MARC holdings and local practice

Music Cataloging at Yale Local Yale music cataloging documentation

See also MARC holdings and 590 notes for books and scores with accompanying audio/video recordings | MARC holdings for 78 RPM recordings
For official YUL Cataloging Depart policy, see MFHD policies & procedures | MFHD examples
Multipart monograph MFHD guidelines

Subfield codes for call numbers in the holdings record in Voyager
‡b Location code: ‡b Mus      ‡b Musref
‡t Copy number, when there is more than one copy, goes in ‡t.
‡h The class number goes in ‡h.
When there are two cutter numbers, the first cutter number goes in ‡h
When there are three or more cutter numbers, all but the last cutter number goes in ‡h
‡i The remainder of the call number goes in ‡i
When needed, the plus sign or double plus sign should be the last element of ‡i
‡m For call numbers with a plus sign, include ‡m Oversize
For call numbers with a double plus sign, include ‡m Folio
‡2 For non-LC call numbers, include ‡2 localyale
‡z local notes

Location codes for music:
muscar (carrel charges)
muscirc (used CDRMs)
musmic (microforms)
musoff1 (Librarian's Office, ML 107M (Non-Circ))
musoff2 (Tech Services, ML 106M (Non-Circ))
musoff3 (Librarian's Office, ML 112 (Non-Circ))
   mushsrref (HSR reference)
musohm (OHAM)
musper (periodicals)
musrar1 (rare materials that live in the Music Library)
musrar2 (used to be for rare M and ML; not used anymore)
musrec (recordings)
musref (reference)
musres (permanent open reserve)
muszzz (no longer used; once used for desk copies in people’s offices and for withdrawn/discarded copies; most of the MFHD are suppressed)
   lsfohmr (OHAM)
   lsfmusr (rare materials including HSR materials except for individual recordings)
   lsfhsrr (for HRS individual recordings)

Multiple copies
For an item with multiple copies, add ‡t 1, ‡t 2, etc. to the holdings record:
852 0 0 ‡b mus ‡t 1 ‡h M1001 B415 op.21 ‡i K1

852 0 0 ‡b mus ‡t 2 ‡h M1001 B415 op.21 ‡i K1
    Change copy number to 2 in the item record, as well.

Examples of MARC holdings
multi-volume items:
852 0 1 ‡b mus ‡h M126 L387 ‡i G9+ ‡m Oversize
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1-v.10
See Gap and non-gap breaks; line breaks for incomplete holdings.

multiple copies of multi-volume items:
852 0 1 ‡b mus ‡t 1 ‡h M23.5 O74 ‡i B6+ ‡m Oversize
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1

852 0 1 ‡b mus ‡t 2 ‡h M23.5 O74 ‡i B6+ ‡m Oversize
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1

Item records
Record enumeration designations go in the ENUM field in the Voyager item record

  • The nonchronological scheme used by the publisher on the bibliographic unit to identify the individual bibliographic units of a serial and to show the relationship of a bibliographic unit to the serial as a whole.

Record chronological designations go in the CHRON field in the Voyager item record

  • The chronology is the different types of dates used by the publisher on the work to identify the individual bibliographic unit of a serial (for example, date of coverage, date of publication, date of printing, or date of reprinting).

Including part captions is preferred.

  • A caption is an alphabetic word or phrase attached as a prefix to the enumeration data that describes the type of data (for example, volume, Band, Heft, part, number, or tome)
  • It is sufficient to transcribe the caption only at the beginning of the range to save space.
  • In the absence of a caption, a generic one should be supplied, e.g. "v." The main objective is to make the Status line intelligible for the patrons to the extent possible.