Policies for Re-Use, Suppression, and Deletion of Orbis Records
1. Re-Use of Orbis Records (not allowed)
2. Suppression of Orbis Records
A. Withdrawn Materials
B. Missing and Unreturned Materials
C. Bibliographic Records Created in Error
D. MFHD Records Created in Error When Adding Copies
E. Rejected Materials
F. Exchange Materials
G. Payment Records for Online Serial Resources
H. Out-Of-Print Materials
I. Desk Copies
J. Suppression Procedures for Classed-Together Analyzed Monographic Series
K. Suppression Procedures for Classed-Together Analyzed Monographic Series. Transfer to LSF
L. Suppression Procedures for Classed-Separately Monographic Series or Multipart Items
1. Re-Use of Orbis Record (not allowed)
Orbis bibliographic records should never be recycled, re-used, or otherwise "turned into" other records. If an existing Orbis bibliographic record is no longer needed, it should be either suppressed or deleted as appropriate.
2. Suppression of Orbis Records
See specific suppression procedures below.
2.A. Suppression Procedures For Withdrawn Materials
Use these procedures when an item has been withdrawn from the collection.
See the document: Withdrawal Policies and Procedures for Library Materials (Item in Hand).
2.B. Suppression Procedures For Missing and Unreturned Materials
Use these procedures when an item has been declared lost.
See the document: Withdrawal Polices and Procedures for Missing and Unreturned Library Materials (Item Not in Hand).
2.C. Suppression Procedures For Bibliographic Records Created in Error
Use these procedures when a bibliographic record has been created in error and the record has an attached purchase order.
Item Record:
Relink or delete the item record(s), as appropriate.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
866 field(s): Transfer or delete the volume holdings data, as appropriate.
852 field: Change the first indicator to "8" and keep the existing second indicator. Keep the ‡b location code. Follow it with ‡k "Suppressed". Transfer or delete the call number, as appropriate, and replace it with ‡h "CIE"
Optionally: Units may in addition refer to the correct MFHD by adding ‡x "use MFHD [correct record #]" at the end of the field.
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡h JL1211 ‡i .E95X 1993 (LC) |
AFTER (‡x optional):
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡k Suppressed ‡h CIE ‡x use MFHD 67891 |
Systems Tab: Suppress the holdings record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC".
Optionally: Units may make a reference to the MFHD created in error by adding ‡x "CIE on MFHD [record #]" at the end of the field on the correct MFHD (e.g., if the Order Record is associated with the MFHD created in error).
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡h JL1211 ‡i .E95X 1993 (LC) |
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡h JL1211 ‡i .E95X 1993 (LC) ‡x CIE on MFHD 87759 |
Bibliographic Record:
2.D. Suppression Procedures For MFHD Records Created in Error When Adding Copies
Use these procedures when a MFHD record has been created in error and the record has an attached purchase order.
Item Record
Relink or delete the item record(s), as appropriate.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
866 field(s): Transfer or delete the volume holdings data, as appropriate.
852 field: Change the first indicator to "8" and keep the existing second indicator. Keep the ‡b location code. Follow it with ‡k "Suppressed". Transfer or delete the call number, as appropriate, and replace it with ‡h "CIE".
Optionally: Units may refer to the correct MFHD by adding ‡x "use MFHD [correct record #]" at the end of the field.
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡h JL1211 ‡i .E95X 1993 (LC) |
AFTER (‡x optional):
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡k Suppressed ‡h CIE ‡x use MFHD 67891 |
Systems Tab: Suppress the holdings record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC".
Optionally: Units may make a reference to the MFHD created in error by adding ‡x "CIE on MFHD [record #]" at the end of the field on the correct MFHD (e.g., if the Order Record is associated with the MFHD created in error).
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡h JL1211 ‡i .E95X 1993 (LC) |
AFTER (‡x optional):
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡h JL1211 ‡i .E95X 1993 (LC) ‡x CIE on MFHD 87759 |
Bibliographic Record:
Do not make any changes to the bibliographic record.
