Quicksearch MARC Format Mapping



Data sources in MARC record

Leader/06 and 07

006/00 and 16


008/21, 23, 29, and 33

035 ‡a

336 ‡a

502 ‡a

MFHD 852 ‡b (mapped to general location and copied to 902 ‡a during extract; mapped to specific location and copied to 902 ‡b during extract; if ‘yulint’ or ‘yulintx’, copied to 905 ‡a during extract)


Format cri​teria

The resource is assigned all formats for which it meets at least one of the criteria, except as otherwise indicated.

Archives or Manuscripts

Leader/06 = ‘d’ (manuscript notated music)

Leader/06 = ‘f’ (manuscript cartographic material)

Leader/06 = ‘p’ (mixed materials)

006/00 = ‘d’ (manuscript notated music)


Leader/06 = ‘i’ (nonmusical sound recording)

Leader/06 = ‘j’ (musical sound recording)

006/00 = ‘i’ (nonmusical sound recording)

006/00 = ‘j’ (musical sound recording)


Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘a’ (language material, monograph component part)

Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘b’ AND 008/21 = ‘l’ or ‘m’ (language material, updating looseleaf or monographic series)

Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘i’ AND 008/21 = ‘l’ (language material, updating looseleaf)

Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘m’ (language material, monograph)

Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘s’ AND 008/21 = ‘l’ or ‘m’ (language material, updating looseleaf or monographic series)

Leader/06 = ‘t’ (manuscript language material)

REMOVED IF 035 ‡a = ‘yuldbase’ (Databases)

Data sets

336 ‡a contains ‘dataset’


035 ‡a = ‘yuldbase’

Dissertations & Theses

502 ‡a exists


Leader/06 = ‘g’ AND 008/33 NOT ‘m’ or ‘v’ or ‘z’ (projected medium, not motion picture or videorecording or other)

Leader/06 = ‘k’ (two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic)

006/00 = ‘g’ AND 006/16 NOT ‘m’ or ‘v’ or ‘z’ (projected medium, not motion picture or videorecording or other)

006/00 = ‘k’ (two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic)

Journals & Newspapers

Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘b’ AND 008/21 NOT ‘l’ or ‘m’ (language material, serial part, not looseleaf or monographic series)

Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘s’ AND 008/21 NOT ‘l’ or ‘m’ (language material, serial, not looseleaf or monographic series)

Maps & GIS

Leader/06 = ‘e’ (cartographic material)

Leader/06 = ‘f’ (manuscript cartographic material)

006/00 = ‘e’ (cartographic material)

006/00 = ‘f’ (manuscript cartographic material)


007/00 = ‘h’ (microform)

Archives or Manuscripts, Books, Dissertations & Theses, Journals & Newspapers, OR Notated Music assigned AND 008/23 = ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ (microform)

Maps & GIS OR Images assigned AND 008/29 = ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ (microform)

902 ‡b contains ‘Microform’, ‘Microforms’, ‘Microfiche’, OR ‘Microtext’ (852 ‡b mapped to specific location)

Notated Music

Leader/06 = ‘c’ (notated music)

Leader/06 = ‘d’ (manuscript notated music)

006/00 = ‘c’ (notated music)

006/00 = ‘d’ (notated music)


905 ‡a = ‘online resource’


Leader/06 = ‘o’ (kit)

Leader/06 = ‘r’ (three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object)

Default if no other format is assigned

Software & Electronic Media

Leader/06 = m NOT Databases or Datasets assigned  


Leader/06 = ‘g’ AND 008/33 = ‘m’ (projected medium, motion picture)

Leader/06 = ‘g’ AND 008/33 = ‘v’ (projected medium, videorecording)

006/00 = ‘g’ AND 006/16 = ‘m’ (projected medium, motion picture)

006/00 = ‘g’ AND 006/16 = ‘v’ (projected medium, videorecording)

007/00 = ‘m’ (motion picture) OR ‘v’ (videorecording)

Last modified: 
Monday, May 8, 2023 - 12:46pm