataloging Templates
- A Voyager cataloging template allows you to use a MARC record with constant data that is pre-defined in order to create new records easily.
Voyager Supplied Templates
- Before you can create a record, there must be at least one template in the template directory in the Voyager directory.
- Voyager provides you with three templates:
- These templates should not be deleted.
Yale Cataloging Added Templates
- Yale Cataloging Implementation Team has created and distributed a set of 7 templates for bib records.
- The 7 templates are for different formats.
- All 7 templates are in the folder named C:\Voyager\Catalog\Template\ preliminary record templates.
How to create new templates
Creating new templates
- Click File on the menu bar.
- Put cursor on Template. At the right side after the right arrow, you will see two sub-options: New... and Edit....
- Click New... to create a template from scratch.
- A small window titled Create a New Record will pop up. Select Bibliographic as the record type, and click OK
- You will get a very brief bib MARC record, with only a 245 field. Edit the record to make it a template for your purpose.
- After you have finished editing, click File on the menu bar.
- Click Save As...
- The default directory of your template file should be in C:\Voyager\Catalog\Template\. If not, find the directory.
- To save your template directly in this folder, give your template a name and click Save.
- If you need to create a few templates, it is better that you create a folder in Template and save all your templates in the folder. To do this,
- in the Select Bibliographic Template dialogue box, click the yellow folder icon with star on the bar under the title bar of the dialogue box.
- Type in the folder name and click Open.
- Give your template a name and click Save
Editing existing templates
- Click File on the menu bar.
- Put cursor on Template. At the right side after the right arrow, you will see two sub-options: New... and Edit....
- Click Edit... to edit an exiting template.
- The dialogue box Open Template File will pop up.
- Select your template file and click Open.
- Edit your template file.
- Click Save icon on the tool bar of cataloging module.
- You will get a pop up message titled Template updated. Click OK.
How to use templates?
Selecting a template, editing, and saving into Orbis
- Click Open icon on the tool bar of cataloging module.
- A dialogue window titled Select Work File will pop up.
- Change the Files of type to All (*.*).
- Select the appropriate directory to find your template file.
- Click your template file. Click Open.
- A small window titled Select work record will pop up. Click OK to open the template record.
- Edit the record to make it a bib record.
- Under File on the menu bar, click Save As and save to a work file.
- Click Save to DB icon on the tool bar of the cataloging module.
Setting a template as the default (1)
- Click Options on the menu bar.
- Select Preferences.
- The window Session Defaults and Preferences will pop up.
- Click the tab Folders/Files.
- Under Templates, click the ... box at the end of Bib directory.
- A window Select Bibliographic Template will pop up.
Setting a template as the default (2)
- Select the appropriate directory to find your template file.
- Click the template file to be set as default.
- Click Open on the Select Bibliographic Template window.
- Click OK on the Session Defaults and Preferences window.
- You will get a pop up message Template updated. Click OK.
Using the default template to create bib records
- Click New icon on the tool bar of the cataloging module.
- Edit the template to create a bib record.
- Click Save to DB to save the bib record in Orbis.
How to delete templates
- Click File on the menu bar.
- Select Template, Edit.
- Select the template you want to delete and click OK. The template you selected displays.
- From the File menu, select Template, Delete and respond to the confirmation message.
- Click OK to delete the selected template, or click Cancel to close the dialog without deleting the selected template.