2.E. Suppression Procedures For Rejected Materials
Use these procedures for blanket order or approval plan titles that have been rejected or returned to the vendor (out-of-scope, duplicates, damaged, etc.). The procedures can also be used for firm order items returned because of defect or damage.
Purchase Order Record:
If all activity on the order has been concluded, consult local policies on closing the purchase order record.
Item Record:
Delete item record(s), if present.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
852 field: Change the first indicator to "8" if necessary and keep the existing second indicator. Keep the ‡b location code. Add ‡k "Suppressed". Add either ‡h "Rejected" or "Damaged/defective/returned."
Since the records can be retrieved by call number in the Cataloging Module, standardization of terms is important. Contact the Chief Cataloging Librarian if other terms need to be authorized.
Historical note: other terms previously used: Returned [the only previously authorized term], Duplicate, Duplicate Discard, Duplicate/Discard, Discard, Discarded.
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b sml |
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡k Suppressed ‡h Rejected |
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b ccl ‡h On Order |
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b ccl ‡k Suppressed ‡h Damaged/defective/returned |
Systems Tab: Suppress the holdings record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC".
Bibliographic Record:
If there are other copies attached to the bibliographic record, simply leave the record as is.
If there are no other copies attached to the bibliographic record, suppress the record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC" under the "Systems" tab. Do not export the record to MARS and the utilities.
2.F. Suppression Procedures For Exchange Materials
Use these procedures for items that have been purchased for exchange purposes.
Purchase Order Record:
If all activity on the order has been concluded, consult local policies on closing the purchase order record.
Item Record:
Delete item record(s), if present.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
866 field(s): Create volume holdings data, as appropriate.
852 field: Change the first indicator to "8" if necessary and keep the existing second indicator. Location code in ‡b should be "[loc]zzz" (for example, "smlzzz"). If your library does not use "[loc]zzz" use other appropriate location. Add ‡k "Suppressed". Add ‡h "Exchange".
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b smlzzz ‡k Suppressed ‡h Exchange |
Systems Tab: Suppress the holdings record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC".
Bibliographic Record:
If there are other copies attached to the bibliographic record, simply leave the record as is.
If there are no other copies attached to the bibliographic record, suppress the bibliographic record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC" under the "Systems" tab. Do not export the record to MARS and the utilities.
2.G. Suppression Procedures for Payment Records for Online Serial Resources
Use these procedures for brief payment records created for online serial resources not yet represented on Orbis that are (1) on order or (2) recently licensed and (3) individually selected. The brief records are used primarily as a hook to the line item. These payment records are suppressed in the catalog and thus do not display to the OPAC user.
Bibliographic Record:
Systems Tab. Suppress the bibliographic record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC."
Holdings Record (MFHD):
Indicator codes as in the example. Location code is always yulint. Add ‡k Suppressed ‡h Payment Record .
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b yulint ‡k Suppressed ‡h Payment Record |
Do not create volume holdings (866, 867, 868)
Systems Tab: Suppress the holdings record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC". Do not export the record to MARS and the utilities.
2.H. Suppression Procedures For Out-of-Print Materials
Use these procedures for single-volume items that have been reported out-of-print (OP) by the vendor.
Purchase Order Record:
If all activity on the order has been concluded, consult local policies on closing the purchase order record.
Item Record:
Delete item record(s), if present.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
852 field: Change the first indicator to "8" if necessary and keep the existing second indicator. Keep the ‡b location code. Add ‡k "Suppressed". Add ‡h "OP".
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡h On Order |
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡k Suppressed ‡h OP |
Systems Tab: Suppress the holdings record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC".
Bibliographic Record:
If there are other copies attached to the bibliographic record, simply leave the record as is.
If there are no other copies attached to the bibliographic record, suppress the record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC" under the "Systems" tab. Do not export the record to MARS and the utilities.
