- Music instruction sheets in the Subject Cataloging Manual
- Subject headings for: instrumental music | Vocal music | Subject subdivisions and qualifiers for music subject headings
- Headings and subdivisions for musical works Geraldine Ostrove, CPSO
- Local practice in 6XX fields
- The order of instruments in subject headings
- Coding for form and topic subdivisions in subject headings for musical works and expressions and books about music
- Chronological and geographic subdivisions for subject headings for jazz and popular music
- Those darn chorus subject headings
- Subject headings for vocal ensembles and solos: choruses vs. cantatas | vocal ensembles | songs vs. solo cantatas
- Types of composition and LC subject headings
- Genre/form headings (LCGFT)
- Commonly used music terms in the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms
- MLA documentation
- Best Practices for Using LCGFT for Music Resources
- A hierarchical view of Music Genre/Form Terms in LCGFT
- Genre/Form Task Force MLA Subject Access Subcommittee of the Bibliographical Control Committee
- Music genre/form/medium project public wiki
- LC documentation
- FAQs about LC genre/form headings (not music-specific)
- Genre/form headings for musical works
- LCSH topical headings usable as form/genre headings (privately maintained list based on the Library of Congress subject headings weekly lists)
- Exploring a Faceted World: discovering music resources using medium of performance and genre terms (video of a presentation at the 2015 MLA meeting)
- Library of Congress subject headings search
- Weekly lists: Library of Congress subject headings | Library of Congress classification
- SACO participants' manual from LC
- Use of ‡v and ‡x subfield for form subdivisions in subject headings from University of Southern Mississippi