Subject headings for vocal ensembles and solos

Music Cataloging at YaleSubject cataloging

Choruses vs. cantatas
Indication of secular/sacred
Indication of type of voice
Number of parts
Format subdivisions
Vocal ensembles (solo voices)
Indication of secular/sacred
Indication of type of voice
Format subdivisions
Songs vs. solo cantatas
Indication of secular/sacred
Indication of type of voice
Format subdivisions

(See also Chorus subject headings)


Indication of secular/sacred:
  • Implicit for neither
  • Inverted for both

Choruses, Secular
Choruses, Sacred

Cantatas, Secular
Cantatas, Sacred

Indication of type of voice:
  • Indicate type of voice followed by "voices" (except for unison) for single works or collections for one type of voice.
  • Don't indicate voice type for collections of works for more than one type of voice.
Single works:
Choruses, Secular (Women's voices)
Choruses, Sacred (Equal voices)
Choruses, Secular (Unison)
Single works:
Cantatas, Secular (Women's voices)
Cantatas, Sacred (Equal voices)
Cantatas, Secular (Unison)
Cantatas, Secular ["Mixed voices" is implicit for single works for mixed voices.]
Choruses, Sacred (Men's voices) [all for men's voices]
Choruses, Secular [for various types of voices]
Cantatas, Sacred (Men's voices) [all for men's voices]
Cantatas, Secular [for various types of voices]
Indicate number of parts? Yes, when applicable; see Chorus subject headings
Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices, 4 parts)
Note: It is Yale's practice to not add the number of voices to any chorus subject heading.
Cantatas, Secular (Men's voices)
Indicate accompaniment or
lack of accompaniment?
Yes, when applicable; see Chorus subject headings
Choruses, Secular (Men's voices) with orchestra
Choruses, Sacred (Children's voices) with instrumental ensemble
Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices), Unaccompanied
Cantatas, Secular (Men's voices)
Choruses, Sacred (Children's voices)

Cantatas, Secular

Add "Arranged" for works arranged for chorus? No. "Arranged" is added only to subject headings for instrumental music. No. "Arranged" is added only to subject headings for instrumental music.
Add ‡v for format subdivision? Yes, when applicable; see Chorus subject headings
Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices) with band ‡v Scores.
Cantatas, Secular (Women's  voices) ‡v Scores.

of 9 or fewer solo voices

of 10 or more voices

Indication of secular/sacred:
  • Implicit for secular
  • Direct order for sacred

Vocal quartets
Sacred vocal duets

Vocal ensembles
Sacred vocal ensembles

Indication of type of voice: Type of voice is not indicated Type of voice is not indicated
Indicate accompaniment or
lack of accompaniment?
Vocal septets with instrumental ensemble
Sacred vocal trios with continuo
Vocal quintets, Unaccompanied
Vocal ensembles with electronics
Vocal ensembles with flute
Sacred vocal ensembles, Unaccompanied
Add "Arranged" for works arranged for vocal ensemble? No. "Arranged" is added only to subject headings for instrumental music. No. "Arranged" is added only to subject headings for instrumental music.
Add ‡v for format subdivision? No when:
  • Unaccompanied
  • Accompanied by
    • one instrument, or
    • two of the same keyboard instrument, or
    • continuo
No when:
  • Unaccompanied
  • Accompanied by
    • one instrument, or
    • two keyboard instruments, or
    • continuo
Yes when accompanied by:
  • two or more instruments (other than two keyboard instruments or continuo)
Yes when accompanied by:
  • two or more instruments (other than two keyboard instruments or continuo)



Indication of secular/sacred:
  • Implicit for secular songs, not for secular solo cantatas
  • "Sacred" indicated in direct order for songs, in inverted order for solo cantatas
Secular is implied for songs; do not invert for sacred songs.


Sacred songs

Neither is implied for solo cantatas; invert to designate secular or sacred

Solo cantatas, Secular

Solo cantatas, Sacred

Indication of type of voice:?
  • Use high, medium, or low;
    not the name of voice type
Songs (High voice)

Sacred songs (Medium voice)

Solo cantatas, Secular (High voice)

Solo cantatas, Sacred (Medium voice)

Indicate accompaniment or lack of accompaniment? Yes

Songs (Low voice) with piano

Sacred songs (High voice), Unaccompanied.


Solo cantatas, Secular (Low voice)

Solo cantatas, Sacred (High voice)

Add "Arranged" for works arranged for solo voice? No. "Arranged" is added only to subject headings for instrumental music. No. "Arranged" is added only to subject headings for instrumental music.
Add ‡v for format subdivision? No when:
  • Unaccompanied
  • Accompanied by
    • one instrument, or
    • two keyboard instruments, or
    • continuo
No when:
  • Unaccompanied
  • Accompanied by
    • one instrument, or
    • two keyboard instruments, or
    • continuo
Yes when accompanied by:
  • two or more instruments (other than two keyboard instruments or continuo)
Yes when accompanied by:
  • two or more instruments (other than two keyboard instruments or continuo)