2.I. Suppression Procedures For Desk Copies
Use these procedures for items that have been purchased as desk copies for staff use.
Purchase Order Record:
If all activity on the order has been concluded, consult local policies on closing the purchase order record.
Item Record:
Create item record(s), as appropriate.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
866 field(s): Create volume holdings data, as appropriate.
852 field: Change the first indicator to "8" if necessary and keep the existing second indicator. Location code in ‡b should be "[loc]zzz" (for example, "smlzzz"). If your library does not use "[loc]zzz" use other appropriate location. Add ‡k "Suppressed". Add ‡h "Desk Copy".
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b smlzzz ‡k Suppressed ‡h Desk Copy |
Systems Tab: Suppress the holdings record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC".
Bibliographic Record:
If there are other copies attached to the bibliographic record, simply leave the record as is.
If there are no other copies attached to the bibliographic record, suppress the bibliographic record from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC" under the "Systems" tab. Do not export the record to MARS and the utilities.
2.J. Suppression Procedures for Classed-Together Analyzed Monographic Series
If all items in a classed-together analyzed series can be analyzed, the cover record should be suppressed. However, if only partial analysis is applicable because some items lack a distinctive title, the cover record should not be suppressed.
A SAR must be either imported or created to record the classification decision for the series.
Bibliographic Record:
Suppress the bibliographic record for the series from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC" under the "Systems" tab if all volumes are analyzed. Do not suppress the bibliographic record if some of the volumes are not analyzed. Do not export the record to MARS and the utilities.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
MFHD Systems Tab. If the bibliographic record is suppressed, the MFHD should also be suppressed.
852 field. The location (‡b), the Suppressed stamp (‡k) [if the MFHD has been suppressed], the series call number (‡h and ‡i) and the analysis decision (‡x) should be recorded in 852.
866, 867, & 868.Volume holdings should be recorded.
852 | 0 | 1 |
‡b ksl ‡k Suppressed ‡h QH1 ‡i Y3 (LC) ‡x anlyz |
866 | 4 | 1 |
‡8 0 ‡a 1(1926)-46(2001) |
Item Records:
Item records for the volumes of the series are linked to the analytic record MFHDs. If only partial analysis is applicable because some volumes lack a distinctive title, the item records should be linked to the cover record MFHD (the cover record should not be suppressed).
For detailed procedures, refer to: Bibliographic Records for Monographic Series & Multipart Monographs on Standing Order: Cataloging Policies and Procedures. Part 2. Classed Together Analyzed.
2.K. Suppression Procedures for Classed-Together Analyzed Monographic Series. Transfer to LSF
Apply this procedure only if all volumes of a previously cataloged classed-together analyzed monographic series have been analyzed or can be readily analyzed, and some or all of the volumes are transferred to the Library Shelving Facility.
Whether the complete set or part of the set is transferred, the series bibliographic record is suppressed. A SAR should be made if volumes will continue to be added to the set.
Bibliographic Record:
Suppress the bibliographic record for the series from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC" under the "Systems" tab.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
MFHD Systems Tab. The MFHD should also be suppressed.
852 field. Leave the original location as is. The Suppressed stamp (‡k) should be added to field 852 following the location subfield (‡b). The analysis decision should be added in a staff note if it is not there; a separate staff note recording the transfer should be added.
866, 867, & 868. If volume holdings have been recorded, they should be retained.
852 | 0 | 1 |
‡b ksl ‡k Suppressed ‡h QH1 ‡i Y3 (LC) ‡x anlyz ‡x Transf. to LSF 08/05 cmt/ks |
866 | 4 | 1 |
‡8 0 ‡a 1(1926)-46(2001) |
If only part of the set is transferred, indicate in the staff note.
