Quicksearch MARC Format Mapping
Data sources in MARC record
Leader/06 and 07
006/00 and 16
008/21, 23, 29, and 33
035 ‡a
336 ‡a
502 ‡a
MFHD 852 ‡b (mapped to general location and copied to 902 ‡a during extract; mapped to specific location and copied to 902 ‡b during extract; if ‘yulint’ or ‘yulintx’, copied to 905 ‡a during extract)
Format criteria
The resource is assigned all formats for which it meets at least one of the criteria, except as otherwise indicated.
Archives or Manuscripts
Leader/06 = ‘d’ (manuscript notated music)
Leader/06 = ‘f’ (manuscript cartographic material)
Leader/06 = ‘p’ (mixed materials)
006/00 = ‘d’ (manuscript notated music)
Leader/06 = ‘i’ (nonmusical sound recording)
Leader/06 = ‘j’ (musical sound recording)
006/00 = ‘i’ (nonmusical sound recording)
006/00 = ‘j’ (musical sound recording)
Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘a’ (language material, monograph component part)
Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘b’ AND 008/21 = ‘l’ or ‘m’ (language material, updating looseleaf or monographic series)
Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘i’ AND 008/21 = ‘l’ (language material, updating looseleaf)
Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘m’ (language material, monograph)
Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘s’ AND 008/21 = ‘l’ or ‘m’ (language material, updating looseleaf or monographic series)
Leader/06 = ‘t’ (manuscript language material)
REMOVED IF 035 ‡a = ‘yuldbase’ (Databases)
Data sets
336 ‡a contains ‘dataset’
035 ‡a = ‘yuldbase’
Dissertations & Theses
502 ‡a exists
Leader/06 = ‘g’ AND 008/33 NOT ‘m’ or ‘v’ or ‘z’ (projected medium, not motion picture or videorecording or other)
Leader/06 = ‘k’ (two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic)
006/00 = ‘g’ AND 006/16 NOT ‘m’ or ‘v’ or ‘z’ (projected medium, not motion picture or videorecording or other)
006/00 = ‘k’ (two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic)
Journals & Newspapers
Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘b’ AND 008/21 NOT ‘l’ or ‘m’ (language material, serial part, not looseleaf or monographic series)
Leader/06 = ‘a’ AND Leader/07 = ‘s’ AND 008/21 NOT ‘l’ or ‘m’ (language material, serial, not looseleaf or monographic series)
Maps & GIS
Leader/06 = ‘e’ (cartographic material)
Leader/06 = ‘f’ (manuscript cartographic material)
006/00 = ‘e’ (cartographic material)
006/00 = ‘f’ (manuscript cartographic material)
007/00 = ‘h’ (microform)
Archives or Manuscripts, Books, Dissertations & Theses, Journals & Newspapers, OR Notated Music assigned AND 008/23 = ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ (microform)
Maps & GIS OR Images assigned AND 008/29 = ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ (microform)
902 ‡b contains ‘Microform’, ‘Microforms’, ‘Microfiche’, OR ‘Microtext’ (852 ‡b mapped to specific location)
Notated Music
Leader/06 = ‘c’ (notated music)
Leader/06 = ‘d’ (manuscript notated music)
006/00 = ‘c’ (notated music)
006/00 = ‘d’ (notated music)
905 ‡a = ‘online resource’
Leader/06 = ‘o’ (kit)
Leader/06 = ‘r’ (three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object)
Default if no other format is assigned
Software & Electronic Media
Leader/06 = m NOT Databases or Datasets assigned
Leader/06 = ‘g’ AND 008/33 = ‘m’ (projected medium, motion picture)
Leader/06 = ‘g’ AND 008/33 = ‘v’ (projected medium, videorecording)
006/00 = ‘g’ AND 006/16 = ‘m’ (projected medium, motion picture)
006/00 = ‘g’ AND 006/16 = ‘v’ (projected medium, videorecording)
007/00 = ‘m’ (motion picture) OR ‘v’ (videorecording)