852 | 0 | 1 |
‡b ksl ‡k Suppressed ‡h QH1 ‡i Y3 (LC) ‡x anlyz ‡x Part of set transf. to LSF 08/05 cmt/ks |
866 | 4 | 1 |
‡8 0 ‡a 1(1926)-46(2001) |
Item Records:
Verify that item records for the volumes of the series are linked to the analytic record MFHDs.
2.L. Suppression Procedures for Classed-Separately Monographic Series or Multipart Items
Apply this procedure for standing order series (monographic or multipart item) when the series is classed separately.
A SAR must be either imported or created to record the classification decision for the series.
Bibliographic Record:
Suppress the bibliographic record for the series from public display by checking "Suppress from OPAC" under the "Systems" tab if all volumes are analyzed. Do not export the record to MARS and the utilities.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
MFHD Systems Tab. The MFHD should also be suppressed.
852 field. The location (‡b), the Suppressed stamp (‡k), ‡h sso, the analysis decision (‡x), and the correct form for the volume numbering should be recorded in 852.
Volume holdings should not be recorded.
852 | 8 | 1 |
‡b art ‡k Suppressed ‡h sso ‡x cs Bd. 2- |
Item Records:
Item records for the volumes of the series are linked to the analytic record MFHDs.
For detailed procedures, refer to: Bibliographic Records for Monographic Series & Multipart Monographs on Standing Order: Cataloging Policies and Procedures. Part 1. Classed Separately (Analyzed). and Part 7. Multipart Series Standing Orders.
Generally, Orbis records may be deleted only if they do not have an attached purchase order record. Examples include: GEAC circulation records carried over from the NOTIS conversion, duplicate records created by recon or acquistions processing. Generally, any record with an attached purchase order record must be suppressed rather than deleted. Record deletions are permanent! Once a record is deleted, it cannot be retrieved.
EXCEPTION. Vendor load bibliographic records with attached purchase order records often duplicate previously entered Orbis records because of the loading profiles. Duplicate vendor load bibliographic records associated with purchase order records are routinely deleted when the line item can be deleted before approval. If the item has been approved inadvertently, however, the record cannot be deleted and must be suppressed.
To see if a record has an attached purchase order, the acquisitions module must be open. From the bibliographic record, select the menu choices "Record>View Line Items in Acquisitions" or issue the command "Ctrl-M." If you get the message "This title does not appear on any purchase order," the record may be deleted.
Records in Orbis without holdings that originated from RLIN should not be deleted; refer them to Catalog Management.
Note that the bibliographic and holdings records for a lost or withdrawn item are never deleted.
Members of the Catalog Management Team (SML) and other designated staff (including all catalog librarians) are the only personnel authorized to delete bibliographic records. First determine if a member of your unit has deletion privileges. If a unit member is authorized to do so, the record should be deleted within the unit. Send a request for deletion to the Catalog Management Team only if no one in your unit has deletion privileges. If a deletion request is sent to the Catalog Management Team, the following procedures must be performed by the unit requesting the deletion:
Item Record:
Relink or delete the item record(s), as appropriate. If a fine is associated with the item, it cannot be deleted until the fine is paid. If an item has been charged to a patron, and is then discharged, it cannot be deleted until the next day. If relinking is done, confine it to your home unit's items.
Holdings Record (MFHD):
866 field(s): Transfer or delete the volume holdings data, as appropriate.
852 field: Keep the existing indicators and ‡b location code. Transfer or delete the call number, as appropriate. Transfer or delete any local notes, as appropriate. Place the note "Marked for deletion" in ‡x.
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡h JL1211 ‡i .E95X 1993 (LC) |
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b sml ‡x Marked for deletion |
Bibliographic Record:
If the bibliographic record has not been suppressed from public display, do so. (Click on the Systems Tab and check "Suppress from OPAC.") Transfer or delete local fields, as appropriate. Make a printout of the bibliographic record and send to the appropriate staff for deletion. Annotate the printout with the term "Marked for deletion." Alternatively, you may use e-mail notification instead of sending a printout.